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  1. indicouple

    indicouple Porno Junky

    Oct 11, 2010
    Hello readers, I am Nisha living in posh south Delhi colony,, aged 32 married for the past elevan years. I am a housewife and my husband runs his independent business in manufacturing. I possess almost every worldly comfort one can ask for. A big beautiful independent house, caring family, wardrobe full of clothes and jewels and a decent bank balance and financial security. In other words, I live peacefully and happily without any concern.

    I am 5′-3″ tall and have reasonably maintained my figure of 33-27-35 all due to my daily morning jogging and exercises. My colour is wheatish and I have good features and short hair that reach just below my shoulders. I am quite fond of wearing designer clothes and I am very cautious about my appearance and always apply my make up even if I am at home. I was married at the age of 21 by my parents and even after years of marriage, I have maintained my sexy looks and body well. It gives me great satisfaction to see men looking at me and staring at my figure whenever I go out to shopping or movie dressed up in style.
    Things in my family were going very smoothly & good for everyone. My husband and I were almost satisfied with our relationship. Physically I was only involved with my husband and never tried anything outside. Although I had heard a lot about extra marital affairs and swapping of partners among various other things in TV serials, magazines articles and gossips in kitty parties etc. At times the thought of having some fun from some other man did come to my mind to arouse me sexually, but there was never any serious possibility or confirmed offer from any one and I never did go ahead independently in search of a man to have sex with.

    A few times my husband also talked of doing a partner swap but he also lacked the courage to talk to any of his friends because of fear of embarrassment. On several occasions I even suggested the names of his friends whom he could talk to for a partner swap. There was one among his known friends called Raj (name modified), whom I used to like a lot. He was a smart and handsome. He had that something in him which always attracted others towards him. He had a refined sense of humour and I always felt him over powering sexually whenever he or we visited each other. Several times I asked my husband to talk to him if he too was willing to swap his wife. I even suggested him the ways to start the conversation on this topic, but my husband never gathered the courage to ask him this question so bluntly for fear of embarrassment.

    I even asked him that if he was unable to talk to him about the swap, how about me having sex with him on my own. Although he had no objection to my having sex with another man, but it would have to be an exchange of partners. It was amazing, he did not have the guts to talk to his friend, and he did not want me to go ahead either. I did not go against his wishes although I knew that I just have to make a few gestures and signals to Raj to bring him to my bed. So we were carrying on the same monotonous sexual routines between us which had lost much of its charm and excitement with the passage of time. One always wants some changes in his life. As such the fun from having sex from someone else remained in my dreams and fantasies.

    As an alternative, my hubby and I both used to fantasize about having sex with some other partner during our sexual inter-courses. So despite I remaining physically committed to my hubby all these years, I was mentally sleeping with several of his friends and mine too. Shortly I developed a crush for Raj with whom I used to fantasise a lot.

    One thing I always liked about Raj was his adult sense of humour. He would always tease me by some adult joke or comment, but his comments were never crude or vulgar. They were refined and always left a blush on my face when I got the real meaning. Due to my repeated fantasy about having sex with him, soon I developed a strong urge to have sex with Raj in reality. I wanted to sleep with him at least once. I wanted him to see and explore my naked body and fuck me hard. But all my thoughts could never turn to reality and I continued living in my old routine life.
    One day on a Sunday afternoon Raj called up my husband and asked if we were willing to go out to Simla for a small vacation of a few days with he and his wife Sunita, just four of us. As my husband had not a very tight schedule ahead, he asked me if I was willing to take the next few days off. I readily agreed since it had been quite a long time since we had taken a break and relaxed in the hills. More over the thought of a few days in the company of Raj was also tempting, although I knew that nothing is going to happen what I had been dreaming of, still I would love to be as close to him as possible.
    Our journey to Simla was very enjoyable with Raj always passing some naughty comments on me, would tell adult jokes and also he would tease me at any opportunity. Most of the times, I would simply blush when I understood the real meaning of his comments and sometimes I would also reply in a fitting adult comment. Which we would also enjoy a lot. Since this was normal with him, neither my husband, nor his wife ever objected to this type of conversation. They would either smile or laugh out loud at any more than funny stuff. At Simla we booked ourselves in a hotel and took two separate adjoining rooms.

    As I entered my room I found it well decorated with two windows on different walls with a pair of thick curtains drawn on both of them. The front big window had a lovely view of the valley and the road below along with a few shops. The second window I found was face to face with another window of the next room that was occupied by Raj and his wife Sunita. There was a small and narrow shaft in between and the heating and air conditioning ducts and pipe lines were passing through it. Our stay was memorable with all four of us enjoying the cool weather and relaxed frame of minds. A day before we were to return for Delhi, I and my hubby were taking a short nap after lunch. In the late afternoon, after our tea I asked him to come down to the market for a few things I and Sunita had seen earlier in a showroom as I wanted to buy them. As we came out of our room, we knocked Raj’s room and asked them to come over to the market. Sunita was already ready but Raj was unwilling as he wanted to take a nap further. So we three left for the market and Raj went on to sleep. We left him asking him to meet us at our regular restaurant in about two hours time.

