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  1. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    it was a party our council organises.. to keep kids entertained i guess lol, underage, no alcohol, zero-tolerance, security guards etc etc. i just turned 18, so im passable as being under 18 if i dont carry my id =P
    i was bored.. had nothing else to do.. but i was just as bored there.. it was in the great hall... so no need to dance close in a cramped space.. so very little dirty dancing for me =(
    i think i danced with a 15yo and a 14yo girl.. but thats about it..

    pics from tonight.. my camera keeps running out of friggin batteries.. (i should buy some.. instead of just finding ones lying around lol)

    the pics are me after i have been out several hours.. so not great =P
  2. Makko_Shark

    Makko_Shark Porn Surfer

    Jul 28, 2009
    lookin pretty hot to me Kitty. Of course just the thought of you with a couple of teen girls is pretty hot too ;)
  3. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Wander into what's beciming my fave late night caf; seems fairly quiet but its Friday night and everyones out shakin their thang or gettin pissed in pubs; not for me settled happy and boring man that I am!! no a nice little cup of coffee a chat with whoever's about, catch up on the news of the day and then a gentle stroll home; Hot springs sound good though great way of relaxing after a hard day. I nod to Ashley who smiles warmly at me we've become buddies after our chat last night. She brings an espresso over and sits on the sofa beside me as there are no other customers
  4. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    Hmmmmm :-|

    walks in and gives the joint the once over. Notices the proprietor at one side flirting with random visitors and makes his way over . . .

    "Hey there. I'm from the local Welcome Wagon / Commerce Improvement Committee. We help new businesses establish themselves in the neighborhood, we help locals know about your new enterprise, and we make sure certain ordinances don't interfere with your success. We do all of this for a small weekly fee - you don't even have to write a check or deal with an invoice or any of that tax-related crap. We come by and pick up the fee every Friday.

    We're also head up the Neighborhood Watch program - this place used to be ripe with burglars, arsonists, vandals, muggers, and other assorted punks. We've seen to it that this element is not welcome around here and your contribution helps us keep the business district - and your business - safe from hooligans and other nasty folk.

    I hope you do well here and I'll be by next Friday to collect your initiation fee - $500 in small bills in an unmarked envelope will do the trick.

    Have a great weekend!"

    saunters out, shaking hands with a couple of the locals who already know him.
  5. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    hmmm, guess thats not to bad =P $500 protection fee lol
  6. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    *mew mew mew, im a kitty

    Sorry.. bored :rolleyes:
  7. the_hitman

    the_hitman Agent 69

    Oct 23, 2010
    Hey Kitty heard there was a guy here earlier selling you protection. Want me to dispose of him discreetly? Got an opening on my schedule tomorrow.
  8. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    oh yes, i forgot i had a hitman as a personal customer :p

    lol why not =3

    saves me dealing with them =P
  9. the_hitman

    the_hitman Agent 69

    Oct 23, 2010
    Let's talk about the payment then. I can't take money from you as you just opened this bar and you are short on cash I presume.
  10. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    Oh my god I can't believe it. The cafe hasn't been open for a week and you guys are demanding extortion money from her? WTH's wrong with you people?

    I have good news! I've been taking piano lessons for a few months and today (yesterday? It was on Friday...), I began learning Beethoven's Rage over the Lost Penny. It's my favorite piece and I'm beaming with joy to finally be learning it.

    Here's a link someone else playing it. It's going to take months to learn the whole thing, but I've begun the first step!

    Rage over the Lost Penny
  11. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    kool silver =P i play piano, violin, cello, flute, recorder, guitar, mandolin and accordian :p (when i say play i have a background in music so can play at least one song/work my way slowly through sheet music on these instruments) except cello, which i played for 6 years, so thats the instrument i know best.

    errr and honestly im being nice about this protection money thing lol =P going with the flow =P if i wanted to call in favors i by all means could :p
    (and i mean in real life too not just forum play :kiss:)
  12. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    wow i just listened to the link silver :eek:
    that is some fast finger work, you must be at a high level to be working on that. i can certainly appreciate it.

    oh yeh =P forgot double bass too.

    this was my favorite band when i was 14 :rolleyes: i was a weird one. they are playing Hungarian dance no. 5 in this clip. probably one of my favorite songs.

    a better clip of the band - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyd-RW2zP_Y&feature=related

    i had a bit of a crush on the violinist.. her being a strong demanding woman.. hehe =P
  13. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
  14. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Wonder into Kitty's place hadn't really intending dropping in tonight but am drawn by the strains of chilled music; When I enter Kitty is draped across the piano staring deep into the eyes of a gorgeous sexy and unavailable pianist. Seeing me come in Kitty gives me a cheery wave and motions that she might come over to chat later. I order a coffee and settle in my favourite sofa to people watch and see who else might drop in
  15. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    wow thats pretty kool, wasnt expecting that music from the guitar =P
  16. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
  17. Wafarer

    Wafarer Supreme Warlord Banned!

    Jul 28, 2008
    that's so sweet!;)

    Hi Kitty!:rose::kiss:
  18. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    lol =P hi
  19. bi_daddy_lover

    bi_daddy_lover Equal Opportunity Lover

    Feb 25, 2010
    how's the cafe going so far kitty?
  20. Kittyx

    Kittyx Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2011
    its been quiet =P people should start chatting for themselves :p im not around all the time you know:kiss: lol

    .. actually .. scrap that.. i have had this open in a tab on my computer every minute im awake this weekend lol