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  1. badgurl22

    badgurl22 Porn Surfer

    Jul 17, 2011
    it doesn't matter who it is. a homeless man would probably make it better actually.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Mr.K Skins

    Mr.K Skins Sex Machine

    Jan 22, 2011
    You mean "actually hard dudes" like you? :rolleyes:
  3. tye41

    tye41 Amateur

    Jun 2, 2011
    Definetly a hot fantasy... but I agree theres a huge difference between rape fantasy and rape reality.. My wife and I love this fantasy but I know she would never ACTUALLY want to be raped. Just my opinion I'm not judging you at all babe.
  4. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Does anyone else smell a rat here?

    All I can say is (if you're for real, which I doubt)....be careful what you wish for. Rape is a violent act. It's not about your fantasy, it's not about your sexual fulfillment. It's about forcibly violating you. You have no guarantees whatsoever that the person who does the violating is going to leave you alive to identify him to the police.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. badgurl22

    badgurl22 Porn Surfer

    Jul 17, 2011
    my pussy is dripping wet just thinking about it. i want a cock inside me right now but its so hard to find someone to do it. masturbating just isnt cutting it anymore. i want to be a fuck slave!!
    • Like Like x 2
  6. badgurl22

    badgurl22 Porn Surfer

    Jul 17, 2011
    that's what makes it so much fun! if i knew where it would lead to, it wouldnt be as hot.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    Ty Kimiko, I was thinking the same thing.
  8. phate83

    phate83 Sex Machine

    Dec 23, 2009
    that's what I was thinking, the best way to do it would be with someone you know and trust and don't tell him what to do, just let him do what he wants to, then you get to have your fantasy without the risks of being injured and or killed
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
    Now that I think about it, the homeless people you walked by probably thought you were a hooker, and they couldn't afford that :p
    • wtf wtf x 1
  10. badgurl22

    badgurl22 Porn Surfer

    Jul 17, 2011
    the risks are the best part.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. phate83

    phate83 Sex Machine

    Dec 23, 2009
    yeah only a woman that's never been raped would say that...
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Khione

    Khione Porn Star

    Aug 14, 2010
    What's the old adage? You can't rape the willing?
  13. phate83

    phate83 Sex Machine

    Dec 23, 2009
    +1 I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't think of that...
  14. ruudebwoy

    ruudebwoy Porn Surfer

    Mar 29, 2011
    i sometimes..

    i sometimes thiink about it, me and a friend of mine always joke around about it, (even though we've discussed actually wanting to fuck a girl into the ground by force) i've always thought about raping women, i'm not violent...okay, unprovoked, i'm not violent, but i'm 6'7" and 215lbs..the thought of overpowering a woman, feeling her tremble with fear while i stab my cock into her tightly contracted holes, ripping her hair from her scalp while she struggles to get away, pumping my stiff rod, tearing her walls apart....makes my mouth water.

    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  15. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    fucking idiot....
  16. ruudebwoy

    ruudebwoy Porn Surfer

    Mar 29, 2011
  17. Rummager

    Rummager Amateur

    Apr 21, 2011
    By definition, rape means being forced to have non-consensual sex. I understand the fantasy Badgurl has shared with us, in that she wants someone to rape her without the rapist knowing she likes it, pretending to struggle, but technically it would be consensual, no? Whatever you want to call it, this is a grey area, and terminology is not what is important.

    When it comes to sex, as in basically all other activities, you have to put safety first. Trying to get in a situation where you get raped is highly dangerous and should not be attempted. However, I am sure you would find a tough guy to follow you into a dark concealed area, grab you by the throat, threaten you, slap your face and fuck you hard while you struggle and say "no, what are you doing? stop."

    I get the fantasy. It might be too extreme for me, but I get it. Just make sure it is safe and your partner is someone you can trust will leave you in a relatively good condition.
  18. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
    Just thinking... there are safer ways to have "non-consensual" sex.

    Go to a party with people you know. If there are any guys you know that are willing to take advantage when they're drunk, consider doing to one of those parties and pretending to be passed out on a bed somewhere, and hope a guy comes up and sees you.

    That way you're getting fucked by someone who thinks you aren't aware of it, yet the person isn't going to be the type of person to kill you afterwards.

    Sure, it's not the "behind the alleyway with threats of violence" kind of rape you want, but maybe it will get the job done? :/
  19. WhiteBoyfriend

    WhiteBoyfriend Sex Machine

    Jun 13, 2011
    According to the definition of rape, no one can want to get raped.

    The answer, regardless of what anyone says, is no.
  20. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
    I guess you could want to be raped, in that you want to have sex at a time when you don't want to have sex. :/

    I feel like that's a confusing sentence without turning it into a math equation.