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  1. beninabox

    beninabox Porn Star

    Sep 6, 2008
    Are you flirting with me little baller?

    Why don't you bring your tight end over here and put your face in my ass?:kiss:
  2. toons

    toons Porn Star

    Jun 16, 2007
    Fuck it I'm doing anal play tonight
  3. Hellion4u

    Hellion4u Porn Star

    Mar 31, 2008
    i enjoy anal play myself as a straight male coming from a female. a gf use to use her vibs and dildo on me offten during sex. what id like to do but never have is me doing a girl doggy and a girl with a strapon doing me til i finished
  4. geekguy13

    geekguy13 Porn Surfer

    Oct 19, 2010
    I would love for a woman to get behind me with a strap on.. or a tranny (preferably a preop woman tranny.) would love to feel it.. Gay? No. Science - If you take into consideration what happens when a baby develops into a male or female - the area that is considered the "clit" in women.. is generally shifted into the male body if a male develops.. we call this Internal clit.. you guessed it.. prostate.. Go. Figure.
  5. sloggi69

    sloggi69 Amateur

    Nov 18, 2007
  6. GenX

    GenX Amateur

    May 21, 2012
    Ive never been into the whole anal thing. Women were born with a orifice solely for cock. Ill lick my fiance there because she enjoys it but thats as far as it goes. I'm a dude I don't need to take it up the ass or any variation.
  7. Deicide6669

    Deicide6669 Sex Lover

    Apr 27, 2011
    My wife has tongue fucked my ass and railed me with a strap on... It's fine with me:excited:
  8. massiveme69

    massiveme69 Newcumer

    May 16, 2008
    if u not doing strap-on, you missing out. if they aren't down with it, onto the next
  9. bukkake lover

    bukkake lover Porn Surfer

    Oct 21, 2012
    My first experience of having a girl play with my a-hole was about 15 years ago. My GF at the time used to hang out with a lot of gay guys who would suggest freaky shit for her to do to me. After returning home one night drunk, she climbed into bed and I awoke to the truly wonderful feeling of her tongue flicking my lovely asshole. As time went on we got more and move adventurous - she would fuck me with a strap-on, call me her little buttboy, spit on me...all kinds of stuff.

    Now I never thought of this as a 'gay' thing. So what if I want to be submissive/vunerable sometimes? I've fucked guys and girls, these days I don't really crave the cock anymore, but guys, if you're not into it I gotta tell ya that you're missing out on whole world of pleasure.

    I don't consider myself gay, straight or bi. Those labels are pretty much meaningless to me. I'm just a normal, regular guy. A normal regular guy who likes the freaky shit!


    Nov 3, 2012

    I am totally straight but have let me wife do all kinds of different things to my ass. Toys, anal beads, strap on, all kinds of crazy butt love she wanted to try on me (shhhh, exctasy will make you do all kinds of f*%ked up things you would normally never do but no regrets, lmao). Hey we rocked the house for 16 hours straight and I had to cross off a couple of 1st timers on my list so what, I had sick crazy sex with my wife and her hot friend for an entire freaking night and following day!!! I will hike up the legs for a few minutes of wife pleasure for that all day long. Actually those who say they never will allow anyone to get close back there has no idea some of the awesome pleasures they are depriving themselves and their partner of. TBO
  11. kooch

    kooch Porno Junky

    Dec 13, 2006
    Growing up I would occasionally play with my ass while masturbating but found it weird and uncomfortable at the beginning so didn't do it often, as I got older and into my late teens I knew more about it and read advice about how to do properly and although the first few times were unusual again, once I had given it a good try and gotten used to it I actually found myself enjoying ass play every now and then. I would say if your going to try it you need to give it a good go and try it a few times before giving up on it as naturally the first few times will seem unnatural and different.

    Anyways since getting over the stigma of it feeling good I've enjoyed ass play with girlfriends, alone and in my pursuit of sexual fulfillment and wanting to try and enjoy all pleasures possible sexually as a human I've since tried the real thing (cock) in the past few years and although its something I never imagined I would ever try, it actually to my surprise was an amazing experience I've since enjoyed it a few more times since.

    I've since realized and believe that sex and sexual pleasure is something that should be enjoyed in every way possible and the source of that pleasure is simply that, a source. I now enjoy sexual acts with both girls and guys as both bring something different to the table and both feel great so once you get past the stigma you will be sexually enlightened and enjoying more acts of pleasure than you ever thought!!
  12. findingneverland

    findingneverland Porno Junky

    Jan 1, 2011
    Wow that sounds so hot and your wife is so lucky
  13. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    I wouldn't mind some ass play but both parties have to consent otherwise it will be uncomfortable for those involved. I believe some men are against because it may take away from their masculinity.
  14. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    i think some men consider it to be gay. i don't find it gay in trying to get the maximum pleasure you can get from massaging your prostate. not that i do ass play often but when the mood sways me i give it a go and it feels good. would love to have a woman finger my ass while giving me a blowjob/handjob
  15. hardinproper

    hardinproper Porn Surfer

    Jun 8, 2013

    Personally, I really really do NOT want to smell poop while I'm having sex with someone. Other than that, I'm all for it.
  16. Golfnut0003

    Golfnut0003 Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 3, 2011
    really, I can't even find a woman who takes it in the ass, even though I reciprocate:wall:
  17. swingerguy95621

    swingerguy95621 Aspiring Hedonist

    Jun 13, 2011
    i find those type of women everywhere...maybe it's due to my AVERAGE thickness and average length...much easier to get used to and have fun with. You guys with huge dicks who don't get anal much...have fun with your big dicks :D
  18. Barry McCockiner

    Barry McCockiner Porno Junky

    May 6, 2013
    Most guys say if a man gets pegged he has gay tendencies and I'll remind them that gays also get their dicks sucked. So by their reasoning, if a chic sucks their dick, technically, they too have gay tendencies.

    They'll immediately respond with, "that's not the same", and I swiftly cut them off and say "EXACTLY! Anything you do with a woman is not the same."
  19. Openmindedman26

    Openmindedman26 Sex Lover

    Jun 8, 2012
    It's years of ingrained wrong information fed by those who were afraid of their feelings and wanted others to suffer with them. Sex is a wonderful pleasure and as one user on this thread said should be enjoyed as much as possible, how you enjoy that is up to you but you should always try something once, maybe twice(or several times really, as that same user said they felt odd at first till they tried it more and got used to it, broke that chain of misinformation fed them by media and so on) if after many times it just doesn't do anything for ya then quit and try something else. Most straight guys just aren't confidant enough in themselves to go outside the comfort zone, too bad for them