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  1. vincenzz

    vincenzz Porn Star

    Aug 6, 2006
  2. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Real tough guys these MAGA types.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. vincenzz

    vincenzz Porn Star

    Aug 6, 2006
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. vincenzz

    vincenzz Porn Star

    Aug 6, 2006
    Merry Christmas!
  5. Scotchlass

    Scotchlass Porn Star

    Dec 4, 2017
    Imagine this, Thinskin, Anon de Plume and Stumbles. Three key operatives who helped construct the Russiagate Potemkin Village are indicted for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about parts of the Russiagate tale. Then, the Steele dossier, the document on which much of the case against former President Trump was built, is now exposed as a Nixonesque “dirty trick” that authorized and totally paid for by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Ironically, some mainstream newspapers — certainly not all — are busy in their archives, editing out the worst of the falsehoods they reported in 2016 and 2017 as unassailable fact. They reported on and pushed a fake Russia collusion theory, winning Pulitzer's for this reportage, yet ignored the real Russia collusion occurring under their noses.

    This is wholesale collapse now of one of the Leftist's most cherished narratives.

    Obituary For Russiagate
    by Tyler Durden
    ZeroHedge, Saturday, Dec 04, 2021 - 08:30 PM
    Authored by Patrick Lawrence via Consortium News,

    Russiagate, that fraudulent fable wherein Russian President Vladimir Putin personally subverted American democracy, Russian intelligence pilfered the Democratic Party’s email, and Donald Trump acted at the Kremlin’s behest, is at last dead. No, nothing sudden. It has been a slow, painful death of the sort this destructive beast richly deserved. But its demise is now definitive — in the courts and on paper. We await the better historians to see this properly into the record.

    Three key operatives in the construction of the Russiagate edifice are indicted for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about aspects of the Russiagate tale. The Steele dossier, the document on which much of the case against former President Trump rested, is now exposed as a Nixonesque "dirty trick" authorized and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Some mainstream newspapers — certainly not all — are busy in their archives, editing out the worst of the falsehoods they reported in 2016 and 2017 as unassailable fact. This is a wholesale collapse now.

    There are, as one would expect, those who seem determined to hold out no matter what the factual evidence. These go well beyond MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, whose record I will let speak for itself. I am thinking of people such as David Corn, the Mother Jones correspondent in Washington, and David Frum, a staff writer at The Atlantic. Both invested big time into the Russiagate junk, and both published books filled with the ridiculous, evidence-free piffle of which it was made.

    Corn, Frum and numerous others like them are now industriously throwing good money after bad to go by recent publications. Here is Corn’s latest, and here isFrum’s. One finds the same tired combination of presumption, useless innuendo, and spoon-fed, evidence-deficient falsities derived from the intelligence agencies that were key to fomenting the Russiagate hoax. Yes, Messrs. Corn and Frum, it was a hoax.

    To these diehards, people such as your columnist, given to rational, disinterested consideration of what is known and what is conjured from thin air, are "denialists." Strange it is that those denying established facts and truths call those who accept these facts and truths by this name. But this is a measure of the extent Russiagate has plunged us into Alice–in–Wonderland depths where what is up is down, what is dark is light, what is true is to be buried, what is false is to be held high — where blindness is preferred to sight.

    This leads us to the essential question we now face, or one of them. What are the consequences of the Russiagate scam? If it rested on lies start-to-finish, this is not to say it did not exact its price. It did. The price is high, and we are fated to pay it for some time to come.

    The Damage Done
    An inquiry of this kind must begin with the damage Russiagate has done to the prevalent American consciousness. The last five years have delivered Americans into a culture of unreason of the kind they have been prone to indulging periodically throughout their history. It is made in equal parts of a native insecurity and anxiety, of paranoia and of irrationality.

    This is at once a pitiable and dangerous state. All is reduced to the Manichean distinctions characteristic of the old Westerns (not to mention most of the good guys vs. bad guys Dreck that comes out of Hollywood these days). No subtlety of thought survives in the culture of unreason. Public space is populated with poseurs, cutouts, and imposters. Public discourse, with some exceptions, is much of the time not worth bothering with.


