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  1. SandyC

    SandyC Sex Lover

    Apr 1, 2024
    I don't even try to take off her dress with her hands tied behind her back, but I bring a pair of scissors and cut from the bottom to the top and pull it over her shoulders so that it hangs in shreds from the handcuffs.
    It will have a good effect on her and you.
    She gets scared, and you get an even harder boner.
    Your hand clutches the dog leash as if it wants to crush it, and I can see the vein in your neck swelling and pulsating.
    You pull on the leash, and she stumbles towards you. Your hand grabs her breast roughly, and you squeeze it. The woman protests under her mask, arousing you.

    You reach into her lap and gently grope her vagina. She tries to take a step back, but your other hand keeps her leash taut. I find it hard to take my eyes off your hand between her legs, but I go back into the hallway and get the whip I brought with me. Then I place it on the table. Your eyes glow greedily. Your self-control is visibly crumbling.
    I know you're going to get me a collar and a dog leash and use them, and I'm curious to see what you'll do with them.
    You pull the naked woman into the bedroom with you, and I follow you.
    As you stand by the bed, you put a finger under her collar and pull her head towards you.
    It excites you that she can't see you.
    You bring your finger to the back of her neck and start to choke her with the collar. I don't intervene yet. I won't let you hurt her, but you probably don't want that yourself.
    At least not yet.

    My own throat tightens when I see the collar cut into her skin, and my hand involuntarily reaches for my throat.
    You see it and grin. Yes, you're going to do it to me too. Without the mask, so you can look me in the eye.
    Deep in my abdomen, everything clenches with desire.
    When she's visibly struggling to breathe, you let go and give her a push. She falls onto her side on the bed and assumes the fetal position, which is not easy with her hands tied behind her back.
    The more scared she is, the stronger you feel.

    “Key.” you say to me, having already forgotten that you wanted to keep quiet. You increasingly don't care as long as you can fuck. I get you the key for the handcuffs.
    As soon as you unlock them, she rolls onto her stomach and grabs the mask with her free hand to pull it off her face.
    Your paw grabs her wrist in a flash, and she reaches into the empty space. You realize that it will be different with her than with Pari.
    You drag her to the head of the bed and enjoy the way she tries to kick at you and break free. You are suddenly in no hurry and enjoy every second of dominating her.

    Again, you reach into her collar from behind and grab her breast with your right hand. Your fingers close around her nipple, and you squeeze.
    She screams into her gag and stops resisting.
    You grab the other nipple, and she trembles. She knows the pain is about to come and is absolutely helpless.
    I feel my breathing quicken with excitement.
    You squeeze, but only give her a brief, sweet pain and then let go.
    “Tie her up,” you say to me, and I walk around and tie her to the horizontal headboard. This will allow you to move her left and right. Then I take a pillow and place it on her arms and over her hands. This will prevent her from tearing the mask off so easily. I also assume that you will now stop her from doing this.

    I look to my right in the mirror that forms the front wall of our large wardrobe.

    The naked woman tied to the headboard is lying on her side. You can feel the tension in your body touchable in the air.
    You want it so badly; both of us under your control.
    I reach for the woman to bring her to her knees so you can fuck her, but she defiantly falls right back onto her side.
    “Bring me the whip. I think this one needs a bit of motivation.”
    I am very happy to obey your order because it is important that the whip is used. That's exactly what Pari has prepared it for.
    When I come back into the room, you pull my basement whore up hard by the hips and place her on her knees. Then you put her knees apart, and before you kneel between them, you slap her ass with the flat of your hand.
    “This is the first and last time I'll show you what your position is, slave, next time you'll assume it on your own,” you say, and let her go.
    She falls back onto her side. You smile and hold out your open hand in my direction.
    “Come here and show her how a slave must present her ass to me. The last material you brought was better,” you say, and I know you're lying.

    Yes, Pari was better to fuck, but this one is better to tame.

    I take a place next to the lying woman on my hands and knees and put my hand under the pillow to grab her hand. This will create a deceptive feeling of connection and make me feel more in control. I interlace the fingers of my right hand with the fingers of her left, and I know that you won't miss the gesture.
    You must still be wondering how I made Pari so submissive just by touching her, and that insecurity will always be my advantage.
    I stick my ass up and feel your hand caressing it. Then I feel your fingers on my pussy and moan in the woman's direction.
    “Yes, that's how a slave girl must feel. Your pussy is already wet. It'll be even better when you see what I'm going to do to you both. Are you happy, slave?”
    “Yes, Master,” I answer truthfully. I am really looking forward to it.

