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  1. MR.kool

    MR.kool Amateur

    Feb 26, 2011
    I don’t know if I love him or hate him, one minute he pounds my pussy and calls me a slut and whore, the next minute he is all brotherly and nice.
    I ignored these thoughts and stepped out of the warm shower and dried my hair with my fluffy pink towel. I examined my body in the mirror in front of me and smiled with pride. I was 5’7 with golden brown hair which came up to my shoulder blades and a little bit longer. I have been told that I have amazing dimples and I should smile more often to show them. My C sized breasts were firm and young with pink areolas. I have a flat stomach from various activities I do at school and have no fat on it. I was proud of my ass which was not flat.
    I put my robe on and went downstairs to eat my breakfast which was cereal and milk, since my mom works today. I went to the refrigerator and took out the gallon milk and poured it into my glass and I almost spilled it over the counter.
    “Mike!” I whispered fiercely as his hands traveled up my thighs and rested on my hips.
    “Good Morning Lisa” He whispered in my ear and kissed me neck, gently pulling the skin with his lips occasionally using his teeth. He rubbed my pussy lips and I immediately started getting wet and horny. The fact that he was the best looking boy at their school didn’t help. All her friends wanted to fuck him, wanted to suck his cock and so on. They all loved his honey-blond hair and his big pale blue eyes and his athletic football body.
    “Mike is so sweet.” “Mike has beautiful eyes and I love his smile.” “I would do anything to fuck Mike” That is all I ever hear from my friends and they even beg her to hook them up with her. But Mike wouldn’t fuck anyone just her it was this craze, lust he had for her.
    “Mike! What are you doing? Dad is right outside!” I said and tried to move away but his grip was firm on me and I couldn’t move anywhere. He moved his other hand up my stomach and cupped my breast while still rubbing my pussy.
    “Ohhh” I moaned and immediately regretted it. He knew exactly what me wet and horny, he knew exactly where to touch and how much pressure to apply. He memorized every inch of me and had complete control over me, which I hated.
    “Lisa…you are so beautiful…I love you so much” He whispered once again in my ear and I was completely his, I could feel his hard-on pressing against my ass and he rubbed it against me.
    “Please Mike? Dad can catch us?” I begged, knowing that he doesn’t care. He always get’s what he wants from everyone. Whether it is the teachers, parents, friends or girlfriends, he has that control over everyone. Just then there was a noise of lock clicking at the door and Mike moved away from her immediately and stood on the other side of the counter.
    “Hi kids! Mike, you got to tell me some more exercises…I need to get rid of this!” My dad, Ricky said showing his flabby stomach.
    “Sure dad! Why don’t you go to the basement and I will tell you what to do…” Mike smiled and followed him to the basement.
    “Whew!” I sighed and quickly ate my breakfast and went to my room. I put my panties on and then my jeans on.
    “Are you going somewhere Lisa? We have some unfinished business to attend.” Mike grinned mischievously, his blue eyes twinkling. My hands immediately went up to cover my breasts but it was useless. Mike closed the door and moved towards me taking his sweet time. I moved back taking a step back for every step forward he took. I eventually reached the bed and fell back. Mike moved like a snake and was on top of me, his hands on either side of my head and he was looking into my eyes with lust.
    “Lisa…you are so beautiful” Mike said and pinned her hands behind her head. “So fucking beautiful”
    “Mike…please stop! Dad is at home and we shouldn’t be doing this…its incest!” I pleaded with him but his smile didn’t fade. As a matter of fact it only got wider.
    “Dad is working out in the basement and he won’t be up anytime soon…besides…you love it…” Mike whispered. He leaned down and his moist lips were pressed against mine and his fingers stroked and grazed my hard nipples sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. He took off his shirt and revealed his muscular body which girls ached to feel and touch.
    “Touch me” he said as he pressed his hairless chest into my breasts and forced his tongue inside of her mouth. He tasted sweet and I could feel my mouth watering and I grabbed his head and kissed back harder. I moved my hands down his chest taking my time to feel his muscles before squeezing his lump.
    “Mmm” he moaned and started massaging her breasts in the perfect manner and all she could do was rub his cock lightly, she was lost in waves of pleasure. He smelled so good and masculine, she just couldn’t stop what he was doing.
    He moved down towards my chest by making a trail of kisses and he took my jeans off in a hurry. He sunk his teeth gently in a playful bite as he pulled her panties down. I couldn’t wait any longer and quickly took them off and threw them beside the bed.
    “Turn over baby” he said gently and I turned over as if I was in a trance. He gently squeezed my ass cheeks before smacking it playfully. He then parted my ass cheeks and licked my asshole with the tip of his tongue and I involuntarily squeezed my ass muscles. He spread them again and continued licking my ass commenting on how good I taste.
    “Ohhhh Mike! What are you doing to meee?” I moaned as his hands traveled between my thighs and he played with my cilt using his thumb, rubbing it in a steady pace.
    He slowly pushed his index and middle finger into my pussy and continued eating my ass feverishly. His fingers sliding in and out of my pussy gave me the most pleasurable sensations ever and my legs turned jelly from the pleasure I was receiving. He pushed his tongue all the way up my asshole and massaged my G-spot.
    “Ahhh!...Ughhh!...Oh God!” I moaned as I shot my juices from my pussy. He flipped me over with ease and spread my legs as far as they would go and stared at my pussy for a while before attacking it with his tongue and teeth.
    He slowly ran his tongue up and down my pink flesh making my pussy swell with pleasure. I couldn’t help it and started twitching as his tongue massaged my sensitive button. I couldn’t help it as I orgasmed again as Mike sucked on my cilt and grazed it with his teeth.
    “Baby tell me how much you want me” Mike asked as he slowly pulled his jeans down and then his American Eagle boxers. He rubbed his hard cock against my pussy making me moan.
    “Please Fuck me Mike!?!” I moaned as he pulled on my sensitive nipples. I hated what he was doing to me, I hated the control he had over me. I loved what he was doing to me but hated the fact that he was doing it.
    “So tight and wet” Mike moaned as he pushed his cock into her sopping pussy. “You are so beautiful Lisa…”
    Mike soon started pumping his cock in and out of my warm pussy and it felt amazing as his cock grazed over my G-spot. He stroked my hair and pushed his fingers into my mouth and I immediately started sucking on them. He had a steady rhythm going and I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him in. He took his hand out of my mouth and started running them over my body, pinching and manipulating her nipples.
    “AGHHH!! OH MY GOD!!” I screamed as Mike pumped into my pussy. He was young and had so much stamina that he could keep on fucking.
    “SO FUCKING GOOD” Mike moaned and pulled my nipples. This sent me over the edge and I gripped his cock tightly and orgasmed again. Mike still didn’t cum and she had three mind blowing orgasms.
    “THAT”S IT BABY I AM GOING TO CUM” Mike moaned and started pumping furiously and I felt his head starting it swell up so I squeezed my insides and he grabbed my hips and thrust into me shooting his cum inside my pussy.
    “I love you so much!” Mike sighed and collapsed on top of her. He stroked the hair out my face and smiled at me and kissed me passionately. I closed my eyes and went with the flow and kissed him passionately. He got off me and pulled his boxers up and left the room.
    “Fuck!” I muttered and cleaned up the sheets, the best I could and put them in the washer.

