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    You can now get verified on forum.

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  1. Dirtycouple757

    Dirtycouple757 Porno Junky

    May 18, 2022
    We do it for a multitude of reasons
    1: we've been togather for 17 years new is fun
    2: my wife has been working on her selfesteem
    3:we both love to please and be pleased
    4: I'm proud of her so why not share
    5: it's healthy to search for new friends
    6: because we still have freedom lol
    Hope everyone enjoys and keep sharing if it feels good thank yall..
    • Like Like x 4
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. SessionForYou

    SessionForYou Porno Junky

    Feb 24, 2013
    I don't because I have anxiety issues and quite frankly I'm not exactly the best looking guy around.
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
  3. H2211

    H2211 Sex Lover

    Nov 8, 2009
    Like you @Cherrypop I didn't think I would post pics when I came on here and didn't for a long time but I found I enjoyed it!! There are soooo many cock pics on here so most guy pics get overlooked I think the gals certainly get more reaction!! But also I look at loads of profiles and pics so felt it only right to share too. I hope people enjoy my pics either way lol!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Braxton.B

    Braxton.B Poontang Connoisseur

    Dec 10, 2019
  5. NCfan

    NCfan Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2020
    Still don’t think anyone really wants to see my dick.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    We post all levels of intimacy. We blur out any our identifiable parts.
    Most of our gallery albums are of other people but we try to make sure it doesn't appear that we're misrepresenting them as our own. (Although we still get the morons who can look at 300 photos of 300 different women and still message "You sure are good looking. Would love to party with you."
    We usually post "our" (meaning me, most of the time) photos if we have something that fits the theme of the thread in one of the forums.
    At one point, we had several albums in Galleries that hade a theme to them. Little by little we deleted our personal photos due to lack of feedback (ie 500 views, not a single comment)
    Most of the guys here seem to angle towards the downloaded porn images. I guess they're not interested in real people.
    I (Nina) don't check out other members albums for the same reason I've stated several times before. I'm just not that visually stimulated.
    If Kevin looks through them, he doesn't say anything to me about it.
    He can usually slap together in a hurry, some meme in response to a particularly dumb thread.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    Since I made this thread I have had way more experience, and I was being naive lol. It is judgemental AF here in regards to content. I am criticized all the time for my photos. They’re too this or not enough of that. Usually by someone who has no photos of their own. Worse, I‘be been criticized by people who actually do post their own. One called my pictures “icky and crass,” and made them sick, like their content is acceptable but mine is not. And if mine isn't, then clearly they have a pretty poor view of everyone else’s here too. It’s not like I’m reinventing the wheel here lol.

    I think people should post what they’re comfortable with, and nobody has the right to judge anyone on that. These pictures are going to be on the internet forever. Even if you delete them, someone has probably already downloaded them. So you better be damn happy with what you’re putting out there. And fuck those haters who think it needs to be one way or another. They need to worry about themselves and their own content.
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Like Like x 3
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2022
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Cherrypop
      I don’t. I’m a stubborn chick. I tend to do what they don’t like even more, just to spite them :p
      Cherrypop, Sep 22, 2022
      LilKink and hornybigguy68 like this.
    3. Horny hiy
      Awesome. How is your dog?
      Horny hiy, Sep 22, 2022
      Cherrypop likes this.
    4. Cherrypop
      She’s good! All healed up! Thanks for asking ☺️
      Cherrypop, Sep 23, 2022
      hornybigguy68 likes this.
    5. whopluv
      I love your pictures. Ignore the haters.
      whopluv, Jan 29, 2024
    6. dumjed
      @Cherrypop i absolutely enjoy your pics, hope you keep posting, you are part of the reason I keep coming back. You content is awesome!!!!!!!
      dumjed, Jan 29, 2024
  8. shiatbiatch

    shiatbiatch Porn Star

    Jan 13, 2020
    527A6CAB-E6C2-475C-9B2A-5E6D2139BF49.jpeg I post pics so there is a record of my existsnce, and if I think its a great pic, i want to see if It really is. I guess attention makes me feel better about everything. Who’da thunk a pornsite would be their shrink huh?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  9. OneAtATime

    OneAtATime Porn Star

    Jul 19, 2007
    Like several others here I never thought I'd post a pic here when I started.
    One day I tho0ught I'd like some pics of the things i was doing with toys. So I took some. Knowing that once you take a digital pic it has a life of it's own I was always careful to keep out personally identifiable stuff.
    Got asked for pics of things I'd mentioned and sent them. Decided to put up an album of the pics I'd taken.
    Always been sexually conservative and and I think that not only doing what I was was liberating but so was taking and posting the pics. Could be some 'look at me' and bragging in there too.
    The album comments have been positive and that's nice. Makes me feel good.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    "I looked at all 5,000 of your pictures and let me tell you, I was disgusted by them. I had to look at them a couple more times just to make sure I knew what I was seeing."

