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  1. swingerj

    swingerj Sex Machine

    Oct 21, 2010
    Ok, was having a conversation with a buddy of mine that has recently entered the lifestyle with his girlfriend. Nice, hot couple. He and I were sitting down talking about something that happened a few months ago and his response made me laugh out loud. He said "That is SO gay!". I was wondering what the group on here thinks, so please opine. Here is the story I told him...

    My wife and I were having a swapping session with another couple that are long term friends of ours. We have known them for more than 20 years. Anyway, his wife was taking a break so he and I were double teaming my wife. She had started liking DP so we were doing that, he in her pussy, me in her ass. I was about finished so I pulled out. When I did his dick popped out of her pussy. I watched as he was trying to get it back in, but his and my wife's hands were busy. So I reached down and helped put his dick back in. He said "Thanks buddy" and finished off in my wife.

    So the question out for all of you is, do you think it's "gay" that I grabbed another man's dick and put it in my wife's pussy? I don't think so. I would be lying if I had said that was the first time I did that too. What be your thoughts?
  2. Er0s

    Er0s Sex Lover

    Feb 21, 2010
    hot but not gay

    never done it myself but in that situation if the other dude didn't mind I think it would turn me on and I don't think I'm gay
  3. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    Im with Romancemr on this.

    You guys are good friends and you are enjoying each others company sexually, whats not to like? You are confident and comfortable enough to watch you wife get fucked and also comfortable enough to do DP

    Im guessing that if you are doing DP then at some point you will have touched him in some way, not to mention probably feeling his dick through your wife. Its not as if you got on all fours and asked him to save himself for your ass ( although that would still be OK in my book).

    You gave the guy a helping hand and I have on a number of ocassions thought how hot it would be to guide another guys cock into my wife.

    Dont worry about semantics and just enjoy and do what feels right.
  4. hdon22s

    hdon22s Porn Star

    Jul 3, 2010
    For fucks sake it's just a weiner. You put it in your wife. Only could have made it gay if you grabbed it put it in your ass . Got divorced and asked him to marry you. With that line of thinking most doctors are gay cause they hold your sack. The ones that probe your ass definite flamers right? It's a big turn on when someone grabs you to guide you in. Don't care man or lady they're guiding me to a happy place. I swing with a bi couple. His wife grabs me and guides me right in his ass. Last I checked that just makes you bi sexual.
  5. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    Not gay just hawt. It's even better for her to have two secure men pounding her without worry.
  6. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    Got me!.....another "is it gay?" Thread in disguise!

    Do really care what it makes you? Sounds like your friend lacks a bit of maturity. Wish I had friends I could talk about that kinds of things with so kudos to you there.
  7. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    Such a shame more men aren't open!
  8. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    right?! they'd get a lot more sex from it! Tisk, Tisk
  9. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    How goes the hunt for that stud? The wife must be waiting with anticipation ;).
  10. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    We found a really nice guy weeks ago but his schedule is hard to work with. We still talk but it's not something we had to rush out and do so we're taking it slow for now. It'll happen when it's right.

    She was excited but more for me. She knows it's more about my experience and as amazing as my wife is, I couldn't love her more for it. I just have to think of a way to thank her afterwards :)
  11. swingerj

    swingerj Sex Machine

    Oct 21, 2010
    Yeah, my buddy who made the gay comment is pretty new to the lifestyle, not sure he will be able to cope. Part of the reason my wife I and don't play with him and his girl...not mature enough. Last thing I want to worry about is some guy getting mad because I touched him in some way. Doing DP or just being naked walking through a club, you will touch other men's dongs. Nothing wrong with that at all IMO.
  12. Discipline_is_love

    Discipline_is_love Porn Star

    Dec 26, 2012
    It's simple science: you touched another dudes junk with your bare, unprotected hand, you caught "the gay". Start wearing lipstick and high heels.

    Just kidding ;)

    Both you and your buddy handled the situation absolutely right. You helped him unload into a tight, wet pussy and he acknowledged and appreciated it. Nothing weird there, nothing gay there.
    And thumbs up and high five for what sounds like a great, fun night.
  13. Liquidonyx

    Liquidonyx Porno Junky

    Feb 21, 2012
    +1 for the reply above.

    If your buddy who's new to the lifestyle has ever DP anyone, then as far as I'm concerned he's in the same boat. Theres gotta be a whole lotta male to male contact there. I would imagine that two cocks rubbing together separated by mere millimeters of tissue has made one or both explode at some point :)
  14. Drakhyr

    Drakhyr Porno Junky

    Sep 1, 2014
    I'd say your buddy sounds like a closet gay to me. ;)
  15. mc72

    mc72 Amateur

    Jul 24, 2012
    My gf and I have played a little in the lifestyle. To even consider being with another couple you have to realize there is going to be contact like this. The best part is you were with a couple that you have been long time friends with so that brings another level of comfort. I personally feel there is nothing wrong with what you did. Your friend might have to rethink the idea of getting into the lifestyle if this kind of contact is a big deal for him.
  16. Heywood123

    Heywood123 Porn Star

    May 2, 2014
    Gay? hell no more like stand up dude

    Dude you made the assist and your buddies brought it to the hole and scored . As charley Sean would say "winning "
  17. geileklodders

    geileklodders Proud cum player

    Feb 14, 2009
    I know for the fuck buddy we did our threesomes with, it was at least "the weird aspect". Still we did double-vaginal her on nearly every occasion as it's her favorite. In at least one of these occasions I used my hand to hold his and my dick together after his slid out. Now I don't care, I'll gladly suck a dick and eat his cum, but I know even touching was pushing his limit. Still he kept on returning to us.

    BTW you see a lot of threesome porn where a man fucks a woman and another girl every now and than takes out the dick, sucks her girlfriend's juices off and puts it back on in her. I'd love to take the position of that girl.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2014
  18. Drakhyr

    Drakhyr Porno Junky

    Sep 1, 2014
    Yeah, that is so hot! :razz:
  19. Patmanxxx

    Patmanxxx Porn Surfer

    Apr 8, 2014
    Definitely not gay it actually sounds like you have a great relationship there with all concerned. Do I sound jealous lol