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  1. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    Sorry to seem to blow off the Story Site but as has been said, the PTB do not care about that red-headed step-child because there is no money to be gained from it.

    As long as membership is as open as it is, the spam will be a problem. How many of those messages are supposedly coming from underage posters?
    As long as stories are rated by pos-vs.-neg vote, there will be a problem with the ratings.
    As long as trolls are allowed to run roughshod over the stories being posted for whatever reasons, there will be a problem with the ratings.
    As long as updates are made just to make an update, there will be problems with the code of the site itself.
    BTW - regarding the inability to find the stories by using the author's list, that issue has been identified by me and described as to how to work around the broken coding in the website here. If you choose to ignore that, then that is your issue.
    HOWEVER, I do not see the PTB being willing to make the changes necessary to fix those issues because they know that the material that they provide for their main draw is simply advertising for other sites and the stories are a by-product only.

    The issues with the story side will not corrected until there is nothing BUT a story side and the forums and that will kill the story side quicker than any mod you are wanting to get made.

    That is why we tout the forums - an alternative to the story side which DOES give feedback to the writers from writers and readers and where spam CAN be removed relatively easily from the threads. I am not promoting the competitions; I am promoting the interaction.
  2. Cheltenham

    Cheltenham Ascetic Kitten

    Jul 17, 2010
    You have two options. Disallow comments or deal with the hubbub. Bub.

    It has been proposed time and time again. I'm not saying that redundancy is a sign of insanity, but take a gander at past threads. We've lost our collective heads over voting tallies, score charts, whether 'someone' is voting stories down because they can't be the best forever.

    If we eliminate 'kik' and other acronyms from the story boards, we should do the same on the forum. Just create a blacklist so the words show up as asterisks.

    You can always ask for a refund of membership fees, though. :)
  3. The_Purvv

    The_Purvv Porno Junky

    Oct 9, 2012
    Back in comment # 4 I answered the original poster with this:


    There are lots who agree with you, but I'm afraid that you'll be talking to deaf ears here at the forum. Responses, if they come at all, will be from the regulars who will suggest that you not allow comments, or to post your stories at the Forum instead of the designated story site, or some other such nonsense that evades fixing the problems that exist for writers..."

    Now almost 20 responses after that, I think my point has been made.

    May I add to wantsomefun's list and challenge each and every one of you who say a story site alone can't work. Not only does St*r**s*nl*n*.n*t work, it is everything a story site should be...but it doesn't have a forum!!! Wahhh. :p It's great and it's free. And the webmaster responds himself to any legitimate question.
  4. ahorsewithnoname

    ahorsewithnoname Porn Star

    Feb 11, 2011
    Okay, you've had your say, now how about you try and listen up this time, ok?


    Don't take that personally. They don't give a shit about me, either. Or any particular author. They don't give a shit about the guys who have written 700 stories, let alone my few dozen or however many you have written.


    Simple. The story site does not make them any money.

    This website is here to make money. It's a business. The fact that we have two places to post stories is something of a minor miracle in my book. I have a story out here in the forum that's been read a quarter million times. I had stories on the story site that, combined, were read over 1.5 million times. And there are dozens and dozens of authors who read totals dwarf mine. I think that's pretty cool that I can post stuff and have it read by a bunch of people and have some people comment on it. Why does it have to be more complicated than that?

    There are no ads on the story site, nor here in the forum. (This is fucking deja vu to me, as I know I've written this to people here a dozen times.) These parts of the site don't make money for the site owners.

    Maybe, if we hassle them enough, they'll shut the forum down, and the story site down...then at least you won't have to hear us fawn over our beloved forum.

    For fuck's sake, give it a rest. If you don't like it, go to one of the 8 other fucking sites you want to advertise here and leave us idiots the fuck alone.

    Christ on a crutch people can be fucking annoying.
  5. The_Purvv

    The_Purvv Porno Junky

    Oct 9, 2012
    This thread began with PO469 asking: Is there a way you can set your programming to automatically reject any entry in the comment section that has the letter combination kik in it ? This is not the place to look for little girls to send you pictures and talk dirty to you. It is annoying to those who enjoy looking at real comments about the story - good or bad.

    And it ended for all intents and purposes when Ahorsewithnoname gave the answer: THE POWERS THAT BE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU.

    And as long as none of the moderators are denying that fact, PO469's question is put to rest.
  6. JimBill

    JimBill Sex Lover

    Mar 22, 2011
    Whilst I agree with everything else you said in your post I doubt you believe that one of your stories has actually been read by humans a quarter of a million times and that your combined stories have been read by human beings 1.5 million times.

    The vast majority of the views your story/stories have had have been bots/crawlers/spiders. You'll be very lucky if even 5-10% of views have been from an actual reader.

    Not trying to put you, or your stories, down in any way because if your combined stories have actually been 'read' by about 100.000 that is bloody good going. :cool:
  7. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    There is another series on the site which would have drawn just as many bots as Horse's Revenge series and yet the difference was 3:2 with the 100 chapters of Allison coming in on the short side of the verdict against Horse's Revenge series of under 15 chapters with compilations reaching over that 1.5 million mark.

    I ran the stats; I know whereof I speak.

