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  1. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Simply getting my thread in order ahead of time to prepare for the next 4-years (or likely less) of political issues generated by our new President and Congress (also referred to as the "Ass-Clown Posse"), as they prepare to do all they can to destroy America from within, and turn the swamp into a cess-pool.

    Now in all fairness, I expect that when I make subsequent posts in this thread I might be a little agitated. So, also know if I refer to "you Mother-fuckers," who I really mean is all of those folks that have worked so hard to run down our government over the last 8-years, and flooded the forum with every nonsensical news item, to even twisting them to confuse the issue, and even regurgitating outright lies, all in the hopes of putting the Ass-Clown Posse in power.

    Yes, you mother-fuckers... ;) Anyway, here is my own personal thread to gloat in as time goes on.

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 12
    1. thinskin
      Spit my drink!!;)

      thinskin, Jan 11, 2017
    2. Inkedktma
      You know I'm really pretty damn sure that most Americans don't have a clue about what's REALLY GOING ON with our great nation myself included. But I've really been unable to satisfy my hunger for the real truth about our insane mostly out n out evil powers that be.. What I've learned these last few years ive really studied is man it's deeper than all believe.. conspiracy theories are not always theories. And shot littler fucked live today like there's no tonight..
      Inkedktma, Mar 7, 2017
  2. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
    Let the gloating begin!
  3. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    I will say it early since it is probably the one and only time this word will be mentioned in this thread lol.

    Feel the "love" ... ;):D
    • Like Like x 2
    1. thinskin
      It's all around..........

      thinskin, Jan 11, 2017
  4. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    Would this classify as schadenfreude?
    1. Grey One
      Ich glaube schon! :)
      Grey One, Jan 13, 2017
  5. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    I wonder what Mrs Trump thinks about his escapades with prostitutes

    Is it true ?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. slutwolf
      They don't seem particularly perturbed , lol , and I'm not a leader in public office
      Why did it take you 2 1/2 years to ask ?
      slutwolf, Jul 5, 2019
    3. View next comments...
  6. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Actually that is the bit I like.........no-one has said a word about the prostitutes........I suppose that is because they were pissing!

    • Like Like x 1
    1. Dearelliot
      I don't think the Missus was surprised by that , nor would it have been unexpected. It isn't a though they are your average church going couple.
      Dearelliot, Jul 4, 2019
  7. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    Ok I need to ask the hard hitting question, will there be titties in this thread @Hush ???
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Savva

    Savva Sex Machine

    Oct 1, 2015
    Don't you guys ever get tired of your fake news stories?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. slutwolf
      I think there may be a crack
      in your record
      slutwolf, Jan 11, 2017
      HisBabyGirl and justpassingthru like this.
  9. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    She is a whore so it should come as no surprise to her ...
    1. slutwolf
      and she's an import to isn't she ,
      so should she be sent home then ?
      slutwolf, Jan 11, 2017
    2. slutwolf
      Really ?
      what makes you think that ?
      I wonder what sudidenly got up your knickers , that you feel the need to review my last few years of comments.
      carry on , I know now not to bother with your pointless comments :)
      slutwolf, Jul 5, 2019
  10. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    The hacking was fake news two months ago!:rolleyes:

    • Like Like x 1
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, you might get to say "I told you so"
    You might quietly bury this thread in the archives and start a new thread;
    "I Love Trump and here's why"

    But in the end none of it is relevant.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. seafoam1

    seafoam1 Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2012
    Well, if we can be honest for just a second I believe that ALL of them are ass-clowns. The old class and the new one coming in.

    That being said In still hoping for the best, or at least better times ahead.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. shootersa
      You got that right.
      You're halfway to joining the revolution.
      shootersa, Jan 12, 2017
      seafoam1 likes this.
  13. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Before I go to bed which one of you sad clown fans reported my "Is urination a sexual act thread"?

    The thread deals with the pissing party!!........My someone is a real sad cunt!!

    G'night all!!

    • Like Like x 2
  14. M4MPetCock

    M4MPetCock Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 15, 2012
    And do you see how bad you motherfuckers are? And yes, I mean you who want to smear in any way possible and convict him of shit that only exists in your minds. People like you and Buzzfeed and CNN.

    Gov’t Source Confirms Man Who Was In Prague Was NOT Trump’s Lawyer


    There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, a government source told CNN, but it wasn’t the Michael Cohen an uncorroborated report identified as President-elect Donald Trump’s legal counsel.

    The shocking report claimed that Cohen, the executive vice president of the Trump Organizations and special counsel to Trump himself, traveled to Prague to meet with Russian officials in August. It also claimed Cohen’s Ukrainian father-in-law had a dacha, or cottage, near that of Russian President Vladimir Putin. CNN’s Jake Tapper noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

    “I’m telling you emphatically that I’ve not been to Prague, I’ve never been to Czech [Republic], I’ve not been to Russia,” Cohen told The Atlantic in response to the report Tuesday. “The story is completely inaccurate, it is fake news meant to malign Mr. Trump.”

