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  1. lathrope

    lathrope Porn Surfer

    Sep 22, 2008
    I didn't write this story, though I did edit it pretty heavy. I posted it on another site long ago. Hope you like it.


    I’ve been married for fourteen years to a man who, in many ways, is the ideal husband. He’s honest, hard working and a good provider for our son and me. The major problem is that he’s a lot older than I am. I’m now thirty-four and he’s in his sixties. That wouldn’t be a problem except that over the last six years or so, he’s gradually lost his interest in sex. Now, he’s impotent. Our sex life was never stellar, but it was at least there. Now we never have sex. It might not have been too bad if he’d at least made an effort to please me in other ways, orally or manually, but he’s too much of a puritan for that sort of behavior and he seems to assume that because he doesn’t want sex anymore, I don’t either. He’s wrong. I was a very frustrated housewife and since masturbation was my only outlet, I did it a lot. Of course, I had to be very secretive about it because he would think it very depraved and sinful.
    But if my husband lost interest in sex, our son, Tony, sure didn’t. He’s fourteen and, perhaps like most fourteen year old boys, seems to be obsessed with sex. I do the laundry and have to wash his sperm soaked handkerchiefs every week so I know he masturbated even more frequently than I did. He also hid girlie magazines in his room and I was always catching him sneaking peeks at my body whenever he got the opportunity. He’s a very good looking boy for someone his age and I found myself to be kind of flattered by his attention. Sometimes, because I thought he fantasized about me when he’d masturbate, I’d give him a little peek at me in my undies, or a look down my blouse, or up my skirt. I figured it was harmless and I certainly had no intention of letting it go any further than that. But you can’t have a horny teenage boy and a horny middle-age woman in the same house and not expect problems, even though they are mother and son.
    It all started with the dog. Tony was always an animal lover and he had begged us to get him a dog. We got him an adorable black lab puppy and it grew up to be a beautiful, huge, sweet natured dog. Tony loved him, but, as a housewife who didn’t work outside the home, I was the one that ended up with the responsibility of caring for him. I fed it, let it out when it wanted out, took it for walks and took it to the vet. Tony played with him, but the dog ended up loving me and followed me everywhere I went. It had to be within sight of me at all times, for some odd canine reason, even when I had to pee. So when the dog and I were home alone, I’d go to the bathroom and leave the door open and he’d sit in the doorway and watch me.
    That’s what got me into trouble. One day, after I’d finished peeing and was just about to get off the pot; the dog strolled over, stuck his head between my legs and licked my pussy. It was like an electric shock! No one, man nor beast, had licked my pussy since my dating days years ago (though some of the guys I dated sure qualified as beasts). I got so excited by the dog’s tongue that I kicked off my panties and spread my legs wider and let him lick some more. I couldn’t help myself. Even though my brain registered it as very wrong to let a dog lick my cunt, it felt so good that I was powerless to stop it. Eventually, he got tired of it and quit, leaving me on the brink of my third orgasm. I wanted more. I left my panties lying on the bathroom floor and went to the kitchen to see what I could find that he might like to lick. I knew he liked peanut butter but that seemed kind of messy. I finally decided on peanut oil. I pulled up my dress, spread some on my cunt, sat down on the kitchen chair, spread my legs wide and called him over. Sure enough, he lapped my pussy enthusiastically. I was in heaven! One wild, intense orgasm after another ripped through me that day.
    From then on, it became a daily ritual for the dog and me. As soon as my husband left for work and Tony left for school, I’d pull off my panties, sit down on a kitchen chair, spread some peanut oil on my cunt and let the dog lick it off, bringing me to some fabulous orgasms. It was admittedly a little perverted but what was the harm? The dog liked it, I certainly liked it and who was it harming? If my husband learned about it he sure would have been appalled and he probably would have divorced me right then and there, but it wasn’t like I was actually being unfaithful or sleeping with the mailman or anything like that.
    Soon I stopped wearing panties entirely. What was the point? By noon they’d be dirty with dog slobber, peanut oil and my own cunt secretions.
    I swear I’d never entertained any dirty thoughts about fucking a dog before he started licking my cunt but I certainly started having those thoughts then! In addition to having a wonderful tongue, he had a cock, a very big cock. I’d seen it a lot and I knew it was pretty big. I decided I wanted a better look. One day, I got him to roll over on his back in the living room and I began to play with it to get it hard. As it slowly came out of its sheath, I felt stirrings of lust. It looked a little gross at first, all red and wet with lubrication and with that big, round knot at the base, but it was really impressively sized and it was certainly a cock!