    When we reached the showroom, my husband left both of us there and went ahead for a long leisure walk further down the Mall Road as he was least interested in shopping. He told us that he would come back in about an hour and a half on his return walk and then we would proceed to the restaurant where Raj would meet us for dinner. During our shopping, I found that I had forgotten my purse in the hotel room and did not have any money with me. Sunita was also not having enough to cover the bill for both of us.

    As our hotel was not far, I asked Sunita to hold on to the stuff while I bring my purse. When I reached our hotel and entered my room, I went on to open the curtains to let the sun in to warm up the room. Without thinking, I also pulled aside the curtains of the window opposite Raj’s room as I thought I was hearing some noises from there. Since the bed in his room was right in front of the window, I was able to see very clearly inside & I was shocked to see that Raj was humping the receptionist of the hotel in doggy style.
    They both were totally naked with their clothes scattered all over the bed and some on the floor. She had covered her face under a pillow but her head would come out and made loud noise as “OH… UUUUFFFF… OHHHHHH AAAAAHHHHHH… YEAH ……. OOOOOOOOHHHHH…….. AAAAAAAAHHHHHH………. AAAAEEEEEEE…. OMMAAAAAHH…. MMMMMMMMM……. AAAH.. MMMMMMMMM..AAAAAYYYYYEEEEE…… AAAAHHH.. UUUUOOHHH….MORE…..FASTER……AAAAAAAAAHH…NNNNNOOO.. MMMMMMMM…”. This sight was good enough to make me go hot and sexually aroused immediately. They both were at such an angle , on their bed that, I was able to see very clearly Raj’s dick that was going in and out of her pussy.
    It was really black, longer and thicker than my hubby in all respects. I became so horny that I started rubbing my clit seeing all this and I also had closed my eyes in sheer excitement. With my other hand I started pinching and rubbing by boobs.
    I got so hot that I started visualising myself taking place of the receptionist and Raj humping his long and thick dick inside me. It looked like a page from my fantasies. I was really high and all of a sudden I realized what I was doing.
    But to my sheer embarrassment Raj saw me in that situation and just gave me a meaningful smile and kept on humping her in and out. Our eyes remained locked for a few seconds before I walked away pulling back the curtains on the window. We did not talk or mention anything about it even till we finally arrived at Delhi. Raj was absolutely normal as if nothing had ever happened. The only change I could feel was that whenever our eyes meet, he would give me a very meaningful smile which I could never understand. We did not meet for quite some days to follow, but I was always dreaming about what I had seen and his black long dick.
    At nights I always dream about me and Raj doing sex together and he was taking me in the doggy style, the way he was taking that girl who wasn’t much to look at as compared to me. I kept on thinking what did Raj see in her that I did not have? Perhaps she wasn’t too hard in getting under him. Or maybe she was enticing Raj to play the games with her. Anyway, now on comparing Raj’s dick with my hubby’s I thought it would be more than it’s worth to try and seduce Raj in having sex with me and get that long hot rod satisfy my lust.
    I was determined to have Raj inside me and was planning to get him over. I thought that possibly now Raj would not refuse if I make gestures towards him to take me. My hubby did not allow me to have a relationship with any one, but there would be no stopping this time for Raj, as I would not be telling him anything. Yes, I would be cheating on him.
    Since coming back from Simla there was no contact with Raj for quite some time and I did not want to lose the initiative, I casually asked my husband a couple of times to invite them both to a dinner at our home. He agreed and after a few days invited them both for dinner on a weekend.
    They both agreed to come and I made preparations for some very special food items and a sweet dish made of rice and milk which I was sure everyone would like and appreciate. Before their arrival, I was getting ready and dressing myself in an off white saree and a matching deep neck and back blouse to reveal my cuts and show off my figure instead of my usual shirt and trousers. I purposefully draped the Saree a shade further below my naval to reveal a good amount of my belly. I also did some light make up to look even more desirable and I was ready for him when I was satisfied with my looks.
    My husband did try to take some liberties seeing me like that, but I forcefully averted his advances to remain fresh for Raj’s sake. He even passed a naughty comment, “come on Nisha, you still have to come to me at night any way, don’t count on Raj, and you can’t seduce him”. I glared at him and he left the room laughing on his joke. I was this time determined to prove him wrong and was sure Raj would this time love to tease me even harder and I was ready to arouse him and tease him as well so that it is not very long before he takes me.
    When they arrived and I came out of my room to greet them, I found that Raj gaped at me and a glimpse of lust came into his eyes when he saw the cuts of my body in my attire. He continued looking at my chest and naval areas not saying anything but smiling on his own. I wanted him to complement me and tease me on my appearance but he was smart enough to understand that such a comment in front of his wife could spell trouble for him later.
    We all were sitting in the lounge on the sofa sets talking and chatting about this and that. I was sitting opposite Raj and occasionally shift my position so that he can take a good look at my exposed areas. Soon the topic shifted to our trip to Simla and how we had enjoyed it. We all were recollecting our memories when Raj siad, “the trip to Simla was memorable one. Our hotel was really nice and some views from my windows were absolutely amazing.” He was looking at me and further added, “The hotel was ideally located and the staff so willing to co-operate that I would always remember it”.
    I knew what he really meant and the entire scene of his fucking the hotel girl and me looking at them from the window of my room came into my mind. He then pointedly asked me that how did I felt about it. While getting up to serve the dinner, I simply replied that no doubt the hotel staff was more than co-operative and a few views from the windows were breadth taking.
    No one but only we two could understand what we really meant in our statements, for them it were just casual comments. At dinner time I was serving dishes to him & my husband who were sitting on different corners of the table. I had purposefully asked Sunita to remain inside the kitchen and fill the bowls with dishes that I had already made after heating them. This gave me an opportunity to serve and get in close with Raj.
    While serving him, I used to get so close that while pouring any dish in his plate, I could touch his arm with mine or my fingers. I had been waiting to tease him so this time while serving the specially made sweet dish; I showed him my cleavage by bending a little more than required. He stared at it and gave a smile to me and uttered his thanks softly. I was not sure if the thanks was for the dish or the view. After sometime I asked him if he wanted some more of the sweet dish, for which he said “sure why not, it is looking so good.”
    I knew he was referring to my cleavage by saying that it was looking good. I also knew what he really wanted was another peep at my boobs. I smiled and served him in the same manner, but this time I purposefully left my side pallu a bit loose and I knew that now he would not only get a good view of the top of my boobs but also a little portion of the top of my bra.