    Nov. 11, 2017, protest outside the White House, dubbed the "Kremlin Annex." Wikimedia Commons

    To understand this condition, we must recognize it as the work of a diabolic alliance comprised of the Democratic Party’s corrupt leadership, the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies, the national security apparatus and its many appendages, and the media. It is no longer in the slightest objectionable to speak or write of a Deep State that controls this country.

    The elite minority this alliance represents derives its power from its claim to speak for the majority — an absolutely classic case of the "soft despotism" Alexis de Tocqueville warned Americans of 190 years ago. Liberal authoritarianism is another name for what has consolidated itself in the years since Democrats, in mid–2016, first raised the phony specter of Russia "hacking" into its mail systems.

    In effect, Russiagate has tipped the American polity upside down. It is the illiberal liberals among us, righteous as the old Puritan ministers of New England, who now prosecute a regime of censorship and suppression of dissent that is at least as severe and anti-democratic as what conservatives had going during the Cold War (and in my view worse).

    It is they who seek to cow ordinary Americans into the new, weird idolatry of authority, no matter that those to whom the nation is urged to bow are proven liars, law-breakers and propagandists.

    Culture of Unreason
    There is, of course, the more dangerous world Russiagate has done so much to create. In the culture of unreason, the Deep State has a discouraging record of success in gaining wide public support for any aggressive campaign against any nation or people it wishes to act against. In this dimension, Russiagate has destroyed the Democrats as a party willing to stand against the imperial project in its late phase.

    A war with China over the Taiwan question is now spoken of as a logical possibility. Washington is now raising the temperature on the Ukraine–Russia border, just as it did when it cultivated the 2014 coup in Kiev, and this is put across as a Democratic administration’s sound policy. Rampant Russophobia is a direct consequence of the Russiagate ruse, Sinophobia its uglier sibling — uglier for its racist subtext.

    We have active subversion operations in Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba and Peru, all progressive states in the true meaning of this term, and Democrats of all stripes — including "progressives" with the necessary quotation marks — cheer on every one of them. We cannot view this as distinct from the elevation of institutions dedicated to campaigns of covert subterfuge — chiefly but not only the CIA. — to wholly inappropriate positions of respect.

    The damage Russiagate has done to the press … let me rephrase this. The damage the press has inflicted upon itself in the cause of Russiagate is so extensive it is hard to calculate with any precision. We watch now as their credibility collapses in real time. Those running the mainstream newspapers and networks seem to understand this, as they rush to protect what remains of their reputations with rearguard actions to obscure their grossly irresponsible conduct.

    The long list of those who caved to the Russiagate orthodoxy includes some stunning names. Among publications that should have known better we find Mother Jones, The Nation, The Intercept, and Democracy Now! Was it conformity, pressure from donors or Democratic Party ventriloquists, or some combination of ideology, ignorance and inexperience that caused them to flip?

    The Atlantic, The New Yorker, the major dailies, the networks — they have all sustained one or another degree of discredit, left either to craven rewrites in their archives, denial in the Corn–Frum mode, or silence. None will do: They will never regain lost ground without first acknowledging what they have done, and this appears out of the question.

    Resort of Omission
    The feature of the corporate-owned press — and the “progressive,” press, as just suggested — that strikes me most now is its resort of omission. Think about it: Lengthy hearings on Capitol Hill, in which leading Democratic Party Russiagaters admit under oath they never had any of the evidence they long claimed, go unreported. The collapse of the Steele dossier goes unreported in The New York Times and other major dailies.

    It is but a short step to all else that is newsworthy but left out — the collapse of the case against Julian Assange (against whom the Russiagate frenzy was wielded), the collapse of the chemical weapons case in Syria, all the above-noted covert subversions. It is wholesale dereliction of duty now, and it was Russiagate that licensed this betrayal. Mainstream media are now approaching that point when they leave out more of the world we live in than they report. This is a losing proposition in the medium term — a desperate, last-ditch strategy to defend a "narrative" that simply no longer holds. I put the acceleration of this trend down to the poisoned information environment Russiagate did so much to engender.