    “Alright girls…I will see you tomorrow” I said and got out of the car. I opened the door and went inside and looked at my phone for time. It was nearly 11:00 and I was drunk like a bastard. I stumbled at the door and almost fell down before Mike caught me.
    “Drink too much sis?” he asked me and I looked at his cute face and his blue eyes which pierce right through you.
    “Uh-Huh…don’t tell mom” I begged knowing they will ground me for the rest of my life if they found out that I drink.
    “Don’t worry…I won’t…” He took me to the kitchen and gave me a big glass of water. I looked at him blankly. “It helps you dilute the shit you drank…you will feel better tomorrow…drink up.” I shrugged and drank the water. He then lifted me up with ease and carried me up the stairs and into my bedroom. Instead of dropping me on my bed, he took me to the bathroom.
    “Take a shower” He said and helped me undress. I looked at him sleepily and undressed all my clothes and stepped into the shower. I looked at him and he stripped down to his boxers and was next to me. He turned the hot water and thoroughly washed me and held me still so I wouldn’t fall. He didn’t try to kiss me or didn’t spend too much time on my breasts and pussy. He then lifted me up and dried me up with a towel and helped me dress up.
    “Good Night Lisa…” He said and kissed my forehead and pulled the blankets over my head. I stared at him as he left the room and slowly drifted off to sleep.