    This was what I wanted him to see. He passed a very naughty comment, “looks like this sweet dish is made from the supply out of those two attractive milk containers” which only I could hear as at that time my hubby was attending a phone call and his wife was in the kitchen putting away the crockery. I blushed to red and not knowing what to say I gave him a meaningful and naughty smile before moving away as my hubby had just come in.
    After dinner, we were sitting in the drawing room and chatting and talking over various topics. At one point, the discussion came towards general health and a common problem of weakness in the body. My hubby was telling that instead of taking medicines and tonics, one should take natural fruits and vegetables to cure simple ailments.
    He told that bananas were the best for such problem as it has every thing the body needs. Raj looking at me with a naughty smile on his face asked me to take bananas daily without fail as it satisfies the body needs. He further asked me to let him know if it were in a short supply any time. He added that long and thick bananas were always the best among all. I knew what he really meant and I just blushed at his comment and said nothing. Since it was normal for him to pass such comments, my hubby and his wife also did not give much attention to it.
    Later as Raj and Sunita were getting ready to leave, Sunita went into the wash room to make up her face and adjust her clothes. My husband had gone to our bed room to pick up the door keys when the phone rang and he picked it up from there. It was one of his long business calls at odd hours. As I started to move out of the room, Raj without impulses and not seeing me moving out also tried to come out of the room. It was pure by chance or luck that we both tried to cross the door at the same time and got stuck in between. Neither of us were able to cross the door and our bodies were crushed together.
    We remained like that for a few seconds. A shivering sensation ran down my body because of the touch from Raj’s body from top to bottom. My breasts were pressed against his chest, my tummy and the lower portion with his libido, my thighs with his thighs. I couldn’t help closing my eyes for may be a second or so as I had started getting aroused.
    Since neither my hubby nor Sunita were there, Raj took the best use of the opportunity and he bent a little to kiss me on my cheek. As I said nothing but shivered closing my eyes, he planted a small kiss on my lips before he pulled out. A Kiss from Raj on my lips really turned me on. I was pleasantly shocked and Raj while leaving said the good night wishes and thanks for the sweets I had so lovingly served. No one but I understood what he meant by “lovingly served”. Raj’s kiss had aroused me sexually so much that I couldn’t sleep properly the whole night. I was hugging and crushing my husband all the time thinking that I was with Raj. Even while having sex with my hubby I suppressed crying out Raj’s name in ecstasy.
    The next day around in the after noon Raj called me up on my mobile to thank once again for the lovely sweet dish serving and finally the good night kisses. I said nothing in that regard but we kept on talking for some time before I had to hang up as our maid was ringing the bell who had come to do her daily job. Then slowly we started talking over the phone during daytime for hours together. This time was suitable to both of us as my husband was away on his works and Raj was comfortably sitting in his office chamber. We became so close and intimate that he started telling me all about his girl friends and how he used to make love to them. Most of the girls he had sex with were either his neighbours who were the friend of his wife and wives of a couple of his friends and employees. The whole conversation was more like the phone sex. I enjoyed talking to him so much that I would get hot and would put my hand inside my trousers and start rubbing my pussy. At times I would lock the doors and undress completely to rub my pussy or pinch my boobs while talking to him. I now wanted him more than any man in the world.
    Once my husband had to go out of station with one of his business associates and he was to return late at night. I was all alone once the maid had left in the morning after finishing her job. As I had nothing to do, I was just playing with my phone book, searching for some one to talk to. Suddenly the phone bell rang and as I picked up the phone and said “hello”, I heard the voice, “hello my dear bhabhi, how are you today”, it was Raj on the other end. All of a sudden, my eyes lit up, my pulse rate shot up and my mouth turned dry as it was an ideal time and opportunity for a long phone sex. I wished if he could come over to my place and take full use of the opportunity of having the house completely to ourselves. As we started talking, I told him about me being alone at home and my hubby out of Delhi and his return late night. After a short conversation, he told me that he had some work near our place and would like to have a cup of tea with me if that was OK with me? I stammered “sure why not”. He further asked if I needed any thing from the market, he can bring it over with him. Without thinking and with an intention to tease him, I told him to get a bananas remembering what he said when he came to dinner. It was just a teaser for him but the moment I uttered these words, I bite my tongue as I never thought what it could really mean. He understood my words and said that he would be with me in around half an hour along with the banana and he further asked me to get ready to have it. I knew what will happen to me once he comes. I was prepared for that as I wanted him inside me. More over today was a great opportunity as no one was there till late night and I could never get a second chance. I was thinking that, when my husband had allowed me for a partner swap, it means he has no objection if I sleep with some other man. So doing this with Raj was no cheating with my hubby. I was just trying to justify my actions with foolish reasons. Later, I went to the wash room to apply a touch of light make up and some perfumes. I changed my dress to an attractive Saree and matching blouse that had deep neck to show a good view of the upper of my boobs. A few minutes later I saw him coming from my balcony. The very sight of him made my heart beat even faster.
    I unlocked the main door for him to enter when he comes through the staircase and went back to the windows to draw the curtains near the kitchen. I not only wanted dim light in the house, but also wanted to make sure that no one can peep on us like I had seen Bharat in Simla. He came directly to me after closing and locking the main door. I was in the kitchen waiting for him and doing nothing but adjusting the things on the counter. He came from behind and cuddled me, and he whispered in my ears that he was waiting for this opportunity since a long time, perhaps since the time he saw me first getting married.
    “Honey I knew that sooner or later you would be with me when you saw me fucking that hotel girl”. I just kept quite and when he hugged me shiver went through my spine. He kissed my ears, licked my earlobes, and then he kissed my neck and my cheeks, all these time his hands were over my bare tummy, playing over my naval. Slowly, his hands moved upwards and he cupped my both boobs and pressed them softly making me give a light moan. “Please…. Please Raj wait….let’s go inside…….not here please…. WAIT….WAIT … NO..NO RAJ…..UMMMMMMMM…….. MAAN BHI JAO RAJ …… AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH……..
    As he was pressing his body with mine from behind, I could almost feel his dick growing in size in between my buttocks. It was getting bigger and harder and looked like it would come out of his trousers on its own and penetrate into me from behind.

