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  1. manuel42

    manuel42 cum gunner of the highest order Banned!

    Jan 30, 2011

    I always thought of degeneration as the opposite of regeneration. Straight people regenerate through having babies. Gay people degenerate by taking advantage of the pleasure of sex without producing anything of value. The parades are degenerative as they often involve nudity in front of minors, they expose minors to degenerate ideology.

    as far as trannies in sport: Leah Thomas, Fallon Fox, Laurel Hubbard, Anne Andres, Na Hwa-rin just off the top of my head.

    De-population would happen if everyone was gay. put 10 women and 100 men on an island, come back in 100 years, you have a community. Put 10 trannies and 100 men on an island come back in 100 years and you'll find 110 male skeletons.

    Drag queen story hour: why are people who flaunt their sexuality reading books to children exclusively? why don't they read to the mentally ill or old people, or people over 18. it just never happens, its only children they target and that is suspicious. Here's some weird clips that come out of these "story hours"
    oh wait, I cant show the videos here BECAUSE THERE ARE MINORS PRESENT. Take your head out of your ass. Would you let strippers read to little kids? i'll PM you the video.

    When i was learning about sex in school, i was never shown explicit material. I was never reading about gay fantasies with crass language.
    - this particular one would not hear the explicit crap in the book, yet it is in school libraries. this happens at many school board meetings.


    your response is disgusting. sounds like you like the idea of small children learning about anal sex and gender theory. wack. true liberal.

    The state wanting to trans your kids https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politi...if-their-kids-change-their-gender-or-pronouns

    And finally if you are contesting the idea that teams aren't pushing the gay agenda and people are fed up with it:





    I'm not saying gay people need not exist, when i say back off, I mean take gay stuff out of schools. Sexuality of any kind does not belong in schools. We do not need a gay character and a black and brown and yellow character in every movie and TV show. Especially when its historically inaccurate like Bridgerton. Pride flags do not need to be on crosswalks. Pride flags do not need to be on public buildings. They are divisive flags. We need unity, not more division. As far as those nazi flags, i don't care for those either. The Gadsden flag can stay as it represents the revolutionary war and is a non divisive flag.

    You assume because I don't like the flags and symbols that i don't like gay people. This is not the case. I would just rather not have perversion and degeneracy shoved in my face throughout the day. society has accepted homosexuality for what it is, as long as no one is getting hurt. And now that we know they're hurting little kids thru sexually explicit material in schools and TV its time to back off with the symbolism. Nobody is tolerating this and i will be marching with 1 million pissed off Canadians on Sept 20th to send a message to the PM to get this filth out of our schools.
    1. manuel42
      @stumbler oops, did i break your brain with common sense? I see you replying to others while you ignore this in typical fashion. Just an absolute coward fuckwit.
      manuel42, Sep 13, 2023
      mstrman likes this.
    2. shootersa
      You do understand, @manuel42 that all you're doing at this point is playing chess with a pigeon.
      shootersa, Sep 14, 2023
      mstrman likes this.
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    I will get around to dismantling your LGBTQ+ hate. But in the meantime don't you ever PM me again. Got that @manuel42. You got something to say to me you say it right here on the board. Not like a coward trying to hide behind PMs that the contents can't even be revealed.

    I don’t put up with that kind of cowardice
    1. manuel42
      Its a video I can't post here because there's kids in it you fucking tool. I'll PM you whenever I please lil bitch
      manuel42, Sep 14, 2023
  3. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    So How Are Those GOP Revenge Investigations Going?
    Well judge for yourself, for today it is being layer out quite clearly, hope yall enjoy these 15 minutes from today.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    No treasonous conservative America Hating Republicans can ever credibly criticize a president of lying again. Not after they supported, defended, made excuses for, covered up for, and lied themselves for the pathological liar Trump
    • Useful Useful x 1
    1. crhurricane
      Keep talkin commie
      crhurricane, Sep 14, 2023
      shootersa and CS natureboy like this.
    2. shootersa
      The American hater insists its fine for him to denegrate America and all it stands for by calling it a "shithole country " and a "banana republic" but damn anyone who dares to not march in lockstep with the corruption and hypocrisy of the despicables.

      Nope. No credibility left there.
      shootersa, Sep 14, 2023
      crhurricane likes this.
  5. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    And why stop there, all you liberals love Ted Cruz, here he is slapping Biden appointed prison cheif for basic ignorance. Another nice showing today. Enjoy
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    Oh my bad, this video should have gone first, but she is such a shining star of the Buren administration, just had to so more.
    " I don't have that information but I'll get back to you" tell that to your boss
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    Ol Joe Biden is a lying corrupt democrate, like it or not! Worse then Trump will ever be. Believe as you will. Here's my belief, Biden will be convicted long before Trump ever will be. That is because no matter how many times democrates try, lies don't convict, the truth does!
    Swollow that.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. crhurricane
      crhurricane, Sep 14, 2023
    2. crhurricane
      crhurricane, Sep 14, 2023
  8. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    Yet my beliefs are shared by many, just as liberals believe their truths are held high above the treasonous conservative America Hating Republicans. Well let them. The wrongs of the government have pushed the American people to the point of having had enough. Beliefs don't constitute law, finger pointing, name calling, ignorance, narcissism, don't constitute law. So now both sides are at a never before seen embarrassment, of the highest office in government, being reduced to tit for tat. Put all your beliefs in that big shining box of pride, close it up tight, and put it away. The reflexion coming from it is nothing but embarrassment. In time the law will provide truth, punish the guilty, very likely both, but no matter, once that is done, and your not to embarrassed, pull that shining box of.pride out and shout to the world, just how proud you are of America, until then, these half baked jokers are making asses of all Americans.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    When Hillary did her now infamous "basket of deplorables" speech we saw the truck driving, gun toting, beer drinking, trailer dwelling, uneducated, unwashed, genetically ambiguous, red necks in fly over country rise up in a group and push a pompous gas bag over the line and into the oval office where he slipped the throne out from under Hillary. The throne she had been promised, DAMN IT.

