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  1. Cham-Ee-Seul

    Cham-Ee-Seul Sex Lover

    May 28, 2021
    The continuation of the story. If you like this but haven't yet read the earlier parts you can read part 2 here https://forum.xnxx.com/threads/grooming-pt-2.649095/ and part 3 here https://forum.xnxx.com/threads/grooming-pt-3.649232/

    Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.


    After Cameron and Mira finished their oral play, they cuddled for a bit and talked. She fit very snugly into his arm and as they lay there under his cover, she was slowly rubbing her calf over his cock.

    “Does giving blow jobs get easier?” Mira asked. “Because my jaw still kind of hurts.”

    “With practice, yeah. It takes time to develop the muscles just like anything else.”

    She stretched her jaw around again, massaging just below her ear.

    “Did you like having daddy’s cock in your mouth?” he asked her, playfully.

    She twisted her head a little, pressing her mouth into the muscle of his chest, giving it a few kisses before answering. “Yes, daddy.”

    Cameron palmed her ass, squeezing firmly. She was small enough and his hand big enough that he could grab an entire cheek with some to spare. In response, she made a few nibbles on his skin, pinching some of the flesh lightly between her teeth.

    He angled his face down and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, breathing in the smell of her. “And how about when I licked your little pussy.”

    “That was amazing!” she said, turning to look up at him. “I always wondered if it was as good as the women in the videos made it look.”

    “I’m glad you liked it,” Cameron said with a chuckle.

    “I kinda want to do that every day.”

    “I’ll see what I can do,” he told her, stroking her hair. “I’d like to go for another round but I’ve got some things to do this afternoon. And you have your scholar bowl in a couple of hours.”

    “How’d you know about that?”

    That caught Cameron off guard for a second. Amy, Mira’s mother, had told him. “Your mom. I told you that she and I have been talking a bit. She's nice. And she’s very proud of you. She told me how smart you were. You shouldn’t give her such a hard time.”

    “She said that about me? For real?”

    “For real.”

    Mira let out a loud sort of huff. “I know. She can be such a bitch sometimes, though. Always talking about what grandma and grandpa made her do when she was my age and all that bullshit. Saying how easy I have it. It drives me crazy. And then there’s her and my dad.”

    He was a little taken about by her language. Not that it bothered him but the sudden transition from being embarrassed to say ‘fuck’ in front of him when they were on the porch a few weeks ago to this was a little jarring. Her comments about her mom and dad piqued his interest a little, though.

    “What happened there?”

    Miranda was quiet for a moment. “Like, before the divorce, my dad came back to the house and they sat down and he tried to get back together. But she told him no. Like, wouldn’t even hear him out.”

    “Do you know why?”

    “Well… No. They didn’t know I could hear them. They told me to go outside so they could talk. It was at our old house in Pennsylvania. I heard shouting from the backyard and I realized the dining room window was open. I snuck up to it to listen and could hear everything.”

    Cameron knew at least part of the story from Amy, Mira’s mother, and he was curious how much Mira knew about it. She was holding a pretty big grudge against her mom considering it was her father who cheated on her mother.

    “What did you hear?”

    “That he was sorry and wanted to come home.” Cameron could hear the heat in her voice. “But my mom said it was too late and that after everything she’d been through the last few years she didn’t want him back. Dad said he would change but mom said he had promised that before and she was done with all his bullshit.”

    “Did they ever tell you what caused them to split up?”

    “Not really,” she said reluctantly. “They used to fight a lot when my dad was home. I didn’t hear much of it, they were pretty good about not doing it in front of me. His deployments were hard but other families did that and their parents never split up. I had friends at school whose dads were in my dad’s unit and they were still married. They went out on all the same deployments as he did. My mom just couldn’t hold up her end of the bargain. It’s her fault they divorced!”

    That last bit sounded almost rehearsed, both petulant and scripted. Cameron figured it must have been something she’d said to herself countless times since her parents split. It also told him that Mira didn’t know about the affair or the dead bedroom that had developed. Which made sense, Cameron thought. Why would you tell your young child that one parent had been fucking around on the other? It made him admire Amy a little bit more. She was taking the brunt of Mira’s anger when telling her the truth about her father would have spared her a lot of the attacks and animosity from Mira. Amy was falling on the proverbial sword to keep Mira from finding out the truth that her father had cheated on her mother and ignored her needs in the bedroom long before that. That was a helluva woman to Cameron.

    He knew it was the drinking that drove his mother and father apart and there had been no way to hide that from him growing up. That had soured his relationship with his father forever after and their relationship was still strained, even though his dad had been sober for almost a decade.

