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  1. Dragon2010

    Dragon2010 Porn Surfer

    Sep 9, 2010
    Great story.
  2. vlad b

    vlad b Porn Surfer

    Oct 14, 2009
    Glad to see that you are back. Does this mean that a new Ch. is forthcoming?
  3. Foeofthelance

    Foeofthelance Porn Star

    Oct 22, 2008
    It does. Life has just been a bit hectic, what with work, love, and people on the far side of a continent keeping me up to all hours. Fortunately, the boss hired a new employee, which means more free time for me.
  4. Foeofthelance

    Foeofthelance Porn Star

    Oct 22, 2008
    Fools and Foolish Things

    Chapter 30- Fools and Foolish Things

    Jon was back in school on Friday, and by the end of second period had a small group of students following him, trying to glean some information as to what had happened to him. Not all those who were following him were looking out for his best interest, though the jocks gave up stalking him after George ‘accidentally’ opened a door in Tim’s face. One of the hall monitors had been watching, and when Tim went to him to get George dealt with, the monitor shrugged and denied having seen anything.

    Besides the group of followers, the day passed rather uneventfully. Jon received plenty of extra homework for the weekend so that he would be caught up in his classes, and the others volunteered to help with the homework. He dumped the math on Jim, but kept the rest to do himself.


    Stef pulled into the driveway to her house and jumped out of the car. There was a pair of police cruisers parked out front, along with an animal control truck with a large, thick barred cage on the back. She began to run into the house, but then spotted Kentai chained up to the side wall of the house. She walked over to where he was laying and patted him on the head. He looked up and gave her a pained look, his distress at being chained up obvious.

    “Don’t worry big guy, I’ll take care of this.” she reassured him, scratching the back of his head while she did so. He nuzzled against her, taking comfort in her smells, and lay back down as she got to her feet. Stef walked into the house. She glanced around the living room, taking note of the company that was waiting for her. The couch held a pair of police officers, and there were a pair of Animal Control officers sitting in arm chairs. The small coffee table was littered with coffee mugs and a small plate bearing the remnants of several small sandwiches. Her mother was sitting across from the officers, making small talk as she walked.

    “Ah, Stefanie dear! How was your day?” she asked her daughter.

    “Normal, just like yesterday, the day before, and every other day I’ve been going to school.” she replied. It was a common answer to a common question.

    “How is Jon doing?”

    “Better. He was back in school today, and the doctors say he should be fit in about a week.”
    “Well that’s good dear. Now these gentlemen would like a word with you.” Her mother indicated the two Animal Control officers.

    “Good afternoon. My name is Officer Riley, and this is my partner Officer Longheart. We have been told that is your bear out side?” He didn’t even wait for her to introduce herself, getting right to the point instead.

    “Yes, Kentai is my responsibility. I request that you remove the chain immediately. He has never been chained up before, and I don’t believe he enjoys it.” Stef decided that if the officer wanted to play officially, she would play by her own rules.

    “I’m afraid I can’t do that. The bear is now officially the responsibility of the state of Ohio.” he told her.

    “Under what cause?” she demanded.

    “Any wild animal deemed a danger to the local community is automatically the responsibility of Animal Control, once reported.” he explained.

    “Well then. In that case, he’s not yours to worry about.” Stef considered Officer Riley a fool at this point. Probably enjoys bureaucracy ad red tape, she thought.

    “What makes you so sure of that?”

    “Kentai is not a wild animal. As he is not wild, and does not pose a threat to the community, you have no claim.” She smiled and leaned back against the wall she was standing in front of.

    “He is a bear. Of course he’s a wild animal!” retorted Riley.

    “Actually, Kentai is the mascot for the Greenville High Bowling Bears. The uniforms should be in by next week.” Stef refused to let the angry man intimidate her.

    “If he’s a mascot then he must be trained.”

    “He is trained. If that’s your only complaint I can have you out of here in less than five minutes.”

    “He must also be registered as such.” Riley was determined to confiscate the bear.

    “Well in that case it’s your own fault. We attempted to register him as the school mascot. I believer the reply letter said something to the extent of ’The Board for Animal Control is not a joke, and hereby requests that you cease sending us such nonsense.’ I can go fetch it if you’d like.”

