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  1. kevin_kcm

    kevin_kcm Newcumer

    Mar 3, 2010
    ok iam geting my frist blowjob this week an i just want to know what to expect how long will it take me to cum
  2. Mr. Vince Happi

    Mr. Vince Happi Porn Surfer

    Aug 20, 2010
    Thats all personal dude. some guys will go in 10 min some will never cum. if its your first it will probably not to long but dont hold me to that.
  3. randomherox

    randomherox Amateur

    Oct 12, 2008
    All depends on yourself and the blowers skill. You could last anywhere from 3 seconds to 3 hours or more, just naturally or due to poor stimulation from the blower, or like myself, not even get off from the blowjob itself. I personally never came from a blow job until I was about 25 and got my first one around 15.

    If your having problems with cumming during the blow job and are kind of freaky and willing to try it check out my post https://forum.xnxx.com/showthread.php?t=173368.

    Let us know how it went.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2010
  4. tiffanymom

    tiffanymom Sex Machine

    May 13, 2010
    +1 Very nicely written.

    If nervous just mention it to the person giving it, they will understand how ever it goes and probably get a thrill initiating you. Just relax and enjoy it and do not worry about anything that happens on your end. :)
  5. don22

    don22 Porn Star

    Feb 1, 2008
    Depends on how good of a BJ you are getting.
  6. SuffolkMan

    SuffolkMan Sex Machine

    Dec 1, 2008
    I think that kevin's expectation and planning will make a difference. When my wife grabbed me unexpectedly and started giving me my first bj ( by her) I wasn't expecting it. I was embarrassed by not being quite as clean as usual and worried that I might smell/taste less than perfect. Strange, really because the reverse situation wouldn't worry me. Anyway,being embarrassed, it took me quite a while to cum. Quite different from another occasion when I touched myself with her vibrator and came instantly.
  7. Leonoel

    Leonoel Newcumer

    Oct 22, 2010
    Yeah, once did that with my girlfriend's vibrator and came in less than a minute. But it took me over 20 with a b/j.
  8. Carlos_Macho

    Carlos_Macho Amateur

    Jul 25, 2010

    This is really exciting. It may only take a few minutes, a lot of guys find the pleasure so intense they shoot the load very quickly.

    I'd like to hear more, is it a guy or a girl who is going suck your cock?
  9. ThomP

    ThomP Porn Star Suspended!

    Oct 22, 2010
    Whatever happens, don't let the situation get to you :) If you worry and look into it too much then you won't enjoy it. Just sit back and let her (or him) do the work. Maybe afterwards you'll feel alot more confident sexually and maybe, you could return the favour :)
  10. RROCK7777

    RROCK7777 Sex Lover

    Mar 28, 2010
    I come faster standing up getting head then laying in a bed getting it.
  11. Sonic44

    Sonic44 Porn Surfer

    Oct 22, 2010
    I have never been able to cum from a bj, at least not without manual assistance.

    Dunno why, just some kind of mental block when the moment approaches.

    I've learned not to be hung up about it, after all I usually get a much longer one than if I'd cum!
  12. X_Zero

    X_Zero Amateur

    Oct 21, 2010
    I usually don't cum when being blown but i don't mind. don't think too much about it just enjoy the feeling. Getting head is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Is the person who will be giving experienced or is it her/his first time too?
    If it is first for you both you shouldn't think too much just relax experiment and have fun^^
    Damn i want a BJ too now...
  13. rocker29

    rocker29 Sex Lover

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nice ..either way how long you last means nothing in the end game , just blast that load on her face and let her know the real deal!Then pound her in the ass for the extra point...good luck!
  14. luvsloppy3rds

    luvsloppy3rds Porn Star

    Oct 22, 2010
    My wife takes pride in making men cum fast. Usually they last a few minutes.

    For me, the first time was about two minutes. (Given by my then sister in law and that was after we fucked bareback)