    He turned me over, I had closed my eyes and was biting my lower lip to control my emotions. I did not want him to read what was going on in my mind. I turned towards him slowly, he removed my pallu from my shoulder. I was breathing heavily making my chest go up and down with every breadth I took. I slowly opened my eyes to see he was looking at me. “How beautiful you are Nisha”. Saying this he started kissing me on my lips. The very touch of his lips over mine set my whole body on fire. He had started sucking my lips and tongue. I was getting high and horny. I also started supporting his kiss and started inserting my tongue in his mouth exploring inside his. We were now tasting each others saliva. We remained locked like that for several minutes and got separated only to regain our breadth.
    Having now fully sexually aroused, I wanted to take him now as I was unable to control myself. But he was in no hurry. He then started kissing my neck and top of my boobs, while I was removing his shirt buttons, and he was opening the hooks of my blouse and removing it from my body. Dropping my blouse on the floor, he carried me to my bed room holding me in his strong arms. Inside the room, we both sat on the bed on which I had always been fucked by my hubby. But today it was going to be my lover who would take his place. As he was opening the hook of my bra and remove the straps, I went to his pant and unzipped it and then caught his rod which had grown to fullest extent over his underwear.
    He had removed my blouse and bra and I was topless in front of him. I was feeling shy since it was for the first time I was standing nude in front of a man other than my husband. He pinched my nipples, then kissed and sucked them and started licking all over my chest with the tip of his tongue. His other hand was working on my sari and he removed a major portion of it and I was left in almost my petticoat only. Later he pulled the string of the petticoat and allowed it fell on the floor. He removed it along with my panties, which was wet and was dripping since I was discharging from my vagina.
    I was now standing totally naked in front of Raj and he was looking at my boobs, my flat tummy and my vagina with a great sexual hungry look in his eyes. I hid my face with my both hands to cover my shyness and embarrassment. He said, “Nisha you are really hot and beautiful, I had never fucked any one like you before”. He took me in his arms while kissing me all over. I also kissed his hairy chest sucked his nipples while he was pinching my nipples turning them hard and erect like his own cock. His touches and kisses were setting my whole body in a sexual fire. I was getting higher and hotter.
    Later he sucked my boobs one after the other, while his hand was working on my clit. I started moaning, “UUMMMMMMMM……..RAJ…..RUB AND PINCH MY BOOBS MORE, ….SUCK THEM HARDER, ……. UMMMMMMMM…… I WANT TO INCREASE MY BOOB’S SIZE,… I WANT A BIGGER SIZE OF MY BREAST… DO IT NOW RAJ…….DO IT MORE FOR ME…AAAAAAAAHHH….RAJ…MERE BOOBS KA SIZE BARA KAR DO….AAAAAAAHH….I LOVE YOUR FEEL RAJ…….. RAJ……UUUUUUHHH.. I LOVE YOUR TOUCH …..RAJ….. NISHA IS NOW YOUR SLAVE…… MUJHE JAISE CHAHE CHOD LO RAJ…….FUCK ME RAJ…LIKE I HAVE NEVER BEEN FUCKED BEFORE…..NOW TAKE ME RAJ……. RAJ…TAKE ME NOW…… Raj sucked and pinched my nipples so hard that I almost cried in pain and pleasure. AAAAAHHHHHH.. UUUFFFFFF…….AAAAAAEEEEEE…. NOOOOO .. OOOOOOUUUUUUU….. YEAH RAJ DO IT MORE..YES ..YES…I AM COMING RAJ……I AM COMING…AAAAAAAAA. He had pierced three of his figures into my hole, after few minutes I released huge orgasm, by this time he was fully naked and asked me to suck his monster.
    I was waiting for this moment to take his big penis in my hands and love and kiss it. My husband normally do not get his dick sucked and a few times when I tried it on my own, he would not allow a complete blow job and would put it inside me. I enjoy this very much as while sucking it, I can see clearly on his face how much the person is enjoying.
    I took Raj’s penis in my hands and started slowly caressing it with my well manicured finger tips and nails. The red enamel on my finger nails was going in sharp contrast to his black penis. It had already grown to the size of a big banana and it seem like getting bigger as I kept on stroking it. As his penis was in my hands, I could see it big, black and thick, not less than six to seven inches in length. I was wondering how would I be able to take his entire dick inside my pussy. I started kissing it first from top to the bottom, above and below the penis. In between I tickled his balls a few times. The touch of my soft lips on his penis started Raj moaning in pleasure and ecstasy.
    Then I slowly removed the skin on the tip of his penis bringing out the pink head out and started licking it with my tongue and whenever I licked the tip of Raj’s penis, it was making him go wild with growing excitement.He started making loud noises. UUUUUMMMM …..YEAH NISHA YOU ARE TERRIFIC… YOU ARE DOING IT LIKE A PROFESSIONAL RANDI NISHA…..YEAH YEAH BHABHI YOU ARE MY LOVE… NISHA BHABHI I LOVE YOU…MMMMMMMMM DO IT MORE NISHA YEAH SOFTLY.. I then took the entire penis in my mouth and started sucking it slowly and at the same time rubbing it so that it was moving like a piston in my mouth.