    Officer Riley glared at her. He had been thwarted at every point in the conversation. No matter what argument he tried, she had an answer for it. He didn’t doubt the letter she claimed existed. He had seen it happen before. He only had one argument left, and he hadn’t wanted to use it, as it was a two edge sword. If he proclaimed the animal as ‘dangerous’ for having attacked someone, it would require an enquiry into the fate of the animal. This would most likely result in the bear being put down. But he had no choice.

    “Your pet bear attacked someone according to the police report.” he sat as still as he could after saying it. He saw Longheart glance at him. Stef just glared at him.

    “First, he never put the man in danger. He head butted and shoved the man. He never once used his teeth or claws once. More importantly, this was not some random attack. The gentleman in question was trying to kidnap one of my friends. He had already attacked one of the boys I know, and was in the midst of trying to remove her from the property. Kentai defended his territory and his family. I don’t see the police officers there trying to arrest the other boys for tackling and sitting on the kidnapper after Kentai backed off. And Kentai did back off, as soon as he saw the ‘older’ males coming into the fight.”

    “Well then. It looks like we are almost finished here.” Longheart spoke for the first time. “I apologize if we may have inconvenienced you ma’am. We only have a few things left to verify. If we may proceed outside?” Stef looked at him and nodded.

    The crowd of people walked through the door, Stef leading. As they got outside Longheart walked over to where Kentai was resting. The bear stood up as he approached, and Longheart held p his hands in a show of friendship. Reaching down to his hip he retrieved a small key from his pocket. Walking over he unlocked the collar around Kentai’s neck. Kentai shook himself as the collar fell free. He then ambled over to where Stef was standing, an extremely pleased look on his face. She idly scratched him behind the ears as he stood at her side. Long heart turned and looked at her.

    “Ok, all I need for you to do is give him some commands, so that I can tell he is indeed a trained animal.” Stef nodded silently and turned to where Kentai was standing. “Up!” she barked. Kentai immediately stood up on his hind legs. He held there until she tapped him lightly on his nose. She had to reach to do so. He then dropped to his feet obediently. “Lay!” she commanded. Kentai immediately went to his belly. “Roll over!” she called. He did so. He got back to his feet and walked back over at her beckons. Finally, she pointed to where Officer Riley was standing. “Escort!” she ordered. Kentai obediently walked over and stood next to the Animal Control officer. When one of the cops made to move closer between them, Kentai moved to put himself between the cop and the man he was guarding. No matter which way he dodged, the cop always found Kentai in his way. The other cop and Longheart began to laugh at the man’s thwarted attempts. Kentai looked back to Stef. She pointed once more to Riley, and called out “Remove!” Kentai paused and gave her a slightly quizzical look, or as quizzical a look as a bear could give. She pointed again and he turned around. He walked up against Riley and began to slowly push the man towards the edge of the property. Riley tried to doge around, but Kentai blocked his path. As he tried to resist, Kentai stopped nudging him with the top of his head and simply began pushing back against the man. Riley tried to resist, but two hundred pounds of man where no contest for the several hundred pounds of bear. After about fifteen minutes, Kentai had managed to push Riley back to the road. Once the man touched pavement Kentai stopped pushing. Riley stared at the bear and then tried to get back on the property. Once more, Kentai moved to block his path.

    Longheart turned towards Stef. “Well, I’m convinced that the bear is trained. Might I ask who trained him?”

    “My boyfriend Jon did.”

    “Is he licensed to handle animals?”

    “He received one last year so that he could work in the conservation park.”

    “Well then that raps this up. I apologize for Riley. He tries so hard to get promoted. There is only one thing left to take care of then.”

    “What exactly would that be?” Stef asked, not trying to hide the annoyance in her voice.

    “Give me a call when he performs at a bowling match. He has to, or he’ll lose mascot status and we’ll have to take him. The exotic pet laws are rather strict about this, I’m afraid.”

    “I shall.”


    Stef wasn’t the only one having after school problems. Max was lying on his bed, a thousand different thoughts and worries ranging through his head. In two hours he was going to go pick up Rebecca. He thought about how little he knew about her. Mitch ad told him what he could, what interests of hers he knew of, what her dislikes were. It hadn’t really been all that much though, and Max was essentially flying blind. He sighed. Worrying bout what could go wrong would just make it more likely to happen. He thought about calling her, but he didn’t want to seem to over eager about tonight. If she thought he was crazy it would kill any hope of a relationship. He wondered why girls had to be so difficult to figure out.

    His alarm clock buzzed, and he got up to go get ready. As he headed for the shower, he prayed that all went well.


