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  1. MaxDemian981

    MaxDemian981 Porn Star

    Apr 9, 2011
    You have a serious problem man,
    you are not talking about random fuck, you know!
    It is making baby, you know CHILD, YOUR CHILD,
    and what would you do after you fill woman, go to next one and forget about previous,
    in what universe do you live man!
  2. xiara74

    xiara74 Porn Star

    Feb 4, 2011
    I disagree that it wrecks a woman's body. My sister's had a child and her body is far from wrecked. Nothing wrecks a body more than the junk so many people eat.

    I don't want to ever get pregnant though.

    I don't think pregnancy is fun either. I wouldn't do it.

    You can take precautions against stretch marks. And you will gain weight, but not lots. People who gain lots of weight are sometimes using pregnancy as an excuse to eat junk.

    Like I keep saying on this board - men really get off on their own jizz. Seeing it, and knowing what it can do. It's like power trip. Being virile.

    Me too. BC is my best friend!

    I was considering donating eggs, but when I read the procedure to do it, I changed my mind.

    If it was easy as donating sperm, then I'd probably do it.

    Surrogacy is out of the question. No way I'm carrying a child that's not mine. . . and since I don't want my own. . .
  3. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    i think being in a loving relationship is important
  4. MaxDemian981

    MaxDemian981 Porn Star

    Apr 9, 2011
    of course it is!
    love is most essential force in universe!!!
  5. Mr.K Skins

    Mr.K Skins Sex Machine

    Jan 22, 2011
    Did any one else notice the OP bumped his own thread from 2 fucking years ago?
  6. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    yep lol. I guess he was determined to find out about it.
  7. mrstennbabe

    mrstennbabe Porn Star

    Nov 17, 2009
    I'm done with this topic. People who have never been pregnant or given birth are giving wrong answers, and ignorant answers lol..

    Knox,Amas.... Hope one of you stay to battle ignorant answers lol.
  8. soymoy

    soymoy Sex Lover

    Apr 24, 2011
    I think the OP means, can he have a job where he has sex, and cum's in women's vagina's as a career proffesion.

    Take up porn work dude, if you can find some.

    Now as for everything else...

    I don't ..know...but no one in here is ignourant. :)
  9. TwistedSoulS

    TwistedSoulS Sex Lover

    Feb 16, 2011
    i dont want to be bread but i do wanna be pregnant buy the man in my life, we talk about it alot and how it would change our lives. But we wanna wait till we are both ready for a child, after all a child is a long term commitment. and one neither one of us is willing to take lightly.
  10. ladygodiva123

    ladygodiva123 Porn Star

    Dec 27, 2010
    Well, there are men that think it's hugely sexy to knock a woman up and there are women that find it hugely sexy to get pregnant. There's this one little complication called a BABY that's your responsibility to feed and clothe and house and raise for at least 18 years. Yes, you can get TANF (Temporary Aid For Needy Families) which replaced the old style welfare. You can get it for THREE YEARS. Then it's back to work, even if you have more babies. Of course, you can get Medicaid, Food Stamps, Housing Assistance, etc. but you're still going to be raising your child in poverty, just like 20% of other children in this country. So is all that really worth it to feed your egos? Raise your kid in poverty, where they are likely to drop out and start the cycle all over again? Go to Planned Parenthood. Get contraception. Fuck your brains out. BUT DON'T HAVE KIDS UNTIL YOU CAN SUPPORT THEM.
  11. daddys_naughty_girl

    daddys_naughty_girl Porn Surfer

    Dec 29, 2008
    i have always wanted to be used like that! i just want man after man after man filling my tight young pussy with cum with the hopes of knocking me up. i dont want anything after that, just to be used and filled with cum
  12. emaxxx4

    emaxxx4 Sex Lover

    Apr 25, 2009
    I'd see fantasies about this and "Breeding parties", and I thought similar things. I even saw one where it was just one woman trying to get knocked up by a bunch of guys, and the last few photos were of her actually pregnant.