    It's not just here. Over at Literotica, to read a story they have to click on a genre (they have over 20 of them), scroll until they find a particular title, click on the story, read it (some of them are 5-6 screen pages) and then they talk about how people who do whatever you wrote about are the lowest of the low.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. Cherrypop
      Right? They go looking and then judge it. Lame.
      Cherrypop, Sep 22, 2022
      speakeasy likes this.
  11. Justedging123

    Justedging123 Porn Surfer

    Sep 19, 2022
    I post pics but usually in a private, private group, or an anonymous setting. It fun with the right people but not just haphazardly in the internet public. Also gotta Photoshop the weiner sometimes to get the themes going lol
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Cherrypop
      This made me smile
      Cherrypop, Sep 22, 2022
  12. Justedging123

    Justedging123 Porn Surfer

    Sep 19, 2022
    Because I have themed, Photoshopped dick picks for multiple occasions? Lmao
  13. whopluv

    whopluv Lucky Lover

    Sep 16, 2010
    Obviously I post a lot of pictures. I love taking them and I love showing off my girl and my cock.
  14. GeekBoy28

    GeekBoy28 Porn Star

    Dec 1, 2009
    For the longest time I didn't post pictures. Most people here don't want to see pictures of some fat old guy, they want to see pictures of some hot young woman (like @Cherrypop ). My wife let me take a few pictures of her very early on, but she didn't want them posted online, so I don't post her pictures online anywhere, although I do occasionally let guys see them on my phone. Over the years, I became more comfortable with my body and I started posting pictures of myself on a few other sites, but not face pics. I was still afraid of someone who knows me finding them, or some AI linking them back to me in a future job interview situation. Since I only post pictures of myself, I am also the photographer (so far) and it is very challenging to stage everything and get good photos, especially if I don't want them to be "random dick pics". I try to make every photo I post have some theme. I had a local park where I used to go into the bathroom, lock the door, get naked and take pictures or videos of myself. I think I may have uploaded some of them to my profile here. I tend to only upload to my profile, because I don't want to be one of "those guys" who just post dick pics of themselves, and I have a hard time looking at a picture of myself naked and not seeing it as just a dick pic.
    Now, I do have one album on my profile that is not pictures of me, nor did I take them. They are pictures of my sister which happens to be about 16 years older than me. Her husband and I were chatting about porn sites one evening and he pointed me to a site where those pictures were. He did not take them, he did not know they were taken, and he did not upload them, but he did share the link to them with me. Of course I saved a copy of them for myself, and I'm not sure that site is still around, but I have them uploaded to my profile. Granted, I didn't upload all of them to my profile, because some of them had a guy in them that I didn't want to be re-posting, but my sister's husband told me to repost her pictures anywhere I wanted. I guess it was his way of getting back at her for not telling him about them in the first place... A few years after finding them, the sexual dry spell with my wife had just begin, and he even tried to help convince her that she should "help er little brother out" and give me a "pity fuck". That never happened, but I was excited about the idea even though I was in my mid 30's and her in her early 50's, it wasn't like we were teens. We both would have fully known what we were doing, and it gave me some confidence knowing that she almost agreed to it...
  15. LanaLA2001

    LanaLA2001 Porn Surfer

    Sep 14, 2023
    Someone I know might see them.
  16. Jhndllngr69

    Jhndllngr69 Sex Machine

    Nov 16, 2021
    I post because I’m a sex addict and exhibitionist. I used to send pics and vids to Mrs while away and uploaded them to a particular site so if my computer crashed they weren’t lost. Sent one to Mrs friend by mistake, Mrs opened one in front of a friend by accident. Both woman loved them. Last the site I used discontinued my private setting and had 70k views. Since I post faceless pics and of me masturbating or showing for anyone who chooses to see them with no apology etc.
  17. LilKink

    LilKink Porn Star

    Mar 7, 2018
    I definitely get a rush from posting and the reactions I get. The problem I'm having is that the rush doesn't last. And the novelty of seeing me being slutty also only lasts so long. So today I got the urge to just wipe the board clean for a while.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. pacman21

    pacman21 Porn Star

    Jun 22, 2015
    Lik pm me lets chat if you want to
  19. Mature Sexer

    Mature Sexer Lustful Gentleman

    Jul 6, 2022
    I have deleted mine several times thinking nobody wants to see them, don't be an ass. Then I start all over again. It is fun and I must admit that I like it, especially when a lady looks and comments. A real turn on.