    Mitch and Amy were lying under one of the trees outside her house, talking about their plans for tonight. They were definitely going to follow Max and Rebecca, but they weren’t sure how involved they should get. Mitch was looking up at the house. Every so often one of the second story drapes would flutter to the side, revealing a small womanly face. He turned to Amy.

    “Your mother is spying on us again.”

    “Ah, let her. She’s harmless, but a little paranoid. She thinks all guys except for my father are dangerous.”

    “She does realize that if I did try anything against you, I would be the one to get killed?”

    “You mean Jim and the others?”

    “Yeah. We all follow the rules, and they are all the same rules.”

    “If I told her that, she’d just be even more worried.”

    “Ah. Better to not tell her then.”

    “A good idea.”

    Her wristwatch began to buzz.

    “I take it that means its time?”

    “It is indeed.”

    “Heh. Good thing you got your license already, or we’d have to run after them!”

    “You don’t think it’s odd?”


    “That the girl is the one doing the driving.”

    “No not really.”


    Max parked his car outside of her house and walked up to the front door. He rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. From inside came a sound like someone screaming. The door swung open and a disheveled woman of about forty stood in front of him.

    “Um, hi. I’m Max, and I’m here to pick up Rebecca.” he introduced himself, holding out his hand. The woman looked at in disgust. She turned to the staircase behind her.

    “Rebecca your prick is here!” she called over her shoulder.

    Max stared at her, unsure whether he should laugh or be scared. From the floor above he could hear the sound of running steps. Rebecca came running around the banister, her skirt billowing. She came pounding down the stairs and out the door, not even looking at her mother. She grabbed the edge of the door as she went by pulling it closed behind her.

    “Hi.” she gasped out.

    “Hello yourself.” He offered her his arm. “Shall we depart?” he asked. Rebecca looped her arm through his, and they walked down to his car. He noticed she was walking rather quickly, but decided to make anything of it. As they reached the car he opened the door and held it open for her. She got in with a thank you and he went around to the other side. He started the car and they pulled off, heading for the theaters. Without looking at him, she began to speak.

    “I should probably apologize for my mother.”

    “Why?” he asked.

    “Well, she called you a prick.”

    “I play football. Trust me, I’ve been called much worse.” he reassured her.

    “Still, she had no right to act that way.” Rebecca exclaimed.

    “I still fail to see how exactly it’s your fault.”

    “I never said it was my fault.” she defended herself.

    “Doesn’t matter. If you didn’t feel responsible, you wouldn’t have offered to apologize. Now, you aren’t responsible, so I won’t let you apologize for something you didn’t do.”


    “My car is a guilt trip free zone.”

    She gave him a look that he couldn’t quite figure out, somewhere between mixed exasperation and thankful relaxation. He changed the topic to the movie they were going to go see and the earlier catastrophe was forgotten.


    In the car behind them, Amy turned to Mitch.

    “What was that all about?” she asked.

    “Rebecca’s mother has a bit of problem when it comes to strong alcohol.”

    “What she can’t hold her liquor?”

    “Oh she can hold it quite well actually. The problem is she doesn’t know when to put it down.”

    “It didn’t occur to you to mention this to Max ahead of time? The poor guy was in shock when he met her.”

    “Well, it’s a topic the band doesn’t cover. Everyone has family problems in one way or another, and we don’t discuss them. It’s not the band way. Until tonight, I had completely forgotten about it.”

    “Better hope he doesn’t come after you.”

    “I won’t worry about that, and neither should you.”


    Both cars arrived at the movie theater, and Amy and Mitch made sure they stayed put long enough for the other couple to make it inside. They followed shortly there after, using the length of the ticket line to keep them hidden. They purchased their tickets and headed for the same theater as Max and Rebecca. They waited till the older kids were seated, then found themselves a row in the back to sit in. Neither was truly interested in the movie, more intent upon the couple below them.


    Max had paid for the tickets and snacks (well the candy and popcorn at any rate, Rebecca had insisted she cover the drinks) and they found themselves a rather empty row in the middle of the theater. Max wondered what Amy and Mitch were doing there, but passed it off as a coincidence. The move started, and soon monsters and marines were being splattered all across the screen. He had played Doom several times, and he had some idea of what to expect. Rebecca on the other hand, was totally unprepared. She cringed as gore and gunfire filled her sight, the sounds rocking through her body. She eased her way closer to Max, taking comfort in his stoicism and, more importantly, his size.

