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  1. Baldor

    Baldor Newcumer

    Jul 15, 2018
    Alicia Learns About Sex

    My name is Brad, and I’m married to a beautiful woman named Jennifer. I’m an average male, standing at 5’10” with an average body, neither fat nor muscular. Jennifer, also 28 years old, has always been gorgeous to me with dark brown hair down to her back, a nicely shaped butt and a perfect b-cup. She’s only slightly shorter than me at 5’8.” Her eyes are a piercing blue which contrast against her olive complexion and I believe they are what attracted me to her right away 10 years ago. As far as her body goes, she has always been just the right amount of “thick.” We met just after high school when I walked into the sandwich shop where she worked at the time.

    I was making my order and she was at the end working as the cashier. When I went to pay for my food, that’s when I noticed how beautiful they were and asked if she was wearing contacts. She glanced away, smiled and said “No, they’re real.” After a few more visits, I worked up the courage to ask her out and she accepted! We hit it off right away, and it wasn’t long before things really took off.

    About 4 months into our relationship Jennifer called and seemed upset. She told me that she was pregnant. Talk about feeling like you just got hit by a Mack truck! 18 years old and already we’re going to be parents. Well, we had a few serious discussions and I decided the only proper thing to do would be to get married. One call to a local ordained minister, a small fee of $100 and we were husband and wife. Everyone told us we were crazy, but here we are 10 years later and I’m just as in love with her as I was then. I now have a good job in finance which allows Jennifer to stay home and care for our daughter.

    Her name is Alicia. A petite 4’3” and a spitting image of her mother, just a lot shorter. Alicia has mostly been a perfect daughter. She never got in trouble at school, and has always been respectful of her mother and me. She’s at the age now that Jennifer decided it was time to discuss the subject of sex education. “It won’t be long before she starts getting curious. She’ll be fawning over boys and wanting to go on dates,” Jennifer told me. Oh, how I wish I could make Alicia stay 10 years old forever. I was not looking forward to the future in that respect. Well, it turns out the future happens faster than we imagine.

    Jennifer and I have maintained a healthy sex life from the very beginning. I think the secret is to try something new every once in a while, spice things up. There was hardly a night that went by during which Jennifer and I weren’t having sex. This night in particular, Jennifer was lying flat on her back and her legs were spread wide as I lapped at her shaved pussy, sliding a finger into her and sucking on her clit. Jennifer has always been somewhat of a loud lover, which I never minded. It always made me feel like I was doing something right.

    Jennifer must have heard something in the hallway outside of our bedroom because I felt her tense up and I saw her head move towards the door. “Alicia, are you there?” “Yes, mommy,” came the reply from our sweet little girl. “I was thirsty and wanted a drink of water but it sounded like you were hurting and I wanted to check on you.” See? Perfect little daughter. I expected Jennifer to tell her to hurry and get her water and go back to bed. Instead, I’ll never forget the words “come here” leaving her lips.

    Alicia slowly padded into the room, wearing a little night gown that her mom had bought her, and here I was between her mother’s legs. What a sight that must have been. The moon was shining through our dark room in a way that everything was pretty well illuminated. “Honey, I think it’s time you learned a little bit about what your dad and I were doing,” Jennifer told her in her motherly tone. “Daddy wasn’t hurting me; in fact, he was making me feel really good. Would you like to learn about it?” I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Jennifer seemed to be suggesting that Alicia learn about sex by watching us. She turned her head towards me and gave me a reassuring look. She must have known how confused I was in that moment. “Now is as good a time as any,” she said. I could only nod.

    “Ok, mommy,” Alicia replied in her little girl voice. “Come up here on the bed with me and daddy,” Jennifer instructed. Dutifully, Alicia came over to the bed and climbed up. I couldn’t wrap my head around what was happening. Jennifer and I had always been adventurous, but this?! “Baby girl, do you know what sex is?” “Not really. I’ve heard the word at school, but I never knew what it meant.” Oh, so innocent. Well, all that was about to change, it seemed. “Sex is what your dad and I were doing. We love each other very much, and we like to make each other feel good. There are many ways to do that, and it just so happens that daddy was using his tongue right here” as she pointed towards her pussy.

