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  1. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Christa at Becker just called me and said to go to Human Resources on the 2nd flr of City Hall and they had a copy of my file and WILL SHOW IT TO ME. The law also says they have to give me copies too.
  2. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Went to City Hall. They were mistaken. The file is only at Becker. Went back to Becker, now they want a few days to get them out (in dead files storage) and TALK TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. She has to ask the City Attorney if she should comply with the state law?

    The city treats is employees as slaves.

    I informed here that there well could be a class action suit against the city on behalf of employees for the city making a policy of illegally refusing their legal right to see their files.

    So Wed. after we get back she will call me she says.

    Had a lovely and long conversation with a lady at the city hall. She is black and keeps her head bald, and she is beautiful. What a lovely shaped head. I would look like crap if I did that. She was very appreciative of my compliment.

    Next up the School District. I am convinced there is libel in my application file due to my references being edited by the tranny hater at city hall who had receive and pass them on. I can see no other reason for the school district refusing to employ me.

    I am at present out about $20,000 for lost income from this and the school district refusing to hire me. And it continues at about $1200 per month.
  3. Bevionn

    Bevionn Sex Lover

    Dec 15, 2007
    Hello Lainie good to see you again :rose:
  4. Andrea18

    Andrea18 1st Queen of the Island

    Mar 27, 2007
    Stay strong hun
  5. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Thanks girls. I have a plan. After getting the files from Becker, the school district is next. And I am going to start looking for a class action suit attorney and get that one filed. The City does not have a leg to stand on in this matter.

    Once i know what is in those files, I will know if there is actually libel inserted into my reference letters. The people who wrote them have known me for 17 years and think very highly of me.

    My NELSONLIQUIDATORS.COM site still isn't up but they charged me $1.00 to verify my credit card for next years fee.(After 12 months.)

    When I get my eyes back, then I can concentrate on doing more. One thing is to investigate being an instructor at UNLV for transgender studies in the sociology department.
  6. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    What a Night it was

    Left the house at 9:00 last night with Cynthia to pick up Kathy. Just got home at 6:20 am.

    Went to the South Point. I was the ONLY dancer on the floor for 2 hours, and the camera was on me the whole time, and I was on about 20 monitors that ring the lounge.
    The camera was mainly on me also when the other girls were dancing on the other side of the lounge.After a couple of songs John announced that any of the pretty girls here could get a Rockets tee shirt by going to Alex and giving him a kiss. I went over and got one for Cynthia, and asked him if he needed a kiss. he said he would pass on it. Then halfway back to my table I went back and asked him if I could have another one for my other frined. So he gave me a second one.

    Tonight I decided to wear my light blue shorts and my blue tanktop braless and the long blonde wig I wore the first time John Jones, the pianist, called me a pretty girl, before I even knew it.

    When I finished the first dance, a guy came over to me and handed me a beer. Later another guy came over while I was dancing said dance with me and put his arms around me and we danced close for about 20minutes. I think I was stepping on his feet at first, but after a few minutes we were in perfect sync.

    Later a bunch of the girls that started dancing at 12:30 formed a conga line and danced over to my side and I joined them at their motioning invitation. We circled the pianos and lounge for about 30 minutes, and I had another girl behind me. I had to run to catch up to them occasionally.

    Once a girl came over dancing with me and kept moving me back, and I tripped over the speaker behind me and went all the way down on the floor. John gave me a hand up asked if I was ok I said yes and kept right on dancing. Cynthia was horrified that I was hurt.

    Pictures of me dancing alone must have been taken at least 30 times last night and I saw one woman taking a video. I felt like I had my own show going on.

    Kathy disappeared to the ladies room and got lost coming back, didn't see me dancing (she thought maybe it was because she was used to seeing me with red hair. So then she went looking for me in the casino and didn't see Cynthia sitting at the table. So I went looking for her for about 15 minutes. Finally gave up and came back. She showed up later, said she had been calling my cell phone, which was in my purse under the seat and I couldn't hear it if I wasn't dancing anyway.

    Later still a guy came over to me and got my hand and pulled me over to the other side of the lounge to dance with me, he had come over once before and started to but his girl dragged him away.So when we got to the other side his girl once again facing him grabbed him put her arms around him and danced with him so I backed up to him and gave him a butt dance. Then when the music stopped, I held his head and kissed his cheek.

    Cynthia and Kathy didn't dance although both were asked to and I asked them both to also. But Kathy did dance a few minutes with me after the pianos quit and the recorded music was playing.

    We went to the Coronado coffee shop and had their breakfasts. And we sat nd talked and had coffee or tea or pepsi for 2 hours. Then Kathy wanted to pick up some stuff at the grocery store on the way home, so we stopped for that. Then helped her carry her stuff up to her apt. She had some clothes she wanted Cynthia to try on, one of lher favorite dresses she was going to give her, but Cynthia said maybe later she wuld like to have it but not right now. Kathy said it would be here when she wanted it. And Kathy also gave Cynthia some help with picking out some things to wear.

    So we left there about 5:15.

    I haven't had so much fun dancing in a while. And there not since the guy knelt and bowed at my feet. I danced from 10:15 to 1:40 with only about 3 20minute breaks. I wore out two girls that came dance with me in about 10 minutes each.(Fast songs).

    If I do brag, not bad for someone 73 years old. Of course I look much younger and Kathy at 72 looks 39 still.

    It does puzzle me that braless in a tank top and blonde, I think I get more attention from guys than when I am wearing my 44D bra and with red hair. I noticed this before.

    This is the last night the music will be there at the South Point until fall. I suggested to John that his agent try to get a gig at the Suncoast. They would be well received there.

    I also danced in my flipflops, something I never thought I could do. Four months ago when I wore them for the first time going out they were painful and I didn't even think I would be able to wear them. Now they are my favorite footwear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2008
  7. Andrea18

    Andrea18 1st Queen of the Island

    Mar 27, 2007
    Sounds like you had a blast babe.
  8. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Sunday Night no Mon 3AM

    Cynthia and I went to Denny's nearby for something to eat. A group of 6girls and 2 guys came in and sat in the corner of the room as far from us as is possible. Thery were laughing and tlking about Cynthia and one of the guys came over with the pretext of asking me wht the best thing to eat on the menu was. Cynthia saw thru him. I asked her if I should go educate them? She said I don't know. When I finished eating, I went over to their table standing and said in the silence that ensued: "Do you know anything about trannies?
    "no" how about Shemales? no answer puzzled looks. Obviously they had never seen any porn maybe they were Mormons.

    So I begin giving them an education course on transgendered people, for about 30 minutes. They asked intelligent questions which I answered. We covered virtually every aspect, and at the end I thanked them and they thanked me. The guy that came over to look at Cynthia was so embarrassed at first he just put his head down . I told him not to be embarased and look up, this was a learning experience, so he did, but he was crying. They were say 17-21.
  9. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Monday, June 9 2008 (for future ref.)

    We left about 10 and got into Anaheim at 5PM. I called Susan to let her know we were there. We went to their hotel. Their $189/night room at the Sheraton was smaller than our $85/night Econolodge about 8 blocks down the street. They were across the street from the Disneyland theme park.

    We had dinner, I gave her 10 and 9 yr old girls the tiara and jewelry sets I bought for them and they wore them all evening.a I also gave each a stuffed tiger, given to me by Kathy and Lucia my ex.

    After dinner we watched the fireworks. She was so happy to see me, she hugged me for 5 minutes when we got off the elevator.

    Tuesday we went to Long Beach and the Pacific Aquarium. Spent all day there. Driving back today Cynthia got a speeding ticket. I told her not to exceed the limit and use the cruise control before. After the ticket she was on cruise control all the way home. She admitted it was better. We visited the outlet mall at Barstow for 2 hours on the way back.