    Max could feel her getting as close as she could (Damn those blasted seat arms with cup holders!) and shifted so that he was sitting as close to her as they could get. He felt her head resting against his arm. He looked down at her and smiled. She seemed at peace, and he was glad he could provide it. Her mother had reminded him of an uncle he rarely saw, and even though he didn’t live with it every day, he had some idea of what she must suffer through. He turned back to the movie. It seemed that the heroes were coming up on the boss soon. He was curious as to how many would actually survive.

    The movie ended in typical action style, large explosions consuming much. He looked down, and he couldn’t suppress a smile. Rebecca had managed to fall asleep some time during the movie. Considering the amount of noise that had poured forth, he figured she must of have been really bored. Well, he hoped it was boredom at any rate. He eased her awake as the credits bean to roll, and they headed for the exit. He noted that Mitch and Amy had already disappeared. As they walked into the foyer, he excused himself and headed for the bathroom. Rebecca did the same, eager to get rid of two hours worth of soda.


    Max walked into the rest room and found Mitch washing is hands. He narrowed his eyes, using the mirror to watch Mitch’s.

    “Have you two been following us?” he demanded.

    “As I seem to be busted, there is no need to deny it. We have been indeed.” Mitch told him.

    “Why?” Max asked.

    “We wanted to make sure everything went fine. You two make a good couple, and we didn’t want to see anything interfere with your date.” Mitch explained. He turned and looked Max in the eyes. “I’m glad nothing went wrong. I just hope you don’t hold her mother against her.” Max stared at him for a minute. He turned as if he was going to leave, before spinning around and landing a heavy punch to Mitch’s jaw. Mitch had just enough warning to flow with the blow, sparing himself a broken jaw. Max righted his jacket and walked out without a word. Mitch lay there on the floor, gently massaging his face. He couldn’t help it. Even though it hurt to do so, he grinned.


    In the ladies washroom, Amy and Rebecca were talking as well.

    “So what do you think is happening in there?” Rebecca asked.

    “My guess is Mitch is getting a good walloping.” Amy replied.

    “I hope not. I wouldn’t want Max to hurt him too badly, that would kind of put a damper on the evening.”

    “Oh it won’t be that bad. Mitch just has a tendency to be a bit too truthful sometimes.”

    “Well ok.”


    Max pulled up in front of her house, and they both got out. He walked with her up to the porch, and then they stopped.

    “So, did you have a good time?” he asked.

    “It was a wonderful evening. I just have one question. You didn’t hurt Mitch too badly did you?” she replied. He gave her a look of curiosity. “Amy was in the ladies room.” she explained.

    “Ah. Well, no I don’t think he’s that hurt. I think he was expecting it.” Max reassured her.

    “Ok good. The band needs him for the competition Friday.”

    “So…” he began.

    “Yes?” He watched her tense, as if she was worried about something.

    “Good night.” She relaxed again.

    “You aren’t going to try and kiss me good night?” she asked.

    “I prefer to let the lady take the lead in these areas.”

    “Well, I thank you for your generosity in the matter.” That said she walked to the door and opened. Turning back she flashed him a smile. “Good night Max.” With that, she turned and disappeared inside. Max walked down the steps, his self control fighting the urge to jump up and click his heels together.

  5. cheifman

    cheifman Porn Surfer

    Nov 6, 2008
  6. ombligo

    ombligo Sex Machine

    May 28, 2010
    Great to have the story return, I hope you will have a few chapters posted in short order.

    and thanks
  7. bigdave45

    bigdave45 Amateur

    Jun 24, 2007

  8. jaeweon5934

    jaeweon5934 Amateur

    Feb 5, 2011
    wow this is sooo lovely ;) :D *drool* *hard on*
  9. ddlzone

    ddlzone Newcumer

    Feb 4, 2011

    can't wait for the next part dude
  10. bigdave45

    bigdave45 Amateur

    Jun 24, 2007

    Amazing story i hope there is more

    to cum you have a great thing going here :cool:
  11. taya.xiig

    taya.xiig Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Feb 8, 2011
    oh ! wonderful
  12. bigdave45

    bigdave45 Amateur

    Jun 24, 2007

  13. FireFly Fan 42

    FireFly Fan 42 Newcumer

    Mar 19, 2011
    First of all there ate plenty of adult romance novelswith gratuitous sex. Second a fan from the start I love the random plot development. Third I'm dying for chapter 31.
  14. vlad b

    vlad b Porn Surfer

    Oct 14, 2009
    As we are all
  15. Jcrosb94

    Jcrosb94 Newcumer

    Mar 18, 2011
    This is a fantastic story. I hope to see lots more chapters soon!
  16. damn

    damn Newcumer

    Sep 15, 2006
    please continue this
  17. AshenShugar

    AshenShugar Porn Surfer

    Dec 28, 2010
    Come on, where is the next chapter already? Dieing to see how things progress and play out here.
  18. Marius X