    With my other hand I started ticking and caressing his balls, this sent Rin an immediate frenzy and he was moaning louder and louder asking me to do it more and not to stop. With Raj’s full penis inside my mouth, my head was also moving up and down sucking it completely. I raised my head a little to see his face, he had closed his eyes and was in sheer pleasure and ecstasy.
    Raj moved forward and held my head in both hands. Bending a little, he grabbed my boobs and started squeezing them hard making me cry out in painful pleasure. As my movements got faster and faster, it had after few minutes reached its highest level and he loaded his entire cum in my mouth. I took inside some of the salty liquid and later had to spit the rest as it was too much to swallow. His semen was spread on my face and my chest and boobs.
    Raj later said that the way I did the blow job to him was never done to him before. He teasingly said “looks like you had been practicing the blow job since childhood.” I told him, “I did a good job for you, now it is your turn to do it for me. I now want you inside me fuck me now and satisfy my lust”, he told me to wait and not to worry as his monster will just get into real action. As he said this, within a few minutes it grew to it’s size and while he ate my pussy which was clean shaven for his sake.
    I reached one more orgasm again as I was getting hotter and hotter since Raj had not yet put his dick in my clit. Unable to hold any longer, after sometime I opened my legs wide asking him to put his dick inside me with a smile.
    I asked him to wear a condom for protection but he simply refused telling me that since he was doing it for the first time with me, he wanted me to enjoy fullest and get the touch and feel of his penis inside me. He further told me not to worry about getting pregnant now and only concentrate on how to enjoy the sex more and more. I thought it was good but then there was no point in wasting time with arguments, rather enjoy what ever is coming, so I guided his monster into my cunt. It pained a little first since I was used to take my husband’s penis which was smaller than Raj’s.
    He was ramming me like a machine. Raj was also getting more and more excited pumping his long and thick dick inside me and I was moaning under him while getting fucked. While humping his strokes there were all kinds of words and noises coming from him and me as well. HHHHHHHMMMMMM……. YES…..YEAH COME ON NISHA MY DARLING……DOST KI BIWI KO CHODNE KA MAZAA HI KUCHH AUR HAI…. NISHA MY CHOOTAN ……MY PHUDDAN…..MY RANDI….I too was getting hotter and hotter. HHHHHHMMMMM ….. AAAAAAHHHHH ……AAAAAIIII….. UUUUUFFFFF….. AAAHHHHH…. YES RAJ GIVE ME MORE …GIVE IT ALL TO ME….. APNE AADMI KE DOST SE CHUDNE KA MAZAA HI KUCHH AUR HAI RAJ MERE LODU….AAAAAHHHHH…. MMMMMMMMMMM.. I was in ecstasy and reached multiple orgasms there was no count of it. Raj then told me that he wants to try the doggy posture, which was a new experience to me as my hubby has never done that. I told him to be careful as it might pain. He told me not to worry and asked me to take the pose. When I lied down on my tummy, he raised my hips with his both hands till I was straight on my knees and my head still on the pillow over the bed. He was ruthless and just opened the cheeks of my butts and entered from behind.
    I collapsed with pain and was moaning and crying, he started ramming me again with speed and force for some more time. I was dead tired and told him I cannot take it any more, he then made me to lie on the bed. He entered from the front again and started ramming me all over and after 10 minutes he loaded his cum into me. I felt my vagina. It was like I was being jet sprayed with his penis till it was filled to the brim and later it started overflowing and made patches on the bed. By then, he was also tired and we both just lay besides each other on the bed being fully exhausted and our bodiaaes wet with sweating and perspirations.
    After a while I got up and moved towards the kitchen to get some tea for myself and milk and some thing to eat for Raj as I needed his strength, stamina and energy still more till he satisfied me completely. As I tried to put some thing on me to cover my nudity, he pulled it away saying that he would love to watch me walking around in nude. As I was feeling embarrassed he said, “Nisha, there is no part of your body that I haven’t stroked or kissed. So no point in hiding it from me my love”.
    Since he was determined to see me walking naked, I had no option left. He also followed me up to the kitchen. Since I was not wearing any thing I knew he was lustily watching the movements of my ass-cheeks. I entered the kitchen, and poured the milk in a pan and lighted the fire of the gas by a matchstick. He grabbed me and suddenly started to squeeze my boobs and I started to moan AHHH… AHHH… AHHHH… RAJ…..NNOOOHHH… UFFFFF… NOOOOOO… LEAVE ME NOW RAJ….PLEASE…PLEASE… DON’T DO IT NOW…..I BEG YOU… LEAVE ME RAJ…PLEASE PLEASE DON’T …. RAJ MY LOVE PLEASE…. NO…. NOOOO…..
    AAAAAH… AAAAAAHHHH……MMMMMMMM… UUUUMMM… LOVE YOU RAJ…. …AAAAMMMMMMM…. RAJ……which was making him & me more and more horny.

