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  1. DeGuru

    DeGuru Sex Lover

    Jan 12, 2010
    The 1st part of this story is really like another one posted along time ago by a very good writer. I wonder if he was your inspiration he asked to have his stories taken down though. I liked it keep it up.

  2. Juicy*Snatch

    Juicy*Snatch Porn Surfer

    Dec 28, 2009
    I enjoyed your story!
  3. il-pam

    il-pam Porn Star Suspended!

    Dec 7, 2009
    id love to show daddy my wet pussy right now
  4. MayaS

    MayaS Porn Surfer

    Dec 31, 2008
    Definitely a very hot story! :excited:
  5. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009

    so romantic and beautiful
  6. Jopops

    Jopops Porn Surfer

    Feb 26, 2008
    Very good writing

    I do believe you're one of the best writers here. And with this kind of story line, has many wankers busy. Thanks for the memories.
  7. Lunalupo

    Lunalupo Porno Junky

    Mar 31, 2008
    Just read the first two parts and then felt badly that part 3 was not here yet. Your fans await your awesome erotic prose.
  8. HelloSugar

    HelloSugar Sex Lover

    Apr 21, 2008
    Oops!! Very sorry I never finished this!

    For anyone who might still be interested, this is the next chapter.

    That night there was no fun to be had as my mother came home from work first. I didn't feel like hanging out in the family room when all I could think about was what had happened that morning, so I faked a migraine and went to lie down in my room.

    What I was really doing was researching and reading stories on the internet to try to get a good idea of what to do next. About ten minutes after my parents went to bed I slipped out of my room and went to the kitchen. I was pretty thirsty as I hadn't taken a drink with me when I went to "lie down."

    I was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt which covered all the important stuff, though I had no panties on. I padded barefoot to the fridge and opened it, gasping slightly as the cool air hit me. I must've been really horny because my pussy was so hot that I could actually feel the cool air go up my nightshirt and cool it off.

    I was looking for a diet coke. I found OJ, Sprite, Cranberry Juice, but I wanted diet coke and I was certain I had stashed one in here. I usually hid one so there was always one in case of emergency. I bent down, reaching towards the back of a lower shelf, my shirt riding up.

    In the back of my mind I was enjoying the feel of the air on my bare ass, but I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand run over it. I jolted upright and spun around to find my stepfather smiling at me. The fridge door closed behind me and it was only the glow of the moon that let us see each other.

    "Don't mind me," he grinned, "I was just enjoying the view. Go ahead and look for your drink. You might find it hidden under the lettuce in the crisper, way down at the bottom."

    My heart was still doing back-flips from the shock of him walking in on me, but even so I could feel the excitement welling up as well. Then I remembered something.

    "What if mom comes out here?"

    "She wont. Even if she does I'll know because she's stop snoring."


    "Shhh!" he put a finger to my lips. "That soda isn't going to find itself. I thought you were thirsty?"

    I pushed my fear down and tried to focus on the thrill. I had no idea what he wanted to do. Maybe he just wanted to watch? But what if he decided he wanted to fuck me and slid his cock in while I was bent over?

    He must have noticed the fear on my face because he sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I'll go back to bed and not bother you."

    I knew right away what I wanted and I grabbed his arm to keep him from turning away. I pouted and in my best little girl voice I said, "But what if I can't find it, I might need some help."

    He smiled and backed away, but kept watching me. I opened the fridge door and muttered, "My, my, I wonder where that soda could have gone. I bet it's all the way on the bottom shelf."

    Though he had told me where it was I wasn't going to check there first, I wanted to see what was going to happen.

    Slowly I bent over, letting my shirt ride up over my ass. I pretended to search the fridge, knowing he had a perfect view of my ass and dripping pussy. Well, as perfect as he could have in the moonlight.

    I felt him move closer and put his hand on my pussy, sort of cupping it. "God, you're so hot." he whispered. I kept my face in the fridge and maintained my position. He fingered my wet lips for a moment and then I felt him slide a finger into my cunt and I gasped.

    "So fucking tight too, are you a virgin?"

    "Yes," I breathed. My heart was in my throat. I kept thinking that if my mother came in now she would kill us both, but if he stopped fingering my pussy I would die."

    "You have a dildo, though?"

    "Yes. It's small though."

    "Still, good practice."

