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  1. fuckerface

    fuckerface Sex Lover

    Sep 3, 2011
    Some girls will fuck you just cause of the fact you are a virgin .....ofcourse, they have to believe it first
  2. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    yet to find a girl like that, also going around and advertising to girls in real life that i am virgin isn't something i would want to do. i mean here it's a little people can be a little more open.

    :wall: that's how i feel every time i mess up my chances especially with the previous story i have mentioned.
  3. SweetChris

    SweetChris Porn Star

    Jul 11, 2012
    Oh sweetie, I wish I could throw ya down and fix your problem. :)
  4. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    knowing me, i'd let you. nothing turns me on more than a woman that knows what she wants to do with me.
  5. SweetChris

    SweetChris Porn Star

    Jul 11, 2012
    Sweetie, I'd want your first time to be a rocking swesome time! I'd show you some moves that would make you popular with the girls...

    Seriously- "I've never had sex" has worked with me at least a dozen times. Total turn on to help someone start their voyage of discovery.
  6. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    i've never tried the honest "never had sex" line before, always feel that if i use it the girl might think she is obligated to sleeping with me or that i might seem desperate.

    :D i am an eager and quick learner, you seem like an experienced teacher ;)

    take me under your wing ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2012
  7. SweetChris

    SweetChris Porn Star

    Jul 11, 2012

    Sweetie, if we were in the same room we'd be on lesson 2 already. ;) I am sure there is someone near you that would be happy to provide instruction- I am not the only girl turned on by a guy looking to learn.
  8. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    i hope your teaching methods are thorough and vigorous ;) might need lessons 3, 4 and 5. you know, just so i don't forget ;)

    i know there are girls out there, but they aren't so open about it as they are here.

    who knows what if you are near me ;)
  9. BeastlySoul

    BeastlySoul Porn Star

    Aug 5, 2012
    Wait a second, are you telling me it's not ok to to club girls in the back of the head with my penis in order to drag them off to my cave? Because if so I am thoroughly confused!:p
  10. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    lol i didn't say you couldn't try...i just don't suppose the results are what you would expect.
  11. Yaztromo

    Yaztromo Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbour!

    Mar 2, 2008
    Firstly, I didn't lose my virginity properly until I was 21. I'm now 40, happily married with 3 great kids and getting more sex than most single guys ;).

    The key to all of this is loving yourself. May sound corny but it is 100% true. If you can think to yourself, yeah I'm a nice guy who is lovable then you can stop wasting your time with all the self doubt that is currently consuming you.

    Lose the self doubt and you will find your confidence. When you are confident about who you are you can then focus on bringing some happiness to someone else. You will be able to give them your full focus and attention. At the moment I suspect it is all on yourself and your perceived inadequacies.

    How do you do it? That's the difficult bit. As a starting point I would suggest some self help books for positive thinking. Try to follow this up by engaging in more social situations.

    Oh and for me part of my problem was my desires. I have always been bisexual but only recently admitted it to myself. Accepting that and accepting my desires has been a revelation to me. It means I truly love all of me whereas in the past I was beating myself up for the "dirty" desires I had. Not saying that applies to you of course, but it did to me.

    Hope that helps. :rose:
  12. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    interesting way to look at it from you perspective. I don't have problem with talking to women at all, i can be rather confident, just if i wanted to get intimate with a woman i wouldn't know how to ask, or when they send those subtle signs that they are interested- i tend to miss them. i am a direct kind of person and i am not sure if the use of that directive-ness would be misconstrued as desperation by some girls. specifically the ones i know in real life.

    i think it has more to do with the societal view that women are the "gate keepers" and men have to beg there way for the door to open. granted this may not be true for all men, but in my position it believe it is true for me. society has taught me to respect women, they have rights, they have this or that, but when it comes to dating and sex some like to be treated like dirt, while others want to be princess'd. so when it comes to getting sex it just becomes a nightmare for me of confusion and missed signals. i guess in this day and age i'm not sure who is to make the first move when i was brought up to believe that both sexes are to be treated equal, but at the same time not equal.

  13. Chubbyguy1226

    Chubbyguy1226 Sex Lover

    Aug 17, 2011
    Be proud that you're a virgin it takes more willpower to stay a virgin then to stick you dick in the first thing that spreads it's legs. Just know to save it until you find the right girl. You still can have fun with girls and still be a virgin. I am a virgin in Bill Clinton's eyes. I would rather get blow jobs and mutual masturbation web cam fun hand jobs. pluss you don't have to worry about getting her pregnant. If I like the girl I would have vaginal sex I never met the right girl.
  14. Cobra97dohc

    Cobra97dohc Newcumer

    Dec 1, 2012
    Personally for me I dont see how I could have waited longer than I did (I was 19 I think...) I have a couple buddies, supposedly not gay, who up until a year ago, both had neither been with a woman. One still has not, at least to my knowledge and hes 37. Everyone is different. Some people want to wait for the "perfect" person or opportunity. Just do what feels right, it'll happen.
  15. BeastlySoul

    BeastlySoul Porn Star

    Aug 5, 2012
    Phew! I was really worried there for a second!:p

    But in all seriousness I know it can be difficult. I'm not quite as old as you are but I'm still a virgin at 20 and it can be difficult. My problem is that socially I'm a bit of an oddity anyway. I have a difficult time with small talk, due to the fact that I'm not generally verbose in person. I tend to have the gruffness of Wolverine combined with the nerdiness (nerdyness?) of Stephen Colbert, the overt sexuality of Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris on How I Met Your Mother) with my own warped twist, a personality like Abed's (Community) and a ideological leaning similar to Tyler Durden's (Fight Club). Combine that with the fact that I'm short for a guy (standing in at a towering 5'7) and most girls tend to think of me as goofy, cute, weird, or intimidating.

    Regardless of what might be expected, this combination causes me to be perceived as anything but a sexually viable candidate. I don't quite understand it, and believe me I've tried to, but it just seems to be the situation. That being said I don't pretend to know how your specific situation feels; but I can relate on being a virgin. Best of luck to you.
  16. drgw

    drgw Porn Surfer

    May 11, 2011
    Your not alone

    After reading this I've noticed that Im in the same boat as bluntx, except for the fact Im only 19. Anyway, I've always had the unfortunate ability to be instantly friend-zoned by every girl I meet. Because of this I've never even had a girlfriend which makes it even more difficult to know what to do.

    My point in saying this is to show that any advice that comes out of this thread would be very welcome to a large percentage of men. So bluntx your not alone
  17. Callahan

    Callahan Amateur

    Feb 22, 2012
    Also in my 20s and still a virgin. Partly by choice if you can believe that :eek:

    I personally feel that sex with another human being is a significant and beautiful thing that shouldn't be so disregarded as society makes it out to be.
  18. eadz

    eadz Porno Junky

    Jul 25, 2012
    any updates or news bluntx?
  19. bluntx

    bluntx Sex Machine

    Aug 29, 2012
    nothing new. trying to figure out some things as usual
  20. eadz

    eadz Porno Junky

    Jul 25, 2012
    good luck :)