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    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

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    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
Jun 8, 2011
Apr 20, 2008
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A Cold Acre


Porn Star, Male, from A Cold Acre

unhappy_mudkip was last seen:
Jun 8, 2011
    1. PatronofPorn
      Hey man, never said hi to you after accepting the add so...

      Hi! Haha, how're you this March morning?
    2. Blue.
      Well... There's more than 1 Con in the world XD
      Where are you, and what're your usual Cons?
    3. Quadifa
      Okay, your spelling is really entertaining, but i think that i won´t speak french or dutch as good as you speak german if i won´t practise it!

      I´m sooo tired, i haven´t had enough sleep tonight and I have to got to work in about an our. :-(

      Have a nice day!
    4. Jamie90
      Ha ha you men, just mention the word "little" and you suddenly wake up.....:lol:

      but yeah, there have been rumours ;-) he he he :twisted: at least there are some now.....muhahaha
    5. Quadifa
      Thank you for your nice message :-)
      I want to post more, but i have to admit, that my vocabular seems to be a little weak.
      And, nice try, with your german skills. I do not want to demotivate you (is demotivate a word?^^) but its "Wie gehts dir?" ;-)

      Haha, since I have been to Netherland, my english is always screwed up with dutch...
      Maybe you wont recognize :-)
      Groetjes, Quadifa
    6. Jamie90
      Ha ha you little funny guy....I have to leave...it was nice talking to you :kiss:
    7. veritechmaster
      Psh, the veritech was easy. Mastering how not to shoot your own men, now that's a challenge.
    8. Kitten4ALion
      Well I hope you have a good year.
    9. Kitten4ALion
    10. onenauhgtygirl29
      Wow, The Lorax is my favorite Seuss book of all!
      I wish I could have a truffula tree. Who needs a thneed? Not I! lol
    11. onenauhgtygirl29
      I hope that you get every thing you desire in the coming year.
    12. bug24
      Welcome to my friends list, friend!
    13. unhappy_mudkip
      Thanks Angel :) Glad you didnt up and leave the forum. When you deleted everything, I was sorta worried about you. And I will keep the faith, if you will!
    14. Angel0319
      Thank you for you kind words on the New Years Resolution link.....Things will work out for you as well, keep the FAITH!
    15. Sensuous Sensuality
      Sensuous Sensuality
      I don't have much luck in winning - I can't remember the last time I won anything!!
    16. Sensuous Sensuality
      Sensuous Sensuality
      Thank you for the welcome! That's so sweet of you
    17. SemiLunate
      Aw i'm sorry to hear that
    18. SemiLunate
      Aw! Thank you :)
      Did you have a good christmas?
    19. Angel0319
      You have an excellent point!
    20. Angel0319
      Why thank you! Merry Christmas to you! It's unlikely my wish will come true, but thanks for the good wishes!
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  • About

    A Cold Acre
    It is said that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Theyre wrong.

    Just existing for now


    Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
    Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
    Instead, walk beside me as my friend.:rose:

    - Albert Camus

    Head over to Dracos_Fantasy's pic thread and help me convince her how hot & sexy she truly is! (updated 06-04-2011)
    Thanks to your comments, DF has gone all Nakey:eek:!

    -Made in Michigan, USA