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  1. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    i never said that.
    you're problem is that if i point out any reality you don't wanna hear
    or believe then you say i am 100% saying one thing.

    all you can handle is happy happy talk to avoid reality which is
    sometimes not good.


    Oct 24, 2010
    Yes. Now go have your inter-species babies. :)
  3. the fox

    the fox A Feisty little Animal

    Oct 19, 2006
    nah didnt get prego from it :excited:
  4. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    you haven't stated anything with actual ground other than insults
    that can be attached to any reply.

    and if you wanna talk fathers then i assume you do because yours
    molested you when you were child and now you are an empty
    shell of a human being that can only handle positive reality's.
    don't blame me because you're parents didn't love you, blame them
    or maybe yourself. i do feel sorry you though. :(
  5. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    i think you have psychological problems, and if you wanna test me
    then go ahead, but i will warn you that i am a master of psychological
    torment onto others and you could end up swinging yourself by a rope.
    i do like a challenge though, and you can not beat me even if your ego
    believes otherwise.


    Oct 24, 2010
    Ohhh missed by a long shot, Keep guessing and you might just hit gold.
    As for Me I think I am pretty close to spot on.

    As for seeing a positive reality? Only a sad fool should consider a reality unrealistically positive when it involves having friends. You must truly be lonely.
    I have dealt with my demons and there is little a insignificant fool like you could do to me. If you want to dance, fine but I am just here to watch you fall.
    By the way fool, if you were a "master of psychological torment" you would know the ego has no baring on this and since you offer me no physical threat nor does the Id. Fool.
  7. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    oh look, there's the lonely comment again. :rolleyes:
    another common thing people say because they are the actually
    the lonely one. loneliness is for chumps like i have said before
    and i never feel loneliness. :rolleyes:
    you're the one who started this with me so don't act like i wanna
    dance. i only stick with respectable debates with people until they
    wanna get dirty.
    i can tell your demons are still a part of you even if you have
    found a way to tame them momentarily. your flaming ego will
    still not believe i can bring those demons back to worse than you
    ever expected, you also don't realize how dangerous your demons
    are because these days everyone thinks they are bad ass until
    their shameful end.
    psychical threats are not my style, psychological ones are. i also
    never made a threat, only a fair warning.
    you under estimate people, big mistake.
  8. fearny524

    fearny524 Porn Star

    May 7, 2008
    There's no claim to greatness, plenty of people make friends over the net.

    You do hold that men and women can't be just platonic friends though dont you? So you are saying you can't make friends of the opposite sex.
  9. Tom_from_northumberland

    Tom_from_northumberland OLD NOT BUT OBSOLETE

    Oct 13, 2008

    but only if thats all they will give me;)


    Oct 24, 2010
    The only mistake I made with you was feeding the troll.
    It amuses me so that you say you can "tell" anything about me when you have been so far from the mark everytime. Do you really think you are tough using words like "badass", you are nothing more than a fool who is content to hide behind a desk and a persona. Oh my, how ever will I stop you from... wait... What is it you are going to do, you sit behind a computer making stabs in the dark about an issue I may or may not have ever had and hoping to hell you can somehow find a trigger. You, fool would have better luck as a blind man looking for a black cat in a dark room that never existed. But I would not think you so learned as to know who said that first. As for my ego (and I can only assume you refer to the super-ego here) That is by very nature controlled by me, It is my Id I would not be able top control, But that has little bearing here. Your threats are little more than your opinion, just words.
  11. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    again, i never said you can not make real life friends through the net.
    unless you are retarded then you will keep saying that. :rolleyes:

    funny how people are like broken records with that so often here.

    i also never said opposite sexes can not be friends. please show me
    where i said that. you can not. are you retarded?

    but watch, you and someone will say i did again. maybe you are confused
    about what thread you are on or have a attention deficit
  12. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    hmm you're back even though you say you shouldn't be. sounds
    like you can't let things go. maybe that's due to not confronting
    your father about him raping you ever and he has since passed away.
    if you are a drunk (which you sound like) then that will only make
    it worse and give your artificial ego a boost.
    you are like the black cat you mention who doesn't realize
    their eyes can be seen in the dark. :rolleyes:


    Oct 24, 2010
    You sound more comical the longer you talk. Speaking of my father I just wen' out for a drive with him looking for a mothers day present. But you are getting rather push with the father rape idea. Makes sense it is called projecting. Oh yes your incest fantasies have not gone unnoticed. You are starting flail, are you getting desperate? Well it makes sense you are so self-assured that when you can't best something you begin to panic. Not that uncommon really. Take a deep breath and take another swing, Fool. Batter's up.
  14. fearny524

    fearny524 Porn Star

    May 7, 2008

    Ok, you imply that men can't have strictly plutonic relationships with attractive woman unless they themselves are attractive.

    I for one don't believe i am even half as attractive as one of my friends, but do i harbour secret desires to fuck her? No, i'm afraid not. We've known each other for around 10 years now.
  15. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    reread the first line to the top reply of mine. in other words it can

    some people are sincere out there, even if you believe all people
    are sincere i believe most are not, but some are and that's why
    i said it is possible to have platonic relationships with the same
    sex. you probably want me to say people never have secret
    agendas with the opposite sex as friends. if you wanna believe
    that then go ahead.
  16. dr_love

    dr_love Porn Star

    Jan 7, 2011
    so he's still alive, so what? i expect you to claim you have the
    perfect fairy tale family, lots of people claim perfection here. :rolleyes:
    just because you forgive him doesn't mean you have forgot.
    you didn't mention the alcoholism, why is that? let me guess, you
    never drank in your life? :rolleyes:
    i also never brought up incest, you did. why is that?


    Oct 24, 2010
    I drink but not much mostly at a pub with a few friends, alcoholism has never been an issue with my family.
    I don't know what sort of family life you had but mine although not perfect was as good as any could wish for, My father nor mother have anything to apologize for, but how about yours? As for your sister fantasies were they? yes people have seen that.
    I can only wonder why you push the father rape scenario so much. I bet your Daddy didn't love you as much as you wanted him to.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2011
  18. Krem_

    Krem_ Porn Star

    Feb 19, 2011

  19. tinyone111

    tinyone111 Amateur

    Mar 15, 2011
    are you guys 10 yrs old

    It was a simple thread. An opinion if platonic friendship with another sex is possible and if you or your signifigant others are ok with it.

    State your opionion and move on, not sure how it turned into a dragout fight between some sort of "women are not objects" and "you cant trust either men or women, they'll both fuck a snake if it holds still long enough".

    The person who started this thread basically signed off of it. I actually was looking forward to others opinions and views, even if i didn't agree with them. If we all agreed on everything this forum would be pretty boring, but the overreacting to someones opinion and the name calling is a little off putting.

    When responding to a thread, state your case, not condemn the post above you. If you would like to justify or clarify fine, just keep the attitude in your head. Just because we think something, doesn't mean we have to express it, lets use our inside voice and filter a little.
  20. xiara74

    xiara74 Porn Star

    Feb 4, 2011
    Yes, I do.