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  1. bushpilot123

    bushpilot123 Newcumer

    Feb 16, 2011
    It seems to me that lots of men want and like women, including married ones, to dress provocatively and act sexy, and even admire them for doing so, but don't want our own wives to do the same. What are we afraid of?
    Men will fool around on their wives and rationalize it, but go through the roof when they find out their own wife flirts or kisses another man. God forbid that she fuck another guy.
    I went through the agony and pain that jealousy brings years ago, and with her help came to accept her slutty side along with the rest of her. It is 30 years later and we are still happily married and have an abundance of memories that we can share and enjoy in bed.
    Any thoughts?
  2. charlies mate

    charlies mate Porn Star

    Jun 27, 2008
    Firstly, hello and welcome on board, secondly, I cant fault your reasoning behind your arguement, I think, as we get older we get a little more secure within ourselves, a little more appreciative of what a partner has to offer, and if your both in sync with each other ..hey ..happy days..
  3. pleasure_giver

    pleasure_giver Porn Surfer

    Mar 13, 2011
    I dont really have much of an answer on your question but I thought it funny that here in my case, my wife and I are the opposite of yourself & your wife. I am the complete & total slut where as my wife has inhibitions and restrictions. She is an exhibitionist but it stops there. She would gladly have sex/masturbate/ etc out in central park, provided she could be in an enclosed see through box so that no one could actually touch her. I however would welcome the touch and the giant orgy that might ensue. So we have the issues sometimes where she has to adjust to my slut side. However we are anti-monogamy so that plays a large part.
  4. saleenyzf

    saleenyzf Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2011
    I personally love my wife wearing sexy clothes. I let her walk out with no bra or panties(this one is normal tho) in public anytime. As for her and i, we will fuck anywhere.
  5. phate83

    phate83 Sex Machine

    Dec 23, 2009
    this is very similar to my situation, but I'm getting my wife to cum out of her shell slowly...
  6. bostonmasstina

    bostonmasstina Slut Wife

    Dec 2, 2006
    Let? :confused:

    I've been out of my shell since I was 23 (18 years), many people don't understand our lifestyle but our marriage is rock solid.

    Tina :rose:
  7. bushpilot123

    bushpilot123 Newcumer

    Feb 16, 2011
    Hooray for you!!!

    Over the years I have discovered that there are many happily married women like us who enjoy being our sexy selves, even when it involves sex with other men or even women, and our husbands love us and are pleased and proud of our
    sexuality. My husband is so understanding and supportive of my ways.
  8. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    When we were in England, there was a name for these type of people..
    "Wannabe Swingers.." or the "I can touch your wife, but I will slap you if you touch mine," brigade..

    Both myself and Sylv have enjoyed numerous nights of casual sex encounters, at a swingers club, while we were in England..

    We learnt by experience about what we both enjoyed, and by doing this we were able to relax many of the limits that we agreed upon, when we first started...

    Now we really only have 1 hard and fast limit which is: We go in the club together as a couple, we come out of the club together as a couple. Whatever happens inside the club we allow the situation develope, BUT if either 1 of us feels uncomfortable with what is happening then we stop.

    As the club we used to visit is not over-large, maybe 200 couples in a 3 storey building, if we did get separated then it was easy to find each other again..
  9. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    I've often wondered about this, when I was younger I didn't know that I enjoyed some sexual things, but as the relationship formed they created more and more and more rules just to stay with them and out of trouble. No sexy clothes, no make-up, no talking to strange men, ect. Do some women give off the vibe that they would like to swing? I never cheated, the man always did! Now I'm happily married to Knox, and he's exactly the same as I am, and it's very freeing to know that I have him beside me always, and I'm free to think "Damn that guy/woman is sexy, lets go talk to her".
    SO yes, why do some men become control freaks like this, even though I never slept around?
  10. bushpilot123

    bushpilot123 Newcumer

    Feb 16, 2011
    Very interesting. I enjoy my wife's slutty side, and even though I sometimes try to talk her out of what she might be planning, I take pleasure in vicariously participating in her adventure. I think most men are so possessive, as they think that it is an affront to their manhood if their (possessive) wife fools around. It used to really bother me in the beginning, but when I came to believe that I would not lose her and that she truly loved me, I then was okay with her little games and what she called "fun".
  11. Lfmc

    Lfmc Amateur

    Nov 26, 2010
    My wife has and always show off. She has done this before we met. Never wears underwear, has shown what she's got to anybody that's wants to look. She has been fucked because someone has seen her bald pussy by guys and some girls. Never tried to stop her and never will.
  12. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    I think it can be a combination of things:

    • Some guys are just insecure and worry their wife will "roam" and never come back.
    • For some, it's a matter of "family". Some men look at their wives differently after they've had kids and seem to feel uncomfortable calling a mother a "slut" in the bedroom. I've often heard our married friends remark "there's no way the mother of my children is doing THAT"
    • Then there's the possessive nature of "this is mine! no one else can have it!"
    • And some of it, I think, is just the roles society imposes. That at a certain age, women should become more "classy" and matronly and not be so "sexual" in nature.

    The other side of the coin is the man who gets off on other men wanting what he has. I wish my hubby fell into that category. Sadly, he doesn't. But one of my biggest fantasies is for him to share me or "loan" me out for a night and to see the smile on his face when the other guy compliments him on what a fantastic slut his wife is.
  13. Candace27

    Candace27 Sex Lover

    May 15, 2010
    My husband thoroughly enjoys my slutty side, and thankfully after three years, I finally found out that was one of the things he really gets off on:)
  14. hornyhubby74

    hornyhubby74 Sex Machine

    Dec 28, 2010
    I've gone through the jealousy issues when I was younger. But, after being together for 20 years and each of us having a few affairs along the way, we have come to a point where we feel that we can be honest with each other, still love each other, but have some fun with others. I thoroughly enjoy watching my wife wear sexy clothes and tease guys in public places. She used to also be extremely jealous as well, but again, after all we have been through, and we are still together, we are finally comfortable enough and confident enough in our relationship to finally be able to discuss possibilities without having any jealousy issues.
  15. EdwardG

    EdwardG Sex Machine

    Oct 25, 2010
    I am just not a jealous person, and never understood those who are. I love it when my wife lights up a room, and she can certainly draw attention when she wants to. I think it is a matter of a good match- some women want their man to be jealous, and some do not. Mine is happy that her husband is not jealous, given that she loves strip poker and skinny dipping.
  16. throck

    throck Porno Junky

    Feb 22, 2008
    My wife loves to flirt, wear sexy clothes, no bra. She has big tits and nipples that stick up. At parties and get togethers, she likes to walk and talk dirty. Accidental touching and brushing against. She likes to see the men get all excited, but sometimes the wives get excited too. One wife offered her $50 to come and "visit" her the next day. My wife wouldn't tell me if she went over or not. but she wasn't home all the next day.
  17. saleenyzf

    saleenyzf Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2011

    Haha Wow i worded that kinda bad didnt I. Well I dont control her and she can do as she pleases but i would like to know whats up prior
  18. Grumat

    Grumat Sex Lover

    Jul 9, 2007
    Im too old fashioned, swinging just doesnt fit into my intrest and i couldnt be in a relationship like that.
  19. sharesmypussy

    sharesmypussy Sex Lover

    Jul 8, 2010
    My husband is proud of his slutty wife! He is a slutty husband too. We play usually separately but sometimes together, though I rack up more playtime. It doesn't bother him at all, he loves to hear stories about who I fucked that day and vice/versa. A week after we started dating I was fucking him and his two best friends at the same time. 13 years later, we're still going strong.