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  1. MUX

    MUX Porn Surfer

    Sep 13, 2006
    5 or 6 is when i started masterbating. i can remember before getting hard and orgasms didnt really happen till later. by 14 it was as natural as breathing. I think it is never too early to start talking about your body and feelings - this is not to say sex talk young, but to start the process of communicating so that its not a problem when you need to talk about the more private stuff.
  2. 1980lurker

    1980lurker Amateur

    Jun 19, 2009
    Just show him a clip of the show weeds. the guy awkwardly handles it brilliantly, and then you won't have to worry about the stiff laundry.
    see here
  3. Fatalmoomoo

    Fatalmoomoo Sex Lover

    Jul 6, 2008
    Personally, my parents never had that talk with me, there was no need for it. You'll find out whether you want to or not unless you never go in his room. Honestly, my parents gave me internet, and basically all my dad went over the party/sex/drinking thing all at once in about 5 minutes when he was smokeing:

    1) If you do end up at a party and get wasted, call me and i can come pick you up like 4 blocks away so no-one see's. Just get home safe and we'll talk the next morning

    2) Leave a sticky note or text me or something if you need condoms. I wont ask, but id rather you just do it safely and not tell me anything then be an idiot

    3) He gave me open internet access. I learned about sex and porn and all that on my own. It was simple. (put a lot of anti-spyware and anti-virus stuff on the comp)
  4. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
  5. twkfckr

    twkfckr Porn Surfer

    Jul 5, 2009
    I was about when I lost my virginity to the hose of an old canister type vaccuum cleaner. The metal end to which the various tools attach fit loosely in the canvas type hose and could be pulled out easily. One day while vacuuming my room I had the brilliant idea to pull the metal end of and stick my cock inside. I probably thought it might be what getting a blow job would be like. Well my cock flapping around inside the hose brought me to my first orgasm. I actually remember thinking to myself when I saw my cum for the first time "Wow! I could be a father now" The orgasms were incredible but I could only do it twice a week because it would take at least three days for my cock to heal after each episode. I didn't learn how to masterbate using my hands until about 9 months later. I sadly had to give up my first love, my cock was getting larger as I grew and 9 months later the damage the old canvas hose inflicted on my cock finally outweighed the quality of the orgasm it provided.
  6. Anonomus

    Anonomus Sex Machine

    May 29, 2009
  7. cedarcreek

    cedarcreek Porn Surfer

    Oct 23, 2007
    Masterbation is a great thing to do at that age, and beyond. Give him his privacy and knock before entering his room would be nice. At that age for me 4 or 5 times a day was not unusual at all. :p
  8. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    it isn't unusual for children to masturbate in the womb.
  9. blondegirl

    blondegirl Porn Surfer

    Jan 6, 2009

    i love watching my man wanking his cock off,,,,really makes me hot...
  10. mvl1p1

    mvl1p1 Sex Lover

    Feb 9, 2009
    I was 12 and by 14 I was up to 2 times a day.
  11. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    My guess is that he has been for maybe 2 years. Unless there is something seriously wrong with his sexual equipment he certainly is.

    What would you need to tell him? Other than: if you stick in a girl and let loose inside her make sure you are wearing a condom and/or that she is on the pill. But don't trust her word for it, use a condom anyway. Withdrawing to cum is not a safe birth control.

    Most boys of 14 are jacking off 4 to 10 times a day. It is good for them and keeps their systems healthy. Infrequent ejaculations can cause prostate problems.
  12. don22

    don22 Porn Star

    Feb 1, 2008
    I was 12 years old when I started.
  13. panda_powers

    panda_powers Amateur

    Sep 4, 2007
    I started when I was 12, and I haven't stopped since
  14. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Too late! :)

    But why be scared? The only thing you need to tell him is that it's perfectly all right, normal, healthy, etc. By now, he probably already knows that.
  15. aussieguy88

    aussieguy88 Sex Lover

    Jun 23, 2009
    I was 15 (late bloomer?).
  16. CasaDan

    CasaDan Porn Star

    Nov 22, 2006
    Well.. whether you're a boy or girl, when did you first start masturbating? That's probably about the same time your boy started...

    Though, take in to account how you were raised/the time period compared to how you raised your boy in an age when porn's so easily accessible, then + or - a couple years depending.
  17. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    I remember my brother really starting when he was 10
  18. biirishlad

    biirishlad Porn Surfer

    Jun 23, 2008
    i started at the age of seven when the 14 yr old guy down the street started babysitting me.
  19. aquireit

    aquireit Porn Star

    Jun 18, 2008
    All men do it. Ninety-five percent of all men admit to masturbation. The other five percent are liars.
  20. Nympho

    Nympho sex kitten

    Jun 14, 2006
    Didn't read all the previous posts but yeah. He most likely does masturbate, and it should be acknowledged that it is a healthy and normal thing to do. Humans are sexual beings - people (especially parents) need to remember that. Also, if you don't educate him about sex (which you should have done already), then how do you expect him to learn? He will learn from his friends, or the internet. Wouldn't you rather know that he is getting correct information?

    Talk to him about why he should postpone having sex, and remind him that he needs to be prepared and be safe when he does have sex.