    And then Biden hid in his basement and still managed to beat that pompous gas bag and now sits (well occasiounally) on the throne. And he opened our borders and welcomed 5 MILLION ILLEGAL migrants to invade the country. And he started shutting down the oil industry and almost doubled gas prices and saw more Americans die with Covid than under Trump (and he had a vaccine Trump ordered) and he drove inflation higher and has added almost $7 TRILLION to the nations debt and is buying up every vote he can manage with his government pork giveaways and now we're learning that the robber almost certainly has accepted bribes and payoffs from governments hostile to Americas interests. All while he gives Iran BILLIONS to continue their war against America and makes sure that murderers are freed from our jails and the homeless clog our streets with their shit. Literally.

    They never learn, these despicables.

    They can abuse and lie to and push around the truck driving, gun toting, beer drinking, trailer dwelling, uneducated, unwashed, genetically ambiguous, red necks in fly over country just so far, and then they rise up and give the despicables the thrashing they deserve. Shooter thinks 2024 will be another woodshed session for despicables. They would do well to put on their thickest big boy pants.
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Before I even start @manuel42 I must say you are not only the most openly hate filled Homophob I've ever encountered on this forum you are also a coward that tries to attack in PMs because you know the contents of them cannot be revealed.

    As I have pointed out before you are actually just a blind brainwashed parrot squawking nothing but right wing false propaganda talking points based on nothing but the emotional reactions of fear hate and anger that have been spoon fed to you for that exact reaction.

    Which is why you have to just make things up, contradict yourself, rant incoherently., with no truth, facts, reason and logic. Which is easily demonstrated with your invention of the meaning of words.

    First it amazes me that someone with the extreme Christian fundamentalist view of sex would be on a pron forum. Of you believe sex should just be for procreation what inner demons do you have that droves you here.

    But your glaring contradiction is if LGBTQ+ are "degene3rate" for having sex without having children what about all the heterosexual people that have sex just for pleasure with no intention of having children. Including married couples. Are they "degenerates"" as well? Because if you don't also hate them then your hypocrisy glares like the sun doesn't and proves you only hate LGBTQ+ people.

    And of course what makes your rant so laughable is of course many LGBTQ+ people have children including biological children.

    Finally I haven't seen any nudity in Pride Parades but if there is and minors are present they wouldn't be there without their parents permission would they? But here you are trying to play God again where your homophobia allows you to dictate to everyone else.

    So you come up with what could amount to five sore losers. Or maybe they do have a point. In which case the respective sports federations can address it just like they already do in the Olympics and other sports such as Caster Semenya, Eunice Kirwa, and Christine Mboma. Which are not necessarily transgender.

    New Regulations From World Athletics Require Christine Mboma to Undergo Hormone Therapy

    Christine Mboma’s coach, Henk Botha, says she will have to undergo hormone therapy, because her only other option is to quit the sport. The 19-year-old Namibian sprinter who won a silver medal in the 200 meters at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, is considered an athlete with Differences in Sex Development (DSD) by the global governing body of athletics, and the new rules require that she suppress her testosterone levels for six months before competing in any WA-sanctioned event.


    But here again this is nothing more than your irrational hate and fear of LGBTQ+ shining through.ust like with sports federations and the Olympics states and even individual school are addressing transgene in sports. Even though its a tiny minority.

    Given all of those numbers, it's statistically possible that there are some 35,000 transgender student-athletes in high school, which would mean 0.44% of high school athletes are transgender.


    But here you are freaking out about all transgender people not just transgender in sports because that is the fear hate and anger that has been spoon fed to you by the right wing false propaganda noise machine which you simply just parrot.

    And here your irrational hysteria is just literally laughable as in make me laugh my ass off. As if because there are LGBTQ+ people they will make everyone LGBTQ+ and depopulate the earth. That is just so funny.

    Especially since the biggest depopulation factor is something you deny; Climate change. Global warming/climate change is killing what amounts to hundreds if not thousands of people on a daily basis with just extreme weather events. Global warming/climate is creating famous, wars, and mass migrations.

    But here's what makes your irrational hate filled rants just so literally laughable.

    Report: overpopulation one of ten greatest threats to humanity

    And yet here yo are trying to tell us LGBTQ+ people are going to depopulate the earth. I literally cannot stop laughing at that hysteria.

    Men dressing ass women and women dressing as men for the purpose of entertainment goes back at least as far as the Greeks when all actors were men or boys including plashing female characters. Growing up and even today it would be hard for me to think of an actor that hasn't dressed in drag for routines or movie characters.

    But now all of a sudden Drag performers are supposed to be some terrible threat. Why? Its very simple. Treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans depend on lies and fear to motivate their voters and supporters like you. And so they have to constantly invent new enemies to tell their brainwashed supporters to be afraid of. They have found the LGBTQ+ community is just too big, too established, and too accepted to take on as a whole. And so they peel off Drag Queens and transgender as weaker minorities to attack. Spoon feed you that and then you parrot their fear hate and anger like a good little blind brainwashed parrot.

