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  1. biguy86

    biguy86 Porn Surfer

    Jun 5, 2011

    these stories are all really funny!
    I havnt had a female doctor but did have a masseuse once. now that really got the blood flowing! so much so that after I had to go and relieve myself in the changing room! didnt even bother going to the toilet just cracked one out right in the changing room!
    she knew it to, you could tell by the look on her face!
    was a pretty cool experience.
  2. gridfour

    gridfour Porn Surfer

    Jul 3, 2011
    When I was waiting to be examined at MEPS before entering the military, I was in a big room full of guys wearing only our underwear. There was only one male doctor on duty at the time and we were all waiting to go into the room with him one by one. Well they sent over one of the female doctors to help speed things up and she walks in to the room full of us guys and walks to the other examination room and calls for the next guy in line and they go in and close the door.

    When she entered and while she was crossing over to the examination room door you could have heard a pin drop. After the door closed we all started looking around at each other nervously going, "holy shit." During those exams it's the whole nine yards, they check your genitals and you have to turn around, bend over, and spread your cheeks. Not exactly something young men feel comfortable doing in front of a female doctor. :D
  3. Rusty39

    Rusty39 Sex Lover

    Mar 3, 2007
    Female Docs are professional in all aspects.

    I am 49, and have prefered a female docrot now for the last 18 yrs.

    They are professional people and will handle what ever sistuation you find yourself in in that light.

    A few years ago I had a drop dead gorgeous lady Dr who was rather well endowed breast wise. It was summer and she had on a low cut blouse and a somewhat see thru lacy bra underneath. I was due a prostate examand as she pepared me for that i got several looks down her blouse and saw her nipples thru the material, plus that awesome cleavage.

    Guess you can fugure what happened after that. When she did the examination on my, I got a huge hard on and dribbled cum as she massaged my prostrate during the exam.

    She was not embarressed, but holy shit, I was. She just quickly handed me a wipe and said all was good and I could get dressed now. As I said very proffesional.

    So don't be worried, and I have found lady doctors to be far more empathetic when sick or enquiring about health issues than many male doctors.

    They get thumbs up from me.

    Cheers, hope this helps.


  4. emaxxx4

    emaxxx4 Sex Lover

    Apr 25, 2009
    It's their job too, so I wouldn't get embarrassed about it. I've had it, but try to ease my own tension by saying something stupid like, "ah, the highlight of my day.."
  5. LuckyChucky420

    LuckyChucky420 Sex Lover

    Jan 31, 2012
    I'm in highschool and my class went over the the beauty class at our school so they could practice on us, I went to get a facial done and it felt so good just that was enough to get me a chub and it was so hard to hold back from a full erection
  6. exib

    exib Sex Lover

    Sep 1, 2006
    I'm sure I've mentioned it before but when I was about 20 or so, I went to a clinic because my stomach kept hurting. I saw a slightly older female doctor, nice long brown hair, nice face, great body. I laid down, I unbuttoned my pants, and she decided to put her hand down my underwear and touched my penis for a couple of minutes. She even pulled back my foreskin. She maintained eye contact the whole time. I sorta freaked out, and she noticed, so she took her hand out and proceeded like nothing happened.

    Looking back, I should've pulled down my pants and put her head down on my dick and cummed in her mouth.
  7. vibibottom

    vibibottom Sex Machine

    May 23, 2011
    A little side bar; sometimes at the gym when I ride the recumbant cycle to warm up I get hard for no reason. There's some friction, and some flopping side to side action but nothing that I would think could get me hard. I just go with it and get off the cycle. I don't try to hide it anybody that wants to look at the head of my cock poking through the front of my sweatpants is more than welcome to.
  8. mustang25

    mustang25 Porn Surfer

    Feb 23, 2011
    Just dont ask for a refill on you Viagra till it goes down;)
  9. pedro45

    pedro45 Porn Star

    Feb 24, 2012
    I have a female PA, she is beautiful, I'd say early 40's auburn curly hair and she always wears heels. Before I got my vasectomy she of course had to check it out because I thought I found a lump. When she knelt down to take a look, I was surprised I was able to control myself.
  10. awacs

    awacs Happy Man

    Jun 22, 2009
    I had a hot female doc for 6 years that did our HAZMAT physicals. I loved her prostate checks. She spent extra time doing them, and would ask if I could feel it.
  11. Bachyir

    Bachyir Porn Surfer

    Mar 3, 2012
    Female drs

    I have had a female doctor for 20 yrs or so. I had no problems being semi nude around her. She made me feel very comfortable and always proffessional. That was until a co- worker or mine showed me pictures of her at University in swim suit. Then everytime I see her i start to get hard and have to think of dead penguins and mutilated fingers just to stay semi hard
  12. kallen24

    kallen24 Porn Surfer

    Apr 14, 2012
    I was always curious about this. I can't imagine getting turned on when my doctor has her fingers up my vagoo but I think guys have a bit more of a hair trigger.
  13. bimwmslut

    bimwmslut Sex Lover

    Dec 6, 2010
    Only once did I have a female dr. give me the "turn and cough" and at the time, I couldn't even think why I was getting that... I was in too much pain to enjoy it... sporting wood was the farthest thing from my mind. The next day I was hoping she would return when I was pain free and thinking like I normally do.
  14. Kowlicks

    Kowlicks Porn Surfer

    Oct 30, 2009
    Since moving to Montana I first had a male doctor. I really didn't care for him at all. So I switched and found a wonderful female doctor who is 15 + years my senior. After several visits I noticed she'd brush against by breast. Once doing a brest exam, she sort of stayed there longer than necessary. That day when leaving I thanked her and kissed on the lips. She never moved. Since then we kiss, and I've done oral on her 3 times.