    “Hey Mike” I greeted Mike as he came down the stairs. He had a pink shirt on which was so tight that if he flexed it would rip open. He had a pair of jeans and a hat on top of his head facing to the side.
    “Hey Lisa…how are you feeling?” He asked me with a grin on his face.
    “Good…thanks for helping me out last night…” I said as I grabbed my bag and followed him outside to the car. My parents wouldn’t let me drive to the school but let him drive to school even though he was a year younger than me.
    “No problem…you owe me one tonight…you know I had to relieve myself last night” He grinned and I frowned at him. He quickly drove to the school and parked the car at the school parking lot and got out.
    “Hey Mike…I have drama tryouts tonight…could you wait?” I asked him and he nodded his head in approval.
    Since we both were Seniors in high school we only had 4 more months of school while the rest of the kids had 5 months of school. Mike got a full scholarship to one of the top universities in the state while I got a half-scholarship to an average university. Mike was better than me at almost everything but he didn’t rub it in my face but rather helps me out. He was so good at football that he got moved up to Varsity on his first week as a Freshman and he was suppose to be a Junior but he excelled in Math, English, and Physics that they bumped him up a grade.
    “Hi Lisa…where is Mike?” Jamie asked me as I got to my locker and opened it. I pointed at the popular circle where all the jocks, hot girls and sluts hanged out. Jamie has a serious crush on Mike and tried to get with him every since. Mike showed no interest in her or any girls in the school except me.
    The day was not very interesting except when Jeff broke a vase which had poisonous gas and we had to evacuate the lab. At the end of the day we had Gym and it was one of the class where both Mike and me both meet. We had a large football team and the boy’s immediately broke up to two teams and decided to play football.
    “Look at Mike…” Jamie said as Mike took off his shirt like the other kids on his team but no one was near as hot as Mike. Even I had to agree that Mike was real hot, especially with the sun on his skin.
    “Just one chance to fuck him god….please” Megan whispered and I laughed out loud. The rest of the girls laughed with me.
    “You guys are whores…” I said and watched the game and I have to admit the way Mike moved and the way he played made me hot.
    “Lisa…please try to hook me up with him” Jamie begged me and I began to get angry. For the first time, I wanted Mike all for myself.
    “Jamie…he doesn’t like you! As a matter of fact he doesn’t like sluts like you guys” I flipped out and immediately regretted what I said. They were my friends and I just insulted them the worst possible way.
    “Shut up Lisa…you are just jealous that we have a chance to get him and you can’t…you don’t even have a boyfriend…and you went out with Alex! He was a nerd!” Megan retorted. “You are just not as cool as your brother”
    “Yeah…why are we even talking to you?” They all moved away from me and went to the other side. I felt really bad and even slightly embarrassed. I walked to my locker dejectedly and changed for the play, so I could try out. The tryouts went bad partly because Megan’s mom was the one who was making the play and when she found out we had a fight, she criticized every move and line I said until I ran outside crying.
    “Hey Lisa…what’s wrong?” Mike asked me as he saw me running.
    “Nothing “ I said and tried to get in the car but it was locked. “Could you please fucking unlock the car!?!”
    Mike didn’t unlock the car and came over to my side and put his arms around me. I hugged him back and cried against his chest, while he stroked my hair.
    “Shhh” Mike cooed “It’s okay…tell me what happened” He rocked me back and forth and I suddenly started crying rivers and he held me tightly while I emptied everything. I then told him what happened starting from the gym class and how I was made fun of in drama.
    “Hey it’s okay…it is just a play” he tried to help me.
    “No it is not! A scout for the college I applied to said that he will watch my performance and would give me a scholarship…” I said and looked at him and pleaded with my eyes.
    “Alright…come with me” He told me and led me inside the school with his arm around me. He took me to the auditorium where the tryouts were still happening. He took me to Megan’s mom, she was sitting in the front row with a clipboard in her hand.
    “Hi I am Mike and Lisa’s brother” Mike introduced himself to Megan’s mom. Megan was sitting right next to her mom and she looked at me with confusion in her eyes.
    “And I am Mrs.Haif…how many I help you?” Mrs.Haif asked.
    “If Lisa has been kicked out of the play because of a fucking problem your daughter had to deal with then there will a fucking problem for your daughter-
