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    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

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    Best regards,


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  1. DigitalGirl

    DigitalGirl Amateur

    Apr 15, 2011
    Job qualifications and skills are always priority. I'll only respond to people whom have resumes and applications that display qualifications for the position. Typically I'll pick out the 4 or 5 that I think have the best applications/resumes, call them in for an interview which usually narrows it down to a couple people after that. Then I check to make sure their references and degrees (if needed) are good. The final step before a job offer is checking criminal backgrounds and then that is when I'll do the internet search.

    So...to answer your question, its one of the last deciding factors but still a factor. I don't go through it with a fine toothed comb, I usually read a few comments or look at some of the pictures. I can't really pinpoint what I look for as it greatly depends on the position, what might be a turn off for a caretaker position is not an issue for an office position. For the example I listed that got WhaWha all wadded up, someone who seems they might miss work or have to leave suddenly often is an issue for me when it comes to caretaker positions. When one of them calls off or leaves quickly it leaves us short staffed and under ratio for the proper care, which then puts our other employees and clientele in a possible safety situation.
  2. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    But you don't know for sure, that the person with a child is going to have to leave suddenly...i.e. a spouse or parent, sibling, babysitter, grandparent, neighbor....could be there to care for the child, pick it up, etc. What if they have an elderly, disabled spouse or parent? What if they don't have a Facebook page, are single parents with multiple children? Everyone has personal emergencies, so using Facebook or the likes for gathering information pertinent to the hiring process and then discussing it, behind closed doors or open ones, would be a form of discrimination. I've been on the hiring and firing end. When I hire someone to do a job, until they fail at doing it professionally, they have as much chance as any other person qualified to fill the position without me, having to snoop in what is none of my business until they make it my business....
  3. DigitalGirl

    DigitalGirl Amateur

    Apr 15, 2011
    I totally respect that and I do agree you with that it should be that way, in my case it typically is....however, I will and have made some decisions based on what I've seen people share on their public pages. I'll admit that the example I used was a terrible one without going into detail as to why I would say that...I'm sure you can still argue that no matter what the explanation it is a poor practice, and that is a fine and fair opinion. However, in my industry when I'm hiring a caretaker to do all the things I previously mentioned, which includes interact with our clientele in social settings, if they've put their social life on the web then I'm looking. In the 6 years I've been in my current position our employee retention rates are the best they've ever been, abuse, neglect and accident allegations are the lowest they've ever been and my operation's employee safety statistics are the best in the entire company. Plus our group of administrative staff and all 112 caretakers I have on board under me get along great, believe in teamwork and have compassion for what they do. Do I owe it all to browsing facebook profiles? Of course not, it's a very small percentage who had internet profiles that even factored into being chosen or not chosen, but as said before, still a factor.
  4. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    You mean this quote you soulless cunt whore viper?
    You're proof positive that you CAN suck and blow at the same time. Make up your mind. Pick a story and stick to it.
    That's impressive. What company do you manage? I want to recommend it to my friends who may need your sevices. :rolleyes:

    Also, while we're on the subject of useless worthless piece of shit hypocrites like you, what would your company say about your digital footprint on this site?
  5. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007

    You are becoming unhinged. Nothing justifies that invective directed against DigitalGirl. :eek:
  6. Krem_

    Krem_ Porn Star

    Feb 19, 2011
    guess what, dl? i disagree with you on this ... he has every right to express his personal opinion about her hiring and firing practices just like i have the right to express my opinion about someone who demonstrates that he or she is a racist by their actions and things said by them.

    facebook is a good tool in many ways but what you post can be detremental to your career and reputation. i heard about a teacher recently who got let go because of a picture posted of her holding a beer while on vacation. this is rediculous in every sense of the word, but true.

    discrimination is alive and well and social networks are an enablers for those who discriminate. i think digitalgirl's hiring practices are pitiful and i wouldn't take a job with her company or any company with her company's values and culture for anything.

    there are interview questions that are off limits that have to do with things like marital status, age, ... and hr people and others go to social network websites because they can get information that can't be obtained in interviews and from job applications. honestly, don't post private info or at least make your profile only available to friends and those you know won't use it against you if it concerns you.

    to the contrary of negative discrimination there is positive discrimination. facebook can allow you brag about positive qualities, experience and show examples of your work which feeds discriminating factors that could help you land an awesome job.

    people need to understand the power of the internet. it spans the globe and anything posted by anyone is potentially obtainable by anyone else as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2011
  7. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    WhaWhaWha has the right, and perhaps the reason to express his dissatisfaction against DigitalGirl's hiring practices. His terminology is uncalled for. If I was thinking of hiring him, and learned that he expressed himself that way when he thought he could with impunity, I would not reject him for that reason alone, but it would be a negative factor.