    Cohen said that he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son and met the university’s baseball coach. A USC baseball source then confirmed to The Atlantic that Cohen and his son visited USC Aug. 29. Cohen claimed he was at the university from Aug. 23 – 29, and spent the rest of the month in New York. Cohen’s only claimed travel to the European Union that summer was a July vacation to Italy.

    tapper tweet.jpg
    Buzzfeed published the report on Trump’s Russian ties Tuesday, claiming the information came from an unnamed former British intelligence agent as part of opposition research on Trump. In addition to the allegations against Cohen, the 35-page document included unverified claims that Trump solicited prostitutes while visiting Russia.

    The report was received by Sen. John McCain, who then sent it to the FBI. CNN reported that Trump and President Obama had been briefed by intelligence officials that Russia may have compromising information against Trump. As Buzzfeed noted, much of the report was unsubstantiated and included several errors.

    “And It’s one of the reasons why the intelligence chiefs did not get specific with these allegations,” explained Tapper while appearing on CNN Wednesday. “And that’s why I hope at the press conference today, people are more general and don’t get into the specifics, because a lot of that stuff just has not been proven"

    I wonder how loudly CNN and Buzzfeed will shout to inform their subscribers /viewers that they fucked up. Couldn't be bothered to see if there are maybe more than one Michael Cohen in the world.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Hush
      So the shoe fits... good to know ;):laugh:

      Hush....an alias
      Hush, Jan 12, 2017
      gesit44 and bend466 like this.
    3. FeltPlay
      Not at all, burr too far up your ass? What's wrong, couldn't answer my question in the other thread and decide to start the same bullshit in another redundant thread? Still waiting on how you think inheriting twenty trillion in debt is better than inheriting ten trillion in debt. Or the main question, what has Obama done that will make his legacy memorable, much less positive upon reflection?
      FeltPlay, Jan 12, 2017
    4. FeltPlay
      Yep, she can edit, but can't answer a simple question. Lot of lip service around here...funny, most times the losers shut the fuck up and retreat in defeat. I'm thinking Trump needs to Executive Order a "purge" of lying malcontents...
      FeltPlay, Jan 12, 2017
      deleted user 1548766 likes this.
    5. Hush
      As I told you before, patience. Don't like that answer? Well, imagine that you're CNN and I'm Trump ;)

      Hush....an alias
      Hush, Jan 12, 2017
    6. M4MPetCock
      Virtue? On a porn site? How low will you go, madame? ;p
      M4MPetCock, Jan 12, 2017
      Inkedktma likes this.
  15. M4MPetCock

    M4MPetCock Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 15, 2012
    I'll take my victory "Told ya so" dance now.

    • Like Like x 2
    1. FeltPlay
      Damn right, the wicked witch is dead and the flying monkey is soon to be out of the White House. After some fumigation and lots of bleach, Trump will take his seat.
      FeltPlay, Jan 12, 2017
  16. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    We're discovering just who the real "basket of deplorables" are, @M4MPetCock.
    1. An actress celebrated by liberals who praised a convicted child rapist.
    2. Another actress celebrated by liberals who admitted to molesting her younger sister.
    3. And these lying slanderous liberal bastards.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    Spy chief trashes leaks, assures Trump of loyalty
    James Clapper says the intelligence community 'stands ready to serve his administration.'


    01/11/17 10:06 PM EST

    Updated 01/12/17 12:02 AM EST

    The outgoing U.S. director of national intelligence has extended an olive branch of sorts to Donald Trump — denouncing media leaks, casting skepticism on a report that Russia has damaging material on the president-elect, and assuring Trump that America's spies stand ready to serve him.

    In an unusual statement, James Clapper said he had spoken Wednesday evening with Trump, five days after the spy chief and some of his counterparts met with the incoming president to discuss U.S. intelligence assessments that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election, possibly to help him win.

    The assessment has badly aggravated existing tensions between the intelligence community and Trump.

    On Tuesday, CNN, BuzzFeed and other media outlets reported that, during Friday’s briefing, the intelligence officials told Trump about an unsubstantiated private report that detailed how Russia's government allegedly had salacious information about him. In addition, BuzzFeed published the apparent dossier, which Trump has since denounced as “fake news.”

    "I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security," Clapper said of the information that has come out since last week's intelligence briefing.

    Clapper’s statement represented a dramatic turn of events only 24 hours after initial leaks about the intelligence leaders having told Trump of the dossier. And while Clapper’s statement indirectly confirmed the media reports of the briefing, it also could be viewed as a concession of sorts from an intelligence community that has come under repeated, direct fire from the president-elect.

    Trump had compared the leak from his briefing to “Nazi Germany” on Twitter on Wednesday morning, writing, “Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?”

    In a news conference, also held Wednesday, Trump defended the comparison and elaborated further, saying, “A thing like that should have never been written, it should never have been had, and it certainly should never have been released.”