    “Listen young man-
    “No you listen bitch! If Lisa is not on the fucking play…then there will be a huge problem your daughter is going to have to face…” Mike warned her and I could see the menace in his voice. I wanted to stop him and pull him back before he kills her but I knew better.
    “Are you threatening me?” Mrs.Haif said rising from her seat. Megan looked scared and she rose too.
    “No…that is a promise!” Mike said
    “Mom! Lisa…don’t worry you will be on the play…” Mike looked at Megan and the turned around and led me outside the auditorium. His hand was still on over me and he kissed my forehead lightly.
    “Don’t worry you will be on the play” He assured me as we got on the parking lot.
    “You didn’t have to do that…but thank you Mike” I said. My respect and love for Mike increased by tenfold.
    “Hey you are my sis…I will do anything for you…” He gave me a hug and a soft kiss on my lips.
    “Hey Mom what is for dinner?” Mike yelled when we got home and gave mom a kiss on the lips and a hug. I felt something sharp in my heart, was I experiencing jealousy? Mike did that all the time but for the first time I wanted him to touch no one other than me. I frowned and went upstairs to take a shower. I washed my face and then my hair thoroughly before trimming my pussy once again so I left a small triangle in the middle. I heard Mike talking to his friend about how he loves fucking girls with a triangular patch.
    Wait, why am I doing this? I thought I didn’t like being fucked by Mike. I was in a turmoil and I didn’t know what to do, when did my feelings towards Mike change? I stepped out of the shower and dried myself and put cotton clothes on.
    I quickly finished up the homework and surfed on the web for couple of minutes and looked at the clock at the computer. It was usually around this time, Mike comes to my room and fucks me, what was taking him so long? I frowned and went on Facebook and chatted with some of my friends and went down to have dinner.
    “Hey Lis…how was your day?” Dad asked me and I mumbled a response and took a seat. Mike would usually sit right next to me and put his hand on my thighs while he was eating but today he sat across from me.
    The whole family was talking and chatting but I wasn’t paying attention and only focused on Mike. He didn’t act differently and did what he would do every day and right when I was about to look down he glanced at me but I saw him before he looked back. Ah-Hah…so he did feel what I was feeling, that emptiness.
    I finished my dinner and sat on the couch, hoping Mike would sit next to me. Mike quickly finished his dinner and put his plates in the sink but before he could sit next to me, dad sat next to me. I decided to tease Mike a little bit so I snuggled against my dad and he put his arm around me. I looked at Mike to see if was jealous, but he was looking at the T.V but his face was beet red.
    After an hour or so, both our parents excused themselves and went to bed. I looked at Mike hoping he would move next to me but he didn’t and I was disappointed. We watched T.V. for a while and I excused myself and went upstairs to go to bed. I changed into my pajamas and shut the light.
    “Lisa?” Mike whispered and I turned around. He grabbed me and kissed me passionately and I kissed him back with lust. I grabbed the side of his head and forced my tongue into his mouth and explored his mouth.
    “Lisa…I don’t know how you feel about me but I love you…not just the brotherly way…I really love you…” Mike sighed and waited for my response. I thought whether I love him or not and I could feel my heart trying to scream “I love you too Mike.”
    “I love you Mike…I just don’t know what we would do if we get caught…or how far you are willing to take this…” I said finally and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and stroked my hair. I pushed him on to the bed and jumped on top of him. I took his shirt off and kissed him with zeal.
    “Mmm” He moaned into my mouth as I rubbed against his hard dick with my pussy. I quickly took off my clothes and he followed me and soon we were making out. My pussy was wet and soaking.
    “Let’s have some fun baby” I grinned and slid his cock into my tight pussy.
    I started off slow and built up to a rhythm I knew we both could appreciate. I wasn't going wild and crazy on him but I was bouncing off him pretty fast, and every time I would come down a little vibration would shoot through my body that made me tingle all over, which made for a better ride for both of us. He grabbed the side of my hips and helped me slide down his wonderful 7 inch cock that filled me up completely, that stretched me so wide, and made me cum on several occasions. I was lost in lust and pinched my nipples which added to the already immense pleasure I was feeling.
    “You liking this cock baby?”

