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  1. dirtyjedi

    dirtyjedi King ding a ling Banned!

    Jun 7, 2011
    If they are so far to the left and get more extreme does that make them right wing?
    Does the idiocy go full circle?
    • Like Like x 3
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. dirtyjedi
      Its the equivelant of muslim extremists just blowing a finger off
      Doesnt have the same impact
      dirtyjedi, Jan 30, 2020
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    3. dirtyjedi
      Thats quite poignant
      dirtyjedi, Jan 30, 2020
    4. Deleted User 2234432
      Wait, what. The surface of the earth is curved??? Wtf. Some guy on Facebook told me the earth is flat!
      Deleted User 2234432, Jan 31, 2020
    5. anon_de_plume
      The earth is flat, its space and time that are curved!
      anon_de_plume, Jan 31, 2020
    6. deleted user 555 768
      If the Earth were flat, cats would have knocked everything off by now...FB
      deleted user 555 768, Jan 31, 2020
  2. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Hillary Clinton is just a civilian...as such, immensely qualified for The Loony Liberal Left

    Tweets omitted due to privacy concerns
    New York Post
    Hillary Clinton refuses to be served Tulsi Gabbard’s defamation lawsuit

    Hillary Clinton has now twice snubbed a process server attempting to deliver the defamation lawsuit filed against her by Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, according to Gabbard’s attorney.

    “I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process,” the congresswoman’s attorney, Brian Dunne, told The Post. “But I guess here we are.”
    Dunne said their process server first attempted to effect service at Clinton’s house in Chappaqua on Tuesday afternoon — but was turned away by Secret Service agents.
    The agents directed the server to Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, who on Wednesday claimed at his Washington, DC, firm, Williams & Connolly, that he was unable to accept service on Clinton’s behalf, said Dunne.

    Gabbard sued the former secretary of state for $50 million last week for calling her a “Russian asset.” Clinton has refused to retract the statement.
    Dunne said his team was weighing next steps.
    Reps for Clinton did not immediately return a request for comment.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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    2. Ed Itor
      No, ex-Presidents & their family get protection for life, unless family requests otherwise.
      Ed Itor, Jan 31, 2020
  3. bostonflasher

    bostonflasher Sex Machine

    Apr 20, 2018
    Some of you are actually intelligent
  4. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Looks like bobble head hurt herself deliberating! :laugh:

    AOC announces she won't attend State of the Union, 'normalize Trump's lawless conduct'
    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said on Tuesday that she wouldn't attend President Trump's State of the Union address, indicating that doing so would legitimize what she saw as lawless conduct under his administration.

    "After much deliberation, I have decided that I will not use my presence at a state ceremony to normalize Trump’s lawless conduct & subversion of the Constitution," she tweeted on Tuesday afternoon. "None of this is normal, and I will not legitimize it. Consequently, I will not be attending the State of the Union."

    • Funny Funny x 1
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    2. latecomer91364
      I suspect she has done the same with her trashed-out district
      latecomer91364, Feb 13, 2020
  5. repobiker

    repobiker Porn Surfer

    Jan 30, 2020
  6. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    Whats up Chuck?
  7. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    If they cant handle cutthroat politics and have too shield themselves with their gender,... go back to the kitchen....and its great to see the color coordination and message in their choice of apparel

    Female Dem reps wear white to State of the Union to protest Trump's 'misogynistic attacks'

    Democrat congresswomen are dressed in white for President Trump’s State of the Union address in protest against administration policies they call "immoral" and "misogynistic."
    The women -- the largest class ever elected to Congress -- chose the color of the suffragette movement to symbolize their unity in fighting for women’s rights, reproductive health care and voting equality.
    In a press conference before the address, the women blasted Trump for “immoral” policies they say hurt women and pledged to continue to stand for women on issues such as abortion, access to health care and equal pay.

    “These past three years have been a profile in courage, not for the occupant of the White House, but for the brave women who have resisted and persisted despite blatant, and misogynistic attacks by this administration against our fundamental rights,” said Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif.

    “When someone tells you who they are, you better believe them. And the words directed at women from this president are dripping with disdain and disrespect. 'Lock her up. Wackjob, send her back, nasty woman, low IQ. You did a good job on her. Take her out.' It's as if the mob boss running our country relishes the opportunity to publicly humiliate any woman who fights back, who speaks up or takes up space,” Speier continued.