    I soon got used to the way it looked and after I got him as hard as I could, I got my nerve together, pulled up my dress, straddled him right there in the living room and eased myself down on it. It was the first time I had a cock inside of me in years and did it ever feel great! I fucked that dog to three great orgasms. The whole time I was doing this, half of my mind was wondering at the really perverted thing I was doing while the other half relished the intense feelings of lust as the dog’s cock brought me to sexual release time after time. The last one was the most intense because that’s when the dog’s cock swelled up and erupted semen deep inside of me. I couldn’t believe I was doing this! The nature of the whole situation was just unbelievable!
    I felt very depraved after that first time. Getting the dog to lick my cunt could be passed off as a mild perversion, just fun and games, but fucking a dog? That was bestiality with a capital B! I took a long hot shower, washed thoroughly and promised myself I’d never do it again. Well, I amended that a short time later, I wouldn’t do it again unless I got really horny and absolutely had to have some relief. I felt that way the very next day. So from then on, our morning licking sessions were followed by fucking sessions. I tried various positions and found two that worked to both our satisfaction. Doggy style was very good. His cock reached very deep like that and it felt heavenly when he’d shoot his load inside me. That was how we’d do it when we fucked on the bed or on the floor. For some odd reason, I liked to let him fuck me on the kitchen floor like that. It was so deliciously forbidden and dirty! I never failed to come very hard when we did it like that.
    The best way, though, was for me to slouch down on the couch with my bare ass half over the edge of the cushion and my legs spread wide and my feet on the floor, with him mounting me missionary style, his back paws on the floor and his front ones on my shoulders. In that position, he got even deeper and I loved the way it felt with him pulling me against him as he thrust that big, beautiful cock relentlessly inside me. I never failed to come at least four or five times before he’d shoot off inside me.
    Those first few times I let him fuck me, I felt guilty and depraved, but I soon got over that. No one would ever know what went on in the house except for me and the dog. Both of us loved to do it, so to hell with it. What my husband didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Besides, he actually benefited by it. Since I was no longer sexually frustrated I was much happier. He noticed it and commented on it, congratulating me on getting over my “constant gloom”.
    And yes, if you must know all the dirty details, I did occasionally get carried away with lust and suck off the dog. I know that sounds pretty disgusting, but it really isn’t much different than sucking a man’s cock (which I used to LOVE to do). There is, however, one major difference: The dog doesn’t run around and tell all his buddies that you give great head. Again, after the first time I
    sucked the dog’s cock, I felt very guilty and perverted, but just like before, I got over it and did it again and again.
    I used to think a lot about what I was doing with the dog, how wrong it was and how I should put a stop to it. But every time I made up my mind to quit, my ever hot cunt would betray me and I’d wind up naked on my hands and knees with the dog fucking the living daylights out of me. I’d stand naked in front of the mirror and closely examine myself, I suppose looking for some clue to my bizarre behavior, but all I saw was a woman in her mid-thirties with a great body, long lithe legs, nicely shaped tits and a pretty face framed by short cut brown hair. And, more than once, I’d call the dog over and watch in the mirror as he fucked me to yet another orgasm or two.
    Things went their merry way until one disastrous day. My husband went off to work and Tony went off to school that morning. As soon as they were gone, as usual, I pulled up my dress, spread peanut oil on my cunt, sat down on a kitchen chair, spread my legs wide and called the dog over. He eagerly licked me off for a while and then we retired to the living room. I bunched my dress up around my waist, sat down on the edge of the couch and the dog, who knew the drill, immediately hopped on missionary style and I guided his cock inside me. We were both on our way to a great come when I looked up and was shocked to see Tony standing in the doorway to the dining room staring at us wide eyed, his mouth open and his pants bulging. Apparently, he’d forgotten his books and had returned to the house to fetch them.
    Horrified, I immediately pushed the dog off, ignoring his whine of protest, and jumped up and smoothed down my dress.
    “You were fucking the dog!” Tony declared, stating the obvious.
    “I was not!” I declared, denying the obvious.
    “Yes you were! I saw you!”
    I was scared to death. Not only did I have the shame of being caught doing something so depraved by my own son, I also was terrified he’d go to my husband and tell him what he’d seen. He’d have a moral fit! What kind of divorce settlement would come out if I was charged with having an affair with a dog? I anxiously mulled it over for a few seconds as we stood there staring wordlessly at each other. “Are you going to tell Dad?” I asked him, “What will it take to keep this a secret?”
    Tony was silent for a second, and then he just shrugged and stood there. I was in agony! Was he going to say anything? What did he think about me? Did he think his mother was a dirty slut? One thing should have tipped me off. He still had a big hard-on tenting out his pants. Would he try to get me to do something very unmotherly with him? Would I do it? Almost unbidden, my cunt started to get wet as I thought about it.