    The bots will attack either random posts or all posts and and the difference was consistent between these authors. He had the reads.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2013
  8. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
  9. ahorsewithnoname

    ahorsewithnoname Porn Star

    Feb 11, 2011
    I beg to differ. Why would one story that I have posted here in the forum garner 250,000 reads, and so many of the other CAW entries not have nearly that many? Are you saying bits are selectively hitting my one story, not my other stories here, and that makes sense?

    More likely it is the title. My point, however, is to not look a gift horse in the mouth. I don't like the other sites. I do like it here. If someone prefers the other sites, by all means go there and post. Just don't shit in my house because I don't want the landlord tossing me and the other residents out when you (not you personally, just people who harp and harp) complain and don't pay rent.
  10. JimBill

    JimBill Sex Lover

    Mar 22, 2011
    Every story/thread/posts draws the bots, I wasn't really singling out Horse except he was the one who posted readers figures.
    I wasn't comparing him against any other author, just pointing out that 'views' does not equal actual human readers.

    If you think it does then you are very foolish and in a way you'll be putting all writers down because the forum rules posted in GD have had close to 2.5 million views. Must mean that the forum rules are read more often and are more interesting than everybody's stories.
    Except they are not.

    I run a VB board and I can post a message in the staffroom, when no mods are online, and it will have 10 'views' in 10 minutes. Bots/crawlers/spiders.

    I guess most writers/posters do not understand anything about how bots/crawlers/spiders hit on threads/posts.

    I'll leave it at that as I'm not having a go at anybody over anything.:rose:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2013
  11. RickO'Shay

    RickO'Shay A kindly older Gent

    Jun 13, 2012
    I admit to being dense but what does KIK mean????
  12. Merc098

    Merc098 Newcumer

    Jan 20, 2009
    there really needs to be a comment delete button for writers here its getting to rather annoying seeing comments on good stories about some loner wanting to txt and hook up with girls on this site, not to mention its very inconsiderate and rude to the writers.
  13. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    It's a phone app for chatting, pic swapping, and camming.
  14. ahorsewithnoname

    ahorsewithnoname Porn Star

    Feb 11, 2011
    Okay, so, explain this. Go to the Stories thread. Click on the word VIEWS. Now the listings are all there from most reads to least reads. Skip the ones that are stickied.

    Please explain, if every story draws the bots, how one story (mine, in this example) has 250,000 views, and how, if you scroll down the page, you see stories/threads that were started at the same time, or before my thread, that have 5x less views. And if you continue on the more and more pages, how some have 10x, 50x , and 100x less views.

    If bots hit stories equally, shouldn't all stories have X minimum views after X minimum amount of time here?

    I've been working with computers since the late 70s, been online in forums and BBS since way before AOL was AOL, and have been running a web serving company for 18 years.

    Please, educate me.
  15. Jeymar

    Jeymar Sex Machine

    Jun 14, 2013
    Oooh! The good old days of the 4k modem, where you had to put the telephone receiver on the modem and where it took 30 minutes to load 1 pîc., on a Commode 64. Or even worst on a Vic 20 before that. The golden days of the BBS and the sysops, that had complete control of the program and what went on or not.

    Reminiscing, reminiscing, but this is today where bots do most of the work. They will never totally replace the human sysops for control of sites.

    With the event of the internet, it would be totally impossible to operate like they did then, today. Therefore these imperfect programs that allow us to communicate together.

    We can bitch and harass the owners of sites all we want. But if one has not operated a site before, he is not placed to make demands. The costs to keep a site opened and well managed, although not necessarily financial, is in man/hours.

    Thanks to the volunteers to help out as moderators, who do their best to render life easier for the users.

    We have to know that everything on this site, forum and stories sides included, helps the owners to get the traffic needed to boosts the number of clicks and get the site posted in first place on search engines, attracting sponsors by the same token.

    Every time a new pic, story or comment is posted, the bots detect it and add it to the cumulative hits.

    As Horse says, read carefully what an experienced site owner"developer has to say.

    SUGGESTION: Shop around, see what you like and dislike of the sites visited. Once you have done that, decide on a home to your liking and stick with it.

    All groups of users are different, same as sites and operations of said sites. Choose one where you will feel comfortable, but don't expect everyone to be perfect, every sites will have users that will be annoying, ignore them and meke friends with the ones you are at ease with.

    That's my own humble opinion and a portion of my failing memory can remember.

  16. Thee_italian

    Thee_italian Sex Lover Suspended!

    Aug 23, 2013
  17. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    If bots are hitting threads randomly, then why the disparity in the following selected stats from 2013-09-13:

    or the following selected statistics from Feb 2012:

    or these selected statistics from the author's profile pages

    Bots, webcrawlers, etc., are not enough to justify the disparity between the highs and lows in each of these lists nor the relative consistency within the author's lists. What is the cause for the variation in the one and yet consistency in the other?

    BTW - I am sure that I am not the only one with curiosity about the TECH side of your reasoning.
  18. Pussy Patrol

    Pussy Patrol Porn Star Suspended!

    Oct 9, 2009
    The algorithm of the bot/spider/web crawler and the robots.txt file that servers use determine the page view/rank.
  19. RickO'Shay

    RickO'Shay A kindly older Gent

    Jun 13, 2012