    And again ignoring the fact children would not be at a Drag Queen story hour without their parents permission. But here again you just assume you are God and can tell everyone else what theycan and cannot do.

    know how stupid and ignorant you are but te question is just how fucking stupid and ignorant do you think I am that I would open a video with kids in it here or anywhere else on this forum? Especially since I think PMing me a video with underage content is still distributing underage content.

    And by the way yes I would let strippers read to my kids. I took my kids to an event called Ham and Jam during Sturgis rally week there there were hundreds of nearly naked women showing off their tits. And they showed no ill effects. But then we don't have a Puritan view of sex like you and yet hang out on a porn forum.

    Even though you could have if you went to your school library and looked for it. Because such things have always been there. This is another thing that is simply invented to create lots of noise and fear hate and anger. Parents have always had the right and ability to limit what their kids can check out in libraries.

    But this is nothing more than a tiny minority of treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans demanding they get to dictate to everyone else what can and cannot be in school libraries.

    And how do we know that its just fake invented outrage? Because the same people demanding books with sex in them be banned from libraries are also demanding the bible must remain in libraries when the bible is just full of the same things they claim other books be banned for.

    After PMing me a video with underage content you can rest assured I will never click on one of your videos again.

    Even though I have probably seen most of these but on the news where they were exposed as grandstanding theater conducted by a tiny minority of treasonous conservative/y America Hating/Republicans including Proud Boys creating careful crafted scenes. They actually just prove what I have been saying all along. All you do is push right wing false propaganda talking points that won't really stand up to any scrutiny because they are based on nothing but lies, false propaganda, and psychological protection falsely accusing others of what they are actually guilty themselves.

    You've never had kids have you @manuel42. Or if you have I sure feel sorry for them because you must have ignored them and never paid any attention to them. You exist in your own little fact and truth free plastic bubble where no truth facts reason and logic can penetrate lest your bubble burst. And think you can make all kids exist there too. Which just proves how detached from reality you are.

    You try to take the most extreme and often invented examples and pretend that is happening to all kids and you the almighty God must protect them from that. When on one hand you are not God and on the other hand just laughable naive about what kids actually know about sex.

    But again al this just springs from the fear hate and anger that has been spoon fed to you and you parrot. Because you simply operate off emotion without thinking because you love your fear hate and anger and feeling of being God.

    And once again you take an example of one school district in one state and try to pretend like that is some huge problem.

    When in reality schools and teachers are often the only place children can turn too if they are being physically, or sexually abused, neglected, or have questions and concerns about things their parents would abuse them for. And especially some parents like you.

    Two things here. One, LGBTQ+ people are fighting for recognition because for millennium they have been the most persecuted people on earth even though homosexuality is quite natural and occurs in most all animal species besides humans.

    Scientists explore the evolution of animal homosexuality

    But even so up until 20 years ago LBGTQ+ people could be put in prison. It was only a little over 10 years ago when LGBTQ+ people were allowed to openly serve in the military. And LGBTQ+ people have only been allowed to marry whoever they love for about eight years. And all of that is a big improvement from the days when LGBTQ+ people were just taken to the city's edge and stoned to death. Which are the days you seem to want to return to. So the LGBYQ+ community is trying to make up for lost time.

    Which of course includes Pride Month. But why would professional sports want to support that? Are they LGBTQ+ themselves? (Well lots of professional athletes are.) Out of the goodness of their hearts because its the right thing to do? (Yeah that could be part of it.) Or because its good for business because actually about 70% of the country support LGBTQ+ rights? Its pretty clear where the money is at.

    And if that crreps you out well by all means don't watch any of those sports. That is your right. But you do not have the right to demand everyone else bow to your irrational fear hate and anger of LGBTQ+ people.

    This makes no sense at all and especially not after your extended irrational rant against LGBTQ+. But you also have a direct contradiction. LGBTQ+ can exist but not in schools. That's impossible. Growing up I can remember at least three of four gay and lesbian teachers I had. And about 25% of school children identify as LGBTQ+. And no matter how much you hate LGBTQ+people doesn't change reality.

    Another irrational direct contradiction. And direct contradictions can never be true. Are you saying there should be no sex education in schools? After you admitted above that you had sex ed. See how just operating on the emotions of fear hate and anger makes it impossible for you to think rationally, objectively, and fact based?

    Now we are really getting somewhere. Yeah throw your raging racism in with your raging homophobia. That's a great move there @manuel42. And shows us everything we need to know about you.

    Yeppers you managed to do it again. You spew a wall of text of nothing but irrational fear hate and anger against LGBTQ+ and then say we need UNITY. Oh fuck I can't stop laughing at that. Literally.


    noun: unity; noun: unity of time; noun: unity of place; noun: unity of action
    the state of being united or joined as a whole.

    Unity means including everyone. And that includes LGBTQ+. And they have every right to fly their flags as any other group and almost all groups do. But because you hate LGBTQ+ people you don't want to see theirs.

    I do not assume anything. I have never seen anyone spew more hate against LGBTQ+ than you have in your irrational and delusional rant on this forum. And its all right there in white and blue in bold print no less.

    And just look at how you contradict yourself from one sentence too the next. I don't hate LGBTQ+. LGBTQ+ people are perverts and degenerates. Again a perfect example pf how blinded by hate of LGBTQ+ you can't even see what you are saying.