    “Mira, I think–if you get the chance–that you should have a long talk with your mom about what happened.”

    She pulled back up and looked at him. “Why?”

    “Well… In my experience, things like divorce are never as black and white as you think. And I’ve gotten to know your mom a little bit over the last month and I get the feeling that if there was a way that she could have made it work with your dad, she would have. I think there was probably something else going on.

    “But my dad wanted to come back and she told him no! What else is there to talk about?”

    “Maybe just ask her,” he said, rather than answer her. It wasn’t his place to get in the middle of that conversation. “Talk to her. Woman to woman. Show her you’re old enough to handle it.”

    Mira didn’t say anything for a long time. He decided to prod her a little more. “Can you do that for me, Mira? Just talk to her? Ask her to tell you what went on with your dad and her.”

    “Did she tell you what happened?” Mira inquired. Her fingers had been idly twirling around his chest hair but they stopped.

    “I heard a little bit. Enough to know that you should talk to her.”

    She sat up and crossed her legs. The blanket fell away revealing her small breasts and those puffy light brown nipples that he found so delectable. She didn’t try to cover herself, appearing at ease in the nude.

    Mira looked both annoyed and a little hurt. “Why would she tell you things and not tell me?”

    “Sometimes parents want to protect their kids from things they think might hurt them or that they’re not old enough to understand yet. That’s why I think you should talk to her.”

    She pondered this for a few moments. “I’ll think about it,” she said finally, but she was still sulking. Her finger picked at the stitching of the comforter and she wouldn’t look at him.

    “Miranda… Don’t make daddy put you over his knee.”

    A small smile broke through her sulk. “Okaaay! I will!” She plopped back down into the bed and he put his arm around her small form.

    “Good girl,” he told her. “I still might spank you, though.”

    “You better not!” She giggled.


    It was hard not to go a second round with Mira but he knew Amy was due over in a few hours and she would require a lot more energy from him. With that in mind, he begged off with Miranda saying that she had to be able to focus at her scholar bowl practice so she needed plenty of time to go home, get cleaned up, and get her game face on.

    Once she was gone and while he took his second shower of the morning, he had a moment where the absolute insanity of the whole thing settled onto his shoulders. The enormity of what he’d stepped into boggled the mind. As the water poured over his head and down his shoulders he found his knees getting a little weak and he braced himself against the wall of the shower, his chest heaving as he struggled to calm himself. There were so many ways that this could ruin his life that his mind rebelled against the thoughts as he tried to think through the consequences. But how could he stop? He knew he should. He knew that if he had brain one in the lump of shit three feet above his ass he would throw everything into a U-haul truck and flee to another state while they were both out of the house. Do it before he wound up in a cell with a massive redneck that thought Cameron’s mouth would make a pretty good pussy if he busted all the teeth out first.

    But even as his panic attack hit him, he knew he was in this all the way. He was addicted to the rush of being with both Miranda and Amy. The high from the sex he got with both of them was better than any drug he’d dabbled with in college. That animal part of his brain told him that if he wound up ruined from all of this, it would have been worth it. Alone in the shower, he laughed and he thought maybe there was just a little bit of madness in that cackle. He must have been mad to even consider this.

    “Fuck it,” he said aloud into the shower wall. “Let’s see how far down this rabbit hole goes.”


    His phone buzzed.

    Amy: Just finished at the hospital. The master’s whore will be home in about twenty minutes.
    Cameron: The backdoor is open. I’ll be waiting in the living room.

    He’d gone back and forth about whether or not he should even wear clothes when she came over, and he decided not to. He was perfectly nude, sitting on his sofa and scrolling through Reddit once again. He’d selected the Home feed so his curated porn subreddits were filtered in among the posts. He’d added a few Asian-themed porn subreddits since he started fooling around with his neighbors. The Asian cumslut ones had become his favorite. Between Amy’s hunger for it and the ease with which Mira swallowed her first load, it was becoming a bit of a kink for him as well. And while he hadn’t unloaded on Mira’s face yet, he knew the time was fast approaching.

    He heard when Amy came home. The steps on the back porch were unmistakable. In the total silence of the Saturday afternoon, he could hear her moving around on her side of the duplex. His cock was already growing hard in anticipation.

    He heard the shower come on, then off again about 10 minutes later, followed by what was most likely a hairdryer. There was silence for a bit, then he heard the sound of her back door, the steps, then the weather stripping on his back door opened with a rubbery scraping sound, then closed again. He set his phone down on the coffee table and waited.