    “This is Dad’s fault,” he said finally, “if he’d take care of you, you wouldn’t need the dog. Christ, Mom! Why the dog?”
    “I don’t know,” I answered him honestly, “but I’ve got to know…are you going to say anything? What can I do to keep this quiet?”
    A shy, expectant smile crossed his face. “I want to see you naked, Mom.” He said, almost in a whisper.
    I stared at him, a strange mix of conflicting emotions washing through me as I debated my options. There weren’t any and besides, I was beginning to warm up to the idea of giving my fourteen year old son an unfettered view of my naked body. “Ok,” I finally said. “Let’s go upstairs.”
    “You stay!” I ordered the dog and went upstairs, Tony eagerly following me. We went to his bedroom and I closed the door behind us, not wanting the dog to join us. I told Tony to sit on the bed, which he expectantly did, and then, standing in front of him in the small room, I started taking my clothes off. I pulled my dress off over my head and, since I wasn’t wearing any panties, I was already half nude. While he stared at my crotch I took off my bra and kicked off my shoes and stood in front of my son stark naked. I wasn’t about to let him know it, but I was as turned on as I could ever remember.
    “There,” I said, “had enough?” After a few moments, I reached for my dress.
    “No, wait,” he told me, “you’re beautiful! God, what a sexy body! May I please touch you?”
    “You’re my son!” I protested, “We shouldn’t be doing this stuff.”
    “I don’t care about that! Come on, Mom; lay down here on the bed, please?” He stared lewdly at my body like it was candy and he was ready to eat it. My resolve was crumbling very quickly. I couldn’t believe that this fourteen year old boy, my own son, had me ready to do anything he wanted. Besides, I reasoned, if I’d let a dog fuck me, why not my son? At least he was a human. I lay down on the bed next to him.
    Rather hesitantly at first, he touched my breasts and then, gaining more confidence, he caressed them, squeezed them and played with my nipples. No one had fondled my breasts in years and despite my misgivings about what I was letting him do, I had to hold back an almost unbearable urge to just jump on him right there and fuck him half to death.
    Then he ran a hand down across my stomach and started playing with my cunt. At first he just rubbed it but then he started trying to find his way inside me. Hesitantly, I spread my legs to give him better access and then I just closed my eyes and let it happen. He found his way inside. I was hot and very wet by then and his finger slipped easily inside me. I tried not to groan with the pleasure I was feeling, but as he worked first one finger in me and then two and began to move them in and out of me, I couldn’t help but move my hips up to meet them. I was almost on the verge of a delicious come when he suddenly pulled his fingers out of me.
    I opened my eyes to see him getting out of the bed. He dropped his pants, kicked them away, and did the same with his shorts, displaying an erection that seemed impossibly big for a fourteen year old boy. I was stunned! His cock was as big as any I’d ever seen. If he’s that big now, I thought hornily to myself, how big will it be when he’s twenty? It was as hard as a rock and it throbbed in time with his heartbeat. As I sat up, staring at it like I was mesmerized, I was wondering what was going to happen next.
    “I want you to suck on it, Mom. Will you do it for me?”
    Those damn magazines of his are where he got the idea for that, I knew. If you discount the dog, I hadn’t sucked a cock since I’d met his father but before that, I’d sucked off a lot of guys and I enjoyed doing it immensely.
    “Don’t you want to do it?” he asked, seeming very disappointed.
    “Well,” I answered, “I guess I would like to, but you’re my son. We shouldn’t be behaving like this!” I have to tell you, I was very tempted. My resolve was almost non-existent by then. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his beautiful cock, pointing at my face, only inches away.
    “If you want to, then go ahead and do it. Please? Nobody will ever know. You have to. If you don’t, I’ll die!”
    I almost laughed at that, but I understood his need. He obviously had a need. It was staring me in the face! We both knew then that I was going to do it. The thought of what I was about to do was even more deliciously depraved than what I did with the dog. My cunt was literally drooling with an unholy lust, tingling with need. I’d probably have an orgasm just from sucking my son’s cock!
    I made up my mind and reached out and tentatively took hold of the first human cock I’d held in years. It was young, smooth, hot and hard as steel and it felt great in my hand! I leaned forward and took it in my mouth, loving the way it tasted. Tony groaned as I moved it in and out, savoring it.
    I wanted to go slow and fully enjoy the first blow job I’d ever given my son but he was too excited. He grabbed me by the hair on the back of my head and started ramming his cock into my mouth as far as it would go. Fortunately, I’d learned to deep throat in high school. I took it all and got off on it (I like a little force now and then). I loved my son raping my mouth like that!
    I soon sensed he was on the verge of coming and sucked harder. He groaned, jammed his cock down my throat and held it there. I felt his sperm pumping down my throat and I actually had a small orgasm. There were gobs and gobs of it. You would have thought he’d been storing it for months, but he hadn’t. I knew because I did his laundry every week and his sperm soaked handkerchiefs were as plentiful as ever. I swallowed every bit of his semen and licked him clean.