    "My back is starting to hurt," I heard myself say. I hadn't even realized it until I said it. I had stood bent over for too long with no support. I suddenly became aware of my breasts hanging free and slightly swaying with my movement.

    "Just another minute. I don't have time to fuck you tonight but I want a preview of what I get to have tomorrow."

    Before I could even wonder what he meant I felt him kneel behind me. He placed each hand on the outside of my thighs and rotated outward slightly to get better access to my soaking cunt.

    "Keep looking for the soda," he ordered, "and don't make a sound. I need to listen for your mother."

    Suddenly I felt his tongue lap the juices that were flowing from my pussy. How was I supposed to not make a sound??

    I bit my lip as the thrill of this hot wet tongue on my equally hot and wet pussy stole my breath and sent shock waves through my body.

    He paused just long enough to say, "Keep looking,"

    I busied myself in the fridge and tried desperately to pretend I didn't have my mom's husband sucking on my wet cunt in the kitchen while she slept only a room away.

    He ran his tongue in circles, first licking my juices from the outside, and then dipping it into my tight little cunt and back again. He teased my clit, then went right back to my cunt, and even sucked the lips in his mouth one at a time.

    I tried to pretend I didn't notice but I couldn't. Before long his expert tongue brought me to the edge. I grabbed the refrigerator bit my tongue to keep from crying out as wave after wave of orgasm washed over me.

    I knew my juices were flowing all over his face and he valiantly tried to lap them up. I simply stood there, grasping the fridge and panting.

    He gave me one good long last lick and helped me right myself again.

    "Fucking delicious," he pulled me to him and kissed me hard and I could taste myself on him.

    "Now, I think it's time you go off to bed, young lady. You've going to be very busy tomorrow." He slapped my ass as I began to walk away, only to have him call for me after a few steps. I hadn't even heard him open the door to the fridge, but he was holding the diet coke I had come out to get. I had completely forgotten about it. I reached out and took it.

    "Now I need to go brush my teeth before your mother wonders why I have pussy on my breath." He grinned and I went back to my room, feeling dazed.

    I don't know if it was the fact that I'd never cum so hard before, which seemed to be a theme lately, or the realization that my stepfather had just ate my pussy while my mom was so close and could have walked in. I was just dazed.

    As I lay in bed and began to relax my senses came back to me and I realized it was the former. Mom being so close had only made it hotter.

    I began to think about what would happen tomorrow and I was surprised to find myself getting wet all over again.

    **I will post more later today, but I need a cold shower first ;)
    • Like Like x 5
  9. phantom1984

    phantom1984 Porno Junky

    Jul 18, 2007
    OMG IM harder than i have been in a long while. Can't wait for the rest.
  10. hannes

    hannes Sex Lover

    Mar 10, 2009
    OMG wow what a story. U got me so hard i am going to exsplode. Geep it up
  11. HelloSugar

    HelloSugar Sex Lover

    Apr 21, 2008
    Thanks :) It's all the encouragement I get here that made me think to start my own site... so here's the next chapter.

    The next morning I was excited and nervous. I kept going back and forth between anticipation and fear.

    I didn't know for sure what was going to happen but I was pretty sure I was about to lose my virginity to my stepfather, a thought which got me dripping instantly.

    Because I was bursting with energy I helped my mom do some housework before she left for work. We did everything except the dishes because I hate the dishes and we had had pasta last night and the pans were still dirty.

    Once she had left I went straight to my room to find something to wear. I eventually decided on my Pom Pom squad uniform from last year. It was a little small but I thought it was perfect. By the time I showered and dressed it was twenty minutes until I expected him to be home.

    I went and sat on the couch and turned the TV on to the cooking channel, which is what we usually watched when he got home.

    When I heard his truck pull into the driveway it was all I could do to keep from creaming myself. I kept my eyes on the TV and tried not to look like I was waiting for something.

    He came in, grumbled about his day, and took his shoes off, going straight to the kitchen without so much as a hello. I was shocked and embarrassed. Had he changed his mind? Did he decide my pussy wasn't worth it after last night?

    "Why aren't the dishes done?" I heard him call from the kitchen. He sounded angry.

    I jumped, "I-I'll get right on them." I tried to hide my disappointment but I felt like crying. I swallowed my tears, kept my back straight, and walked past him into the kitchen.

    I felt my skirt brush against his leg and was sure part of my ass had shown.

