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  1. hardie

    hardie Porno Junky Suspended!

    Sep 24, 2006
    What do yall think of lolicon porn
  2. pookey227

    pookey227 Newcumer

    Aug 5, 2006
    thats my fav ^^

    i think its okay
  3. CasaDan

    CasaDan Porn Star

    Nov 22, 2006
    Well, i'll be honest, I love it. It's by far my favorite type of cartoon porn, well actually that would be tentacle... But anyway, if you give me a loi pic that has tentacles in it, I could "enjoy" myself for days!

    Also, i found myself having a strange attraction to 1olicons with giant bugs... idk why though...
  4. Jason_Mackinnon

    Jason_Mackinnon Sex Machine Suspended!

    Jun 25, 2007

    I love the pic. we need more my friend.
  5. yngone01

    yngone01 Amateur Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2008
    I prefer actual Loli photos, but the illustrated/animated kind is hot, too. :D
  6. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Wow...that's a big banana. :eek:
  7. tyjet66

    tyjet66 Amateur

    Jul 3, 2008
    you were paying attention to the banana?
  8. 69zackxx

    69zackxx Porn Star

    Jun 19, 2007
    i dont and never like cartoon porn. maybe if i was younger i would have liked it.
  9. tyciol

    tyciol Sex Lover

    Nov 17, 2008
    Lemme guess, you go for Liz and Patti?
  10. il-pam

    il-pam Porn Star Suspended!

    Dec 7, 2009
    i wish i was lil girl again lol
  11. dunecigar

    dunecigar Sex Machine

    Jun 9, 2008
    I acutally have a question. Now, are these girls over the age of 18yo who happen to look underaged, or are they actually underaged?
    You see, my current girlfriend is 32yo who just so happens to look about 18yo, she's very petite with a flatchest and a really cute little face. So, I could only imaigne what she looked like when she was, say, 19yo. So, what I'm trying to say is no fault to anyone if the person is of age but just so happens to look very young. Take Little Caprice, who just so happens to look like my girlfriend, for instance; she looks VERY young, but is actually over 18yo.
  12. dunecigar

    dunecigar Sex Machine

    Jun 9, 2008
    Nevermind, I found the answer on my own. Where you might ask? Where else, Urban Dictionary. Anyways, lolicon is Japanese for Lolita Complex, which is defined; a person of consent age attracted to another person under the age of consent, ie; an adult who is sexually attracted to kids.
    Listen, I know they're just pictures and drawing of cute little girls being cute, but if you ever want to pass a lie-detector in the USA then stay away from that stuff, and by all means, my God, don't ever jerk off to it. That's some serious fruit from the poison tree shit you got there. You don't want to pull a false-positive.
  13. trickybwai

    trickybwai Sex Lover

    Dec 30, 2009
    I got to agree with you there. I prefer to play it safe. You don't want to have strong feelings in that direction, because eventually you will want to act on it.
  14. $cout

    $cout Sex Lover

    Jan 14, 2010
    Not everyone will eventually desire to act on it. It can be grown out of, just like compulsively biting your nails, swearing or beating your wife;)
  15. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    I used to like it when I was a teen. I don't like it as much now, though. It seems weird. Definitely not Shitting Dick Nipples weird, nor is it quite Tentacle weird, but weird nonetheless.
  16. avforums

    avforums Newcumer

    Jul 1, 2009

    Love it..
  17. ceilingcat

    ceilingcat Porn Star

    Dec 6, 2009
    The US Supreme Court ruled that drawings are legally covered under the 1st Amendment because they are fantasy just like stories and therefore do not have to depict 18 year olds. Actual pictures of minors are not covered because they break the law against exploiting minors for sexual purposes. In other words a real person, a child, was abused, to make a picture. No person was abused to make a drawing that is a fantasy in someones mind. Just reporting so you know.
  18. dunecigar

    dunecigar Sex Machine

    Jun 9, 2008
    Thank you, really. The reason for my post was because a few years back I filled out a questionare for the Marina CA police department (a few miles from Carmel CA). In it they asked all sorts of crazy questions like: sex with animals, sex with children, and seeking & viewing child porn for sexual purposes (they used the word seeking cus no one can control popups). All these questions were to be followed up with a lie-detector session. Anyways, I didn't apply cus my bad credit rating (lost a job back in 2001). The thought of catching a false-positive on a child sex question is very scary, I just don't want any one to catch shit cus of some silly cartoon picture. But as you said it is only a picture and no one was abused in drawing it. SO HAVE AT IT!!!
  19. dunecigar

    dunecigar Sex Machine

    Jun 9, 2008
    Thank you, really. The reason for my post was because a few years back I filled out a questionare for the Marina CA police department (a few miles from Carmel CA). In it they asked all sorts of crazy questions like: sex with animals, sex with children, and seeking & viewing child porn for sexual purposes (they used the word seeking cus no one can control popups). All these questions were to be followed up with a lie-detector session. Anyways, I didn't apply cus my bad credit rating (lost a job back in 2001). The thought of catching a false-positive on a child sex question is very scary, I just don't want any one to catch shit cus of some silly cartoon picture. But as you said it is only a picture and no one was abused in drawing it.
  20. poolofpoison

    poolofpoison Porn Surfer

    Dec 29, 2009
    one of the best types of porn in my opinion i can never find real good sites tho