    The Democrat women's caucus wore white at Trump's 2019 State of the Union, too, but shifted to black and dark colors for the day they voted to impeach him.
    • Like Like x 1
    • wtf wtf x 1
    1. deleted user 555 768
      Bobble head doesnt want to go and wear white...must be that time of the month
  8. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Liberal gets owned

    Claire McCaskill faces racism accusations after singling out Ben Carson in photo of Trump surrogates
    Former Sen. Claire McCaskill received a wave of backlash on Tuesday after she appeared to single Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson out for his race.

    "One of these things is not like the others. Hint: they made him squat in the aisle so he was visible," McCaskill, now a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, tweeted alongside a photo of Carson on an airplane with other Trump supporters.
    Prominent Trump supporters, including one of his top African American advisers, fired back.
    Katrina Pierson, a black woman who serves as a senior adviser for Trump's campaign, tweeted: "Only a closet racist would make such an incredibly stupid and non factual [sic] observation. There were several 'things' on that plane. TWO OTHERS IN THAT ROW! You’re trying too hard, but don’t worry... You’ll see us soon in a town near you."​

    The president's oldest son also blasted McCaskill, clarifying that Carson didn't have a seat in the photo because he was in first class.
    "Dr. Carson is not a 'thing,' he is a world renowned, [sic] life-saving neurosurgeon," Donald Trump Jr. tweeted. "Anyway, how's unemployment?"​

    McCaskill lost her bid for reelection to Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., in 2018. She was unrepentant amid the backlash, tweeting: "Ummm. Pretty sure pointing out a lack of diversity is not racist. Sorry Trump world."

    But many disagreed, tweeting that the former senator's comments were racist.

    This wasn't the first time Carson was targeted for his race. For example, the short-lived NBC comedy "Marlon" suggested Carson was a "sell-out" for supporting Trump.
    “I mean, do you wanna be Dr. Martin Luther King or Dr. Ben Carson? Do you wanna be Rosa Parks or Omarosa? Do you wanna be Mrs. Dash or Stacey Dash?” asked a character in the show. "The View" co-host Sunny Hostin also seemed to single Carson out last year when Trump feuded with late Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md.​

    "When you are silent in the face of racism, you are complicit in that racism and I strongly believe that," Hostin said on "The View." "I'm calling out Ben Carson, who spent the majority of his career in West Baltimore."

    In the new documentary "Created Equal," Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas remarked on the treatment he and Carson received as African-American conservatives.
    "There's different sets of rules for different people," he says in a preview clip released in October. "If you criticize a black person who's more liberal, you're a racist whereas if you can do whatever to me -- or now, Ben Carson -- and that's fine because you're not really black because you're not doing what we expect black people to do."
    Carson has repeatedly defended President Trump from accusations of racism and bigotry, saying last summer: "I have an advantage of knowing the president very well, and he's not a racist and his comments are not racist."
    Carson had not responded via Twitter before publishing time. MSNBC did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. deleted user 555 768
      :laugh: A week ago I did, not now, your the only one caring :laugh:
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 12, 2020
    3. anon_de_plume
      Yawn... Just goes to show you that you're only here to throw stones...
      anon_de_plume, Feb 12, 2020
    4. deleted user 555 768
      Wake up...people who live in glass houses....
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 12, 2020
    5. anon_de_plume
      My walls are made of plaster.
      anon_de_plume, Feb 12, 2020
    6. deleted user 555 768
      Then I'll huff and puff and blow your house down
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 12, 2020
  9. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Watching Pelosi apparently tear up Trump's speech and the despicable representatives recalcitrance.

    Like spoiled 2 year olds.

    Nothing new to see here.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Peelosi was disgusting...A dottering old drunken fool, couldnt keep her teeth in her mouth, I saw her tongue more than a 10 minute blowjob video
    • Like Like x 1
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    In shooters opinion Pelosi and her left guard minions exhibited a sad lack of maturity last night.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Imagine if rolls were reversed and conservative were hunting liberals

    Controversial film 'The Hunt' gets green light, set for March release after delay
    By Nick Givas | Fox News

    Universal Pictures has decided to move forward with the release of their controversial film "The Hunt," after it was pulled from theaters last year following the mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas.

    A studio source confirmed the project's revival to Fox News and granted access to a private screening to prep audiences for what's to come when it's released on March 13.

    The movie drew criticism in part because of its level of violence and its politically charged theme. The dark comedy revolves around average Americans who are kidnapped from conservative America, and hunted for sport by pompous, politically correct elitists — often while being called "deplorables."

    The film's co-writer and producer, Damon Lindelof ("Lost," "The Leftovers"), spoke with Fox News about the film and said it was never their intention to create division but to poke fun at both sides of the aisle.

    “We set out to tell a story that didn’t take sides and that meant, yes, being fair and balanced in satirically roasting all sides... to have fun without trying to force a message down anyone’s throat or wagging our fingers... to trust the audience to make up their minds for themselves."