    Marius X Sex Lover

    Dec 25, 2010
    EXCELLENT! I was unable to access this site for more than a year while I was overseas. I recently discovered this story and have been enjoying it very much! Not only does it have great sex scenes, there is also interesting foreplay, romance, and dialouge. Even better there are multiple plots, even schemeing, fights, and emotions unrelated to the main plots or the sex.

    (example Max the football player new to town and depicted as reluctant to participate in the schemes of the Team Captain. Especially his Noticing the date of manufacture of the Saxapone, and his reluctance to damage it. That he eneded going along with the vandalism is realistic, and adds a poignant element to the story that even many published books lack.)

    Although many elements of these stories are not quite believable, they are only slightly beyond the pale. That said, they are almost believeable, and are Great Fiction! I can really identify with several of the characters, as I was a "Jack-of-all-Trades type of Geek" through high school, then joined the Army and suprised many by becoming a Paratrooper and going off to many adventures; several of the jocks from my school joined the services, but in technical or service-support specialties. I am enjoying them very much!

    Much of what you have written has been done very well. I appreciate the effort it takes to maintain cosistancy of plots and characters, and the grammer, spelling, etc. In addition you were generating your posts in a very timely manner! I too have been working on various stories while I was deployed (and before). I have yet to post my work. I am posting some suggestions with specifics as you earlier requested.

    I have noticed the occasional mis-spelling, and more often inapropriate word; I am guessing this comes from "spell-check" replacing words with what Spell Check "thinks" is the "correct" word. There are also occasions where you switch tenses mid sentance.

    some examples: in Chapter 15 :

    Jim dropped them off at the front door, then drove around and parked the car in the back parking lot. Trying to stay out of the lovebird’s way, he walked in through the kitchen door, stopping to chat with Mick and Joel, the chefs. Seating himself at the bar he glanced around the restaurant to see if he could spot them and spotted them cuddling in a corner booth. Smiling to himself, he turned back and started chatting with Tony, the owner and his boss, the two of them bickering with some of the regular customers over the chances of several football making it too the Superbowl. Even though he wasn’t much of a football fan, it was hard to work in Tony’s and not pick up a thing or two.

    In the second sentance "walked" maybe should have been "while walking" (as everything else was present tense). In the second to last sentace you had "too the Superbowl" when it should have been "to" (a pet peve of mine, but not as bad as people confusing There and Their).

    This is the best story I have yet found on XNXX and among the best anywhere on the net! I look foward to your writing, and hope to improve my own stories. I hope you will offer constructive critism if you read my writing in the future!

    (Gah the spell check tool for this post *failed* so I will have errors in my own post!)
  19. Marius X

    Marius X Sex Lover

    Dec 25, 2010
    Again a most excellent story, I very much enjoy following it, and I hope there is much more to come.

    However, there seem to be an increasing amout of typos and other errors.

    In Chapter 17:

    “Yeah, they were hired help or something. I never reall saw much of them, they were always disappearing somewhere. The only thing that seemed odd about it was that three of the girls went home with them instead of on the bus.” Amy looked puzzled wondering what this had to with anything.

    I have to ask Jim about that, thought Mitch. He continued. “Alright. The three guys? It was Jim and two of his friends, george and Jon. You recognize the names?”

    “Yeah, everyone thinks they are a bunch of nerd don’t they?”

    Second senatce "reall" should have been "really"

    2nd to last senatce "george" should be George

    and last sentance "nerd" should be "nerds"

    I hope that errors can be edited, so that when I begin posting my own stories I will be able to correct the errors that I am certain to make!
  20. Marius X

    Marius X Sex Lover

    Dec 25, 2010
    My answers to the Pop Quiz.

    1) No Such Agency (the NSA: National Security Agency. Code breaking and various forms of communications intercepts. Many of those who work for the NSA are very smart, especially gifted at math; as well as being extremely security aware!)

    2) more of a guess, is the band "Sisters of Mercy"? I think those lyrics may have come off the Floodland album.