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  1. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007

    hot damn, they just start shitting or vomiting in the middle of sex?!
  2. BigBlkBeef

    BigBlkBeef Porn Star

    Sep 10, 2008
    Vomitting during sex is called a Roman Shower. Pertaining to how promiscuous and gluttonous the Romans were during banquets where the ate food and had sex and threw up so they could eat some more.
  3. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    Don't tickle me in bed. It's the quickest thing she can do to make me lose my erection.
  4. Molly511

    Molly511 Sex Lover

    Nov 8, 2008
  5. sweetamanda84

    sweetamanda84 Sex Lover

    Aug 21, 2007

    lol...great stuff. I don't think the vomit, shit, or urine would ever do it for me no matter how hot he or she was or how i was.

    mmm....old guys kind of creep me out....i don;t mind online long as I don't have to see the wrinkly oldness and knw they're old enough to be my dad or older.

    and biggest pet peeve is when a hot girl asks if her guy can join....and he's umm not attractive....not fair.

    Oh and though I randomly break out the whip, and inflict small bits of pain on my hubby, I don't like pain inflicted on me...good way to get kicked and the balls and for me to leave :)
  6. sexetc

    sexetc Sex Lover

    Jan 22, 2010
    No pissing or any of that shit.
  7. formerly vodkanoj

    formerly vodkanoj Porn Star

    Jul 10, 2008
    No feces or piss. EVER!
  8. Obscene Cupcake

    Obscene Cupcake sexy fluffzilla

    Jul 1, 2010
    burp. so fucking nasty.
  9. MissMonica

    MissMonica Sex Machine

    Nov 10, 2009
    Other than the usual (urine, scat, vomit, ect) if anyone ever tried to put their tongue to my asshole I'd have to hurt them. That's just disgusting and something I'd never do (either licking or being licked). I also don't want anyone licking/sucking on my feet, you can touch them, but that's it.
  10. coloradoblueyes

    coloradoblueyes Porn Star Suspended!

    Feb 2, 2008
    My butt hole is exit only. No urine, scat, vomit, I don't lick feet, and I am not into pain or any of that crap.
  11. GuyRound69

    GuyRound69 Porn Surfer

    Jul 3, 2010
    Spitting. I know its a decent alternative to lube but spitting on my penis makes me feel like a slut ( Not in a good way. Haha.)
  12. AloneIsCold

    AloneIsCold Quiet... Too Quiet...

    Apr 17, 2007
    My belly-button. Do not touch it. Ever. That would be the top of the list. I have no idea why I can't stand it, but I can't.

    I also don't like "dirty" talk. If you started moaning about how I'm making you feel like a cheap whore, I would just get up and leave, I think, and go find someone who doesn't associate sex with degradation. (I'm speaking in hypothetical hyperbole of course.)

    Oh and having my nipples pinched. Rub them or whatever if you must, I don't mind that, but pinch them and I'll be icked. Don't know why on this one either. I actually feel a little jipped that I can't get pleasure out of that part of my body like a lot of people can.
  13. sexomaniac

    sexomaniac Porno Junky

    Aug 15, 2009
    Don't Likes:

    • Pulling out from my ass then into my mouth
    • Licking his asshole no thanks
    • Licking underarm pits
    • Swallowing (maybe if I'm drunk)
    • Salads, objects up my asshole
    • Neck groped
    • Face slapping

    Ok I confess I might be picky! :excited:

  14. MissMonica

    MissMonica Sex Machine

    Nov 10, 2009
    I don't see how that's picky... the ONLY thing on there I don't agree with is I like anal (toys included) and the swallowing, but that one is because it's easier than trying to clean something up.
  15. gooch359

    gooch359 Sex Lover

    Nov 17, 2009
    obvious out the way first:
    children, animals, vomit, shite & spit/dribble (if it hurts BRING LUBE!)

    pain is a big turn off, i dont mind the mrs's nails on my back or a bite on the neck or chest aslong as its not to hard (i still have a scar from an ex!)

    jokeing or not paying attention...if im working so can you bitch!

    oddly enuf i like the idea of my mrs peeing on me, i have no idea why...and i think she wants to to ;)

    cant think of much else...i may even let the other half use a strapon if shes nice n lets me do it back (minus the dildo, that can go up her pussy!)
  16. KentonVK

    KentonVK Porn Surfer

    Oct 6, 2008
    I admit it - I lol'd.

    Mine are:
    -Anal. In any form.
    -Vomit, urine, feces.
    -Foot licking. For either person. I am accepting of lips or a tongue just about anywhere else, though... (Actually I gotta agree with sexomaniac; the pits are off-limits, too.)
    -If the girl just lies there, motionless. If I wanted THAT I'd get a doll. You're not a doll, you are a living, breathing woman, and - and I feel the need to stress this - we are fucking. Please do something. Anything.
    -Abuse. Look, a little rough stuff is all right and all, but there is a line. Cross it and I'll walk.
    -Cheating. Either cheating on me or cheating on someone else with me. Absolutely not; I refuse to be a part of it. Open/sharing relationship? Fine: let's talk. All of us. Like adults. But don't you dare involve me in that kind of shitstorm.

    And though it's not necessarily a complete turn-off, I actually prefer not to have music in the background. This strikes some people as odd, but for me it's such a distraction. How am I supposed to concentrate on YOU when the local mix station has just Rickrolled me? I ASK YOU
  17. gooch359

    gooch359 Sex Lover

    Nov 17, 2009
    oh i thort of another, name calling...why???

    once fucked a 'girl' that told me to say her name, n when i asked why, she slaped me n said i was a stupid little boy....i tell you what i was about ready to kick her out...but i was compleatly leggles lol
  18. Charlie_creamer

    Charlie_creamer Porn Star

    Feb 16, 2009
    Isn't there a saying that sex and politics don't mix, just like religion and politics.

    Anyway, I'd have a harder time fucking a Republican, unless she is a sweet Irish girl in Ireland!
  19. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    I believe in trying anything once.
  20. Not That Guy

    Not That Guy Porn Star

    Feb 25, 2010
    Violence is my only no no, anything else is all good.