    “Then let's see to it that we make two-assed twins out of you.” You chuckle, delighted by your own joke, and swing the whip for the first time.
    It lands with a flourish on the woman's cheek, shoulder, side, and back, and before she can react properly, you swing it again, extending the line across her waist and thighs. The hand in mine clenches and she screams through her gag.

    More as a surprise than from pain, because that is yet to come.

    The whip doesn't hurt much.
    The next blow hits the woman's back, and she instinctively protects her face from further blows. Only the mask saved her from a nasty red welt on her cheek.
    You should really watch what you're doing. But I don't think you're capable of it. I can already feel the monster inside you awakening, and you'll be out of control in no time.
    At the moment, the woman still thinks she can take the lashes, but she will lose that as soon as the warming, painful ointment rubbed into the whip combines with the sweat on her skin and starts to take effect.
    You start to enjoy what you are doing, and strike again.
    I can see the woman's skin reddening. You deliberately aim high, and I'm pleased to see her mask again. She rolls onto her stomach to protect her neck, stomach, and face. This gives you an area that still has no welts on it. You reach out and hit her back diagonally from right to left. Her right arm, shoulder, and back show red welts, and you make an obvious effort to hit those areas again.
    The woman is now screaming into her gag as the heat and chili begin to take effect.

    “Come up here,” I say to her, “he won't stop.” I squeeze her hand under the pillow and hope her vicious spirit will let her hold out a little longer until the color of the whip makes you mad.
    She squeezes my hand back, but I know that's not the bond between two sufferers. She tries to crush my bones because she's angry.
    The whip lands on my back, and I cry out in surprise.

    “When I want you to speak, you'll know,” you say, striking across both our bodies once more.

    Let the fun begin.

    You're hard, and the sight of the two helpless bodies lying in front of you excites you even more.

    You now alternate from left to right and from right to left. The lashes don't really have any power, but the ointment burns like fire.
    I gasp and scream with every lash and realize how hot it makes me.
    I don't count on the pity of the woman, who has now stopped trying to crush my hand. She will not take the ordered position to save me from the pain.
    The leaking paint makes her back look like cut flesh, and my ass presents a similar picture in the mirror.

    You change your position, and I know you can't take it anymore.
    In the mirror, I see your eyes fixed on the woman's bleeding and trembling body as you get between my knees and ram your hard cock into me.

    I moan because the pleasure is incredible.
    When you're all the way inside me, you drop the whip and slap my ass with your open hand.
    I scream out in pain.
    My skin is already burning like the woman's, even though I look less bloody.
    You start pumping into me, and I open up to you completely. I want you deep inside me, really deep. You feel my blood-red bottom and don't even realize that it's not blood you're seeing because you're in your familiar and exciting frenzy.
    Now you're just an animal that wants to fuck, the harder the better.
    The pain, the pleasure, and the reflection of a bloody, fucking mass that we are now forming make me come violently.
    You don't even notice and fuck me wonderfully hard towards your own orgasm. Just before you come, you hit the woman's bloody back with the flat of your hand to make her scream.
    She screams into her gag in pain, and I squeeze her hand tightly.
    Your cock empties into me with violent convulsions. It's good to let my own orgasm fade away with yours. I barely have the strength to stay on my knees, but I know how much you like to see your sperm flowing out of me, and I hold on.

    We are both breathing heavily, and you push away from me. Our eyes meet in the mirror.
    It's a beautiful moment.

    “When I come back, she'll be on her knees,” you say and go into the bathroom.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  2. SailorVibe

    SailorVibe Porno Junky

    Mar 8, 2024
    Outstanding! I'm on my knees ... begging for the next chapter!!
    • Like Like x 1
    1. SandyC
      Thank you:) Nice imagination(...) But first I have to get this stupid bitch to her knees:) :) :)
      SandyC, Jun 3, 2024
      SailorVibe likes this.
  3. Bastian_D

    Bastian_D Porn Surfer

    Feb 6, 2024
    Amazing continuation of the story. I love how you balance her character. Her strength. Her smartness. And how she manipulates him to unlock the beast in him, hoping to inspire him to fullfil her own dark wishes. I look forward to reading the next part!!
    • Like Like x 2
    1. SandyC
      Thank you:kiss: I will try to keep you entertained:)
      SandyC, Jun 4, 2024