    Perhaps I feel defensive toward DigitalGirl, because I had a PM exchange with her about the information a prospective employment agent could find about me on the internet. She said it would be unlikely to harm me, and might be in my favor.
  8. Sundaybazar

    Sundaybazar sexplorer

    Jul 12, 2009

    Hey how many of you want to have a facebook xnxx community page....
  9. k9Advocate

    k9Advocate Sex Lover

    Jan 1, 2009
    been done

    there are already several "xnxx" groups on FB.
    None of them have many members.

    as for the OPs question,yes,I am on there
    ... as well as MySpace,and AdultSpace,and a couple other sexually-oriented sites.
    Mostly browsing these days.Too many fake/flakes/pretenders on-line to take most of what I see/read online very seriously.

    "Don't believe half of what you see or half of what you hear"
  10. m21

    m21 Porn Star

    Mar 22, 2011
    I'm not. I don't use any of the social networking sites. Never have, never will do.
    Just no need for it in my life. :cool:

    Anyway for those that use facebook you might like to know about this.

    Facebook profile access 'leaked' claims Symantec

    Access to hundreds of thousands of Facebook accounts may have accidentally been leaked because of a flaw in some applications.
    Security firm Symantec discovered that programs were inadvertently sharing access tokens which could be used by advertisers.
    It estimates that, as of last month, 100,000 applications were still enabling leaks.
    Facebook said that it was improving authentication methods.
    "We have been working with Symantec to identity issues in our authentication flow to ensure that they are more secure," Facebook's Naitik Shah wrote.

    Full article if you want to read more >> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13358293
  11. hellrid3r

    hellrid3r Amateur

    May 17, 2010
    i am.. but i don't use much cause once you get in to it then mind becomes greedy and you keep log in and log out just to check who liked you this and who replied about this etc.. i just love the era of before computers..it was true to real and less greedy..
  12. en3rgiz3r

    en3rgiz3r Porn Surfer

    May 16, 2010
    i m on fb, love to be in contact with friends and family
  13. Suze3221

    Suze3221 Her Crankiness

    Oct 2, 2008
    I've always thought you to be quite funny on these boards, but this comment just shows you up as being a complete dick. I am one of those '40' people, who have never been married. Ok, I'm not a loner but I still think your comment is bang out of order. :mad:

    T'is true... :)

    Yup, plenty of them and they're full of folks with funny names. I clicked on the question, 'which three sites do you visit most' and I answered xnxx. Next thing I was inundated with friend requests from people of Asian descent. It really creeped me out.
  14. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Facebook photos land 11 athletes lengthy suspensions

    elrose is a small Massachusetts town in the Boston suburbs, and it holds small-town traditions in appropriately important roles in its day-to-day existence. Not surprisingly, school sports play a significant part in town pride and the community's daily life.

    And that's precisely why a recent Facebook scandal has hit the town particularly hard. According to the Boston Globe, no fewer than 11 Melrose varsity athletes were recently identified in illegal possession of alcohol or tobacco in photos which first surfaced on Facebook. The photos were taken from the site by a concerned parent, transferred to a thumb drive and submitted to the school's administration as proof of inappropriate actions by the student body.

    As a result, all 11 players who were identified have been suspended from competing in athletic events for various lengths of time. All the players received some suspension.

  15. ladygodiva123

    ladygodiva123 Porn Star

    Dec 27, 2010
    Moi, I tweet as well.
  16. Hot_UK_guy_24

    Hot_UK_guy_24 Amateur

    May 13, 2011
    Im on but hardly use it
  17. Nicola Matthews

    Nicola Matthews Porn Star

    Aug 18, 2008
    I have both a regular FB for my pseudonym and an author page on FB. I do not have one in my real name specifically because companies are allowed to use private information in a discriminative fashion when it comes to hiring potential employees.
  18. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    I was throwing her logic back in her face. I no more believe a never married 30 or 40 something is a loner than a parent of small kids lacks the judgement and organizational ability to balance work and home.
  19. curiousscouser

    curiousscouser Porn Star

    Apr 26, 2011
    I'm on there but I'm very cautious about what information I choose to share.
  20. hotme

    hotme Newcumer

    Nov 2, 2009
    i am on facebook