    “There,” I told him, wiping off a stray dribble of come from my lips, “I did what you wanted. Did you like it?” I hated to admit it to myself, but I was hot for more and I hoped he was too.
    “Gosh Mom, I loved it! But I didn’t get to fuck you.” He said, standing there with his cock at half-mast. “Come on; let me do it with you. You let the dog do it, let me do it too.”
    “No. That’d be too much,” I told him, staring greedily at his cock, which was already getting hard again. As soon as I said that, I knew I’d lose that battle too. He knew it too. Triumphantly, he stepped forward and I sucked his cock to get it fully hard again. “Come on, Mom. Let’s fuck.”
    What the hell? I’d already sucked his cock and here I was, doing it again. And I certainly wanted to be fucked. It only took a minute to get him hard again. Then I scooted to the middle of the bed and spread my legs. He immediately crawled between my legs and started poking at me with his cock. I took hold of it and guided it to my hot, wet hole. I gently instructed him on how to do it properly and we both sighed in ecstasy as his cock went deep inside me. It felt absolutely wonderful! He banged away at me with youthful enthusiasm. Fortunately, because I’d sucked him off earlier, it took him a long time to come and in that time I managed to have a couple of enormous orgasms that had me clutching at him feverishly. When his cock swelled up and erupted inside me, I dimly registered that I didn’t have any protection from pregnancy. I’d worry about that later. For now, I was experiencing orgasms that I didn’t think were possible.
    Afterwards, it was like he had a new toy, me, and he wanted to play with it. He followed me around the house for the rest of the day copping a feel here and there and we ended up fucking three more times. I was in heaven too! I can’t begin to count how many tremendous orgasms I had that day before he ran out of gas. Finally, he went to take a nap and I was able to get the house cleaned up before his father got home from work.
    As before, I spent that evening feeling a lot of guilt over what I’d done with Tony. Think about it; as depraved as it was to have sex with a dog, it was nothing compared to fucking your own son. As much as I loved it, I knew it was very wrong. I also knew I was going to let it happen again whenever Tony wanted it. I wasn’t about to go fooling myself. I seemed to be drawn to things that were perverted and nasty. Letting my son do anything he wanted to do to me was about as bad as it got and I was all for it. My guilt was short-lived, as it had been when I began to do those things with the dog.
    Tony wanted to skip school the next day and stay home and fuck, but I refused to let him, even though I wanted it as bad as he did. When he got home at three thirty, I was so hot I thought I’d keel over. He dropped his books on the floor, grabbed me by the arm, dragged me up to his room and made me suck his cock. We ended up fucking until almost six, when his father got home from work. It wasn’t long before I became his property. He used me in whatever way he wanted and I let him. I loved to be treated like that and I got sexual satisfaction the likes of which I didn’t think possible.
    That became the pattern. I’d suck him off or fuck him or both every afternoon when he got home from school and, of course, we’d manage to sneak one or two in on weekends when his father was out of the house. I’d still let the dog fuck me every once in a while, hell, he’d get me off really good too! But I wasn’t doing it as much as I did. I wanted to save myself for Tony. I had made him quite the swordsman by then and he never failed to sail me through one fabulous orgasm after another.
    We started getting a little careless and I began to let him feel me up when his father was home. He’d come out to the kitchen when I was cleaning up after supper and his father was in the living room watching TV. If I was in the mood, and thought it was safe, I’d let him feel me up a little. It was something of a turn-on to let my son masturbate me there in the kitchen while my husband was just in the next room, oblivious to what was happening. But I refused to let him fuck me under those conditions. It was crazy! There was no way I’d take a chance like that!
    On an evening like that, one night, I was just about finished in the kitchen and was cleaning the sink. Tony came up behind me and started feeling me up. My husband was in the living room watching TV. It seemed safe enough and I was horny, so I let my son hike my dress up around my waist and play with my cunt. As usual, I wasn’t wearing any panties. He fingered me for a while and then took his cock out and rubbed it on my ass, begging me in a whisper to spread my legs and bend over so he could put it in. We’d done it that way many times, with me bent over the table or sink and Tony mounting me from the rear, but, of course, not when his father was in the house. It was too dangerous to do it then so I refused, but I was hot and horny and if my son wanted to masturbate me to orgasm, then that was fine.