    Without her shoes, Amy moved almost silently through the house and he was almost surprised to see her emerge from the hallway to the left of his sofa.

    “Holy shit,” he muttered when he saw her. Well, he had told her to wear something slutty.

    Her hair was done up in a ponytail that sat high on the top of her head, and her jet black hair glistened in the light streaming in through his living room windows. Her make-up was such that she looked significantly younger. She almost looked like a walking de-aging filter. Somehow she had removed more than ten years from her face and she hadn’t looked that old to begin with. With the years hidden under her artfully applied make-up, she looked a lot more like Miranda than she normally did. But what blew his mind was her outfit. She was wearing an honest-to-god Asian schoolgirl outfit.

    It had a navy blue collar stripped with white sewn into a bright white shirt that was also sewn into an equally navy blue dress that had two white stripes along the hem. Around her neck and under the color was a bright red ribbon. On her feet were a pair of thigh-high navy blue socks that had matching white stripes along the top cuff. He knew without asking that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her nipples strained against the tight white fabric, pressing hard. The shirt was sheer enough that he could see the dark tan of her nipples beneath.

    Amy had her hands clasped in front of her and she was looking down at the carpet.

    “This slut is sorry she’s late. She understands if the master needs to punish her.” Her voice was pitched a little higher than normal and made her sound much younger.

    This was the most erotic thing anyone had ever done for him. She wasn’t late at all, but if that’s the game she wanted to play today, he was down with it. Cameron almost didn’t know what to say. Standing up, his cock rock-solid and eager, he walked over to her. He towered over her anyway, but something about her in this outfit made it seem more severe. Upon closer inspection, he could see the outfit was not a true schoolgirl uniform. It looked like a costume someone might wear for a sexy Halloween party, but that didn’t lessen the effect at all.

    “You’ve been a very naughty girl,” Cameron told her at last, settling into the act. “Punishment is in order.”

    “Yes, Master,” came her reply.

    He made a slow circle around her, taking his time as she stood there. Her breathing was the only sound and she was panting slightly in anticipation. With her hair up exposing her naturally tanned skin, he could even see the slight pulse in her neck as her heart pounded.

    His circuit complete, he stood in front of her then reached out and pinched one of her nipples through the cheap costume fabric. She sucked in a sharp breath of pain but didn’t complain. He took his other hand and cupped her jaw, squeezing firmly, and lifted her face to look up at him. Her black eyes were wide and excited and he could feel her trembling.

    “Will you accept your punishment like a good whore?” he asked.

    “Yes, master,” she whispered. “This whore needs to be punished.”

    He pulled her face roughly while bringing his down to hers and kissed her hard. She returned the kiss with passion and once she began to lean into him, he broke away, making her gasp. He then stepped around behind her, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and pushed her forward over the arm of his sofa. Her body folded without resistance and her legs spread to allow her to rest on the rounded armrest more comfortably. The back of the little skirt rode up revealing the bottom of her naked ass and bare pussy lips. He flipped it up, exposing her fully.

    “What kind of filthy slut goes outside without panties on?” he asked her, his voice harsh.

    “Th- this slut does, master. She is such a dirty girl.”

    With her legs spread her pussy lips were pulled apart and he could see the heavy moisture already coating her insides. Without warning, he brought his hand down on her ass cheek with a sharp crack.

    “Mmm!” Amy groaned around clenched teeth and her legs quivered.

    As the handprint was rising on her flesh he took his cock and ran it up and down her pussy slit. He started a steady rocking motion as she moaned and, as with before, once she got lost in the sensations and started to move against him, he broke away smacking her other ass cheek just as sharply as before.

    “Ah!” she cried out, the sharp reversal of sensation forcing it from her lips.

    “You think you deserve this cock, you filthy slut?”

    “She does not,” Amy gasped. “This filthy Korean whore deserves punishment!”

    “That’s right.” Cameron smacked her ass again twice, in quick succession, once on each cheek. Amy whimpered at the first one, then moaned at the second, her body jumping. He brought his cock back in line with her pussy and began to run it along her folds once again. From her bent-over position, Amy grabbed one of the small throw cushions and buried her face into it, then preceded to moan almost incoherently. He could make out words mixed in with the sounds of passion. Things like ‘yes, punish this whore’ and ‘spank this filthy Korean whore’s ass’.

    He repeated the routine twice more, waiting until she started pushing back into his cock before delivering the blow and Amy began trembling almost constantly. The couch was holding her up more than her legs when he finally relented and drove his cock home into her supple and hungry pussy.

