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sounds like a good idea?

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  2. No

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  1. Drakanas

    Drakanas Newcumer

    Feb 8, 2012
    Human farm. (this is not beastality)

    1.Human girls raised as animals
    2. forced to be milked like cows
    3. breed-ed to make more
    4. not aloud to speak or learn human language of any kind.
    5. made to line up against a wall to be milked and fucked, in doggy style.

    like this;
    www(dot)xvideos(dot) com/video403499 / human_animal_farm

    If anyone thinks they can take up this challenge and write a great story for my i will subscribe to you for live :D

    For those who ask why don't i just write one? well i suck with grammar and spelling... i a math person not a writer.
  2. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    This sounds like a fun idea.

    I could write this one. It would be the most fun.

    What about the studs who breed the girls? Do they get to talk?

    I have this cool idea that goes great with yours. I don't have a man.


    I've run out.

    But if I had one, I would tie him down and cut out his tongue to shut him up. Then I'd knock out all his teeth. No anesthetic, of course. (In addition to declawing the filthy animal, the pain would teach him respect.) And I suppose I'd saw off his arms and legs, too. For more convenient storage.

    And once the wounds all healed I'd store him in a little box, with his little penis hanging out, so that it could be milked on a machine every day.

    So anyhoo, we could use that idea for your story. We could store the stud-men in welded metal boxes. We could milk their balls on a machine every morning, and fertilize the farm girls with a turkey baster. And if a stud-man failed to produce in the morning, we could toss his metal box into the furnace and cook him.

    But if the breeder girls are chained to a wall for their whole lives, and the stud-boys are locked in metal boxes...

    who's in charge?

    Nazis, I suppose. Making more little Nazis.

    Or maybe ACORN. Making voters for the new world order.

    Tell you what. I'll work on it and get back to you. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2012
  3. Drakanas

    Drakanas Newcumer

    Feb 8, 2012
    lol i didnt mean to leave them along the wall all day. sure there can be studs. not sure about cutting off their limbs though lol. Also i just finished reading one of your stories about my daddy is the best lawyer great story.
  4. farmer Joe

    farmer Joe Sex Machine

    Sep 8, 2011
    You forgot:

    Taught to "MOO" loudly like a cow upon anal penetration
  5. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Make it like a petting zoo where the price of admission is 20 cc's of fresh man cream... and the adoring public can watch the cow girls get inseminated and milked and if the kids want they can try milking them by hand...
  6. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Oh Crap that gave me a better Idea...

    All of the people who are a "drain on society" - Political dissadents homeless ect... Wait I Just wrote a story very simmilar to this .... It was called the best for society... Crap will have to wait a little while before I roll this one out ... Clarise remind me would you...