    You are really on a roll with another dirt contraction. You say homosexuality has been accepted after you spewed a wall of text of nothing but hate against LGBTQ+ people and demanding they get back in the closet out of your sight.

    And you and treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans are hurting LGBTQ+ people right now by spreading your hate fear anger lies false propaganda and psychological projection.

    Rise in anti-LGBTQ hate and extremism captured in new reports
    The reports cited the increase in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric for the growing extremism.


    New FBI Hate Crimes Report Shows Increases in Anti-LGBTQ Attacks

    And again your God like delusion totally detached from all reality. You demand we just roll the reality back because you hate LGBTQ+ and can only parrot what the right wing false propaganda noise machine feeds you.

    And once again just so laughable coming from someone spewing all this on a pron forum. That is just so hilarious to me. What are you doing here on a porn forum if sexuality freaks you out so badly?

    And again your totally detached from reality delusions. I can't speak for Canada but here in the US about 700% of Americans support the LGBTQ+ community and oppose people like you. And I think its the same or even larger in Canada since they just issued a warning about the LGBTQ+ hate in the US.

    Canada issues travel advisory warning over U.S. states' LGBTQ+ laws

    You probably won't but you really should take the time to read this carefully @manuel42 because your inability to think, your constant contradictions, your hate fear and anger, and delusional detachment from fact based reality is really unhealthy for you. Not to mention making a loud mouthed fool of yourself.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. manuel42
      My points go way over your head. I refuse to waste time on somebody who does not bother to understand another point of view. The left loves to project I don't think this is a very right-leaning forum on xnxx. Sure makes me wonder why a guy like me and a girl like you have such a massive gap in our like to message ratios. Seems like more people agree with my point of view vs. your incoherent RAWSTORY copy/paste drivel. Nobody reads your dumb fuckin posts as you stumble from politics page to politics page spewing useless nonsense as far as you can. Nobody actually reads what you have to post. It's meaningless.
      manuel42, Sep 14, 2023
      crhurricane likes this.
    2. crhurricane
      Wow that many words without cut n paste, we normally see. The not surprising thing, all for a personal attach. Your narcissistic personality shining though. Of course I didn't read more then a few sentences, be very interesting if anyone admits to reading it all. Is there?
      So sorry, this shot must be a direct hit on your ego balloon, but don't let that discourage you. Your on top of your game and no one can change that, even if it's in your own mind. Keep the chargers on high, there's an election coming, and of course it has life or death ramifications. Or at least your puppetmasters have instilled that in you, tho like so much more, you'll never know it.
      Out for now comrade, hold the red star high in hand.
      crhurricane, Sep 15, 2023
      shootersa and manuel42 like this.
    3. manuel42
      bahahaha. very nice crhurricane
      manuel42, Sep 15, 2023
      crhurricane likes this.
  11. manuel42

    manuel42 cum gunner of the highest order Banned!

    Jan 30, 2011
    stone cold meme.jpeg

    stone cold meme.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Just how blind and stupid do you think people are around here. They see your posts and comments on my posts.

    But let me ask you something else since you keep responding. Why do you hate all things LGBTQ+ so much? Is it anything personal ? Do you have anything you would like to tell us about your own desires and experiences?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Stumbler will take whatever you post and turn it against you.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. toniter
      he's good at it.
      toniter, Sep 15, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
    3. Bron Zeage
      Let's not give too much credit. Some people make it easy.
      Bron Zeage, Sep 15, 2023
      stumbler and toniter like this.
  14. Stormy8330

    Stormy8330 Porn Star

    May 8, 2015

    You said, "I always thought of degeneration as the opposite of regeneration. Straight people regenerate through having babies. Gay people degenerate by taking advantage of the pleasure of sex without producing anything of value."

    Let me start by saying you are not fully educated on this issue. I will tell you. I am a Transgender woman, and I do have a child. My kid is a US Navy Sailor. Your premise is wrong. Just flat out. We can come back to that.

    You also said, "The parades are degenerative as they often involve nudity in front of minors, they expose minors to degenerate ideology."
    Just how often? Just do a quick Google for me?
    You will find Seattle was one. Boston has always been an issue. How about Toronto? Canada has different laws, and none were broken. How many show up there, bud? Oh, those three... just those three.

    Then you said, "as far as trannies in sport: Leah Thomas, Fallon Fox, Laurel Hubbard, Anne Andres, Na Hwa-rin just off the top of my head."

    Trannies is a slur, if would you please be respectful? Please? It's hard to have discourse when one side is insulting the other.

    Now, I am with you on this to a point. I have been on HRT for a long while, and I have no more strength than my wife. Perhaps even a little weaker. So I don't know. The Olympics have no issues with it. They have allowed transgender athletes to compete for 20 years now. But I can see both sides of this. I have no good answer either.

    You said, "De-population would happen if everyone was gay. put 10 women and 100 men on an island, come back in 100 years, you have a community. Put 10 trannies and 100 men on an island come back in 100 years and you'll find 110 male skeletons."

    Again, your assumptions are incorrect. You forget there are transgender men out there as well as transgender women. So, you need to define your terms. But let's get in the real world. Exactly how does my personal presentation not on an island mean I can't raise, nurture, and love a child? Does that child have to be mine to raise it? With 117,000 children needing homes. You think I can't add to society by raising a child? Are you saying that because a woman or man is sterile and can't produce offspring they are degenerate even if they are not gay? That's exactly what your statement said, "Straight people regenerate through having babies. Gay people degenerate by taking advantage of the pleasure of sex without producing anything of value."