    The whole sofa rocked under the force of his thrust. Amy was reduced to inarticulate screaming and grunts as he fucked her hole without mercy. Cameron’s hands had an iron grip on the generous swell of her wide hips pulling her back almost as hard as he thrust forward and he was in ecstasy. The shape of her ass made the most delicious heart shape. It jiggled with each slap of their bodies.

    Through animalistic growls, he said, “Take your master's cock, you fucking slut!”

    “FuuUuuuUCK this whore pussy, Master!” she screamed in response. She came then, her body twitching and a strangled moan breaking through her lips but he kept fucking her. She went limp and he pushed into her hard a few more times for good measure, before stepping back and pulling in big lung fulls of air.

    As Cameron stood there, collecting himself he took a moment to admire her gaping pussy. It was just beginning to shrink back down after the assault from his cock and it was a thing of beauty. Hairless, smooth, and slick. He looked at her puckered asshole as well, saw it expand and contract as her body came down from her orgasm, and knew he had to have that, too. But not today. He didn’t have any lube in the house, something he knew he would need to correct soon. For today it was pussy and mouth play.

    His cock was twitching and he wanted to cum badly. As much fun as it would be to fill her with his seed he wanted more to see it all over her face. Especially now that it looked so much like her daughter’s.

    “Did you like that orgasm, you filthy school girl whore?”

    Amy turned her face to the side, taking in big lung-fulls of air. “Yes, master.”

    He swatted her ass with enough force to make her jump.


    “I didn’t tell you that you could cum, slut.”

    “This whore is sorry, Master.” She moved her ass around in little circles. No doubt it was stinging but she didn’t try to rub it to relieve the pain.

    Cameron reached over her body and grabbed her by the back of the ponytail and pulled her upright. She grunted in pain but didn’t utter her safe word so he didn’t stop. Spinning around to face him he grabbed her face in his hand again, sticking his thumb into her mouth and pressing down on her tongue. She gagged a little, her stomach convulsing, and almost lost her balance.

    “I’m going to fuck your slut face. You want me to do that, don’t you? Tell me how much you want me to fuck this pretty face of yours.”

    “Ggrrggh uck grrghl” she tried to mouth around his thumb nearly in her throat and she nodded her head. Her eyes bore into his, big as saucers and dancing with excitement and need. Drool was beginning to run down her lips. Suddenly an idea struck him.

    Taking his hand from her mouth he brought both hands to the collar of the faux uniform and, with one sharp tug, tore the shirt open down the middle. It pulled her forward almost enough to knock him back a step. Even with her coming toward him the force was enough that it ripped easily. It was cheap stuff and it came apart with a very satisfying tearing sound. A small grunt and a little whimper escaped her lips. Almost all of the energy had gone into the shirt so she wouldn’t have felt much but it was still a quick and sharp movement that shocked her and gave her body a jerk.

    Amy staggered back as he released the fabric and the shirt was left open exposing the pleasant swell of her titties. Her nipples were a much darker shade of brown than her daughter’s and they were longer, too with pronounced bumps and wrinkles around each areola. Miranda’s were still largely smooth with those unique features, like a fingerprint, only just developing. He grabbed one in each hand and bent down to suck on them, squishing them together and moving rapidly between each one. Amy’s head went back and she brought her hands to the back of his neck, pulling herself tighter to him. With a final pop, he pulled away and grabbed her by the ponytail once more.

    “Get on your knees and worship this cock like the slutty schoolgirl you are.”

    Amy went down almost faster than he could push her and started rubbing her face up and down his cock, trailing kisses as she went.

    “This high school whore loves the master’s cock,” she whispered as she raised the shaft and began to suck his balls in her mouth. She wrapped her other hand around the top of the sack and squeezed down slightly, tightening the skin around the balls, and then tried to suck both of them in her mouth. She damn near succeeded. As her mouth and tongue worked his balls her free hand stroked up and down his shaft. It was slick with their combined juices and the sounds emanating from his crotch were deliciously lewd.

    Cameron stared down at Amy filled with both awe and desire. He could feel his orgasm fast approaching as she worked him and as much as he wanted to stretch this out, he wanted more to explode on her. No longer able to hold back he firmed his grip on her ponytail, pulled her head back with a lurch, and jammed his cock down her willing throat. Rather than the whispers and cooing noises she made just seconds ago, it was a staccato burst of quacks as he slide every inch of his shaft past her lips, over her teeth, and down into her throat at a rapid pace. Spittle ran freely as he fucked her mouth and her chest was shiny with it, her face began to turn a scarlet red, and tears sprouted from the corners of her bulging eyes.