    “I'm loving this cock baby! God I never get tired of you stuffing my pussy!”

    “Well its a good thing you do, because I'm gonna be in it a whole fucking lot babe!”

    Hearing him talk about fucking me while actually fucking me made me hotter for some reason, and I felt the need to grind my pussy on him, so he could “accidentally” brush my clit over and over as much as I wanted him to. I flicked at his nipples with my fingers, causing him to thrust up into me in a hurry, giving me those nice little vibrations I love so much. I had to grab the headboard to keep it from banging the wall.

    “I want to fuck you doggy-style baby” Mike moaned.
    I giggled as I got off of him and got on all fours facing the windows. I loved the anticipation of waiting for his cock to plunge into me in this position, so I never look back until he shoves it into me. In one fast motion I felt his hands on my hips and his cock being shoved back into me, and I groaned and lowered my head as the overwhelming sensation came over my little body.

    “Mmmmmmmmm fuck Mike, fuck my tight pussy till it cums all over you!”

    He wasted no time pulling me back into him as his cock lurched forward into my hungry pussy. He was really giving it to me good, fucking my pussy hard and deep, and I was loving it. I flipped my long hair back and began to meet him thrust for thrust as the sound of our clapping skin filled the room. I gripped the sheets in my hand and groaned when I felt his hand slide over my cock filled pussy and attach itself to my clit, fuck it felt so good.

    “Fuck me Mike, fuck me! Make me cum all over your cock baby! Make me fucking cum!”

    He grunted and squeezed my clit as he fucked me, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut as I focused on the pleasure my pussy was getting. It was getting so intense every time I tried to open my eyes they would close back on their own, and my lip would bite itself, so I just went with it. I was in heaven, I was getting fucked good and hard and could tell I was gonna have a good orgasm, but I wanted to drag it out as long as possible, that way it would feel even better when I did cum. I had reached my boiling point and was convulsing from the force of Mike’s cock deep in my pussy and his fingers wrapped tightly around my clit. It hit me the way I like to be fucked, hard and fast.

    “Fuck fuck fuck Mike! I'm cumming, I'm fucking cumming! Oh my fucking god!”

    In an instant my body had become a human vibrator as I came. My body took on a mind of its own as my pussy pulsed around a cock that kept fucking me through my orgasm, and after as my arms gave out, leaving my ass poking up in the air. As I rode out the last little bit of my orgasm in bliss, I heard Mike start to grunt and his strokes into me became more urgent.

    “I am going to cum Lisa! I am going to cum!” Mike moaned and he started thrusting into me with craze.
    “Cum in me!!!!” I screamed and Mike grabbed my hips and thrust one last time before exploding inside my pussy.
    “God Lisa!” Mike groaned and collapsed on top of me. I hugged him tightly and gently nibbled on his ear-lobe when he moved up and looked at me in the eye.
    “I heard mom say something about you getting off the pill…will that be problem?” He asked me concerned, I didn’t want to get him all scared and tensed.
    “Oh Yeah…I forgot about that…but it is okay since it is the wrong time for me” I lied hoping I wouldn’t get pregnant.
    “I love you Lisa” He whispered and gave me a deep kiss before getting off me and leaving the room.