    Clapper, however, said he did not believe the leaks to the press came from the intelligence community. At the same time, he indicated that the intelligence community decided to share the material with Trump because its mere existence was important for the incoming president to know about.

    As far as the "private security company document," Clapper said, "I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC. The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions."

    "Part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security," Clapper added.

    Clapper's statement comes amid extraordinary strains between the spy world and Trump, who takes office next week. The president-elect has been resistant to U.S. intelligence assessments that Russia intervened in the election, although during a press conference Wednesday morning Trump admitted that Moscow likely did do some hacking.

    Steven Hall, a former head of Russian operations at the CIA, said Clapper’s statement didn’t appear to be an all-out apology, but that it was possible the spy chief wants to try to patch up the tensions between Trump and the intelligence world before he himself steps down in just a few days.

    “He just might very well be like, wow, this really has kind of gotten out of control,” said Hall, who described Clapper as an “old-school, principled” kind of guy. “This might be his parting attempt to say, look at the very least after more than a 50-year career in intelligence, I don’t want this to be what I’m remembered by.”

    Trump has said the U.S. should cooperate more with Russian President Vladimir Putin, going against the stance of many of his fellow Republicans, not to mention Democrats, as well as many intelligence experts.

    There is a sense among some in the intelligence community that Trump’s resistance to their assessments about Russia’s election interference is largely due to his sensitivity about how it could undermine his legitimacy as president, not because he doesn’t believe in the overall merits of the U.S. spy apparatus.

    Regardless, the increasingly bitter clash between Trump and the intelligence world has threatened to cast a dark cloud over the start of his presidency, which already faces skepticism from ethics experts and national security leaders who worry that Trump has too many conflicts of interest and is too erratic for the Oval Office.

    But according to Clapper, during their conversation Wednesday, the president-elect "again affirmed his appreciation for all the men and women serving in the Intelligence Community, and I assured him that the IC stands ready to serve his administration and the American people."

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch suggested earlier Wednesday that by sharing the information with Trump, the intelligence community was simply trying to put him on notice of what the Russians were up to.

    Lynch declined to discuss any specifics, but said U.S. authorities often give such warnings. “I can tell you that information is conveyed to individuals if we think they may be a victim, obviously, of any type of influence,” she said.

    (Source: Politico)
    • Like Like x 3
    1. shootersa
      And if Shooter was in Trump's position he wouldn't trust Clapper and his goons at all. They are old guard, beholden to Obama and the Democrats.
      shootersa, Jan 12, 2017
  18. M4MPetCock

    M4MPetCock Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 15, 2012
    Gotta love this. Over on BuzzSleaze is this:

    Alt-Right Trolls Are Trying To Trick People Into Thinking Trump Dossier Was A 4chan Prank

    Now the headline isn't that's the "gotta love" part. It's the subhead, which someone deftly points out to Buzzfeed is probably why they've lost all credibility in only 24 hours.

    The comment:

    In less than 24 hours, Buzzfeed ruined ALL credibility this site will ever have from here on out as a "news" outlet. This report is being criticized by not only right-news outlets, but even CNN, WaPo, The Guardian and NYT have shunned this report and Buzzfeeds credibility, and now Buzzfeed will forever be synonymous by being labeled as a"fake news" site. It's even worse when the editor-in-cheif admits this is probably false, and to let the people decide for themselves.....what respected news source says that? First, let's look at this headline...

    "Trump supporters are spreading misinformation about a dossier that was released by BuzzFeed News Wednesday full of unverified allegations against President-elect Donald Trump."

    This headline is what is wrong with Buzzfeed. "Trump supporters are spreading misinformation about unverified allegations" ???

    1) Why are you blaming this on Trump supporters and the alt-right?? It's not just TRUMP SUPPORTERS, even liberal folks/publications are calling this out...I'm not a Trump supporter at all, yet anyone who's worked for/with the government can tell you this document is false. Government documents don't look like this.

    2) You're REALLY upset about people not believing "unverified allegations"?? Seriously?!!

    Sorry, Buzzfeed, you guys posted something that's not credible...at all. MSNBC, CNN, and other outlets have called you out.

    You know it's bad when even Washington Post is saying what Buzzfeed did is unethical...this is a excerpt from a WaPo article this morning...

    How BuzzFeed crossed the line in publishing salacious ‘dossier’ on Trump
    By Margaret Sullivan Media Columnist January 11 at 10:11 AM

    "Most mainstream outlets, including The Post, even now are staying away from the specifics of the report, said to be prepared by a former British intelligence official. Those media organizations don’t get much credit these days for skepticism and editorial judgment, but for the most part, they have shown it here.


    And there it is...below the french fries. :)

    buzzfeed headline.jpg
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  19. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    Attempting to turn a pile of shit into a rose by calling a 35 page piece of crap a "dossier" is rich! :hilarious:
    • Like Like x 3
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
  20. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Hey Witch, arent you tired of your prothesies