    “Fuck yes!” Cameron cried as he thrust himself into her mouth. “Get ready to eat my cum you fucking slut!”

    “Gggck…ggck…gckk!” was all Amy could mutter in response as she pushed her head to meet him on each downstroke.

    “Gaaahh! Oh, shiiiit!” Cameron’s voice filled the living room as he yanked his dick free and began to stroke his cock hard into his slutty little school girl milf on her knees in front of him. His cum shot away from him and landed squarely on her left cheek with other explosions hitting her eye, along her nose, and her forehead.

    Amy was gasping in air, the spit a long string down to her chest as she grabbed her tits and squeezed. With one eye plastered shut the other stared up at him, wet and with a little bit of red around the edges. He had not been gentle with the face fucking. They didn’t fuck like this so he could be gentle. She could get gentle fucks from a random Tinder hook-up. She came to his door–wearing clothes like that–to be fucked hard.

    As Cameron squeezed the last bit of cum from his cock, he took control of her head again and brought back the head of his cock, pushing it back into her mouth. Amy immediately applied suction as she tried to pull the last bit of cum out of him. He groaned in response.

    “Now, be a good girl and get all that cum into your mouth. If you do that, your master will give you a present.”

    Amy began to collect as much as she good, scooping it with her fingers from her cheek, around her eye and her forehead, and putting it into her mouth before swallowing it down. Her tanned skin glistened with the residue of their passion as she slurped up everything she could. Cameron was content to stand in front of her, cock slowly deflating, and watch.

    Once she couldn’t find any more, she looked up at him and said, “This slut is clean, Master.” Her voice was a little rough from the abuse her throat had taken.

    Cameron stroked her head like a puppy. “That’s my good girl.” She beamed up at him, almost childlike, her face still wet and some of the hair along her forehead still sticky with a bit of stray cum. She was a hot mess and he loved it. And he couldn’t wait to have Miranda on her knees in the same situation.

    “You may make yourself cum two more times, then join me in the shower.”

    “This slut will do as the master wishes.” Amy sat back on her but and laid back, her body spreading wide on his carpet, the ripped shirt of the costume falling completely open. She began to rub her pussy as she stared at his cock. As her first orgasm approached, he went to the shower to get it ready.


    Cameron babied her after that. He’d rinsed himself off quickly and a few minutes later, as she came into the bathroom, he took his time scrubbing her down. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to be gently scrubbed and rinsed off. He would lift her arm and she would leave it up until he put it down. Turn her one way to wash one area and she wouldn’t turn back until he guided her. It was both paternal and erotic and he found he quite liked it.

    Washing finished, they stepped out together and he began to towel her off. As he knelt and began to pat her legs dry, he noticed the small hint of a smile on her lips as she watched him but she didn’t say anything. Emerging back out into the coolness of the larger apartment they both walked naked into the kitchen and he poured her a large glass of water from his Brita and offered it to her first. Once she’d had her fill, clearing her throat a few times in the process, he refilled it and drank deep as well.

    As he set the glass down and started to refill the pitcher before putting it back in the fridge, she finally spoke.

    “Master is very kind to his whore.”

    Turning back, pitcher full, he saw a playful grin on Amy’s lovely Asian face. The cool air had hardened her dark brown nipples to rock-hard little nubs and the small bumps and ridges around her areolas were thick and pronounced.

    Cameron shrugged, reaching past her to open up the fridge to return the pitcher. “Just seemed like the right thing to do after the sort of roughness that we get up to.” He swatted her ass lightly, drawing a little yelp from her as he turned around and pulled her naked body against his.

    “No, it’s very nice. Used, degraded, then pampered is a nice combination. A girl could get used to that. And I definitely needed that after the bullshit of kissing ass with the hospital administrators this morning.” Amy wrapped her arms around him and took his ass in both hands.

    “I’ll keep that in mind,” Cameron told her, kissing the top of her head. “A good spanking and a face fuck to alleviate work stress.” Without warning he slipped his hands under the back of her thighs and picked her up, guiding her legs around his waist.

    “Shit!” Amy cried out in surprise. She then giggled in a manner that sounded much younger than her forty-one years as she gripped the back of his neck and he walked her into the bedroom.

    They collapsed onto the bed, newly made after Cameron’s bit of excitement with Miranda that morning, and spent some time rolling around before burrowing under the covers.

    They lay in silence for a bit, soaking up the body heat under his down comforter before Cameron asked, “So since the theme today was naughty schoolgirl, tell me about your teacher. I’ve been dying to hear that story.”