    It was crazy how much we were over each other. We fucked each other every chance we got, in the mornings, evening, in the car, and even sometimes in the school bathrooms. I was obsessed with him and he fucked me with more intensity each time. I got in the school play and did amazing, and managed to get in the same university as Mike although I didn’t get a scholarship. Mike was doing so well in football that some NFL sponsors came to watch him play and if he performs just this well he has a great chance of being in the NFL. We finally finished our high-school, not “officially” because we still had a week to go but we graduated.
    “Hi baby” Mike greeted me as I got in the car.
    “Hi baby” I greeted him and leaned to give him a kiss. He started the car and started driving in a different direction.
    “Where are we going Mike?” I asked him and leaned in and started rubbing his dick through his pants. It was getting harder by my touch.
    “Mmmm…just relax” He moaned. After driving for 10 minutes or so he parked the car in a secluded place. After we got out of the car, he held my hand and took me up the hill. I was surprised because we would normally stop somewhere private and fuck each other in the car but never actually got out for the fear of being seen. He then took me to a private area by the lake where he never brought me. I started unzipping his pants and started taking his dick out but he stopped me.
    He put his arm around me and I leaned into him. He took me to a private bench near the top of the hill where you get an amazing view of the lake. All the leaves started changing colors and it looked amazing.
    “Wow…it is beautiful…” I said and smiled. He cleaned the bench since there was dust all over it and then sat down, I followed his lead and sat down next to him.
    “Isn’t it?” Mike said and kissed my forehead and put his head on top of mine. I just loved sitting here and didn’t want this moment to end.
    “Lisa…I love you with all my heart” He said and pulled me into him. I hugged him tightly and decided this was the time to tell him the truth.
    “I…I…am..pregnant…and you are the father” I said. I knew what was coming next, he would either flip out and tell me that I have been cheating on him or he would be really scared and leave me. I looked at him expecting to see fear, anger and nervousness but I saw none of those. It was pure happiness like a child who just got a huge box of his favorite candy.
    “Really!?!” he got up pulling me up with him. He hugged me so tightly that I thought I would die and kissed me. He didn’t let go of me and I started crying. He really does love me, I thought his love was the sort of love which will end after couple of years or so but no, and he truly loves me!
    “You are pregnant! Oh my god! I am going to be a father…holy shit! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” He said as he hugged me tightly.
    “LISA IS PREGNANT!” He screamed at the top of his lungs and his echo traveled throughout the valley and I laughed with him.
    “Mike?” I said but he didn’t listen to me or hear me.
    “Mike?” I said a little bit louder and he looked at with happiness.
    “Yeah baby?” he asked me
    “What are we going to do? How will I go to school? What are we going to tell our parents?” I asked him suddenly dawning on me what might happen to us. Mike seemed oblivious to all these things and was still laughing, he looked at me and saw the seriousness in my face and stopped laughing. He hugged me and rubbed my back in a soothing manner like he always does to calm me down.
    “School ends in a week…we won’t tell our parents…we are going to leave…” he said as he rocked me back and forth.
    “You can’t go to college! And what about football! That was your dream” I asked him and looked at him. He looked back at me and smiled.
    “No…I won’t…and those are not my dreams…you are my dream…I don’t care for anything else…ok?” He asked me and I started crying. He held me tightly and I knew he would always be there for me.
    “Let’s go baby” He held me tightly as led us to his car and then opened the door for me. After I got in, he started driving us home.
    “Lisa…as soon as we get home…I want you pack your clothes and mine…alright? We can’t stay home anymore they will start getting suspicious why you are getting fat…” He said and then laughed at the last part. I punched him in the arm and then laughed with him.
    “Where will we be going?” I asked him and he grinned at me like a fool.
    “We have a grandma?” I asked genuinely surprised
    “Yeah…while our parents chose to abandon her…I actually visit her…and I know she will help us out…” He explained to me. We reached our house and I went inside and grabbed important documents, such as our passports, and social security information. I then packed all the money I saved up and clothes for Mike and me.
    “Mike? What will mom and dad do when they find out we are gone?” I asked them as that thought came to me for the first time.
    “Don’t worry…I am writing a note explaining why we left…and since you are 18 and I am almost 18, they won’t be looking for us…and the police will not be involved…” Mike explained as he finished up writing on a blank piece of paper. I stood next to him with a bag with bag’s in my hand.
    “Are we making the right choice? Maybe we should stay here a little bit longer…” I said with doubt. I just don’t want him to throw his career out the window just for me.
    “Trust me” Mike said and he took the bag’s from my hand and led me to the car. He threw the bag’s in the trunk and got in the car and revved up the engine.
    “How long will the ride be?” I asked him as he got on the highway and raced off. He looked at me and grinned.
    “At least five hours…” He said and I looked at the clock, which read 7:00. If he drove at the pace he drove now we will get there at 12:00!
    “You can’t drive that long! The longest you ever drove was an hour or so…” I said
    “No! I came to visit grandma ever since I got my license…” Mike argued. I don’t what Mike was talking about when he said “grandma”, as far as I knew we never knew grandma and I was older than him even though only by a year.
    “What grandma?” I asked him again.
    “When you were at Florida with Aunt Janice…our grandpa died and our parents took me to his funeral. That was where I saw our grandma. I didn’t know who she was until she introduced herself to me…our parents didn’t let us see them because our dad had this big fight with grandpa and ever since then they didn’t see each other…I was only 11 back then…” He explained to me and things started making sense. I did go over Aunt Janice when I was 12 for summer because I was behaving badly. “Anyway…ever since then grandma would secretly come pick me up from school and take me to places…and after I got older and got my license I went to visit her almost every month…”
    “Oh” I said. I was a little sad that grandma never dismissed me from school and took me to places but it should be obvious to me now that Mike had a certain way with people.
    “Hey…just got to sleep…you need to relax” Mike said as he stroked my hair. I pushed my chair back and started to unfasten my seat belt when Mike stopped me.
    “Oh no…I don’t want anything happening to you or that baby” He said and pushed it back. I grinned at him and dozed off to sleep.
    “Lisa? Lisa?” Mike shook me as I woke up. It was dark outside and we were parked at a McDonalds. I looked around and saw no cars and then looked at Mike, who was holding a burger in his hand.
    “Here…you hungry?” He said giving me the burger. I was starving and I quickly opened it and took a huge bite and started chewing on the juicy chicken.
    “Mmm…this is good…” I moaned as I swallowed the chicken and took a drink from the cup. “Mike…your eyes are all red…you need to get some sleep”
    “What? Oh yeah…” Mike said as he ate his burger. We both finished up our dinner and threw our trash in the trashcan next to us.
    “Baby…I am horny as fuck…I need you…” Mike said as he leaned against my seat and gave me a kiss. I was horny as hell too and I kissed him back. We both looked at each other and then at the back seat.