    He added, "We understand how some believe we are in divided times, but nothing brings us together like a movie. And we hope 'The Hunt' can do just that."

    Another source close to the film said the movie is strictly satire and meant to stimulate spirited dialogue among moviegoers.

    "'The Hunt' is a satirical social thriller intended to entertain and drive conversation, not enrage and divide," the insider explained. "The studio supports storytellers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold creators with something to say."

    In August, President Trump voiced his displeasure with the idea of the movie to reporters outside the White House and said the film could pose a danger to the nation.

    “Hollywood, I don’t call them the elites. I think the elites are the people they go after in many cases. But Hollywood is really terrible,” Trump said. “What they’re doing, with the kind of movie they’re putting out, it’s actually very dangerous for our country. What Hollywood is doing is a tremendous disservice to our country.”

    The president's remarks came just one day before Universal made the decision to shelve the movie and cancel its release. It was originally set to be released on Sept. 27.

    “The Hunt” is billed as a satirical take on wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a “deeply rewarding” expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Really hate this guy, an entitled Hollywood liberal, a bully in the streets of NY and asshole everywhere else and one of the reasons SNL continues to suck...I'm sure he wouldnt like me either
    Alec Baldwin compares Trump to Hitler in Twitter rant bashing Republicans

    Alec Baldwin took to Twitter this week to warn his followers that Republicans are elevating Donald Trump’s power to levels reminiscent of Adolf Hitler.

    The actor, who often portrays Donald Trump on “Saturday Night Live” and is vocal about his distaste for the president and his administration, shared his thoughts on the current state of the Republican Party. The tweets come in the wake of Trump’s impeachment acquittal in the Senate and the news that the Department of Justice plans to reduce its original sentencing recommendation for Trump’s longtime associate, Roger Stone, a move that prompted some prosecutors with the agency to resign.

    “It’s official. The United States government is as lawless as the malignant dictatorships we’ve hated in our foreign policy since WWII,” Baldwin wrote Wednesday.

    Hours later, he took to the social media site again to warn his followers about how fascism has historically come about.

    “Remember that fascistic thinking takes hold when a standard of living is threatened consistently,” he wrote. “People think that things are changing, and downward for most Americans. And that this will become the new normal. They are wholly directed by $.”

    The 61-year-old actor seemed to conclude his history lesson early in the morning on Thursday by comparing Trump to Hitler.

    “You wonder how Hitler took control of a once great country. For those of you too young to recall the War or its aftermath, simply watch how this GOP-controlled Senate behaves,” he wrote. “Their sniveling fealty and lack of courage. And you begin to get it.”

    Baldwin rarely misses an opportunity to criticize Trump and his cohorts. Whether he’s lambasting the president with his now-famous impression on “SNL” or simply using social media, Baldwin makes his political opinions known. Prior to his recent Twitter rant, he went on a similar social media tirade, noting that Trump’s supporters have caused a “moral collapse.”
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

    Liberal professor claims 'Paw Patrol' is pushing pro-capitalism 'propaganda' to kids

    Is your child's favorite Kings College professor Liam Kennedy says his 2-year-old son isn't allowed to watch the popular show "Paw Patrol" because of what he sees as the show's harmful underlying messages.

    Created in 2013, "Paw Patrol" is an animated series about a group of do-good dogs and a 10-year-old boy named Ryder who rescue various people in tricky situations. But when the Canadian educator watched hours of the show during research for the journal "Crime Media Culture," that's not all he saw.

    Kennedy published a paper on the subject titled "'Whenever there's trouble. Just yelp for help': Crime, Conservation and Corporatization in Paw Patrol." In an interview with London Morning's Rebecca Zandbergen, Kennedy said the depiction of the MISSOURI LIBRARIANS COULD BE FINED, JAILED FOR GIVING KIDS 'AGE-INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL MATERIAL'

    "Mayor Humdinger is portrayed as unethical or corrupt. Mayor Goodway as hysterical, bumbling, incompetent," he noted.

    In addition, Kennedy takes issue with the "Paw Patrol" organization as a "private corporation" acting as a stand-in for a government-funded police force.

    "That's problematic in that the 'Paw Patrol' creators are sending this message that we can't depend on the state to provide these services," he told Zanbergen.

    Kennedy also said he believed that Ryder should be in school and that -- as time goes on -- children who watch the show might be less likely to critique the capitalist system that "causes environmental harm in the first place and reproduces inequality."

    He believes the show also ignores structural barriers in our society with an individualist message: "No job is too big; no pup is too small."