    There is a positive dimension to the media’s fate since Russiagate, and regular readers of this column may already guess where I am headed. The disaster Russiagate has proven for the corporate-owned press, the networks, and the "left" — with-quotation-marks — press has landed independent media such as Consortium News with large, new responsibilities, and they have by-and-large risen to the occasion. Their role in keeping the truth of the Russiagate fraud on the table cannot be overstated.

    We witness, in effect, an historically significant transformation in how Americans get their news and analysis. This, a gradual process, is an excellent thing. In time, independent media stand to play as important a role in repairing the across-the-board damage of Russiagate as legacy media played in hatching and deepening it.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
    1. Strangely Brown
      I note with mild disinterest that you didn't have the stones to tag the people you attacked. Quelle surprise :rolleyes:

      Also you don't seem to be highlighting your copy paste banality with pretty colours anymore. Nice try with the slight mo change. You're still too obvious though.

      Try harder with your next account please....
      Strangely Brown, Dec 7, 2021
  6. Scotchlass

    Scotchlass Porn Star

    Dec 4, 2017
    These are the things that Socialist Democrats and Leftists do -- force others to obey even the most arcane of laws. Yet when it comes to themselves, they will lie, cheat and steal. And when caught, it]s oops, our mistake, and then it is on to the next lying situation.

    Special Counsel Durham Found The E-Mails Fusion GPS Tried To Hide

    by Tyler Durden
    ZeroHedge, Saturday, Dec 04, 2021 - 01:37 PM
    Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary,

    Back in May, we reported on the fight brewing in a DC federal court, where Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson were trying to keep secret their internal correspondence and records relating to their role in pushing the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax. New court filings indicate Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson improperly failed to disclose some of their most damning e-mails.


    For background, the fight arises out of a lawsuit – Fridman, et al. (Alfa Bank) v. Bean LLC a/k/a Fusion GPS, and Glenn Simpson, where the owners of Alfa Bank have sued Fusion GPS and Simpson for falsely accusing “the Plaintiffs—and Alfa (“Alfa”), a consortium in which the Plaintiffs are investors—of criminal conduct and alleged cooperation with the ‘Kremlin’ to influence the 2016 presidential election.” The case was filed in October 2017. Litigation has been ongoing for over four years – with Alfa Bank still fighting to obtain written discovery from Fusion GPS that is material to its case. Our previous report had to do with that very discovery dispute. Back in May, Alfa Bank “file a motion to compel, asking the Court to require Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson to produce nearly 500 critically important documents improperly withheld as privileged.” (More background here.)

    These documents included e-mail correspondence within Fusion GPS regarding the “Alfa Playbook” and showed the early development of the Fusion GPS/Simpson work on Trump/Russia. One would assume this entails the early or emerging thought process of the “intelligence” group as they sought to falsely accuse the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia.



    In a later post from July 2021, we observed that records indicated Fusion GPS had been in contact with Michael Sussmann of Perkins Coie regarding Alfa Bank. More communications Fusion GPS is trying to keep secret.


    What nobody realized at the time, however, was the importance of these communications. Michael Sussmann – the DNC/Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer – would later face false statement charges and be basically accused of being part of a conspiracy to defraud the federal government with respect to the Trump/Alfa Bank allegations.

    The Latest Developments
    Today, the attorneys for Alfa Bank filed this their “Supplement to Plaintiffs’ Second Motion to Compel Defendants to Produce Documents Improperly Withheld as Privileged.” The motion was filed to inform the court that Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson (and/or their attorneys) “possess numerous documents responsive to Plaintiffs’ RFPs [requests for production] that [Fusion/Simpson] neither produced nor included in their privilege log.”