    “Sweet Mr. Colefield,” she said, wistfully. “Yeah, he was my first.”

    “How did that happen?” Amy was laying on her side with her arms wrapped around one of his pillows and was looking at him as he trailed his fingers up and down her side. Her skin was very light bright and smooth, she had almost no body hair.

    “I used to catch him looking at me all the time my junior year and in an act of supreme teenage rebellion decided to go with it. He was in his late thirties. Married, but I found out later that he and his wife never had sex. It’d been more than two years since he’d been with her. Even with that, I don’t think he ever would have done anything if I hadn’t pushed him.”

    “Do tell,” Cameron prompted.

    “He was cute enough. To me anyway. He was a bit nerdy and remember I’ve always had a soft spot for nerds. He wore these rectangular army-birth control glasses, you know the ones? You see them in the movies?” Cameron nodded, laughing a little.

    “Yeah, those,” she said. “And he liked to wear dress shirts with a pullover sweater, Bill Cosby-style. But I just found him adorable.” She paused, thinking a little. “You’re a bit against type for me, actually. After the divorce, I thought Scott would be my last workout guy.”

    “Hey, I’m a nerd,” Cameron confessed. “I’ve got every season of OG Star Trek, TNG, and DS9 on Bluray in my closet. And before the pandemic, I played in a weekly D&D game at a comic book shop over in Billington.”

    Amy smiled knowingly. “See, I knew there was something! You’re not against type for me after all. You’re just in much better shape than the usual nerds I went for before I got married.”

    “Guilty,” Cameron confessed.

    “Anyway,” Amy said, getting back to the story. “I used to find excuses to go to his class after school let out. Usually on the pretense that I didn’t understand the homework. I started wearing more revealing clothes and I would lean way over the desk, or drop something in front of him and bend down to pick it up. Seeing his dick get hard in his sensible beige khakis would get me so wet. I might have been a virgin but you men can be simple creatures at times. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what would turn you on.”

    Amy reached out and pat his head with a ‘poor thing’ look on her face.

    Cameron laughed and wanted to argue but realized she was kind of right. All it had taken was Miranda in a pair of spandex biker shorts to set him on his present path. Amy continued.

    “But no matter what I did, he would never cross that line. He never told me to stop but he never encouraged me or touched me, either. He was always professional.”

    “How long did that go on?”

    “About two months, I think. As the weather got warmer I started wearing more skirts to school. My dad had a fit but I’d just stick them in my bag and change in the bathroom at school. I’d sit in the front so Mr. Colefield could see my thighs and I’d start to lift the front of my skirt up, whenever he was looking. It was so hard not to start rubbing myself in class for him, I was so turned on. Then one day I took my panties off before going to his class.”

    “Ooh, plot thickens,” Cameron said. This was getting hot.

    “Yeah, I know right?” She laughed at the memory. “He actually stopped mid-sentence during his lecture like he swallowed his tongue. He told everyone he would be right back and left the class.”

    “What did you do?”

    “Just played dumb and tried to look innocent. I do remember being so horny, though. It was my first time doing something so slutty. And this had been building for a while.”

    Cameron prompted her to continue.

    “He came back a little bit later, looking like he’d splashed some water on his face. It also looked like his shirt was partially untucked on one side and I like to think that he went to the bathroom and jerked off to the image of my pussy before he came back in, but I never asked.

    “That day after school, I waited in the girls’ bathroom until almost four o’clock when I knew most of the other teachers would be gone. He usually didn’t leave until about that time as well, so it was my best chance. I slipped my panties back off, balled them up in my fist, and walked back down to his room. I went in without knocking and he was sitting there doing some grading or something. He looked up and neither one of us said a word. I walked over to his desk and dropped my damp panties right in the middle of the desk.”

    Cameron’s cock was getting hard at the story.

    “He picked up the panties, felt the wetness, brought them to his nose, and I think that’s when something broke in him. Whatever had been holding him back must have snapped. He got up and put the panties in his pocket, then walked to the back of the room. He had a little supply closet back there that he kept things in for health class demos. Stuff like a mock skeleton, a CPR dummy, these pregnancy vest things, stuff like that. He opened the door and ushered me in. I was so scared because it was finally going to happen but I went in anyway.”

    Cameron had slipped his hand down between her asscheeks and was slowly rubbing at her pussy from behind and her hand had found his cock under the blanket and had begun stroking it.

    “Once the door was closed he was on me. He pawed at my breasts, sucked at my neck, and then started groping my ass. He called me a little Asian whore as he fumbled at his pants trying to get his dick out.”

