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  1. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    This is the white knitted jacket I love so much. I wanted to have one of these ever since I was little.

    Actually the first two pics were taken accidentally.
  2. viracocha

    viracocha Porno Junky

    Dec 21, 2007
    Empress! Good to see you in such fine form, looking as regal as ever :rose:
  3. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Thank you Viracocha. Eagerly anticipating tomorrows birthday dinner and dance.
  4. viracocha

    viracocha Porno Junky

    Dec 21, 2007
    Many happy returns for tomorrow Empress! I hope you get treated like royalty by all those around you :rose:
  5. majs

    majs Sex Machine

    Feb 5, 2008
    ZYZX, gotta say, there is something heartwarming about ya. Its nice to see someone who is as comfortable with themeselves as you are. you probably get alot of negativity about your life style. I was raised as christian and I think its nice to just see someone that's probably more "christian" than most. You seem to show compassion to everyone, and you never seem to be angry at the people who harass you, you just laugh them off. I think it's funny that "christians" are suppose to love everyone and such but are the first ones to start hating. ya know

    but anyways getting off topic, you seem like a interesting fun loving person and I think the world could take a lesson outta your book, that you dont need to follow mainstream or be what is deemed right society. if you are happy with yourself thats all that matters. I wish you a happy life, and much more fun to come!!
  6. mikebordy

    mikebordy Porn Surfer

    Aug 11, 2007
    you look really good

    hey honey how you doing i think, your really hot and i espically love the first set of pics with your sexy legs and feet in stockings...your a cutie trust me

    love mike

    post more
  7. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006

    You have given one of the nicest compliments I have ever received. Thank you so much.Really looking forward to tonight with my friends

    Mike I thank you so much for the nice thoughts. I will do some more posting, thanks for the compliments on my legs too. Even my mom said I had great legs. Unfortunately age takes its toll on the skin, so they dont always look great as a YOUNG person's would.
  8. Bevionn

    Bevionn Sex Lover

    Dec 15, 2007
    ZYZX, good to see you again! I've been away for too long it seems, something I'm working to rectify just as soon as the current predicament changes.

    Happy Birthday for today, and also, Happy Valentines day, I hope you received lots of cards and presents :kiss:
  9. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Hey there Bev, thanks for the sentiments. Sorry you have been away so much, Looking for more pics from you soon I hope.
  10. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    The dinner and dance was really great. I was applauded by everyone for my birthday, and even though I was the only solo dancer, one lady visiting from Montreal came out on the floor and danced with me for a while.

    The guys in the orchestra are all over 60 except one and they had to quit after two hours, they wives wouldn't let them stay out late.

    Cynthia was the youngest person in the showroom.
  11. mikebordy

    mikebordy Porn Surfer

    Aug 11, 2007

    hey the skin and body are beautiful, age is nothing but a number, you are as old as you feel so keep postin..your such a cutie i wouldnt have minded spending some time with you on valentines day baby girl i would unwrap you all night..MUAH

  12. haism_teetos

    haism_teetos Amateur

    Sep 26, 2007
    iam back

    hello zyzx

    i realy miss you
    how r u?
    i think u are v. good>>> your wow pic say that
    i realy loved them>>> thanxxx:rose:

  13. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    You handsome man, sort of missed seeing you around here too. Glad you like my pics. It is always heartening to hear compliments.

    Dont be gone so much, now. Thanks for dropping in on me.

    Have a couple of pics from the dance floor last night on my birthday to post when Cynthia can get them transferred to this computer. Sometimes she doesn't get around to it for a few days. And I dont like to bug her about it.
  14. pianodude427

    pianodude427 Sex Lover

    Jun 17, 2007
    Take It Off Mamichula
  15. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    I already did, all of it, but you will have to find them.

    Anyhow, hun, thanks for the post.

    Now tell me, you dont really want to see an old tg NAKED?
  16. Furred Goddess

    Furred Goddess Big Beautiful Bitch

    Jun 27, 2006
    **smiles** I do!
  17. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    You are making me blush. I posted upskirt, legs, hands, breasts, butt, in various places. So if you want a good game on this thread, find them and post only the link on this thread. Lets see who can find the most of them.
  18. Furred Goddess

    Furred Goddess Big Beautiful Bitch

    Jun 27, 2006
    Yay! Treasure Hunt!
  19. colinwarren

    colinwarren Porn Star

    May 4, 2007
    i would win, i have them all bookmarked;):D
  20. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    OK you allniters, here are some just now taken semiporn pics of me.
    And one more on the next post.