    [Brief interlude: generally, the parties request and exchange documents in a federal civil case like this. A party can avoid producing documents where they claim a privilege – they just need to typically submit a “privilege log” to the other side. This doesn’t mean the privilege will ultimately prevail.]

    What does the latest filing by Alfa Bank reveal?
    Fusion GPS/Glenn Simpson (or their attorneys) failed to submit in the privilege log certain communications ultimately uncovered by Special Counsel John Durham. I’ll let the Alfa Bank motion explain:



    In other words, Fusion GPS/Simpson deliberately withheld the disclosure of these e-mails in their privilege log. The very e-mails that very likely point to a conspiracy to push the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax by Perkins Coie, Glenn Simpson, and Rodney Joffe (“Tech Executive-1” listed in the Sussmann complaint), et al.

    Once Alfa Bank discovered their misconduct, Fusion GPS/Simpson were quick to list these e-mails in their latest privilege log. An example:


    This is a serious non-disclosure by Fusion and Simpson (or their attorneys). The consequences could include sanctions (such as reimbursing Alfa Bank for having to file various motions to compel). Or the court could determine this to be an abuse of the discovery process and outright force Fusion GPS/Simpson to produce all e-mails they are currently withholding relating to Alfa Bank and Perkins Coie.

    From the outset of this dispute, we believed Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson would be forced to produce to Alfa Bank nearly all e-mails it possesses relating to the Alfa Bank hoax. These latest developments reinforce that belief - and the belief that they’re fighting to keep secret e-mails that are extremely important to understand their role in deceiving the public in the Trump/Russia hoax.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
  7. vincenzz

    vincenzz Porn Star

    Aug 6, 2006
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. vincenzz

    vincenzz Porn Star

    Aug 6, 2006
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. erotic_man
      I am not american, but i definitely admire Trump for his courage to say what he thinks. Too much political correctness is never beneficial for any state.
      erotic_man, Dec 5, 2021
      Truthful 1 likes this.
  9. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    • Like Like x 1
    1. shootersa
      Well, Shooter finally found something he can agree with the Guardian on;

      "The Guardian has long had no such scruples."​
      shootersa, Dec 6, 2021
  10. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    This is the same guy that faked a medical condition to avoid the draft and incited an insurrection.

    • Like Like x 1
  11. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Trump's double negative betrays his colossal intelligence.:rolleyes:

    • Like Like x 1
  12. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    If I said it once I’ve said it 1000 times , I really was no fan of Donald Trump until he became president . But I did vote for him both times . Because I knew the evil that lurked in the Clintons the Bidens and the Obamas of the world . I’m sure no good has came to any country during the Obama and Joe Biden Presidencies and I’m positive countries do not feel as safe as they once did . Sit back and watch as Joe Biden allows Russia to walk through the Ukraine . At the same time allowing them to build a pipeline . World I’m here to tell you Joe Biden is a jerk off
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    After checking a number of the articles thinskin copy N pastes for accuracy and objectivity, Shooter is forced to put thinskin and stumbler in the same category, mainly, whatever they copy and paste is presumed to be propaganda and unworthy of much attention.
    Sorry, thinskin, you brought this on yourself.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    I am devastated shooter!:rolleyes:

    Here is another take on your moronic hero.......enjoy!

  15. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
  16. vincenzz

    vincenzz Porn Star

    Aug 6, 2006
  17. Scotchlass

    Scotchlass Porn Star

    Dec 4, 2017
    The more we learn, the more we understand how extensive was the Cabal's web of evil.
    I really don't want to stop shopping at WalMart, but I might have to. We'll see where this goes'

    HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL: Audio Reveals Walmart Chairman Discussed With Hunter Biden ‘Pulling The Trigger To Stop Trump’ Prior To Election


    by Christine DolanDecember 6, 2021


    Greg Penner, Walmart Chairman
    Image Walmart

    The Robert Hunter Biden (RHB) laptop from Hell is the political gift that keeps on giving to the American public, and to those opposed to the Biden administration. CDMedia has been provided with evidence that documents a conversation between the President’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Chairman of the Board of the Walmart Corporation, America’s biggest brick and mortar retail chain. The conversation took place in October of 2018. The question is – why did Hunter Biden tape a conversation between Greg Penner, Chairman of Walmart/Madrone Capitol, in 2018? The conversation was planned via email/sms message and the audio is below.