    Amy’s pussy was getting very wet at the memory and he slid one finger inside as she started rocking slightly. Her hand picked up the pace on his cock.

    “Once his cock was free he pushed me down to my knees and told me to open my slutty little mouth. His cock was short, maybe only four or five inches, but it was fat. And he had a big mushroom cockhead that curved upwards a little. I almost couldn’t fit it in my mouth. He didn’t care, though he just face fucked me. I’m sure my teeth scraped him quite a bit but he didn’t seem to feel it.”

    “Were you scared?”

    “I don’t think so. I remember feeling overwhelmed. Like shit got real, fast. I’d wanted it, but to have him grunting away into my mouth, my jaw stretched and aching, was a whole other deal. It didn’t take long for him to cum, though. He jammed his cock into my mouth as far as it would go and shot his load straight into my throat. I remember I almost threw up. And his cum was really salty. But before I’d even had a chance to catch my breath he yanked me up and bent me over one of the spare desks he had in there and licked me from behind. He tongued everything and when I was wet, he even stuck his fingers in my ass. The whole time he was running a string of comments about me being a little Asian slut, a sinner, and how he would fuck the devil out of me.”

    “That’s kinda weird,” Cameron said. He nudged Amy over on her back and took one of her breasts in his mouth, sucking on her nipples.

    “Mmmm,” Amy moaned as his fingers found her pussy in this new position. “Oh, didn’t I say? He was a youth paster at the local presbyterian church. Can you believe that shit? She laughed and he felt her pussy clench around his fingers.

    “But he licked me and fingered my ass until I came. Then he did fuck the devil out of me. His cock had gotten hard again and he spread my tight little pussy wide open. It hurt, I found some blood after, as his cum dripped out of me on the way home, but he made me cum hard.”

    Amy shuddered as a small orgasm rolled through her from the attention of his fingers.

    “After…” She sucked in a little breath, his cock forgotten for a moment. “After that, we would fuck about once a week. He tried to fuck my ass, but his cock was too fat, and my little…Mmmm… My little asshole was… Was too tight. He’d usually just face fuck me after that. He treated me like a whore. Fuuuck!”

    Amy moaned as Cameron slid his fingers deep into her pussy and he began to curl them up to rub on that sensitive spot inside. This went on for only a short time and then she sat up and straddled him. “Please fuck this pussy, master!”

    Cameron guided his cock into her well-lubed hole and she sank with a shudder. Immediately she began to work her hips with her hands braced on his chest.”

    “Ride this dick, whore,” he told her. One of her hands sought out her clit and she rubbed, which set her to moan through another orgasm on his dick. Cameron could already feel himself getting close. He reached up and grabbed one of her plump nipples and pinched it as she rocked back and forth. She sucked in a sharp breath and reached one hand behind herself to start cupping his balls as she rode him. Immediately he felt his desire to orgasm surge.

    “Please fill this whore’s pussy with your cummm pleasepleaseplease!” Amy through her head back as she rode him.

    With a little cry of his own, he came again and it was a little painful. His cock was well and truly drained and he didn’t release much, but she felt him spasm into her and she let out a deep groan and then fell forward with an explosion of breath.

    “God, you fuck this pussy so good,” she said, her voice lethargic and happy.

    “I’ve never met a woman who could turn me on so much,” he told her truthfully. Miranda got him going as well, but she wasn’t yet a woman. Amy gave a throaty chuckle.

    “So how did it end up?” Cameron asked her while his hands caressed up and down her spine as she lay atop him.

    “He got arrested over the summer before my senior year. Some child porn on his home computer. He had a few gigabytes of the stuff. And this was the 90s, so that was a lot. He was an early adopter on some of that old tech and I guess he swapped pics with an FBI agent on an early message board, Usenet, I think it was called, and got busted. Nothing of me, though. He never took pictures, just fucked the devil out of me in his supply closet. And our relationship never came out.

    “Do you regret it,” he asked her.

    “No,” she said without hesitation. “He was the first one to open up my submissive side. Maybe he recognized it in me or maybe because of him I was able to find it in myself. But when he was ramming his fat little cock in my mouth or sticking his fingers in my ass, I got the first hints of the peace that comes with surrendering during sex. He never asked what I wanted or if something felt good, he just fucked me. And now here we are.”

    She was quiet for a few minutes, perhaps lost in those memories. Then she said, “You know, I never told anyone about that before. Not even Mira’s dad knew about it.”