    Tony continued to finger me, rub his cock in the crack of my ass and softly plead with me to let him fuck me. I was just standing there bent over and enjoying him finger fucking me when I happened to look up at the kitchen window and saw my husband’s reflection in the glass! I froze. He was standing in the doorway to the kitchen watching us! I stared at him, scared to death, trying to decide what to do. Tony, who was oblivious to what was going on behind him, kept fingering me and pleading with me to let him fuck me. I just stood there, bent over the sink, my dress bunched up around my waist, frozen in fear. In a moment, my husband was going to come storming into the kitchen ready to kill! What was I going to do? How was I going to explain my way out of this? There was no excuse for what I was letting my son do other than that I was quietly letting it happen. I couldn’t even tell Tony his dad was there because he might panic and spill the beans to him about everything; him and me and the dog and me.
    I stared at his reflection, holding my breath, waiting for him to react. He didn’t do anything. He just stood there watching us. After a few moments, he stepped back into the shadows of the darkened living room, but I could still make him out in the darkness and I could tell he was watching us. It gradually dawned on me that he wasn’t going to do anything, at least for now, and I relaxed a bit and breathed again.
    After a while, having thought about it a bit, I started getting a little mad about the whole situation. Why didn’t my husband care what I was doing with our son? What was I to him? Just an object to be shared and used? And why was he still watching? He must be enjoying it! He was a pervert, too!
    Ok! I thought to myself. If he likes what he’s seeing and wants a little show, I’ll give him one! Defiantly, I spread my legs wide and bent way over the sink. Then I reached under me, grabbed Tony’s searching cock and guided it into my cunt. When Tony thrust home I looked up and checked the window again. My husband was still there in the shadows. Tony banged away at me with his usual youthful enthusiasm and I groaned and moaned with the unbridled lust he always brought out in me. In a way, it was the best fuck I’d had so far; it was certainly the most exciting. I was fucking my son right in front of my husband. I had a tremendous orgasm at the same time Tony did and my husband was there watching the whole time.
    After it was over, and I’d cleaned Tony’s sperm off my crotch and thighs, I joined my husband and son in the living room and we all watched TV like nothing had happened. Nothing was said and my husband gave no indication that anything was wrong.
    When we went to bed later that evening, I was more than a little apprehensive. I thought that perhaps he was saving up his anger until we were alone, but he still didn’t say anything. We lay there in silence in the darkened room for a bit, and then he cleared his throat.
    “When I was about Tony’s age,” he began, “my uncle got drafted to serve in the Korean War. He asked my parents if they’d let me live on his farm while he was gone and take care of the place until he got back. He was going to be gone for four years, so he was understandably concerned about keeping the place going.
    I liked my uncle, so I didn’t have a problem with helping out. When I got there, I took over the running of the farm and things went real well. At least for the first few months, anyway. That’s when my aunt started hinting that the farm wasn’t the only thing around that needed looking after.
    That was the beginning of the best four years of my life. I had a nice farm to look after and at night, a beautiful older woman who showed me how much fun I could have in bed, so don’t think I don’t understand what Tony’s going through.’
    He stopped me when I tried to speak, “I don’t want you to say anything right now, just let me say what I have to say.
    Anyway, I’m sorry that I’ve neglected you for these past few years and I’m glad that you and Tony have what you have. I don’t mind what it is you two are doing, though there are a lot of people who would. So I’ll say this just this once; whatever goes on behind this front door is nobody’s business but ours. I can’t take care of you like that any more, and you’ve been a good and faithful wife, so I won’t try to stop what you’re doing with Tony. Just don’t make the mistake of doing that with anyone else. If you do, I’ll file for divorce and I’ll see to it you get nothing. Can you promise me that you won’t be messing around with any other men?”
    “Yes,” I replied, stunned by the revelations he’d just made and the obvious permission I was getting to continue my sexual adventures with my son.
    “Ok, then.” He said, “Now, why don’t you go say goodnight to Tony while I try to get some sleep?” With that, he rolled over and snuggled down to go to sleep. I got up and headed for the door. He turned over and wished me good night and told me he loved me.
    From that night on, Tony and I were free to do what we wanted, whenever we wanted and we really took advantage of it! He fucks me with an abandon that leaves me breathless at times. I continue to fuck him and suck him off as soon as he gets home from school and more often that not, I’ll sleep with him and we’ll fuck all night. The dog still gets my pussy occasionally, that’s one little secret that he’ll never learn about. Tony even likes to watch while I let the dog fuck me. He sure gets off on watching this and I can be sure that he’ll fuck the living hell out of me after the dog is done.
    Although I don’t try to rub my husband’s nose in it, I still let Tony come on to me in the kitchen after dinner and if I feel in the mood, I’ll let him fuck me over the sink. My husband always watches from the darkened living room and I get a lot of pleasure out of it.
    I know this story seems pretty sick to most of you, but my life works for me, I guess that’s all that matters.
  2. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    Good, hot story. Enjoyed it very much.
  3. ham77