    Alicia looked at her mom’s glistening pussy with genuine interest. “It kinda looks like mine,” she said. “That’s right, baby. This is what is called a vagina, but most adults refer to it as a pussy.” Alicia quietly giggled at that word. “I heard Jeremy say that word yesterday. Isn’t it a naughty word?” Jennifer smiled and said, “Well, children aren’t really supposed to say that word in polite company, but we don’t mind if you say it around us, but ONLY around us. Do you understand?” Alicia shook her head yes, and said “pussy.” They both laughed.

    I could only sit and stare in bewilderment as my wife of 10 years explained to our daughter the details of sex. “Honey,” Jennifer said as she turned her gaze towards me. “Show Alicia your cock.” It took a second, but her words finally clicked in my head. “Are you sure about this, love? You want our daughter to see my...my cock?” “Well, how else is she going to learn?” Jennifer asked. Alright, I guess this is what is happening. I slowly stood up, my penis having long deflated the moment Alicia walked into the room. There, for all to see, were my bare genitals. Alicia looked in wonderment. “Ohhh, his is different from ours, mommy.”

    “That’s right, dear. Right now, it’s soft but when he’s ready, he can put it in my pussy too, just like his tongue was earlier. “It’s so big,” said Alicia. “That’s right, baby but when it’s hard, it’s even bigger.” Alicia looked back and forth between her mother’s pussy and my cock like she was trying to work out in her head how the two would fit. “Would you like to see your daddy’s cock when it’s hard, baby?” Alicia cracked a big smile and said she would. Jennifer leaned over and took my member into her mouth and began sucking it as Alicia’s own mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. Awkward or not, that felt amazing and blood began rushing to the head of my prick and it immediately began to swell. It wasn’t long at all before I was in a harder state than I had been in a long time.

    An audible pop could be heard as Jennifer removed herself from my now pulsating cock. There it stood, in all its glory. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of shame at the idea of displaying myself this way in front of my daughter, but that didn’t stop what was happening. “Wow,” was all Alicia could muster. I don’t think my size is all that big, but I suppose to her it must have been huge. Jennifer then decided to explain about masturbation to Alicia.

    “Alicia, have you ever heard of masturbation?” Alicia shook her head no. “Well, masturbation is what happens mostly when mommy and daddy aren’t together like when daddy goes on his business trips and it’s just us here alone. But sometimes we do it together.” Alicia tilted her head and it was obvious she didn’t quite yet understand. Jennifer spread her legs, displaying her beautiful pussy once again to our daughter. “Here is what’s called a clitoris, or clit.” She pointed right at it. “Mommy can rub that and it makes her feel so good. Other times, I can put my fingers or other things inside my pussy which also make me feel good and have an orgasm.”

    Alicia and I both stared at my wife’s pussy. I didn’t know how far this was going to go, but I decided to trust Jennifer and just go with it. Jennifer began slowly stroking her clit and she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. I could hear her moaning softly. I looked over at our sweet daughter and Alicia’s eyes were locked on what her mother was doing to herself. I could clearly see that it was having an effect on her as Alicia began squirming and rubbing her legs together. I don’t think she realized what was happening. My mind began to think about the possibilities before me. If this goes far enough, I might be seeing my own daughter’s pussy. Despite the confusion and guilt only a few minutes earlier, I started to have feelings of excitement at that thought. After all, I already mentioned at the beginning of this story that Alicia looks just like her mother. I hadn’t seen her naked in a few years, so I was suddenly curious to find out how she has matured.

    Before long, Jennifer was moaning loudly and it was clear to me that she was about to cum. Her body tensed up and began to shake, her mouth was open and her eyes were tightly closed. Her fingers furiously danced on her clit. I had to admit to myself, this was the hottest experience in my life at that moment. Jennifer let out a loud scream and she climaxed and then fell back onto the bed. I looked at Alicia and her hand was in her lap and it looked like it was lightly brushing her crotch. Yep, she’s clearly interested, I thought.

    The next words out of my wife’s mouth caused me to twitch down below. She looked at Alicia and asked, “Would you like to touch my pussy, baby?” My head swirled and I heard a slight ringing in my ears as my heartbeat increased at the sight of our daughter slowly reaching her hand towards Jennifer’s soaked slit. My wife let out a low moan as Alicia’s fingers met Jennifer’s skin and slowly caressed her pussy. Her tiny fingers moved up and down Jennifer’s labia and then as if by instinct, Alicia placed a solitary finger inside of her mother. That did it, I knew then that there was no going back. All thoughts of consequences were gone. I was solely intent on letting this go as far as it could. Jennifer reached down and grabbed Alicia’s wrist and slowly guided her finger in and out of her pussy. By this point I had only watched what was happening but Jennifer looked at me and holding her left breast out to me, told me to suck her nipple. I happily obliged.

