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  1. PS35

    PS35 Amateur

    Feb 7, 2010

    So, I am a mostly BI girl (i say mostly as I am only physically attracted to other girls and would never date one!).

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3years and in that time have never hooked up with a girl, though have before.

    He says he is totally up for me hooking up with a girl, and would love to watch it. I too love hooking up with girls, and would love to make his fantasy real.

    Becoming active on here has made cyber-sex with girls a very real possibility now, and he says that probably, unlike with a guy, this wouldn't be cheating.

    BUT, I worry that if it actually happened it may feel like cheating, even if I did it with his full knowledge and consent. Sort of how a threesome is always better in fantasy than reality.

    What do you guys think??

    If it is with a girl is it cheating??

    Do you think the fantasy would be better than the reality, and feelings may be hurt?? ((after all it would effectively be someone else making me cum))

    Anyone had the same situation??

    Thanks in advance!!! :rose:
  2. markjohnos

    markjohnos Amateur

    Feb 13, 2010
    I wish I had those problems.... but seriously your right feelings my get hurt I guess it would be a tough situation to be in.
  3. happilyhitched

    happilyhitched Porn Surfer

    Dec 30, 2009
    I don't think it's cheating if your significant other knows about it and is ok with it.
  4. nermal

    nermal Sex Machine

    Jul 26, 2009

    It all comes down to trust doesn't it?

  5. Fanatic55

    Fanatic55 Newcumer

    Jun 24, 2010
    I don't think it's cheating if your significant other knows about it and is ok with it. (x2)
  6. hot4matures

    hot4matures Amateur

    Jun 5, 2010
    As for your dilema.I'd say if you have the slightest dought then don't do I.My son got his girl to do it.He like the show so much that they did it more often.Then 1 day his old lady traded him in for a girl.For every happy story there are alway's a sad story.Remember it your emotions that are going to be battling in your head.
  7. blyndkaiser

    blyndkaiser Porn Surfer

    Jun 23, 2010

    my old girlfriend did have sex with another girl and i did know about it, but when i tried to talk to her about it seemed that to her it was more of a cheat. so i say don't do it.
  8. Emily23XXX

    Emily23XXX Studette

    Oct 6, 2008
    If you have a BF sex with a girl is so much different then a guy I don't see it as cheating, especially if you two talked about it!! As far as cybering, (What's the question???) Just cyber with someone sounds like he ok'd it!!!:confused::confused::confused:
  9. Blackdawn

    Blackdawn Sex Lover

    Jun 24, 2010
    I'm a Bi 27 female, my first full fledged relationship was with another girl when I was 15 or so. I met my husband when I was 18 and this year we have been married going on 9 years. The thing is, we're Bi, we're Swingers. We meet other couples for sex.
    The trick is, I don't kiss guys, I don't 'hold them', I don't hug them. This is just sex, this is just a good thing to spice up your relationship with your signifigant other. There was some guys who have groped me in a deep passionate kiss, and I cut them loose.
    My husband agrees with me on this, AND HE DOES NOT KISS GUYS OR GIRLS PASSIONATELY BUT ME, if you want to kiss and hug then do that with your own spouse or whatever, not the person you're they're to have sex with.
    It's just sex and fun. Having sex with other people with your own spouse can really open up communication too, you ask your other what he or she likes and don't like, then afterwards can talk about what was liked and not liked.

    As for your boyfriend, tell him this, you'll hook up with a girl, but he has to hook up with a guy (you guys having sex together of course). That'll even out the playfield.

    Hope this helps.
  10. SissyBoiBitch

    SissyBoiBitch Amateur

    May 2, 2010
    I think you need to do it. You have to find out about yourself or it will get in the way forever. If you like girls and it is possible you might like girls better Your life will be happier knowing the truth.

    The relationship you have now is really not that important if you are going to suppress who you really are. You will be living a lie. You need to find out and if you have to break up to find out then do so without regret. Whatever you do don't live your life for your boy friend he can find another girl.

    Cybering is not the real thing, not even close to holding another real live woman in your arms, kissing and touching. Cybering is mutual masturbation, it is not real.

    DON"T HOOK UP WITH A GIRL FOR HIM TO WATCH AS SEXUAL ENTERTAINMENT. Do it for yourself. What I get from your text is an earnest curiosity not lust. There is a difference.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2010
  11. tiffanymom

    tiffanymom Sex Machine

    May 13, 2010
    First I do not think if both of you have talked it over and he has in your mind clearly given you permission that it is cheating. But it does not mean actually doing it will not be guilt free or there is no chance of negative repercussions.

    I would suggest that after three years you know him quite well and of course you know yourself. Some people are insecure and jealous in nature. If your boyfriend is like that I would lean toward not doing it. But if you and your boyfriend are not the insecure and jealous types then I think even if there is an issue afterwards both of you can get through it. Same goes with drama if one or both of you are drama queens then I would be very worried.

    I have been through this in different ways that may or may not be comparable. For me I was more or less not bringing up the subject of me having sex with another person but my man was wanting me to. Each of the first times I did not enjoy the actual expereince because I was guilt ridden and nervous about what my husband would react even though it was his desire. But after it happen both of my husbands went crazy in an affectionate lust filled way that my nerves and feelings went bye bye. My current hubby having sex with others is a huge turn on for him and I now enjoy doing it mostly out of his reaction to it.

    My advice is if you believe your boyfriend will be truly ok with it and this is something you would really like or will not go away your desire to have sex with another woman then go for it. But afterwards regardless of the outcome shower your boyfriend with affection and sex so he feels like he truly is your lover and you lust after him sexually.
  12. PS35

    PS35 Amateur

    Feb 7, 2010
    thanks for your input guys!

  13. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    Me and a partner decided to have a threesome with another man. I was so worried that it would change things between us in a bad way, but we talked to each other about our fears and worries and decided to try it.

    We had it, and we had such a fun time! It was so hot and so good to do. When the guy left , we just snuggled and spoke about what we liked most about the experience and then made love til the late afternoon.

    I think we grew as a couple because of it. It didnt change how we felt about eachother. But each couple is different. So I suggest thatyou talk about it and go from there.