    Then we went to the Buffet at the Gold Coast, visited the Bingo room to see any girls there that I used to know when I played there. Talked to one girl 30 minutes about transgender stuff and gave her some refs.

    Then as we were leaving I notice the showroom was remodeled and now open to the casino. A band was playing. We went in I went onto the dance floor, and immediately was waved at by the guy singing. It was San Fernando, a band that also plays at the Sun Coast. I danced 3 dances solo, with only one or two couples also on the floor, then we left.

    I have been on computer at the two sites ever since we got home and talked to my sister and Kathy also while typing.
  10. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    OMG I just found out that 1 in 500 boys born have XX chromosomes, I bet my bottom dollar I am one of them. Want to have my DNA tested. If so, in light of a Supreme Court decision where "SEX" is determined not by physical configs but only by the DNA, I can force the state of Texas to give me a female birth certificate and force SS to give me a female medicare card.

    Went to get the mail and was hailed as young lady, and told I was cute today by two guys that also live here. They don't know I am trans.

    Makes my day, those things do.
  11. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Today I picked up the "complaints" in my file from Becker School. Laughable.

    There were two complaints, one was entered twice with a mispelled name to make it look like two.

    The complaints basically were: 1. I was trangendered and introduced myself so, that was inappropriate conversation.
    2. I wore wigs, blonde, and a skirt. (Guess they dont like blondes?)

    3. False I was unfamiliar with the instrument, (clarinet) I have taught clarinet for 13yrs.

    4.False maybe: I had bad body odor. Hot day, may have sweated, is that a reason to file a complaint?

    So the reason I was fired was plain and simple complaints I was transgendered, and dressed as a woman. This is illegal sexual harassment, and also illegal sexual discrimination. The information is to be added to my complaint with the EEOC.

    I still am going to ask where is the order firing me. They also put fired for CAUSE on my school dist application. Another sexual harassment and discrimination item.
  12. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    So today I have been writing the rebuttal to put into my employee file. A copy will also go to the EEOC and the mayor when I confront him personally and ask why an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER fires someone because someone doesn't like the fact I was transgendered. Spent at least an hour organizing my name change file and tossing unnecessary copies. Decided I no longer needed to carry the court order with me.

    I will personally deliver it and Dr. Bushong's treatise to be put in my file annotated with pertinent sections showing transgendering is a birth defect and we are born this way. I am also having them sign a receipt for it.
  13. Andrea18

    Andrea18 1st Queen of the Island

    Mar 27, 2007
    Congratulations honey.
  14. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Just going back to page 16 of this thread post #519, to reference on Empress Lainie thread for the person who asked about me.

    #519 is when I cut my hair for the first time since 1972. Went out wigless, trying to be a guy in appearance, even though I have painted fingernals and carried a purse for my insulin.

    I was beseiged continually by women coming to dance with me or take me to the bar or date me who all said how good I looked (without the wigs I have worn for 6 years) One siad she didn't care whether I wore a wig or not. So for about two weeks I really tried to live outwardly as a total guy and I HATED IT EVERY MINUTE, IN SPITE OF THE GIRLS.

    July 2, when I realized for the first time I have always been female was the greatest act of freedom I have ever experienced. I began living as the woman I really am the next day.
    And even with the discrimination problems it is worth it. I am really the person I am inwardly and outwardly.

    Common question: Are you gay? NO I never liked men in general or usually individually.
    I still like women, but as my female hormanes progress more and more, I believe I may become a bi-woman, still too early to tell, but other tgirls have told me that sometimes happens. Then a few only 2 that I know, say that after their SRS they want to marry a man.
  15. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    (server again 3 attempts to post)

    Last night after the TG meeting we went to the Buffet, $6.99. I wore my PG tee shirt, and a white skirt with flowers and my flipflops, recently painted toenails. The lady in front of us in line engaged me in conversation and complimented me on my "beautiful" toenails. I didn't wear a bra just my own boobs braless. Getting a lot more confident now in going out that way. Even have been called sexy in my tank top braless.

