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  1. dnick47

    dnick47 Sex Machine

    Apr 21, 2015
    ... is it a turn on or turn off or something to giggle about?

    If this is one of threads that's been around since creation, sorry... I haven't seen it run before.
  2. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    If I see a guy with a bulge in his pants, in 3 seconds he'll see mine. Oh, you asking the ladies. So sorry! I think.
    • Like Like x 4
  3. kennhavoc

    kennhavoc Porn Star

    Jul 28, 2012
    I wear gray sweat pants just for this reason, coupled with some sunglasses and they'll never know I'm looking at them looking at me. Lol
  4. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    I assume that he dressed to show off his "bulge" and most guys who spend that much time thinking about their dick are not interesting to me.
    As I've stated in other threads, the worst sex I've ever had was with the guy with the biggest dick I've ever had.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. cumdumper
      the worst sex I've ever had was with the guy with the biggest dick I've ever had.
      I have heard that comment from women more times than I could ever count.
      cumdumper, Aug 1, 2016
    2. bigcats86
      And then there are some of us who all we ever heard was can I have it one more time before you leave... Once I learned that I did actually have a big cock, I was 24 and just divorced, and the urban legend, at least among other guys, was well hung meant better for the woman, then I found myself nervous about living up to the "legend" as I never wanted to disappoint anyone about anything. I was, and am, a bit of a perfectionist as well as more than a bit anal ( made for the perfect mainframe computer systems programmer/unix administrator/boring geeky personality guy) and I made it my goal to know how to pleasure a woman by learning how to arouse and pleasure her with what I had in my pants, but just as much with words and mouth and hands and teasing.
      bigcats86, Aug 2, 2016
    3. bigcats86
      Getting a reputation as being well endowed in a small town and maybe kinda cute back in those days, and being ridiculously shy and reserved most of the time, I was approached regularly by women hitting on me, and I often didn't even recognize they were, and so I had plenty of opportunities to improve my skills.

      But still, being a guy, I am sure a few "closing time" hookups were less than satisfying to the woman if I had no real attraction to her, but just wanted to fuck someone new while being stoned and inebriated...

      But the question asked wasn't anything about having a big dick...
      bigcats86, Aug 2, 2016
  5. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Frankly, I find it a rather immature response considering societal standards wherein a male is supposed to be able to control himself. It's what I'd expect out of an adolescent. That said, because I must live in that society, I find it to be a turn off.........That said, I think it is a very wrong standard (when around only adults). Not only is it a natural reaction that is being suppressed, though I have nothing to confirm it I believe that in later years it is a contributing factor to "mentally based" erectile dysfunction.

    With that in mind, I'm not suggesting that just because a guy gets a hard-on anyone including himself should do anything about it, even respond to it. I'm not even suggesting that if a woman does become turned on by it, that it means anything more than that, and most certainly am not saying that just because she looks, and even gets turned on that she should even be approached by him...In fact if it was socially acceptable, I believe you would find that societal norms would then shift to where any subsequent interaction MUST be initiated by the woman, the man showing his interest already and therefore limited.

    If that was the case then, dependent upon the man (as they're hopefully more than just a hard dick), I might very well be flattered, and possibly even turned on.

    Hush....an alias

    P.S.: for the record there have been times when I found sadistic pleasure in trying to give a guy a hard-on from afar. Things like "accidentally" letting my boobs show from his angle, letting my coochie be exposed, to even under a table trying to seem as though I was discreetly trying to rub my cunnie. Cruel I realize...Fun never the less ;)
    • Like Like x 1
    1. bigcats86
      Out of a curiosity Hush, what makes it OK for you (a woman) to be a cock tease, but not for a guy to attempt to be a pussy tease? Without going political, too often its those christian conservatives that tell us what "societal norms" are, and I disagree with everything that group tries to push onto society. And for the record, my wife was ummm, similarly "cruel" as you put it, though most guys likely didn't/don't find it cruel to see, just stored in memory for later recall... :showboobs3: and of course, turning it into something it never really was as well...

      Enjoy your posts Hush, and would rather you were the societal norm than how any of my neighbors are... "Spirit of Alaska",
      did/do you live up there? Now there is, or at least use to be, a unique place to decide what societal norms are, when I lived there back in the mid 70's anyway. But we are who we are!
      bigcats86, Aug 2, 2016
  6. kennhavoc

    kennhavoc Porn Star

    Jul 28, 2012
    Are you confusing a dude with a boner and a dude that just happens to be showing some outlining?
  7. kennhavoc

    kennhavoc Porn Star

    Jul 28, 2012
    Doesn't take that big of a penis to have a bulge. A bulge in sweat pants or jeans, or even slacks is just the same as women having curves. Some guys have larger balls than they do, a penis, that would cause a bulge too.
  8. SweetChris

    SweetChris Porn Star

    Jul 11, 2012
    In general I am excited by it.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. thinskin
      Good girl!!

      thinskin, Aug 6, 2016
  9. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    If I'm ever confused, I'll state such. It is not socially unacceptable (to some degree) for a guy to simply have some outlining....Yet it is for him to become "erect." Is that clear enough for you, or are you still confused by my statement? I get what the OP was asking, however, I took it a step further in that a guy should be able to become erect without scorn.

    Hush....an alias
  10. kennhavoc

    kennhavoc Porn Star

    Jul 28, 2012
    With that logic we have another double standard. Women openly flaunt Cleavage and such, "to most" they don't bat an eye, but if I happen to show a bit of a bulge standing up or sitting there...am I to get crucified?
  11. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Ah, I see you are confused...Women are routinely crucified for showing a bit of cleavage. More so it their nipples show, and worse still if they have large breasts wherein they are expected to wear clothing that hides them, and if they have enhanced breasts, cleavage or no, yet they're just a little too perky for their age then they are slaughtered. Now you may not do that (though likely do if your gal says something to agree with her and throw her off track), yet trust me...When I go out and there is any hint that I have boobs, legs, or butt...On the whole I'm treated badly for it (by women). In contrast, I'm treated like I'm some flop on my back at a whim slut by guys...

    So what double standard are you speaking of in that men on the whole have it so much easier...Other guys won't say or respond squat to your bulge, yet women due to their tits are responded to by everyone. Is that what you meant?

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 1
  12. kennhavoc

    kennhavoc Porn Star

    Jul 28, 2012
    That actually is what I meant, lol I stand corrected. Thanks for turning my dirt into diamond. Lol don't let me Xnxx whilst on dream water again, makes me loopy.
  13. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    Me! I run the other way as fast as I can.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    • Like Like x 1
  15. jorgie401

    jorgie401 Porno Junky

    Feb 16, 2016
    Really! I love it when the post is for "women" and it's usually the men who answer.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Mature69

    Mature69 Sex Lover

    Jul 20, 2015
    I love seeing a bulging cock! Makes my mind wonder and stray!
    • Like Like x 1
  17. sparkyspark002

    sparkyspark002 Porno Junky

    Aug 13, 2015
    What if "the bulge" appeared in a kiss after a first date type situation rather than a creepy stranger first impression in public one?
  18. Mature69

    Mature69 Sex Lover

    Jul 20, 2015
    That's even better!!;)
  19. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    I suppose you prefer to give a 10 minutes BJ before man s cock show signs of life.
  20. SweetChris

    SweetChris Porn Star

    Jul 11, 2012
    If we're kissing and you aren't bulging I'm offended.v
    • Like Like x 3
    1. shadowfap
      You could always reach in and give it a tug. Helps to establish more rigidity.
      shadowfap, Aug 3, 2016
      Ficxa 479 and SweetChris like this.