    I leaned down and took Jennifer’s left nipple into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it while sucking it. “Ohhh, baby that feels so good,” she whispered. “Yes, yes,” she cried. My eyes darted down to the left to watch our daughter’s tiny hand masturbating Jennifer. The look on Alicia’s face was one of determination. She wanted to make her mother feel good and clearly, she was successful. Before long, Jennifer started to cum again and coated Alicia’s hand in her juices. Alicia removed her hand and asked, “Did I do good, mommy?” Jennifer said “Oh, baby, you did wonderfully. Come here.” Jennifer stretched out her arms to embrace our little girl. I watched as Alicia climbed up onto her mother, her little night gown pushed up over her butt and giving me a beautiful view of her little girl panties. Jennifer placed her lips on Alicia’s and gave her a small kiss. Then another, but a bit longer. “Would you like to do what mommy just did, baby?”

    Alicia excitedly said “Ok,” and climbed down off of her mother. Jennifer instructed her to remove her night gown. In a flash, it was off and discarded on the floor. My baby, my little girl, sat in front of her loving parents in only her panties. She had already begun to develop little buds on her chest. Her own nipples were puffy. Jennifer moved to hook her fingers into Alicia’s panties. This was it. In just a few seconds, I was about to see my little girl’s pussy for the first time in a few years. As I watched Alicia’s panties coming down her legs, my cock felt unbelievably hard. After her panties passed her pussy, I couldn’t move my eyes down any further. They were locked on the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. Her tiny brown vagina was fully open and exposed. I thought at that moment I might explode.

    Jennifer directed Alicia to sit between her legs with her back pressed up against her breasts and Alicia did as instructed. Jennifer grabbed Alicia’s right hand and showed her how to touch herself. Tiny moans escaped Alicia’s mouth as her hand caressed her own pussy. “It’s starting to feel wet just like your pussy, mommy.” I watched this beautiful scene unfold before me, Alicia’s chest slowly heaving as her breathing got heavier. After a few minutes Alicia began to squirm in Jennifer’s arms and I knew she was close. By this point I was dying to touch Alicia, but I felt it best to just see what would happen. I had no doubt I’d get the chance soon enough.

    Alicia’s body suddenly tensed up as her mother’s did only a few minutes before. “Ah, ah, oh,” were the sounds coming from her mouth. At last, she collapsed into Jennifer. “Was that an orgasm, mommy?” “It definitely was, baby.”

    Stay tuned for the rest ...
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    1. Alwayshorny75!
      I can’t wait to read more!!! I love this!! I’m imagining myself as the little girl. My clit is throbbing right now!!
      Alwayshorny75!, Oct 22, 2022
  2. Daggydog

    Daggydog Amateur

    Aug 16, 2019
    Please continue the story. Sounds so hot and what a wonderful way to show what is possible
  3. SebL82

    SebL82 Sex Machine

    Aug 5, 2019
    This got me so fucking hard!!! Need part 2!
  4. Davidwiffles

    Davidwiffles Sex Machine

    Feb 15, 2018
  5. Baldor

    Baldor Newcumer

    Jul 15, 2018
    Thanks, everyone. This is my first story, so the comments are great.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. daddysgnacum

    daddysgnacum Porno Junky

    Jul 31, 2019
    Oh my god this story is hot!! My cock is throbbing k owing what it's like to gaze upon ur stepdaughters pussy for the first time
  7. Badsanta61

    Badsanta61 Sex Lover

    Oct 30, 2021
    Been a few months now, is there going to be another chapter?
  8. HannahDemon

    HannahDemon Porn Surfer

    Jan 5, 2023
    Whoah. I might like being here :) loved the story
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  9. Baldor

    Baldor Newcumer

    Jul 15, 2018
    Hi, thanks for your comment. I'm not sure if you saw part 2, but it's in my posts. I uploaded both at the same time.
  10. Baldor

    Baldor Newcumer

    Jul 15, 2018
    Thank you
  11. Baldor

    Baldor Newcumer

    Jul 15, 2018
    I have a part 2 in my posts.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. DeliciousDean

    DeliciousDean Sex Machine

    Jul 24, 2021
    I would love a RP with you, with being the little girl XOXOXOXOXO ;) PM me when you can gorgeous sexy girl .