    Thereafter squeezing my boobs he turned to my cunt, I gave a moan again AOOAAAAAAM… when he relentlessly pinched my nipples hard. He made me to sit on the kitchen counter and spread my legs. Slowly he started to caress the inner walls of my cunt. It was wet as I was going crazy. OOHHAAA YES OOOHH IT IS SO NICE RAJ…OOOHHHHHAAA…… RAJ DO NOT TEASE ME ANY MORE…….PLEASE…..PLEASE…RAJ.. GIVE ME YOUR LUND RAJ….FUCK ME PLEASE…. I CAN’T STAND IT RAJ…. PUT IT INSIDE ME… PLEASE GIVE IT NOW…APNA LUND MERI CHOOT MEIN DALO …RAJ….NISHA KO AAJ CHOD DO APNE LUND SE RAJ….. PLEASE AB DAAL BHI DO NA..’ I cried. Then he bent down and started to lick the inner walls of my wet cunt moving his tongue up and down, in and out and some times he would make a circular movement inside.
    He then shoved one finger and moved in around inside my cunt. I was crying with pleasure OOOHHHHH… I AM COMING AAAHHHHH…RAJ… I AM COMING………..AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHUUUUU I came and jerked like a mad women. I got down, put off the gas-stove and he made me lie on the floor.
    I came on top of him, held his cock and said, “I WILL FUCK YOU NOW RAJ… JUST LIE STILL”. I guided his hard cock in my wet cunt. It was tight and MMMMM… it felt great. I started to move up and down and slowly.