    Now my logic says, "who was taking the photo? Was it her boyfriend or husband? A friend she trusts to photograph her doing the nasty?" I've seen another video where a woman lets 25+ guys come in her to try and become pregnant. When I saw the title and watched the video, I thought of how that must have come up in conversation. "Hey honey, howabout we kill multiple birds with one stone. I'm sterile, you want a baby, the sperm bank is too far out, I've had a fantasy of seeing you with multiple guys, and that's the same fantasy you have (of being with multiple guys), so why not we try and have a baby?" Yeah, in that video the woman could have had her tubes ties or have been on the pill, as maybe the title was there to entice the viewer into thinking she was actually trying to get pregnant. In reality, I'm sure the hopeful parents would have screened people based on lifestyle, intelligence, schooling, personality, etc instead of just letting any old schmoe pump away at his wife.

    Do the guys pumping away sign a waiver saying that they hold no responsibility for the outcome (no pun intended)? Has a swinging group every encountered someone from the same group and had to break the news, "we think that baby is yours."? Maybe I think too much.
  13. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    From a guys perspective I can understand wanting your partner to become pregnant, but only in the context that you actually both want to have children and want to raise and nurture them. I have no comprehsion of why someone would want to have sex with a woman for no other reason than to get her pregnant, with no involvement in the resulting pregnancy, and involvement with the child once born.
  14. InsideOut

    InsideOut Porn Star

    Aug 28, 2011
    I think that it is the act that people are intrested in, just not the result
  15. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007
    In my younger days, I have received two requests to get the ladies pregnant.

    First there was a woman who wanted - she said - to have a kid just for herself!... :confused:

    I have run "as fast as I could"!!!

    Second, there was a man who had azospermia and was even ready, if I wished, to "pay for the service" of getting his wife pregnant...

    I have, again, denied.

    Now, I don't know how others think, but, for me, just knowing that in some place there is a kid of mine, would have probably not let me sleep at night, or things like that.
    Being a parent, no matter what the circumstances were when the child was conceived, imply a responsibility.
    I couldn't just "forget about it"!...

    Oh, almost forgotten!
    The guy with azospermia has now a son of approx. six years old, who, unfortunately, instead of looking, at least, more like his mother, he looks very much more like the God father of marriage of his official parents... ;)
  16. xoElmo88ox

    xoElmo88ox Porn Star

    Jun 7, 2009
    I totally agree with you cowgirl. It's not something I would ever do with some random guy either. Carrying someone's child for 9 months is a very big deal to, something I would only do with someone I was completely in love with and committed to. I've always said the same for losing my virginity - only with someone I was in love with and I waited until that was the case.

    As I've said above, getting pregnant by someone is a huge deal for me. I've always wanted kids so I honestly will not mind getting stretchmarks from pregnancy if I'm lucky enough for it to happen.
  17. nikki1979

    nikki1979 Porn Star

    Aug 25, 2006
    I have had three beautiful, talented, vibrant children and as a matter of fact am pregnant again with my fourth but as far as casual breeding goes,,not for me thanks.

    I love being pregnant, it's magical to feel a new life grow inside me, and I love every second of it. The birth part is not so much fun but its all part of the magic.

    You have to dedicate yourself to raising children and want them more than anything. I see so many people who have kids only because they have a fertile womb and sperm, not because they want them or even love them, they are a side effect of their personal lust,,nothing more. That is wrong, maybe we should make people get a license to have kids, go to school and be mentally evaluated because there are too many parents out there that dont have a clue how to raise kids.

    OK,,,jumping off my soap box now...hehe
  18. Invercio

    Invercio Sex Machine

    Jun 6, 2009
    Yeah, don't just bump the thread, answer people's questions!
  19. highinfidelity

    highinfidelity Amateur

    Apr 8, 2011
    Two women

    In my more intensely extramarital phase, I dated (at different times) two married women who actively wanted to get pregnant outside their marriages; in part because they wanted to start or add to a family, and in part because they wanted the feel of being knocked up by one man while being married to another. These were very, very, very hot women, and though they were the only two I've known who expressed this particular desire to be bred, I don't believe for a second that they're all that rare. Those breeding parties that an earlier poster mentioned happen more often than you would think.