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  1. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    I know, Cat. I did that just for you! :excited::kiss:
  2. ididntdoit

    ididntdoit Porn Surfer

    Apr 2, 2007

    i would say think about it then explane ur reasons for saying no. too both of them. i presonaly think she is a little young to get one.
  3. Omega_Vega

    Omega_Vega Porn Star

    Aug 22, 2008
    I'm amazed there's still a debate going on about this. I thought I'd missed my chance to throw in my two cents.

    I'd make a deal with her, like I've done with my youngest. Allow her to get it because she'll be inclined to get one if she really wants it, but have her wait a year so that if she really wants it, she'll agree to wait and she won't regret it later if she doesn't actually like the idea. That way she can be sure it's what she wants, and she'll be a bit older.

    win-wins are what you have to be all about with those things.
  4. ElCasanova

    ElCasanova Porn Star

    Jul 27, 2006
    Just to put this into perspective.




  5. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    I think there's a bigger issue, a kind of absolute "I'm in charge, you do as I say" authoritarianism. Maybe because of the way I was raised, I think this approach to parenting simply doesn't work. A child subject to it will either rebel or become so obedient and submissive that they'll lack self-confidence and never assert their own identity as a person.
  6. Jack-the-Rimmer

    Jack-the-Rimmer Porno Junky

    Apr 10, 2010
    Totalitarian parenting will rear up and bite you in the ass some day.

    Your 15-year-old daughter is an individual person. In today's society, tats are very accepted if not expected. As Kimi says the long term issues have not even reared their face yet.

    Frankly, besides being her dad, just who the fuck do you think you are? It is her body, not yours. (I am not fond of tats on a woman by the way). I saw you put your foot down. Bummer. Would have been much better to say yes and then provide horror stories.

    All you have managed to do is ostracize yourself from your child. I feel very sorry for you. Your child will get over this, you, you may not.
  7. piggit

    piggit A Fine Wine of a Woman

    Jun 11, 2006
    Oh please.

    As parents, we are meant to guide our children through the trials and tribulations of childhood and at 15, his daughter is still a child.

    I'm quite sure my daughter would love to drive a car full of her friends to a party where she'll likely be introduced to alcohol by older children. I'm also fairly sure she'd like to hang out at the park with high school senior boys at 2:00am. Ya know what? It is my responsibility to decide that those acts likely put her (and perhaps her friends) in harm's way and to tell her 'no.'

    Now, those things aren't the same as getting a tattoo, but they could produce permanent changes in her life ... as a tattoo produces a permanent change in her body.

    If he thinks she's too young for it, then it's his decision to make. I really don't think telling a 15 year old that she has to wait to permanently ink her body is going to be that crushing, in a lifetime of perhaps-regretted decisions.
  8. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    Say WHAT? I know dozens of professional people. None of them have (visible, at least) tattoos.

    It's expected if you want your baby girl to work at Wal Mart her whole life.
  9. autigerfan88

    autigerfan88 Amateur

    May 17, 2009
    Ur Daughter wants a tattoo

    Ok firstly Tattoos have become main stream culture in the days today. I am a 22 year old tattoo artist. I recieved my first tattoo at 15. It was a choice between a cell phone or a tattoo and i chose the tattoo. Since then i've gone under the needle countless other times. Words of advice. Before she is allowed to get a tattoo, i would insist that firstly she finds or draws her own design that she likes. Secondly she pays for half the tattoo seeing as how they are quite expensive. Third, you find a tattoo shop with an open artist album so that you can see the artists work. And fourth that she understands that on the hip is a very painful place and her jeans will rub the fresh ink making it fade quicker. And yes Tattoos are very addictive
  10. autigerfan88

    autigerfan88 Amateur

    May 17, 2009
    ohhh yeah

    And Master Chief as a navy man you can't say that you dont have any tattoos... tattoos are alright
  11. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    That's right woman, and don't forget it!;)
  12. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    I'd have to agree with you, all the kids in our neighborhood with the real strict parents either lacked in confidence and social skills or they went hog wild soon as they left for college or moved out of the nest. Have to give your kids enough rope to hang themselves sometimes, real life lessons are rarely free.
  13. pimil

    pimil Newcumer

    Jun 1, 2010
    i don't think so, she is 15 year old, she can do any thing she like, and it is important that a tattoo is an art not to bad
  14. dartmaster

    dartmaster Sex Machine

    Jul 13, 2008
    Who the fuck are you to ask him who the fuckhe thinks he is.Its his child not yours,so dont give him shit about a decision he made concerning his daughter.Its obvious you dont have children,and if you do you must be a lousy parent.I dont feel sorry that he loves his child and did what he thought was best for her,and any way its against the law for a 15 year old to get a tat./MRS D:kiss::kiss:
  15. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    I will tell you who i am Jack off the ripper did you, im her father, and my daughter is my child and is only 15 years old,and understands that she can get a tatoo when she is on her own and of age,and dont feel sorry for me, my daughter and me have a wonderful relationship,and you are right its her body,but thats my girl and my responsibilty/Master Chief
  16. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    I never said,i dont have tatoos,got one of my wifes name and each of my 5 children,a son and four girls/Master Chief and also USN on my arm that was the second one i got
  17. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    I did give her good reasons,not toget one until she was sure.As i stated before one of her sisters did this when she was about that age and regrets itand my daughter is not rebelling/Master Chief
  18. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    Make her wait till she's old enough. I wanted them as a wee lad, now i'm 22 and finally getting a half sleeve on my leg. I'm glad I waited so I get something good now that i'm older.