    The audio file was found in the iTunes folder on the RHB laptop, which was concealed by the FBI for a year before being delivered to the New York Post, which posted some of its salacious content. However, a close examination of the massive numbers of files on the computer have struck political gold.


    The audio transcript shows a discussion of ‘pulling the trigger’ to influence the 2020 election, to stop President Trump and the Trump movement, in addition to influencing the Democratic primary.

    (2:20) RHB: “Overall objective here is to stop, not only Donald Trump, but to stem the tide of what Donald Trump represents.”

    a. RHB Laptop contains e-mails in which RHB asked to discuss a confidential matter with Penner, stating “That’s best not to be done by text or email.”
    (11 August 2017)


    b. In a solicitation email Greg Penner asks RHB to “…visit with you about some options I’ve been working on for the 2020 election…”. (6 April 2018)


    RHB Laptop contains SMS text between Greg Penner and RHB (16 March 2019) with RHB stating: “He is available tomorrow after 4pm EST if you are. He looks forward to speaking and would gladly meet whenever your schedule and his allows. Give me call [sic] so I can fill you in on at least my reasons for not replying to you until now. Best, Hunter”


    Penner offers for “John” (??) to meet with Joe Biden. RHB insinuates it would be “too dangerous for John” and Joe Biden to meet. Additionally, RHB states, in the call with Greg Penner, that he was approached by Nick Rohatyn (Chairman of TRG (aka Rohatyn Group)) as a secondary option to handle the “situation”.

    Walmart has a reputation of sourcing cheap goods from China and destroying small town mom-and-pop retailers across the nation. A Walmart heiress also funded The Lincoln Project, a supposed GOP anti-Trump group that was scandalized after the election. Walmart was shamed post-2020 election mocking Trump supporters in a tweet regarding the election integrity fight. Greg Penner was on the board of Baidu, a Chinese company for 14 years until 2017. Penner graduated from the same class at Georgetown University in 1992 as Hunter Biden.

    There are many benefits to being a multi-billion corporation with major supply chain functions in China. Having Hillary Clinton as a Board Member (p77 Clinton discusses Hillary being on the board, and she was silent when Walmart fought unions), being able to stay open during a “Pandemic” when small businesses were forced to close and having the ability to “fortify” an election when it is beneficial to your business with China.

    CDMedia has reached out to Greg Penner at Madrone Capital and as of publication has yet to received a reply.
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Interesting to see will this story bear out, and if so the spin despicables will put to it.
    1. Scotchlass
      Yeah, I know. WalMart! I can't believe the number of things and stores I've already cut out of my family's life as these corps go "woke" or major Chinese connections are exposed. These links keep on getting uncovered, pretty soon the only place I'll be able to shop is my local Super S!

      Of course, at that point, it'll be just my luck that Biden will have tried to make vaccinations mandatory for grocery shopping.
      Scotchlass, Dec 7, 2021
    2. shootersa
      Already the case in LA.
      Can't even get the daily Starbucks fix through the drive through without your vaccination card.
      shootersa, Dec 7, 2021
  19. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    On the surface...WalMart seems so docile, while expressing so much care and concern for the poor working families.

    I knew there was a political connection for Walmart somewhere, when they were open during the politically advantageous pandemic scare.

    Funding the Lincoln Project--better known as the RINO/DC Establishment swamp urchins, the very career politicians that support Hillary behind closed doors rears it's ugly head.

    Just goes to show us all...the internal civil war has been exposed..it's the people vs the federal fucking government, a $4 trillion entity that has been corrupt for decades.
  20. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    This is a real giggle!