    "Some people roll their eyes," he admitted. "I think it's a serious message but I also want to have fun in my job, so this was fun."

    Fox Nation's "Moms" host Rachel Campos-Duffy told "Fox & Friends'" Ainsley Earhardt Thursday that she thinks "Paw Patrol's" "very American" message -- keeping the American dream alive -- was what was rubbing "Marxist, socialist," Kennedy the wrong way.

    "So, in other words, we don't want to teach our kids that they can do things for themselves and that, you know, the American dream...is alive and that you can lift yourself out of poverty or help yourself," she said.

    Campos-Duffy said the one thing Kennedy has right is that shows like "Paw Patrol" can be formative and the messages are absorbed by kids. But she thinks "Paw Patrol" is getting it right.

    "I think these are really great messages," she said.
  15. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Keep your opinions to yourself Roger, nobody buys a ticket to hear your political banter
    Pink Floyd rocker Roger Waters bashes Donald Trump as 'tyrant,' 'mass murderer'

    Controversial former Pink Floyd rocker Roger Waters bashed President Donald Trump at an event Tuesday in New York City, showing support for 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.

    The British bassist and songwriter, who hasn't been with the band since the 1980s, spoke at a Q&A to promote his concert film, “Us + Them.” According to Rolling Stone magazine, the moderator noted that the film showed Waters’ music getting its message of “humanism” to connect with young people all over the world.

    “Funnily enough, they are [connecting to that message], but unfortunately not f---ing here,” Waters shot back before singing the praises of Sanders. “Because if they were, you wouldn’t have Donald Trump as a president, you wouldn’t be having all this nonsense with the Democratic primaries, with them trying to destroy the only candidate who can possibly win against Donald Trump, Sanders.”

    Waters went on to comment on what he sees as the very bleak state of the United States at the moment.


    “We’re living here in a fool’s hell,” the 76-year-old rocker said. “The United States of America is not a fool’s paradise; it’s a fool’s hell. And watching [the film], it reminded me that the great battle is the battle between propaganda and love. And propaganda is winning. And sadly, the buttons of the propaganda machine are being pushed by people who are f---ing sick. These sick, sociopathic f---ers, all of them, every single one of them. Believe it or not, Donald Trump is somewhere down here, floundering around in the muddy water at the bottom of the oligarchic pool.”

    He concluded his lengthy political rant by directly commenting on Trump’s character, going as far as to call him a “tyrant” and a “mass murderer.”

    “And this is a man who has failed at f---ing everything in his life except becoming the biggest … tyrant and mass murderer and mass destroyer of everything that any of us might love or cherish in the whole [world], only because he has the power,” he concluded. “Unfortunately, he has his finger on the button on it, and he’s right. In ‘Pigs,’ when we put up that he has a bigger button and it works, it does. And it’s working all over the world, murdering brown people for profit.”

    When the musician was complimented by the moderator for his political passion, he reportedly joked back, "Wait till you see the new show.” The line was a reference to his upcoming North America Tour, "This is Not a Drill," which was announced in January.
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    2. deleted user 555 768
      I was a Floyd fan, they're old and tired, I listen to the old stuff and try to forget his opinions, it aint easy
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 14, 2020
      Truthful 1 likes this.
  16. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    I paid $750.00 For the last time Roger Waters came to Philadelphia. The show started out great then they started building a fucking wall , In front of the fucking band Show about 1/4 of the way through the fucking show all you seen was a fucking wall. Building the wall was very cool but you don’t build it in front of the fucking band they could’ve put a recording on for the rest of the show we would’ve never known it and my guess is that they did. Roger Waters is a dick . I like Pink Floyd though. Gilmore is the talent I’m thinking
    1. deleted user 555 768
      Dumb ass political statement
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 15, 2020
      Truthful 1 likes this.
  17. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    See, celebrities are welcome to their opinions, but they spew them out at their own risk.
    If they use their celebrity status to spew their opinions like a pundit, they may be risking their careers.
    Just ask Kathy Griffin about that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. submissively speaking
      I dunno, she seems like the same C-level bottom feeder she always was, just with a little more name recognition, maybe?
    2. Truthful 1
      Kathy griffin that girl was funny too what the hell happened to her. Trump must have turned. Her down , When she made advances lol lol lol lol that is one scorn little girl
      Truthful 1, Feb 14, 2020
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    3. deleted user 555 768
      She's not doing much of anything but bitching and whining about how Trump destroyed her career...still
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 15, 2020
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    1. Truthful 1
      Oh poor Kathy. . He should have stuck to picking on the Catholic Church and her mother .
      Truthful 1, Feb 14, 2020
  19. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014