    You said, "Drag queen story hour: why are people who flaunt their sexuality reading books to children exclusively? why don't they read to the mentally ill, old people, or people over 18? it just never happens, its only children they target and that is suspicious. "

    Again, you are once again uninformed:

    Drag Story Hour at a Senior Center:

    Another Drag Story hour:

    Hey, and a full Senior Drag Show:

    Another Seniro Drag Show:
    Want more? I can give you more.

    Your lovely videos. Let's see what really happened:

    Video #1
    They were shut down because the meeting was broadcast live and they did not allow explicit words. He was allowed to address the issue off the air, and the book was removed. Took me sixty seconds to Google that. Give it a try and learn what really happened.

    Video #2
    The video you showed has been highly edited, and it turns out it wasn't a teacher assignment at all. But an inappropriate response by another student to a writing assignment.

    That took me six minutes to debunk... Did you even check this?

    Video #3
    Alaska School Board. The man was told there is a procedure for correcting to address issues when books needed to be reviewed. You can hear it in the video. I didn't feel I had to go further than that. Did you, watch the whole video. He was directed to the Superintendant and was told there was a procedure set up.

    @shootersa Am I a Pedgion as well?
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
    1. shootersa
      Don't try to pull Shooter into this discussion!
      Shooter's position on sexual preference has already been explained and doesn't object to any sexual preference between consenting adults.
      shootersa, Sep 16, 2023
    2. Stormy8330
      Stormy8330, Sep 16, 2023
    3. Stormy8330
      Stormy8330, Sep 16, 2023
    4. Stormy8330
      Stormy8330, Sep 16, 2023
  15. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    So what are we talking about now in this thread??? Transgender parades errrr something like that????

    I remember as a kid flying on this airline called TWA. It stood for Trans World Airlines.

    That's about all I have to add to the whole trans discussion thing....:thumbsup:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    This one was another huge mistake by the treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans. First because they are just using the same old tactic of asking questions about ongoing investigations that they know Merrick Garland can't and won't answer but it gives them the opportunity to scream their false accusations and pretend Garland has something to hide.But their problem is that's about the third time they have done that and all their material is old and stale.

    But while nothing has changed about their lies and false accusations lots of things have changed in their sham phony lying investigations with witnesses that have refuted them. So the Democrats get to use those. They also get to ask Garland what would happen if the treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans defunded the police by threatening to defund the DOJ. And also how badly would it defund the police and stop crime fighting if they shut the government down.

    But I think my favorite so far was watching Matt Gaetz go on a long winded rant. And then when he was done the next Democrat asked Garland about the DOJ investigation of Gaetz for sex trafficking. Noting the DOJ declined to indict Gaetz. And then asking Garland if the DOJ was weaponized against "conservatives" wouldn't they have indicted Mr Gaetz?

    Merrick Garland rebukes congressional Republicans at House Judiciary Committee hearing
    Jeremy Herb and Hannah Rabinowitz, CNN
    Wed, September 20, 2023 at 8:37 AM MDT·4 min read

    Ting Shen/Bloomberg/Getty Images

    Attorney General

    forcefully rebuked congressional Republicans who have accused the Justice Department of political bias as he opened a contentious House Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington on Wednesday.

    “I am not the president’s lawyer,” Garland said in his opening statement. “I will also add that I am not Congress’s prosecutor. The Justice Department works for the American people.”

    He said that the Justice Department’s job is “to pursue justice, without fear or favor” and not to “do what is politically convenient” or “take orders from the President, from Congress, or from anyone else about who or what to criminally investigate.”

    Garland delivered the statement as he faces vitriol from Republicans, who accuse him of failing to protect the department from politicization, and dissatisfaction from Democrats, who say the department has been too timid in going after former President Donald Trump.

    Republicans on the panel are expected to grill Garland with questions about the investigation into President Joe Biden’s son

    and his now-scuttled plea deal, as well as special counsel Jack Smith’s two indictments of Trump.

    “The fix is in. Even with the face-saving indictment last week of Hunter Biden, everyone knows the fix is in,” House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan said in his opening statement.

    Against that backdrop, Garland told lawmakers that the department welcomes “public scrutiny, criticism, and legitimate oversight,” but “singling out individual career public servants who are just doing their jobs is dangerous – particularly at a time of increased threats to the safety of public servants and their families.”

    “We will not be intimidated,” Garland said. “We will do our jobs free from outside interference. And we will not back down from defending our democracy.”

    Preview of impeachment inquiry
    Wednesday’s hearing is likely to offer a preview of the House Republican’s impeachment inquiry into the president – which will have its first hearing next week – and the partisan brawling that will accompany it.

    The bulk of the allegations Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Republicans are investigating in the impeachment inquiry relate to Hunter Biden’s business dealings, though Republicans have uncovered no evidence to date that the president personally received any money. The House Judiciary Committee has also been probing allegations from an IRS whistleblower that the Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden was politically tainted.

    Despite the partisan rancor of the political probes and the looming impeachment inquiry, Garland is unlikely to say much about either the Hunter Biden or Trump investigations because they are ongoing.

    Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, the panel’s top Democrat, charged that Republicans had “poisoned” the committee’s oversight role.

    “House Republicans will use their time today to talk about long-discredited conspiracy theories and Hunter Biden’s laptop. And they will do it because they care more about Donald Trump than they do about their own constituents,” Nadler said.

    Investigation into plea deal
    Jordan started an investigation into Hunter Biden’s now-scuttled plea deal in July, and he’s asked US Attorney-turned special counsel David Weiss, who negotiated the plea agreement with Hunter Biden, to testify before the committee in October.