    The moves got faster and faster And Raj too was stroking his libido to match the rhythm of my movements . “OOHHHAA AAA YES AAAAAOOHH YES I LOVE IT RAJ…….RAJ…I LOVE IT…OOHHH FUCK ME HARD RAJ….. OOHHH”, he shouted NISHA BABY I WOULD FUCK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN, I ALWAYS WANTED TO FUCK MY FRIEND’S WIFE….YES COME ON…YOU ARE MY WHORE NOW…YOU ARE MY RANDI……YES NISHA YOU ARE MY RANDI….I WILL FUCK YOU ALL THE TIME…I WILL FUCK MY FRIEND’S WIFE ALWAYS…. I WILL MAKE YOU PREGNANT NISHA……WITH MY BABY….. YEAH…I was in heaven as I was kissing him and biting his lips. Both of us were breathing heavily, moaning and groaning MMMAOOOAAAAAA… RAJ………YOU WILL KILL ME……..ITS TOO MUCH RAJ……….AAAAAHHHHH…..his cock went deep in my cunt and I was so hot from inside that his cock was melting.
    I was excited like a bomb shell. I was panting with all the fun. My excitement rouses to the highest levels. The bouncing boobs; crushed. My whole body was vibrating throughout. I was now shouting loudly because of great pleasure & pain, “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH… RAJ… MY LOVE YOU ARE MY HUBBY NOW….FUCK ME EVERY DAY RAJ…….FUCK ME ALL THE TIME OOOOOOHHH… OOOOOOWWW… UUUUMM… OOOOOFFFF… YYYYYYYYYEEEEESSSSSSSS…….RAJ…. I LOVE YOU……I LOVE YOUR DICK RAJ………GIVE IT ALL TO ME…MAKE ME PREGNANT RAJ……..I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABY IN ME ….RAJ……..MY LODU”
    He took his cock out of the wetland and made me stand with my face towards the wall and both my hands resting on it. He then gripped my right thigh in his right hand and raised it till it was at a level of above his dick. I had to slide down a bit to maintain my balance. He lowered my hips a little so that they became perfectly aligned for his dick. He immediately entered my pussy from behind. He started fucking me like a hell.
    After some time when my leg which was high in the air began to ache, he put it on the floor and made me put both the hands on the wall just above my head.
    Gripping me by my hips, he pulled me a little towards him so that my butts now touched his groin. He once again entered from behind and continued with his humping making me go high and crazy in pure ecstasy. Slowly our motions became quicker and quicker.
    After 10-15 minutes, finally I began to emit the jets of my orgasm again; OOOPS! He also at last, came inside my pussy. Both of our bodies became locked–fluids were flowing from both of us and intermingling making poodles of white liquid on the floor. Both of us were wet with heavy sweat-bath and were damn tired. We rested for 10 minutes in that condition. After that we both drank all the milk and both retired to bedroom.
    This was the most memorable fuck I ever had in my life. Even my hubby had never brought this type of multiple orgasm ever to me. He had never fucked me several times in one go. But that was not enough for him, the time was around 5:30 in the late after noon, He asked me to get some food to get ourselves some energy. I moved towards the kitchen naked since he was not allowing me to wear anything. He too was roaming naked himself. Despite having several orgasm by now, I still was getting hot by looking at his naked body and his penis.
    I quickly made some snacks and some coffee and tea for both of us and carried the tray to the bed room where he was lying on the bed. We quickly ate what was brought in and again started our game of sex. He never allowed me to wear a single piece of clothe till he was with me and neither he wore any thing. we had a nice time till now and still there was enough time for my hubby to come back later that night.
    The sun was beginning to set in and soon it would be getting dark. The time had come when Raj would have to leave not very long from now. We had been lying in the bed naked, huddled in each other’s arms.
    He was slowly fondling my nipples and kissing me in between. We both were so relaxed that I wanted the time to remain still and I remain in his arms. Suddenly my phone started ringing, I checked the screen, it was my husband calling. For once my heart almost did a summersault and for a second I thought he has come and caught me in the act. I asked Raj to remain silent while I talk to him. He was already riding half of his body over mine fondling various parts of my body including my pussy making me go wet once again.
    I answered the call, my hubby had just called to say hello and asking me how was I doing. I wanted to tell him that currently I was having sex with his friend in his absence, but had to remain silent on that and instead gave him half truth and said that I was lying in the bed doing nothing. Raj whispered in my ears to tell him that I had been a beautiful fuck, I glared at him and signalled “shut up”.
    My hubby in a lighter vein asked me to be ready for him when he come back in the evening. I looked at Raj, smiled at him and gesturing to him said in to the phone, “come on my love, I have opened my legs wide for you to enter inside me now and immediately as I can’t wait any longer”. My hubby hang up the phone laughing.