    On the 20th I delivered all of the documents to the City, the School District with a request for reconsideration including 2 glowing employee evaluations from Becker, and the EEOC.

    That is the smoking gun the city did not want me to have. There were two new school customers, who I had introduced myself to as Alan/Lainie - I'm a transgendered woman.

    They thought transgender was a dirty word not to be said in front of their children and filed a complaint 2 by one person and one by the other that basically said they objected to my transgender, that I wore wigs (have for 7 yrs no one else cared), and wore a skirt, (required for my 24/7 experience and legally justified by a letter from the tg counseling center, but they of course were simply ignorant.

    Then SOME PERSON, maybe Mary or her higher up decided to terminate me on that basis. They also falsely put on my references for the school district that I was terminated for CAUSE. I was terminated because of their illegal gender discrimination. I found out there was NO order firing me, they just did it all verbally.

    The EEOC with these documents in hand should have an easy case. The city rather stupidly in my opinion, declined to mediate during the mediation window.

    Now I want an attorney to pursue a classaction against the city for their willful violation of the NRS statute which states simply all employees are entitled to see and obtain copies of their file, and also to place rebuttals in them. Two different statutes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2008
  16. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Bummer, Cynthia with another migraine and chest pains last night.

    Licorice works but afraid to take it because of last nights chest pain relieved by nitroglycerin ( a vasodilator)
  17. Andrea18

    Andrea18 1st Queen of the Island

    Mar 27, 2007
    Hope she gets better soon and best of luck with your case
  18. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    She was better by last evening.Thanks Andrea
  19. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    July 3 2008

    Been a while since I posted but Empress Lainie thread has some updates.
    Finally wrote Part 3 to Babysitter Deluxe, this 4yr old won't quit. Due to the length, there will be a Part 4 and maybe a part 5.

    The story takes on a life of its own, I know not where it is going when I write it, it is just like taking dictation mentally.

    My original intention for part 3 to deal with only one more girl then 4 another then 5 another got trashed in the writing.

    Since I seem to be able to write at the moment, I will continue part 4 but not yet post it.


    It was 102 at 9am and is 97 at 2:30pm. The thermometers are on a wall with early morning sun.
  20. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Update after the Rollback

    Had a few posts that were updates lost, but oh well .

    Events since July 3: not in order by date necessarily.
    JOB: blackballed by the city turned down at Brinley and Charleston Hts, both where I used to teach. They were ordered not to hire me. Turned down by T.G. Fridays, wanted recent restaurant experience. Turned down my Family Music where I really want to teach, not needing teacher now. Kessler's music put my business cards up, they aren't needing anyone now but took my resume, and I will get my cards printed up and put on their counter. They don't teach piano there and I do. Resume to Brill Academy ignored.

    Attempt to see City Manager, refused due to my suit with EEOC.

    Atty for trannies, one herself, hasn't returned my call.

    Status of selling $200K property in Houston of which I am the heir: Pres of college said yes interested after a month of phone calls mostly missed and not returned, they arent interested according to a lower echelon. I need to contact the board, and get a definitive answer.

    I called the 7eleven corp offices left a message with one of their real estate people, was ignored, no call back.

    In August had my eye surgery. New crystalens put in both eyes, astigmatism gone on right eye, a few days ago Friday had the left one done, he said give it two weeks.
    Its still there right now.

    Dancing haven't been going as much. Partly my eyes partly Cynthia having migraines or being too tired to go. So I have gone alone sometimes.

    Went to dinner with Kathy my exgf now Im her best gf. Had a nice night. She asked me to teach her how to walk like I do.

    Met a few transmen, I think they hurt more for being in the wrong body than us mtf's do.

    Had a "serious" marriage proposal the other day.

    Found that the girl I thought was hostile to me at the dances is actually just pissed because she was interested in me as a potential mate and then I turned into a woman.

    Only two more weeks of unemplyment left, then I may just off myself.