    The IRS whistleblower, Gary Shapley, has alleged that Weiss said at an October 2022 meeting that he was not the deciding authority on whether to bring charges against Hunter Biden. Weiss, however, denied he made that assertion, and others in the meeting have testified they don’t remember him saying that, either.

    Weiss’ June plea agreement with Hunter Biden on tax and gun charges – in which the president’s son agreed to plead guilty to federal tax charges and was likely to avoid jail time – fell apart in July amid scrutiny from a federal judge. Weiss subsequently requested special counsel status from Garland and indicted Hunter Biden on gun charges last week. Hunter Biden told the court Tuesday he will plead not guilty.

    In addition, Jordan, a top Trump ally on Capitol Hill, has started an investigation into Smith’s twin probes of the former president. Jordan has also proposed budget cuts to the FBI and DOJ over the investigations.

    Several House Republicans – including McCarthy – have floated an impeachment of the attorney general, although those calls have quieted down as House Republicans have turned their impeachment lens on President Joe Biden himself.

    1. crhurricane
      What? Twice before? The outcome?
      Old and stale, is that code for can't win for losing?
      crhurricane, Sep 21, 2023
      shootersa likes this.
  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I may have to look for a better story on this because it's missing the best line. After Merrick Garland said he could not comment on an investigation Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) pointed out that the Gaetz himself said the DOJ declined to indict them. And then asked Garland but if the DOJ was weaponized against conservatives you would have wouldn't you? Garland couldn't answer that question either but he didn't have to.

    Democrat raises Gaetz case to counter GOP ‘weaponization’ claims
    Tara Suter
    Wed, September 20, 2023 at 12:46 PM MDT·1 min read

    Democrat raises Gaetz case to counter GOP ‘weaponization’ claims

    Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) pushed back on conservatives’ accusations of weaponization of the Justice Department during Attorney General

    ’s Wednesday testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.

    While questioning Garland, Cohen asked about a previous investigation into fellow House Rep.

    (R-Fla.) related to allegations of sex trafficking in an attempt to push back on conservatives’ claims. In February, the Department of Justice (DOJ) decided not to charge Gaetz in the investigation.

    “Wasn’t there an investigation of Mr. Gates and you didn’t prosecute him?” Cohen asked Garland.

    Garland responded by saying the Justice Department doesn’t comment on investigations.

    Gatez’s Justice Department investigation had its foundations in allegations that the Florida congressman had a relationship with a 17-year-old. The DOJ looked into whether Gaetz violated any sex trafficking laws in paying her to travel with him, including across state lines.

    The Florida congressman has denied the allegations.

    Republicans have accused Garland and the DOJ of being biased against them. Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has even floated an impeachment inquiry into Garland over the “weaponization” of the Justice Department.

    Cohen also went on to ask Garland about the potential effects a possible government shutdown at the end of the month could have on the DOJ. Garland said he has not “done a complete calculation on the effects of a shutdown.”

    “It will certainly disrupt all of our normal programs, including our grant programs to state and local law enforcement, and to our ability to conduct our normal efforts with respect to the entire scope of our activities,” Garland said.

  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Eric Swalwell Slams Jim Jordan With Killer Troll During Garland Hearing
    Tori Otten
    Wed, September 20, 2023 at 3:14 PM MDT·2 min read


    Representative Eric Swalwell called out Jim Jordan on Wednesday for continuing to evade a subpoena to testify before the House January 6 investigative committee.

    The House Judiciary Committee, which Jordan chairs, held a hearing on the supposed weaponization of the federal government. At one point, Representative Thomas Massie accused Attorney General

    of being in contempt of Congress for declining to comment on ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden.

    Swalwell was quick to hit back. “That is quite rich, because the guy who’s leaving the hearing room right now, Mr. Jordan, is about 500 days into evading his subpoena,” Swalwell said, displaying a countdown clock on a tablet as he spoke. Jordan had gotten up and was walking out of the room.

    “If we’re going to talk about contempt of Congress, let’s get real,” Swalwell continued. “Are you serious that Jim Jordan, a witness to one of the greatest crimes ever committed in America, a crime where more prosecutions have occurred than any crime committed in America, refuses to help his country, and we’re going to get lectured about subpoena compliance and contempt of Congress?”

    The January 6 investigative committee subpoenaed Jordan in December 2021 to discuss messages he sent to Donald Trump ahead of the insurrection. Jordan had also sent messages to Trump’s legal team and other people involved in planning the January 6 rally or objecting to the certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

    Despite insisting in November that year he had “nothing to hide,” Jordan refused to cooperate with the subpoena. At the time, he accused the committee of engaging in “partisan witch hunts.” Then, in May 2022, Jordan contested whether the subpoena was valid or even constitutional.

    Jordan has remained a solid Trump ally. Since taking the helm of the Judiciary Committee, he has repeatedly accused the Biden administration of weaponizing different federal agencies to target Trump specifically.

  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    From the beginning I have been pointing out the reason the treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republican's revenge hearings are such a laughable disastrous train wreck is because they are too stupid and ignorant to realize where they are at. The entire method of operation for treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans is to scream lies, false propaganda and psychological projection falsely accusing others of what they are actually guilty of themselves.

    Which works when they are just screaming into the right wing false propaganda noise machine and echo chamber. But does now work when they try to do it in Congressional hearings where the reality based MSM is watching, and Democrats get equal time to expose their lies. Which results in just comical soundbites that make the headlines.

