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    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

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    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
Jun 3, 2024 at 8:28 AM
Oct 3, 2006
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Porn Star, from Australia, Victoria

always miss a nice female body and nice pussy May 17, 2023

Kenster was last seen:
Jun 3, 2024 at 8:28 AM
    1. JustJelli...KYjelli
    2. JustJelli...KYjelli
    3. JustJelli...KYjelli
    4. JustJelli...KYjelli

      you get a test run.
    5. JustJelli...KYjelli

      Only one way to find out.
    6. Cockateer
      Hey buddy, wish we could do Susi, I'd love to prove to her that we can exhaust her. ;)
    7. JustJelli...KYjelli
    8. JustJelli...KYjelli
      I know!

      I'm getting tingly just thinking about it!
    9. iphone911
      Lol I don't know off any adult places in Melbourne. And most in my thread are guys as well so will be a sausage fest haha
    10. Nerdy
      Hey there, thanks! I've never considered it, but I'd definitely be open to it. I feel like I'd really have to hit the gym in order to sculpt myself into something someone might want to shoot though.
    11. kink-eeee
      Thank you for the B-Day wishes :-) … I haven't gone to the Nudist campgrounds yet as I'm planning on it some time between mid June & late August. :) I'm waiting for a Non rain & Hot weather weekend so I can play Naked All weekend long. :twisted: :-E
    12. Carrie Joslin
      Carrie Joslin
      How you, Kenster? I'm well, thanks... Thanks for the message too! :rose:
    13. katiemargaret
      Some of this rain has been put to good use ;)
    14. JustJelli...KYjelli

      It's a deal!
    15. JustJelli...KYjelli
      Who knows.

      Can I bring a whip?
    16. JustJelli...KYjelli
      haha Damn straight I'm back on the horse!
    17. JustJelli...KYjelli
      Haha, would you be willing to teach me that lesson?

      He was fine. I taught him a thing or two but he was a virgin...until he met me.

      It was fun but the relationship lacked a certain spark.
    18. smn athreya
    19. JustJelli...KYjelli
      I broke up with him with no reason... other than boredom.

      He was a very nice guy. Too bad I'm just an asshole.
    20. katiemargaret
      Yes :) married!
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  • About

    Australia, Victoria
    Sexual Orientation:


    Different time zone different place yet same forum!!

    Who am I ? Im Kenster :excited:
    "Hello there im The Doctor, just The Doctor"
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