    “FUCK ME HARDER BABY I AM ALMOST THERE” I moaned as Mike pounded my pussy. We were in the back seat of the car with me on top of Mike. He was using my hips as leverage as he continued to piston his cock in and out of my pussy. The position we were in placed my breasts right in the front of his face and he took full advantage of it as he sucked and bit my nipples.
    “Oh Lisa! I am so close” He moaned and sucked on my breasts sharply. The amazing feeling he was giving me right now was incomparable.
    “AHHHHHH” He grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me down as he thrust up with force and exploded in my pussy. This sent me over the edge and I grabbed his cock tightly with my muscles as I milked every drop of his cum.
    “Oh Lisa! You make my cock feel at home” He said and I grinned at him. I pushed him back and landed on top of him. He stroked my hair lightly and hugged me tightly. It felt really good when his hands traveled through my silk hair and when he rubbed my back. He placed his thumb behind my neck and rubbed it in circles lightly. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

    I don’t know when he got to the driver’s seat or how he managed to do it without waking me up but when I woke up, we were on the highway traveling 80 miles per hour.
    “At last the sleeping beauty wakes up” Mike joked and grinned at me looking though the mirror. I had a jacket covering me and I put it on because I was feeling cold.
    “Shut up Mike” I punched him in the arm and then sat in the middle of the two seats and kissed him quickly. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
    “Lisa…come on put your seat belt on…” He said shrugging his shoulders so my head was bouncing.
    I then sat beside him and ate the bagel which was in the bag and drank my black coffee. I looked at my phone and received 50 missed calls from mom, dad, friends, and other people. I showed it to Mike and he told me to ignore it and I ignored it.
    “Here we are” Mike said as he got off the highway and took me to a big house with a large garden. He parked the car and I quickly put my jeans on and got off the car and stretched.
    “Let’s go…” He led me inside and I had doubts whether she would like me or not. If she refused to house us, we are dead.
    “It’s okay” Mike squeezed my hand and led me inside the house. I saw my grandma for the first time, I was expecting her to be really old with a can in her hand but she looked like she was in her 40’s. She was doing yoga on the mat. She had track pants on and a shirt on, and when she saw us she came running and hugged Mike tightly.
    “Mike! Why didn’t you visit me for so long!?!” She said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    “I tried grandma but we had graduation and everything…hope you understand” Mike said and smiled at her.
    “I understand…you are just like your grandpa…always convincing and persuading people…” She said and then laughed.
    “Isn’t he?” I blurted out and then realized that I never saw my grandpa before and felt embarrassed. She looked at me for the first time and smiled at me as if noticing me for the first time.
    “Who is this? Let me guess…she is your girlfriend and you got her pregnant…” she said with a laugh.
    “Almost correct…you missed a part…she is my girlfriend and I got her pregnant AND she is my sister” Mike said and put his arm around me. “She is Lisa…your granddaughter…”
    “YOU got YOUR SISTER pregnant! You sick freak! Get out of my house now!” She said after slapping Mike in the face. I felt anger rising in me immediately for slapping him but Mike must have knew it because he held me tightly.
    “Grandma please listen to us…I really love her! And you are the only person who understands me…” Mike begged and grabbed her hand. She looked like she was going to slap him again but then all her anger left in a heartbeat.
    “You remind me so much of your dad and granddad…both of whom I miss deeply…what is it you want to tell me?” she said and stroked his face. She led us to a beautiful and expensive leather couch and we all sat down. Mike put his arm around me and held me tightly as he told us how it all started and how I got pregnant.
    “So you are telling me…you want to skip college?” she asked him
    “I guess so…I have to look after her…and the kid”
    “And you want this baby” she asked him again.
    “Absolutely” Mike said confidently. She sat back and thought about it for a while. We both waited patiently for her to speak and she finally spoke.
    “Okay…you guys are not going to skip college…that would be a grave mistake…here is what you WILL do…your grandfather left me a large amount of money…more than I could spend…and I will pay for Lisa’s college and since you got a scholarship Mike…you are all set to go…I will look after the child and will let you guys stay here…”
    That is exactly what we did, after giving birth to Mellissa (Mike and Lisa), we both skipped all the unnecessary courses and took the important ones. I took nursing and Mike decided to head for architecture, we both finished college in two years and I spent another six months training to be a Nurse while Mike got an amazing job offer. He soon moved up in position and was the CEO for his company. I still remember the time giving birth to Mellissa.
    The pain was so bad I didn’t even remember what it felt like. Mike told me I screamed and swore like hell and I didn’t believe him until he showed me the video. I immediately made him delete it but all the pain I went through was totally worth it when I saw the baby and the look of Mike’s face. It felt amazing to give life to someone that is yours and the most rewarding part was holding the baby that you worked so hard to give life too.
    Mike even though had so much work from college, he played with Mellissa every chance he got and Grandma took care of her during the day. He would help me to get better grades and pass the courses. It was fun to watch him trying to make her laugh and Grandma took care of Mellissa like her own daughter.
    “God…I need him so badly” I muttered as I stroked my long hair and put my robe back on. Mike had gone on a business trip for a week and I missed his cock so much that I decided to rape him when he got home. I went downstairs and cleaned up the kitchen a little bit before deciding to go to bed.
    “AH!” I gasped when I felt something sharp and cold pressed against my throat.
    “Don’t turn around…and get rid of that robe” I heard a deep voice speak and I stood frozen unsure of what to do. I felt a hand travel up my thighs and I immediately knew who it was. I started turning around and didn’t stop when I hear, “I will kill you if you move”
    “Mike!” I pushed his arm away and grabbed him tightly. He laughed out loud and hugged me tightly. I grabbed his head and pressed my lips against his moist lips and kissed him for a long time.
    “Baby I have missed you so much!” Mike said as he lifted me up off the ground.
    “We can talk later just GOD I AM HORNY!”
    I yanked him in and started removing his clothes frantically as I kissed him and made my way back to my bedroom. By the time we got there he was only wearing boxers, I got rid of those preposterous boxers and pushed him down on the bed. I dropped my robe on the floor at my feet and stepped out of it as I crawled between his legs, grabbed his cock, and slowly slid it into my mouth.
    “Oh baby yeah suck it god I have missed you so much!”
    I mumbled around his cock and kept sucking. I was really getting into it, not to say I usually don't, but under the circumstances I felt like I couldn't get enough of his cock. I took it farther in my mouth than I ever have before, just an inch above having the whole thing in my throat, and rolled his balls around in my hand as I sucked him over and over. He put both his hands on my head and tried to force the rest in my mouth, but I squeezed his balls enough to let him know that wasn't happening, and he just let them rest there as a guide.
    I swung my leg over him and pushed my pussy into his face, and he immediately started eating me out like I knew he would. The feeling of his tongue running over every wet surface of my pussy was driving me crazy, I wasn't even sucking his cock anymore, I was just holding it in my hand as he ate me out. I gathered myself enough to suck on the tip and jack him off as he continued to thrust that wonderful tongue in my pussy. I moaned into the air when he sucked my exposed clit between his lips and thrust his fingers inside me. I couldn't take it anymore, I sucked the tip of his cock one more time and crawled from over him and got on my hands and knees next to him on the bed.