    And this hearing was especially beneficial to Garland, the DOJ the FBI, and progressive/liberal/Democrats because it was nationally televised and heavily covered by the press. So the treasonous conservative/Almeria Hating/Republican lies got exposed on a massive scale.

    Fact check: Jim Jordan makes false claims about Trump, Hunter Biden to begin hearing on handling of the federal cases against them
    Daniel Dale, CNN
    Wed, September 20, 2023 at 9:44 PM MDT·8 min read

    House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan made false claims in his opening remarks at a Wednesday hearing at which Jordan and other Republicans pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland about the Justice Department’s handling of investigations into former President and ’s son

    Here is a fact check of two inaccurate remarks from Jordan, plus one from Rep. Thomas Massie and another from Rep. Chip Roy.

    FBI search of Mar-a-Lago
    Criticizing the FBI search of Trump’s home in Florida in August 2022, Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, falsely claimed in his opening statement at Wednesday’s hearing that Trump did everything the Justice Department had asked him to do prior to the search.

    Among other acts of compliance, Jordan said, Trump immediately turned over 38 documents he discovered prior to the search, then complied with a Justice Department request to further secure the storage room where official documents were being stored.

    “Everything they asked him to do, he did. And then what’s the Justice Department do? August 8, last year, they raid President Trump’s home,” Jordan said.

    Facts First: Jordan’s claim that Trump did “everything” the Justice Department asked him to do is incorrect. When the Justice Department obtained a May 2022 grand jury subpoena demanding that Trump turn over all documents with classification markings, Trump did not do so. Instead, Trump’s indictment alleges, he turned over just 38 documents with classification markings in June 2022, far fewer than he possessed; the August 2022 FBI search of Mar-a-Lago found 102 additional documents with classification markings. In addition, the indictment alleges that, upon producing the 38 documents, Trump intentionally had one of his lawyers sign a document that falsely certified that all the documents demanded by the subpoena had been produced.

    The indictment, brought by special counsel Jack Smith, also alleges that Trump committed multiple other acts of obstruction to try to avoid complying with the May 2022 subpoena.

    The indictment says that Trump directed an aide, Walt Nauta, to move boxes before Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran conducted a search for the documents in early June 2022 in response to the subpoena, “so that many boxes were not searched and many documents responsive to the May 11 Subpoena could not be found – and in fact were not found – by (Corcoran).” The indictment also alleges that Trump suggested that Corcoran falsely represent to the government that Trump “did not have documents called for by the May 11 Subpoena” and that Corcoran “hide or destroy documents called for by the May 11 Subpoena.”

    Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

    Hunter Biden’s qualifications
    Jordan claimed that Hunter Biden has himself admitted that he was unqualified for his former role on the board of directors of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

    “He wasn’t qualified to be on the board of Burisma. Not my words, his words,” Jordan said. “He said he got on the board because of his last name.”

    Facts First: It’s not true that Hunter Biden himself said he wasn’t qualified to sit on the Burisma board. In fact, Hunter Biden said in a 2019 interview with ABC News that “I was completely qualified to be on the board” and defended his qualifications in detail. He did acknowledge, as Jordan said, that he would “probably not” have been asked to be on the board if he was not a Biden – but he nonetheless explicitly rejected claims that he wasn’t qualified, calling them “misinformation.”

    When the ABC interviewer asked what his qualifications for the role were, he said: “Well, I was vice chairman on the board of Amtrak for five years. I was the chairman of the board of the UN World Food Programme. I was a lawyer for Boies Schiller Flexner, one of the most prestigious law firms in the world. Bottom line is that I know that I was completely qualified to be on the board to head up the corporate governance and transparency committee on the board. And that’s all that I focused on. Basically, turning a Eastern European independent natural gas company into Western standards of corporate governance.”

    When the ABC interviewer said, “You didn’t have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or Ukraine itself, though,” Biden responded, “No, but I think I had as much knowledge as anybody else that was on the board – if not more.”

    Asked if he would have been asked to be on the board if his last name wasn’t Biden, Biden said, “I don’t know. I don’t know. Probably not.” He added “there’s a lot of things” in his life that wouldn’t have happened if he had a different last name.

    A side note: Biden had served as the board chair for World Food Program USA, a nonprofit that supports the UN World Food Programme, not the UN program itself as he claimed in the interview.

    January 6 sentences
    Massie, a Kentucky Republian, brought up Ray Epps, a participant in the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, who has been the subject of baseless conspiracy theories alleging that he was a “false flag” provocateur working with the FBI to incite Trump supporters.

    Epps was charged Monday with a misdemeanor, engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, and pleaded guilty on Wednesday. Massie, suggesting the charge against Epps was light, told Garland: “Meanwhile you’re sending grandmas to prison. You’re putting people away for 20 years for merely filming. Some people weren’t even there.”

    Facts First: It’s not true that anybody who has been sentenced in connection with the January 6 riot has received 20 years in prison “for merely filming.” And the rioter Massie’s office says he was talking about, who has not yet been sentenced, is extremely unlikely to receive a sentence even close to that long.

    The only January 6-related sentence to date that is at or above the 20-year mark was handed down to Proud Boys leader

    , who was convicted of multiple felonies including seditious conspiracy. Though Tarrio wasn’t at the Capitol on January 6 – he had been ordered to leave Washington after an arrest two days prior – Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee, said, “Mr. Tarrio was the ultimate leader of that conspiracy” and “had an outsized impact on the events of the day.” Other January 6 figures whose sentences were in the neighborhood of 20 years, such as senior Proud Boy Ethan Nordean (18 years), Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes (18 years) and senior Proud Boy Joe Biggs (17 years), were also convicted of seditious conspiracy along with other felonies.