    ham77 Porn Surfer

    Jul 15, 2009
    great story, more
  4. notallmine

    notallmine Newcumer

    Apr 24, 2009
    thank you
  5. jacksod

    jacksod Porno Junky

    Apr 6, 2007
    The best story I've read on here for months, if not ever!
  6. heffer

    heffer Sex Machine

    Aug 13, 2008
    pretty hot. what site did you get this from and are there more chapters?
  7. friskyous

    friskyous Sex Lover

    Aug 31, 2009
    Great story!...
  8. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    thank you

    That is so incredibly romantic. I wonder if my brother fantaiszies about our mom.
  9. bill265

    bill265 Newcumer

    Aug 27, 2009
    Great story! Any chance she'll break the promise and let some of tony's friends get some experience? :)
  10. Don5853

    Don5853 Porno Junky Suspended!

    Feb 13, 2009
    I wonder

    I wonder if you bro thinks about having sex with you ? or did when younger !!! ;)
  11. CookieAU

    CookieAU Porn Surfer

    Sep 1, 2009
    Simply one of the best stories on this forum.
    It has a twist, Has some build ups, Very hot ^_^


    (Write some more :D)
  12. lathrope

    lathrope Porn Surfer

    Sep 22, 2008
    I can't remember where I got it. Like I said, I changed a lot of it (I fancy myself quite the editor!). It's the only chapter I had, but I'll post another Story I did the same thing to.
  13. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    Of course he does. All of us do or we are not truthful.:rose:
  14. heffer

    heffer Sex Machine

    Aug 13, 2008
    i dont ^ though my step-sister is pretty hot ;)
  15. muffinluvr

    muffinluvr Porn Star

    May 9, 2008
    definetly a barn burner . more ????
  16. moody80

    moody80 Porn Surfer

    Feb 18, 2009
    Nice story ;)
  17. hereoin

    hereoin Porn Surfer

    Sep 7, 2009
    well done...
  18. Sacbear

    Sacbear Porno Junky

    Aug 11, 2009
    My cock wants a milff

    IVA HARDON Porn Star

    Aug 11, 2008
  20. airgroup111

    airgroup111 Porn Surfer

    Feb 6, 2009
    thank you