    “I’m glad you could share it with me,” he told her. “So if Mira was fucking a teacher, you wouldn't be angry at her? Or the teacher?”

    She pulled herself up, still straddling him, and gave a little pout when his cock slid out of her.

    “No, I don’t think so,” releasing a long and satisfied sigh. Amy looked contemplative for a moment. “I mean I did it, right? I’d rather it not be as rough as it was with me, I was sore for several days after, but fuck was it hot! Besides, you’ve seen her, that girl is going to break a lot of hearts. Her tits are probably going to be bigger than mine, too. Scott’s mother had a nice set of tits when she married his father. I’m almost jealous. Hell, if she weren’t my daughter I’d probably be lusting after her, too.”

    Cameron laughed. “God damn, woman. You’re insatiable.”

    Amy twitched her eyebrows up at him a couple of times playfully and then reached down and squeezed her tits. “And if she’s anything like me, Mira’s going to be sex on wheels. I almost pity the boy who pops her cherry.”

    They laughed at that and Cameron almost told her. Almost. But despite her words, he couldn’t quite bring himself to do it. The thought terrified him too much. Theory and practice and all that.


    About an hour later Amy was getting ready to leave. Mira was due home soon and Amy said she planned to surprise her daughter by taking her out to dinner at a sushi place she liked up in West Village. Amy was also going to return her phone. Mira’s grades had come back up in the last month and her teachers said she was back to paying attention in class again.

    Amy leaned in to kiss him while her hands pawed at his crotch. “And Little Cameron better rest up because this Korean whore will be back as soon as she can for more.”

    Cameron chuckled and kissed her back. “I’ll be ready.”

    As Amy put on the little robe she had worn over to his place to cover up the schoolgirl outfit and stepped over to put on her slippers, she stopped suddenly. She’d gone motionless looking down at the floor next to his back door. Cameron stared for a second, puzzled, then looked down at what she was looking at and his heart seized in his chest.

    Next to the door off to the side were a small pair of slippers. They weren’t Amy’s. Mira must have left without them when she went back to her place this morning. Ohhhhh fuck, Cameron thought. Oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck!

    He saw Amy look at her slippers and he noticed then they were the same style, just in a little bit different size. From behind he saw her head go from the larger pair (Mira had bigger feet than her mother) back to hers.

    “Those… Those are Mira’s slippers.” Her voice had gone very quiet. Amy turned slowly and looked up at him. He suddenly felt an icy chill run down his spine. He imagined this was what it felt like when people said in books that all the blood drained from their faces. Her cold black eyes met his and there was accusation there. And anger.

    “Amy, I… This isn’t—”

    She didn’t let him finish. “Why are Mira’s slippers in your house?” Her voice had a scalpel’s edge to it. She was watching him intently those dark eyes flashing like polished obsidian.

    “She… I… I mean–”

    “Cameron, why the FUCK are my daughter’s slippers in your mother-FUCKING HOUSE?!?”

    Fear gripped him then and his mouth went dry. He had no words. He was fucked. This was it. All because of a stupid pair of goddamned slippers.

    She stepped up to him and even though he had several inches on her and at least fifty pounds of muscle, he cowered back. She was a perfect submissive in the bedroom but they were not in the bedroom. He was staring down at an enraged tiger mom and she was red in tooth and claw.

    “Amy…” he managed to get out before light exploded behind his eyes.

    The slap happened so fast that it wasn’t until after she stormed out the door that Cameron even realized what had happened. He was dimly aware that his face was burning and his eyes were watering. The sound of the door slamming was muffled and he found that his ears were ringing as well. He felt something cool on his lip and reached up to touch it. His fingers came away wet with blood. Cameron just caught a glimpse of her as she went back to her side and thought he saw tears on her cheeks.

    Well… Shit.

    End Pt. 4
    • Winner Winner x 4
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  2. NicolasBelvoir

    NicolasBelvoir Porno Junky

    Oct 9, 2021
    But to begin at the beginning... Where's part 1?
    1. Cham-Ee-Seul
      Part 1 was on SexStories but I pulled it down because there are some shenanigans with the voting. I'll post it up again soon to the forum.
      Cham-Ee-Seul, May 10, 2022
  3. hornytxn

    hornytxn Sex Machine

    May 5, 2021
    Well it was bound to happen. Great chapter
  4. Bi_for_all1000

    Bi_for_all1000 Sex Machine

    Aug 27, 2017
    Oops! I wonder if Miranda did that on purpose
  5. sinreborn

    sinreborn Porn Surfer

    Jan 12, 2015
    Nice chapter. Looking forward to the next one.