    He turned and went to the bathroom without so much as a word. I heard the shower come on.

    I choked back the tears and became angry. As I filled the sink and scrubbed the dishes I splashed the water around in my anger.

    I wondered what had gone wrong but at the same time I cursed him for tormenting me, using me, or whatever he had done.

    I heard the shower turn off and I tried to compose myself so my hurt and anger wouldn't show. After a few minutes I heard him walk into the kitchen and stand a few feet behind me.

    "Still not done?"

    I cleared my throat as I suddenly felt a lump in it. "Almost"

    "I never could understand why you take so long to do the dishes. And those clothes," he stepped closer behind me. I was raging and hurt and suddenly I felt his hand slide under my skirt and brush along the curve of my ass. "No panties. You are such a naughty little girl. What am I going to do with you?"

    He stepped up closer behind me and the anger and hurt melted away as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back against his bare chest which was still damp from the shower. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck as one hand slid under the front of my skirt and one under my blouse, fondling me.

    "Did you think I forgot?" he breathed in my ear. I almost cried in relief but laughed instead as I said,


    "No need to worry, I couldn't get the taste of your pussy out of my mind all day and I need to fuck it. I just want you to know who's in charge. When we fuck we're going to fuck my way."

    He slid one of his hands back to the back of my skirt again and pulled it up. "Like walking around here dressed in this nasty little outfit that made me so horny all last year. Not even any panties, it's like you want some guy to walk in here and stick his cock in you."

    "Just....just you," I whispered.

    "Do you want me to show you what happens when you walk around here like that?"

    He had reached around to the front again and was fondling my tits. I pushed my bare ass against him and felt his cock poking me from under his sweats, obviously unrestrained.

    I knew then that I wanted that cock so badly, I wanted him to fuck me now, and not stop fucking me. I wanted him to come home from work every day and fuck me until it was time for bed and do it all over again the next day, but I couldn't put all of that into words so I just whispered, "Please."

    He pushed me up against the sink. He must have pulled his sweats down because the next thing I felt was his hot cock on my ass cheeks.

    I had imagined so many ways for this to go down but all the planning went out of my head as he pushed me forward gently so my pussy was presented to him and ran the head of his cock up and down my wet slit.

    "My god, you're wet." there was laughter in his voice. Suddenly he positioned his head at the entrance of my cunt. He hesitated only a moment, perhaps savoring a virgin pussy, or maybe wondering if this was right. Then I felt his cock slide slowly into my virgin pussy.

    The feeling was intense. Pleasure and pain, but mostly pleasure thanks to my experimenting with toys. I could feel him deep inside me, he was playing with a tit in one hand as he put the other on my hip.

    I gasped at the pleasure and he slowly started to thrust.

    "Your pussy is so sweet, I could fuck you all night."

    "Please do," I panted and he laughed. he sped up his thrusts and I had to grip the counter to keep from being pushed into the dish water.

    "I always knew you were a dirty little cock whore."

    I would usually be shocked at such words but instead my pussy flooded and I knew they were true. I WANTED them to be true. I wanted to be his dirty little cock whore.

    Now he was gripping my hips and pulling me back into his thrusts and I felt my orgasm building. I couldn't believe I was being fucked for the first time by my own stepfather. What's more I was loving it.

    "Tell me your my whore," he whispered. His thrusts were so hard that I had trouble catching my breath enough to speak.

    "I...I'm...ug...your.....ughhh," my word were punctuated with groans.

    "Yes?" he grunted back.

    "Dirty.....ugh...little.....WHOOOOOOOOOOREEEE!!!" my words were lost in a jumble of screams and swears as I came so hard I thought I was going to black out.

    I didn't expect to cum so soon but after an entire day of anticipation the experience of my first thick cock plunging into my cunt was just too much for me.

    When the room stopped spinning I realized he was holding me, keeping me from falling down.

    "You okay?" he smiled at me. "Maybe we should go into the living-room." to my surprise he picked me up like I weighed nothing and carried me to the couch.

    "I hope you didn't think we were done yet," he lay me on the couch and when he stood up I saw he had removed his sweats and was still hard as a rock. I hadn't even known if he had cum, I was so overwhelmed with my own orgasm.

    Getting my strength back I sat up on the couch and reached for his cock, taking it instantly into my mouth and down my throat.

