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  1. winter328

    winter328 Amateur

    Nov 10, 2008
    I created this test myself (yes, I have dedicated a lot time studying the female mind). This test can reveal about a lot information about yourself. I just want to see what types are majority of the females. VERY IMPORTANT: THIS TEST IS ABOUT YOUR FANTASY (THE TYPE OF LOVE YOU WANT TO HAVE), NOT THE REALITY. PLEASE BE HONEST. After everyone replies, I will tell what type person you are.

    Here is the rule. You are given two option (A and B option), you must pick one even if both sounds good/bad. Count all the A score and all the B score at the end. If you get high A score compared to B, go to exam E-F below. If you get high B score compared to A, go to exam C-D below. Please tell me the scores. I highly recommend you bolding each answer when you are replying back to me.

    EXAM A-B

    A (6 points): I love and always fantasize about the beginning of love including the way we meet each other, the flirting that goes on and feeling of the first kiss because I love fun and excitement.

    B (6 points): I love and always fantasize about days 10-60 years after we meet each other because then, our caring and understanding for each other is the highest.

    A (3 points): I love romantic shows/movies that include most of the called chick flicks where author carefully design the love.

    B (3 points): I love shows where the character slowly fall in love another character over the series after constantly being with that person because the love is so innocent as the love is not major part of the story and not truly designed by the authors.

    A (4 points): I love receiving high valuable gifts because this shows he truly cares for me.

    B (1 points): I love receiving small gifts that include small candy, his t-shirt, his cap or his fire truck hat that he found. I hold these small gifts close to my heart as they remind me of him.

    B (3 points): I hate receiving gifts because I hate the fact that he is wasting money because his money is my money.

    A (3 points): Whenever he is around me, I get a stomach ache and I blush.

    B (3 points): Whenever, he is around me, it feels like a heaven just knowing that special person is there

    A (3 points): I rather have romantic dinner (where, he worked hard to impress me) over both of us working closely to each other in a school project (where we get understand each other better)

    B (3 points): I rather have us working closely to each other in a school project (where we get understand each other better) over romantic dinner (where, he worked hard to impress me).

    A (3 points): After he leaves me, he always have smile in his face thinking about me

    B (3 points): After he leaves me, he misses me a lot and is worried about me

    A (3 points): I love all night hugging, kissing and some sexual fun with him

    B (3 points): I love all night talking to him and understanding him

    A (3 points): I want to be a princess

    B (3 points): I do not wish to be a princess but I would be happy to make my sister feel like a princess
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2010
  2. winter328

    winter328 Amateur

    Nov 10, 2008
    EXAM C-D (this exam is for people who scored high on B compared to A)

    Scenario: I have work tomorrow in the morning and he is coming home late from work. I call him
    C (3 points): He says, “ please go to sleep because you need the rest since you have work in the morning and stop worrying about me because I will be fine”
    D (3 points): He says “ please wait for me and together we will eat dinner and go to sleep”.

    Scenario: we have a meeting early morning
    C (3 points): He wakes up early and sees me sleeping. He doesn’t wake me up because he doesn’t want to disturb my sleep but instead he cooks breakfast and then he wakes me up to eat.
    D (3 points): He wake up early and sees me sleeping. He kisses all over the places which wake me up and then, we cook and eat breakfast together.

    C (3 points): He always encourages me to study hard. I hate studying, so always come and we study together because he knows I love being with him and thus I will study. He would secretly flirt and be romantic with me, so I enjoy the time and stay and study with him longer period of time; this is all because he wants me to succeed.
    D (3 points): We naturally tend to study together. We both help each other and we often watch/stare at other person studying. We are both equally smart; together we conquer any material professors throw at us.

    C (3 points): I always fantasize about spending time with him all day working in a non-work setting like Six Flags or hiking.
    D (3 points): I always fantasize about doing things together that require teamwork, cooperation and understanding; for example, working together in school project, solving a mystery and cooking.

    C (3 points): After we got together, we are very close with our friends and we are the model couple among our friends
    D (3 points): After we got together, we live in isolation. Both of us lost connection with our friends because we love each so much that we have little time to donate to other people

    C (3 points): Whenever, we are separated, he is always worried about me. He cares about me so much that whatever hurts me actually hurts him even more.
    D (3 points): Whenever, we are separated, both of us miss (not worried) each other even if we are separated for a second. For example, he cuts his business trip short just to see me. We always hug each other when we see each other.

    C (3 points): He is like an angel; for he came into my life and completely changed me into a better person. Now, I am career-school oriented and not superficial anymore (before, I always used to wear princess crown but now, I gave that crown to my little sister).
    D (3 points): He never changed me a lot. We both learned and grew from each other. Together, we make a very powerful couple that we can compete any task that are given to us.

    C (3 points): I used to depend on other people but with him, I am becoming more independent
    D (3 points): I used to be independent person completely, after meeting him, he is the only person I became dependent upon

    C (3 points): Before, he came into my life, I had emptiness and I used to fall in love with wrong type of guys but now, seeing him, I have absolutely no attractiveness to them.
    D (3 points): Before, he came into my life, I was a happy person. I never gave much thought about romantic love because I was more satisfied with family and friend love that I received. But now, I am in completely in love with him; for I can not live one second without him.
  3. winter328

    winter328 Amateur

    Nov 10, 2008
    EXAM E-F (this exam is for people who scored high on A compared to B)

    E (6 points): I always fantasize about a monster, which kills everyone with a single touch but the monster falls in love with me and he never harms me. I get very close to him and even argue with him, if he decides to kill me and so be it (but in my fantasy, he never touches me)
    F (6 points): Even though I do not admit it but I secretly love my guy to discipline me and in extreme case, spank me and then he kisses, hug me and tell me that I am pretty.

    E (3 points): I always fantasies about changing my guy and having influence over my guy
    F (3 points): I always fantasies about changing myself into the most prettiest and gorgeous girl (the dream girl of my guy).

    E (3 points): I get angry because I do not see any qualified guys who could be my potential soul mate
    F (3 points): I always worried that I might be single forever or no guy will ever love me.

    E (3 points): I love guys who are different and unique than regular people (for example, the guy who start new religion, the guy who support new ideology, aliens, vampires, different ethnicity)
    F (3 points): I love guys who are leaders, special guys and bit lonely guys

    E (3 points): I wish to have a smile that can make guy have sympathy for me in one second than being a princess and pretty
    F (3 points): I wish to be a princess and pretty rather than have a smile that can make guy have sympathy in one second because the I want the guy to like me for who I am

    E (3 points): The best feeling in the world is getting his undivided attention (for example, when I dance for him or in sexual act) than making him happy.
    F (3 points): The best feeling in the world is when I make my guy happy than getting his undivided attention (for example, when I dance or in sexual act)
  4. winter328

    winter328 Amateur

    Nov 10, 2008
    any female want to respond