    “Gimme that cock baby, I need it really hard right now! Come on and fuck me!”

    I heard him getting up on his knees behind me. I loved this moment with a passion, waiting for his cock to enter me at any moment with me not knowing when it was gonna happen was as big a rush as I've ever felt, well, maybe second biggest now. He massaged my ass, teasing me since he knew I loved this moment and kept his hands at my hips, his cock not touching me the whole time. The anticipation was killing me, but arousing me even more. I looked over at the windows and winked just as I felt his cock push at my lips then slip all the way inside with one full push.

    “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh,” I moaned as I closed my eyes in sheer pleasure. “Fuck me baby, fuck that pussy hard!”

    He pulled me back on his cock and started fucking me just how I asked him to, hard. I felt my ass clapping against him and tried my best to match his movements, but he was fucking me entirely too fast, so I just let him do all the work while I screamed and moaned.

    “You like that dick baby? You like the way I'm fucking you?”

    “Yes I fucking love it! Oh god you're fucking me so good baby don't stop,” I yelled.

    I felt his hands leave my hips, but he kept fucking me so I didn't say anything. He grabbed my hair with both hands and held it together and pulled it, making me arch my back in the process so my tits were poking outwards now as he fucked me.

    “I want to ride you baby!” I moaned as he fucked me.
    He let my hair go and on instinct my body fell into the couch. He smacked me on the ass and went to sit in the chair that I had placed there on purpose as I went to cut on the main lights in the room and made my way back to him. I stood over him, my titties pointed straight at him and climbed on him. I kissed him and grabbed his cock at the same time and sat down fully on it. We both moaned into each others mouths and I quickly started rising up and down on his cock. It didn't take me long to get into it as I bounced up and down on him so hard I thought the chair would break. He sucked one of my titties in his mouth and helped to lift me up and down on him, really slamming me down, and brushing my clit at the same time. I felt like a crazy woman the way I was riding him, my tit was forced from his lips as they bounced on my chest from me riding the hell out of him. I was screaming loudly and running my hands through my hair as his cock pierced my pussy time after pleasurable time. I must have looked like a woman possessed to whoever was watching me. Finally I had calmed down enough and gripped my arms around his neck with my head next to his and sat there on him.
    He picked me up and laid me on the bed and got in the position of missionary.
    “Come on! Are you getting old Mikey” I teased him. He wasn’t actually old as a matter of fact he was only 24!
    I must have hit a soft spot because he grabbed my hands and threw them over my head and just pounded me in the worst way, and I loved every second of it. He was fucking me so fast my legs were bouncing around so I had to lock them around him. The smell of our sex was still strongly shrouded in the room as I looked into his eyes and begged, pleaded with him to fuck me harder. It didn't take him long to comply and within seconds the back of my head was stuck to the couch in bliss.
    “Baby hold the counter!” Mike said and he lifted me up with ease and brought me to the kitchen table. I grinned at him and held on the counter top tightly.
    He fucked me against the counter like that for a while before bringing his hand down and storking my cilt over and over again. I couldn’t take it anymore and the pleasure was so intense that my legs were getting weak and I almost fell down and if it weren’t for the fact that he was holding on to me I would have collapsed on the floor. I thought I almost blacked out when Mike pulled my nipples.
    “OH GOD I AM CUMMING IAMCUMMING!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and let my juices flow around his cock. He gasped and thrust in with all his might and his cum blasted my pussy. I almost fell down and Mike lifted me up and brought me to the couch.
    “Are you satisfied now?” Mike asked me as I put him on the couch and fell on top of me. I laughed and scooped the cum from my pussy and swallowed it.
    “Mmmm…we have all night” I said and I felt Mike’s cock twitch. He grabbed me and kissed me with all his lust.
    “I missed you so much baby…what was that? You were never this wild!” He asked me and stroked my hair.
    “I missed you too…I just got so horny!” I said truthfully
    “Maybe I should go more on these trips!” He laughed
    “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” I told him and he kissed me again and got off me and pulled his boxers back on and then his jeans.
    He was just as sexy when he was 18, if not even more sexy because he has the manly look on his face. I put my robe back on.
    “Where is my angel? Where is my baby?” Mike asked me.
    “I just put Mellissa to sleep…she was waiting eagerly for you” I told him and he picked me with ease and I squealed with delight. He skipped up the stairs and brought me to Mellissa’s room. He sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked her hair. He then leaned down and kissed her forehead gently.
    “I missed you too darling” he whispered to Mellissa and she stirred awake.
    “Daddy?” she rubbed her eyes and looked at him. “Daddy!” She jumped on him and hugged him tightly. Mike hugged her back just as tightly and they stayed that way for some time.
    “I missed you so much darling!” Mike kissed her cheek.
    “I missed you too daddy!” Watching them two hugging and kissing was so cute that I thought I was going to cry.
    “I got you some toys and present baby…tomorrow morning…I will give them to you and do you want to go to Aqua Land?” He asked her.
    “Yes! And get Ice-cream there? Mom doesn’t buy be ice-cream cause she thinks I will get sick” she complained to him. Mike looked at me and extended his arm, I quickly ran there and we all had a group hug. They looked at each other and winked, I knew what was coming. They both leaned in and kissed me on either side of my cheek.
    “Mom can we please get ice-cream?” They both asked me in unison and laughed. I laughed with them and nodded my head.
    “Now go to sleep Mellissa…dad and I have some things to do” I grinned at Mike who smiled back.
    “But I want to spend some time with dad!” she complained. Mike gave her a kiss on the forehead and put her back on the bed.
    “You got to sleep if you want those present’s right Mel?” Mike asked and she nodded her head and shut her eyes. He kissed her once more and then turned off the lights and shut the door.
    I pushed him against the wall once we got downstairs and kissed him hard.
    “Sooo…what did you get me?” I asked him seductively. He laughed and pointed at himself.
    “Me…I am yours…isn’t that enough Lisa?” He said and hugged me. I hugged him back, knowing that he is right, but still had that disappointment.
    “Close your eyes” he told me and I shut them immediately. “no peeking” I closed my eyes shut and waited. He came back after a few minutes and wrapped his hand around me from behind.
    “Open them” He told me and I slowly opened my eyes to see a beautiful diamond necklace with a heart. It was beautiful and must have cost a fortune to make one so precisely.
    “Open the heart” I gently opened the heart and there was a picture of me and Mike on one side and there was another picture of Mike, Mellissa, and me.
    “It is gorgeous Mike” I said trying hard not to cry but my eyes were filled with tears. I gave him a long hug.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. karnafit

    karnafit Porn Surfer Suspended!

    May 21, 2011
    wow a little freaky but well written
  3. DirtyDaddy1966

    DirtyDaddy1966 Sex Lover

    Oct 6, 2010
    God I loved the story. So much love. Mike knew what he wanted and he was not afraid to get it. He truly loved his sister.
  4. blueheatt

    blueheatt Porn Star

    Sep 4, 2010
    Hot story!....something different full of surprises.....nice job of writing!
  5. MR.kool

    MR.kool Amateur

    Feb 26, 2011
    Thank you for the comments...
  6. MR.kool

    MR.kool Amateur

    Feb 26, 2011
    How do you find it a little freaky? Just so I can improve thankyou...:excited:
  7. ELaken-Palmer

    ELaken-Palmer Porn Star Suspended!

    Mar 2, 2010
    Very good and (for once) shows the love relationship and some of what happens AFTER you knock up your sister. I think this was done very well.

    BLKPOET Porno Junky

    Apr 28, 2009
    Very good story, hope there is "MORE"...:cool::eek::grin:
  9. dav31092

    dav31092 Amateur

    May 25, 2010
    beautiful story
  10. EugeniaBozena

    EugeniaBozena Amateur Suspended!

    Feb 24, 2011
    Very nice stories almost same condition with me.