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  1. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    By teasing your clit, ever so lightly, with just the tip of my tongue...caressing it like a feather, or a butterfly wing....as my dripping wet fingers ease inside your vagina, curling gently upward...moving in and out...in and out...feeling your body becoming taut as your arousal spirals upward...knowing that it's sinful...contrary to God's laws...but uncaring, helpless to resist...willing to sacrifice everything for the supreme moment of pleasure that is only seconds away....
  2. SuffolkMan

    SuffolkMan Sex Machine

    Dec 1, 2008
    Oh my non-existent-god how do you write that gorgeous stuff Kimi? I'm going to need a change of underwear if you post any more like that!

    On a more serious note, I'd always been jealous of religious folk on the grounds that religion gives them a sense of serenity and life purpose.. Now I see that religion can also give you some really nasty and - to my mind - unnecessary guilt.
  3. missbehaving

    missbehaving Amateur

    Feb 26, 2009

    Religion has been making people feel guilty since it was first thought of. No one considers the beliefs of the Inca's or Mayan's or even the American Indian's as religion. There is more child abuse going on in the catholic church than anywhere. How can someone feel guilty when they know these priests are abusing boys? Wow, this religion thing is sooo outdated..... How many people have been killed in the name of religion? People need to get a grip on reality, and come face to face with it.....It's all CONTROL over the population. Do as I say not as I do...Before all these religions sprang up on the planet, there were beliefs that had to do with our world, not some one up in the air.. So I say,,,,,Have at it. Whack That Rascal Whenever You Want!!!!
  4. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    That's really not something that it's cool to joke about.
  5. missbehaving

    missbehaving Amateur

    Feb 26, 2009
    Not sure who your commenting on.

    But I am not joking, just in case you were commenting on "my" post. Facts are Facts. Centuries of suppression, witch burning, now we have the current religious war. Whats up with all the killing for religion? I don't get it, and don't want to. Fanatics abound on our world. If you don't believe in what they are preaching, they kill you. That's not for me......
  6. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Your objection is duly noted and studiously ignored. :)
  7. sparky67arc

    sparky67arc Porn Surfer

    Dec 9, 2009
    I used to be a catholic years ago also. I got away from organized religion and started to praise God my way. Remember the Good Book is named that way for a reason. Besides it is better to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.
  8. SkoolGirl

    SkoolGirl Sex Machine

    Oct 20, 2009
    Two things separate humans from animals..mindless superstition and pointless ritual.:twisted: