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Last Activity:
Jul 1, 2024 at 1:29 AM
Sep 25, 2010
Likes Received:
Apr 6, 1990 (Age: 34)
Home Page:
Reno, Nevada
Sports blogger. Video Editor. Podcaster.


Porno Junky, 34, from Reno, Nevada

Drinking and gaming all night. Definitely needed after a long ass week. Jun 22, 2024

XslickX was last seen:
Jul 1, 2024 at 1:29 AM
    1. XslickX
      Next time a random woman strikes up a random conversation with me, I'll start playing my flirting card lol
      1. Norton X and tumpapori like this.
    2. Norton X
      Norton X
      That is a wicked avatar. Love it!
      1. BisexualKinkyGirl and XslickX like this.
      2. XslickX
        Thanks! I wanted to change things up and came across this thing.
        Apr 15, 2015
      3. XslickX
        Thanks! I wanted to change things up and came across this thing.
        Apr 15, 2015
      4. Norton X
        Norton X
        And a month later that avatar still rocks :)
        May 14, 2015
    3. XslickX
      Don't usually drink during a work week but it's my dayoff tomorrow so no harm, no foul...I think lol
      1. Daniella21 likes this.
    4. XslickX
      Want sex but have no one to do it with. Might as well have some beer and hot wings as an alternative lol
      1. Norton X and quite one like this.
      2. Norton X
        Norton X
        Hot wings as an alternative? That is so cool :)
        Apr 15, 2015
    5. XslickX
      Had a great night. So tired.
      1. Norton X likes this.
    6. LaceyChains
      Good luck. I've started my sexual fast today, well yesturday really. Happy Easter
      1. XslickX
        Alright. May your abstinence be with you. Think innocent thoughts.
        Apr 2, 2015
      2. shortstacked36dd
        sexual fast??? is there such a thing? Usually i think fast and sex, it is the sense of fast and hard, lol
        Apr 3, 2015
    7. XslickX
      Even though lent ended, I made a promise to go 4 more days without it. Here's to adding more will in myself.
      1. Norton X and shortstacked36dd like this.
      2. shortstacked36dd
        GOD, i wish i was the first woman You were with after all that build up...You will drown me in cum i think.
        Apr 3, 2015
      3. XslickX
        Oh it's not sexual fasting I gave up. I've gone no more than 2 weeks after I lost my innocence. When that happened, my cock was pointing up rock hard. But if you were there while the whole thing happened, you would be the first woman to drown yourself in cum and your pussy and ass would be very sore too
        Apr 3, 2015
    8. shortstacked36dd
      Now You are following me, You should be able to see my hidden albums i think
      1. Aliana1 and Norton X like this.
    9. shortstacked36dd
      i am sooo loving that Big Black Cock and amazing body Sir.
      1. Aliana1 and Norton X like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. XslickX
        I will tend to find and use all those buttons to get you all hot and wet for me to take you from all sides of your body.
        Apr 2, 2015
      4. shortstacked36dd
        i have sooo many sides Sir...i hope You will take me from all of them...
        Apr 3, 2015
      5. XslickX
        I definitely will. I'm not letting one hole go unfilled and work out as many positions on you as I can.
        Apr 3, 2015
    10. XslickX
      I consider March Madness to be my Spring Break :D Everything else during my break is more like playing catch up.
      1. Aliana1 likes this.
      2. baman42
        March Madness can never give you the same feeling of not having your supporting college in March Madness. Still fun to watch though.
        Mar 20, 2015
    11. XslickX
      I'm gonna stop trying. I'm better off single. I can't find someone as ambitious as I am but somehow, my life is feels easier that way.
      1. Aliana1 and Norton X like this.
      2. Norton X
        Norton X
        We're not exactly similar, but there are certain things we have in common.
        Apr 15, 2015
    12. XslickX
      Finally got back on here and found that this site has gone the way of Twitter/Facebook lol
      1. Aliana1 likes this.
    13. queendragonfly
      darlin i wanna play with u
    14. Alanna
      Hi XslickX,. you are already on my friends list :-)
    15. sadbhama
      lovely tits
    16. sadbhama
      hello how r u swittie
    17. HisBabyGirl
      Hey, thanks for the add.
    18. GangBangSlut
      Hey, I saw your avatar and just had to share.. I can make my tits bounce just like that ;)
      Thanks for the invite!
    19. Stepstool
      Just make sure your boots are clean :)
    20. Stepstool
      Oh I do all the time. When I grow up I want to be an extending ladder.
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  • About

    Apr 6, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Home Page:
    Reno, Nevada
    Sports blogger. Video Editor. Podcaster.
    Sexual Orientation:
    Milfs, Matures, BBWs, pregnant women and short petite women are my faves ;)

    Riding as a single dude. Not interested in dating for a while. Masturbation and porn are my go-to's.

    RIP Nana, Dad, Furby, Jessica, Marcos, second mama Nikki, Leslie. 2020-2023


    Enjoying life as it comes day by day. There's always obstacles for me to go through but I always do my best to overcome them.
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