    Now once again Raj got over me and he inserted his dick inside me and started frigging me in the traditional posture. He was half on his straightened arms making his chest well above mine. With my both hands I had started caressing his chest and nipples and he started moaning loudly in excitement. He kept on pushing in his dick till he released all his cum inside me. I too had reached an orgasm in between. He lowered his body over mine trying to regain his breadth and I took him in my arms.
    We remained locked in like that for some time and we dozed off. We never realized it was dark when we opened our eyes. The time had come when he had to leave. He got up slowly and started to put on his clothes. I too got up and regretfully saw him getting dressed. As I started wearing my clothes, he took them away telling me to put them on after he leaves as he would love to see my nudity till then.
    When he reached the main door to leave, he hugged me and put his lips on mine and said, “you have be my best fuck Nisha, even better than my wife. I had never fucked a more beautiful lady than you my love, you are real hot”. I too pulled him closer to me and whispered in his ears, “That was the best sex I ever had in my life. You satisfied me completely.
    Even my hubby could never do this. I love you Raj”. Kissing him I asked him to keep on having sex with me whenever we get chances. Suddenly he grabbed me once more, made me lie on the floor at the main door and unzipped his trousers and took out his fully erected penis once again which he immediately thrust inside my vagina. While humping his penis, he said “this is the good bye fuck for you Nisha”. Since we were making love at the door, I couldn’t even moan for the fear of some one hearing outside. After what seem like eternity, he unloaded his entire discharge in me and left kissing me good bye on my lips.
    Raj had fucked me all over the house and all my holes he had filled his cums, in fact he even fucked my almost virgin ass hole. I am not ashamed to say that this sexual session with Raj was my longest and the most explosive I had ever experienced. I lost count of how many times he fucked me. I had my orgasm innumerable times.
    For the first time in my life, I had been sexually satisfied completely. I felt like a complete woman now. My whole body was tired as if minced in a grinder. My boobs, vagina and ass were aching from the pinches and humping I had received from Raj’s hands and libido. I got up from the floor where I was lying naked and went to the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water and immersed myself in it. It was soothing and relaxing. Slowly the pain subsided and I felt a lot better.
    I came out of the bathroom, dried myself and put on my evening dress. The whole area was in a mess and I had to clean up every thing so that not even a single trace is left of what had been going on here the whole day.
    I was still tired but had to do it any way. How I wish my hubby was away for a few days so that Raj would have stayed there with me and fucked me all the time without me bothering about my husband coming back from the work. How I loved looking at him walking naked where ever we fucked. Every thing was now looking like a dream that had just vanished when I opened my eyes. Some time later my husband came back. He too was feeling tired as it had been a hard day for him. When we both retired to our bed, he took me in his arms as now he was in mood for a fuck. I was tired like hell and still my whole body was still tired and my vagina was still aching from the humping and frigging from Raj that had been going on the entire day.
    Still I could feel the sensation and vibration of his penis in my pussy and I did not want to lose it. I wanted to feel it till I could. Very politely I apologised for my unwillingness that day with a promise to do a great session tomorrow. He withdrew with a regret as he wanted to relax after his hard day’s work. Truthfully, I still wanted to have Raj taking me again and again.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. delhiguy

    delhiguy Newcumer

    Jul 24, 2011
    wer xactly r u in delhi?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Atonned

    Atonned Amateur

    Sep 28, 2009
    haha i didnt read the whole story, i scrolled down too comments..but this comment is classic. It says Desperate-o.
  4. Vic guy da

    Vic guy da Porno Junky

    Jul 4, 2011
    Good story
  5. ELaken-Palmer

    ELaken-Palmer Porn Star Suspended!

    Mar 2, 2010
    At the meat counter. And put some Swiss on that.
  6. Golfnut0003

    Golfnut0003 Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 3, 2011
  7. ravi roy

    ravi roy Porn Surfer

    Oct 12, 2013
    Very hot lady u r
  8. richi27

    richi27 Newcumer

    Jan 20, 2014
    is it bharat or raj..........??? nice story bzw.kip it up
  9. demonslut2014

    demonslut2014 Sex Lover

    Apr 24, 2014
    anybody tell me what she/he said , couldnt be arsed to read it soon as saw shite
  10. hothollypants

    hothollypants Newcumer

    May 4, 2015
    Hot as hell wanna give the reaction in the form of a pic 1430823893049.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Yubra Sharmaj

    Yubra Sharmaj Porn Surfer

    Dec 6, 2014
    Terrific story!