    He tasted of cock and pussy. I bobbed up and down on his cock and teased him with my tongue while he stood there and watched. I loved that cock and I lavished it with licks and sucks to prove it. When I went down to lick his balls I let my tongue stray and licked his taint as well and he shivered.

    "Dirty girl," he muttered. "I wonder how dirty you really are."

    A if he was challenging me I drenched a finger in the drool that was dripping from his balls, reached between his legs and as I took him in my throat I stuck my finger up his asshole.

    He cried out in surprise and I pulled his cock from my mouth and twisted my finger, looking for the spot I had read about. I must have found it because just as I was putting his cock back in my mouth he shot his load all over my face.

    "Dirty Bitch!!" he cried out as he grabbed my shoulders to steady himself and spurt after spurt of cum splashed on my face and tits. I actually laughed.

    He fell onto the couch next to me, looking exhausted and panting.

    "Where did you learn that? No one's ever done that for me before."

    "Internet," I grinned and snuggled up next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

    "Well I need to take a peek at that site," to my surprise he directed my hand to his deflating cock. "You didn't think we were done yet, did you? I'm usually good to go right away but I wasn't expecting you to pull the big guns on me."

    I began jerking him, then sat up on my knees with my butt in the air and put him back in my mouth.

    Feeling him get hard in my mouth was awesome. After a minute he reached behind me and slipped two fingers in my pussy, fingering me while I sucked him. When my back got tired I sat up and kept jerking him.

    He spread his legs and sat like he usually does when he rubbed my back and patted the couch in front of him. I stood and he asked me to remove my top. I did, letting my large braless tits bounce down freely.

    He moaned in appreciation and I turned and sat on the couch. To my surprise he actually did start rubbing my back but his hands quickly moved to my breasts.

    "I can't get over how amazing your tits are," he breathed in my ear, then he moved his hands to my hips and guided me up and down again, impaled on his cock which was now rock hard and ready again.

    With his hands still on my hips he supported me as I rode his cock, my pleated skirt covering what we were doing, but my bare tits bouncing with the rhythm.

    "You should wear your skirts like this more often so I can slip my cock into you when your mom goes to bed."

    "Or when I'm doing the dishes," I panted.

    "I'm going to love having this pussy at my beck and call. Play with your clit," he suggested, "I've got you, you don't need your hands."

    I stopped trying to support myself with my hands and let him guide me and support me while I rode his cock. I began playing with my clit and before I knew it I was cumming on his cock. He lifted me up and flipped me onto my hands and knees on the couch. Getting behind me he slid back into my cunt and pounded me so hard my face was rubbing on the couch and I had to put my hands up against the arm of the couch to steady myself.

    "Oooh, yeah, fuck me hard," I purred, "your cock feels so good stuffed in my tiny little cunt."

    "You like cock, don't you?"

    "Yeeees," I moaned.

    "You could be stuffed with it and beg for more, couldn't you?"

    "Yesss, yeees, I want more cock!" I was on the verge of orgasm again and I didn't care what I was saying, I just knew every word pushed me further and further towards the ending I desired.

    "From now on I get to fuck you before work,"

    "Ooooh, yes, please!"

    "And you'll suck my cock whenever your mother's back is turned."

    "Ooooh, yes, yes!"

    "You like letting your mom's husband fuck you, don't you you dirty little slut? You like that your pussy is sweeter than hers and I'll be dreaming of it when I fuck her."

    His thrusts were harder and harder and soon his words were drowned out by my orgasm.

    "You're my dirty little cock-sucking stepdaughter!" he shouted as he flipped me on my back and came all over my body.

    We both lay there panting for a while, I ran my fingers through the cum on my body and licked it off my fingers.

    "You better get in the shower before your mother gets home."

    I got up off the couch and he smacked my naked ass playfully.

    "Hey, he called when I was halfway to my bedroom to get something to wear, "Wear your nightshirt. From now on no panties either, I want to be able to slip my hand up your skirt whenever you mom isn't looking."

    I started to walk away again, "Oh, and finish those dishes!"
    • Like Like x 4
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. don22

    don22 Porn Star

    Feb 1, 2008
    Do not tease us..keep going with this hot story
  13. fireknight

    fireknight Sex Lover

    Apr 22, 2010
    hopeing for more
  14. hannes

    hannes Sex Lover

    Mar 10, 2009
  15. HelloSugar

    HelloSugar Sex Lover

    Apr 21, 2008
    He was true to his word. The next morning I awoke to the feeling of a hot mouth over my pussy. I was still in that place between dreaming and waking when I realized the shower was running.

    If someone was in the shower, and his mouth was on my pussy... that meant... mom hadn't left yet!

    I wanted to protest but the feeling of his tongue swirling around my clit left me speachless. I wondered how long she had been in the shower and how quickly she would get out. All the while his hot mouth was driving me crazy.

    Then I heard the shower turn off, there were only minutes before she would put on her robe and go to the bedroom! Still, he didn't leave. He simply kept eating my pussy, getting more intense by the second. I could feel my orgasm building. I heard the bathroom door open. She walked by my bedroom door and to my surprise he slipped a finger up my ass while flicking my clit with his tongue and I exploded. I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out. The footsteps continued on and I panted and resisted the urge to scream. Rolling around on the bed, his head locked between my legs.

    He gently lapped up my juices as I cam down, then popped out from under the sheets.

    "Gotta get in the shower before she gets done." he said, and without another word he was out the door and I heard the shower come on soon after.

    I lay there, panting in disbelief. Wondering what would have happened if we'd gotten caught. Mom had been FEET away from me when my orgasm hit and my tongue was actually bleeding from the force with which I bit it. I could taste it in my mouth.

    Still, that had felt fucking wonderful.

    This continued for several days as we waited for another night alone.

    As I was no longer allowed to wear panties he would slip his fingers up my skirt or night shirt whenever he could.

    On Sunday while Mom was making dinner he asked me to come over for an earlier back rub claiming I had been complaining about a sore back earlier.

    I was wearing a skirt and blouse, no panties but I had a bra on. It wasn't easy for me to go without a bra, it was way too noticeable.

    So I went over and sat on the couch between his legs as my mom went into the kitchen to make dinner. He told me to sit the same as I would during a back rub and pay attention to the TV.

    He actually rubbed my back for a few minutes, then as the sounds of cooking increased in the kitchen he slipped his right hand, the one hidden from the view of the kitchen entryway, and slid it down and under my skirt. It slid around to the front and began fondling my pussy.

    It was hard to pretend nothing was happening but I knew he wanted me to because if mom looked in right now she wouldn't see his hand, but if I were acting strange she would know something was up.

    Knowing she was just in the other room, cooking dinner for us, was making my pussy drip with excitement as he fondled it. I felt him slip a finger up my cunt just as my mom peeked her head out of the kitchen.

    "Do you guys want corn, or peas?"

    "Peas!" I blurted, a little breathlessly. I yawned to cover it up.

    "You getting tired already?"

    "Hard day," I laughed, knowing full well I hadn't done anything. She went back into the kitchen and I could feel my stepfather chuckling behind me.

    "Dick" I whispered.

    "Not now, that's too obvious," he replied and I elbowed him in the ribs.

    He pulled his fingers from my cunt and while we were pretty sure mom was busy he made me lick them off. Then he reached under his chair and pulled something out. It was wrapped in a plastic bag and I had no idea what it was.

    He handed it to me and whispered, "go to your room and put this on. You are to wear it all throughout dinner and you are not to give any sign that anything is wrong.

    I was terribly curious and slightly nervous but also aroused. He shooed me off to my room and I went, hiding the bag from view to avoid questions.

    The second I closed the door I ripped open the bag to discover a thong with what appeared to be a remote control vibrating device inside. I could only assume he had the remote. My god, he was going to make me cum with my mom right there!

    For a moment I considered not putting it on. I really didn't want to get caught, but I was so turned on by the idea of it that I couldn't stand it!

    Hearing my mom call us to dinner I slipped the thong on and made sure the little vibrating bit was positioned near my clit. I took a deep breath and stepped from my room to go to the kitchen and have dinner with my family.

    More coming soon...
    • Like Like x 6
  16. hannes

    hannes Sex Lover

    Mar 10, 2009
  17. eadsy32

    eadsy32 Amateur

    Jul 7, 2010
    i love this story, so glad your continuing it!
  18. okieblueyes

    okieblueyes Sex Machine

    Nov 9, 2006
    So good please tell us more
  19. kmc11

    kmc11 Sex Lover

    Jan 20, 2011
    This is so good cant wait for more.