    Massie spokesperson John Kennedy told CNN after the hearing on Wednesday that Massie was referring to the case of Ryan Zink, a riot participant from Texas who was convicted by a jury last week of one felony (obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting) and two misdemeanors (entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, and disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds).

    But contrary to Massie’s suggestion, Zink was not a mere observer just filming the riot; according to court documents, he recorded himself on Capitol grounds making enthusiastic comments like, “We knocked down the gates! We’re storming the Capitol! You can’t stop us!” and “We stormed the Capitol. There’s thousands of us here. They can’t stop us all!” And while Kennedy provided a link to a local news article from 2021 that claimed Zink was facing up to 21 years in prison, it is a virtual certainty that he will not receive a sentence approaching that length; rioters with roughly similar cases have received much shorter sentences.

    Garland’s 2021 memo
    Roy, a Texas Republican, revived a repeatedly debunked Republican claim about the contents of a memo Garland issued in October 2021 regarding what the memo called “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.”

    Other Republicans have wrongly asserted that Garland’s memo referred to parents as “domestic terrorists” for speaking at or even just appearing at school board meetings. At the Wednesday hearing, Rep. Jeff Van Drew, a New Jersey Republican, told Garland, “I hold you accountable for the labeling of parents as domestic terrorists standing up for their proper education of their own children.

    Later in the hearing, Roy went a step further – claiming that Garland’s memo labeled a particular Virginia parent a domestic terrorist.

    The parent, Scott Smith, was convicted of disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice for his conduct at a 2021 school board meeting held the month after his daughter was sexually assaulted at school. Smith was pardoned by Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin earlier this month.

    Roy asked Garland, “Have you apologized for putting that memo out that implicated Scott Smith as a domestic terrorist?”

    Garland responded, “The memo said nothing about him, nothing about parents being terrorists, nothing about attending school boards.”

    But Roy continued, “So the answer is, it’s not been rescinded and you haven’t apologized for it…labeling an American citizen a domestic terrorist in a memo.”

    Facts First: Garland was right and Roy was wrong. The memo did not mention Smith and did not label him or any other parent a domestic terrorist. In fact, the memo did not refer to “terrorists” or “terrorism” at all.

    Multiple fact checks from CNN and other outlets have noted that various Republicans have distorted the contents of Garland’s memo. And in 2022, a Trump-appointed judge threw out a lawsuit from parents who accused Garland of stifling their free speech – writing in his decision that Garland’s memo “does not label anyone a domestic terrorist.”

    Here’s what actually happened.

    In September 2021, the National School Boards Association sent a letter to President Joe Biden arguing that “acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials” could be classified as “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” After a controversy over the letter, the association’s board of directors apologized in October 2021, saying that “there was no justification” for some of the letter’s language.

    The week after the association sent the letter, Garland released a memo encouraging the FBI, federal prosecutors and federal, state and local leaders to convene meetings to discuss strategies to combat threats against education officials; the memo said the Justice Department would prosecute these threats “when appropriate.” The memo, however, never used the association’s “domestic terrorism” rhetoric and never endorsed the association’s suggestion that the Patriot Act could be used against perpetrators.

    Garland testified to the House Judiciary Committee in October 2021 that complaints about education are “totally protected by the First Amendment” as long as they are not threats of violence. He also said he cannot “imagine a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism.”

    “I want to be clear, the Justice Department supports and defends the First Amendment right of parents to complain as vociferously as they wish about the education of their children, about the curriculum taught in the schools,” Garland said in his October 2021 testimony. “That is not what the memorandum is about at all, nor does it use the words ‘domestic terrorism’ or ‘Patriot Act.’”

  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Its so funny to watch the fallout from these hearings.

    'Not what Trump said': Reporter catches Kevin McCarthy dodging when asked about demand to defund Jack Smith

    Brad Reed
    September 21, 2023 9:18AM ET

    Kevin McCarthy on Facebook.

    Former President Donald Trump this week demanded that Republicans in the House of Representatives shut down the government until special counsel Jack Smith's office is completely defunded.

    Punchbowl News' Jake Sherman on Thursday morning caught up with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who has been scrambling to avert a government shutdown, and asked him about Trump's demand to end Smith's investigations.

    McCarthy replied that the president simply wanted the GOP caucus to "hold the line" and pass through appropriations bills.

    POLL: Should Trump be allowed to run for office?

    Sherman, however, informed McCarthy "that's not what Trump said" and emphasized that the former president has really been demanding that McCarthy shut down the investigation until Smith has been defunded.

    McCarthy noted that, even if the government shuts down, Smith's prosecutions of Trump on dozens of felony charges will nonetheless continue.

    McCarthy currently has just ten days to avert a government shutdown and so far he can't even get his party to pass bills to fund the United States military.

    McCarthy could in theory try to pass a bipartisan deal to keep the government open, but that would almost certainly lead to GOP hardliners voting to oust him from the speakership.

    1. crhurricane
      It worked for Biden.
      But sarcasm aside, no full sarcasm. Rawsewage, did they do an op-ended piece on bidens blackmail?
      crhurricane, Sep 21, 2023
      shootersa likes this.
    2. stumbler
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      stumbler, Sep 28, 2023