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  1. poo

    poo Porn Surfer

    Jun 7, 2006
    Why are there so many? Who gets off to that?

    Lots of love,
  2. ib-6ub-9

    ib-6ub-9 Amateur

    May 28, 2006

    i do not get off on the rape, but the incest does it for me. i do not picture my mom or sister, but some of the hot girls i know, that would be hard to live with without wanting to do something with them.
  3. MintyKisses

    MintyKisses Sweetly Seductive

    Nov 8, 2005
    I do. But onto soemthing else, why criticize what other people get off to? I mean, posting a whole entire topic about askign you gets off to "those". That's sort of probing for a fight to ensue. We don't ask you why you get off to your fantasies. It's only polite not to incite that tone when asking that sort of question. And you can tell by the italics that the tone inflections have changed. At least that how most people take it to mean. netiquette and all. anyways, I agree wholeheartedly with ib-6ub-9, I would never have sex with my mom, nor do I picture her when I'm masturbating, but I do masturbate to mother-daughter porn (stories and movies). As for the rape stories, I've always had fantasies about being raped, so those stories get me off. Do I think that it's the most sane fantasy, no, but I do believe that some fantasies are implanted when you've had trauma in your life and it was associated with that, I was raped as a child and now it is a fantasy, strange, but true.
  4. JeffTheMan

    JeffTheMan Amateur

    Jun 3, 2006
    I've always wanted to have sex with my aunt see i live with her and she's not married but she has a kid and he's always home and i never have a chance to fuck her cause me and her have talked bout it. Shes 33 yrs old. She has told me that she's fell for me and i have told her that to and that i want to have sex with her. She has told me also that she would like to have sex with me also. But her kid is always home and we never have a chance. And the good thing is she has a great body omg.
  5. Rain

    Rain Femme Fatale

    May 30, 2006
    If you can't tell, a whole lot of people.
  6. Bigwater

    Bigwater Porn Surfer

    Jun 6, 2006
    HAHA, I don't like rape but incest gets me off, Like alot of people, i fantasize about a girl and her mom,

    but, jeff, go buy him a bigbrother thingie, he'll be out for atleast 1 hour :wink:
  7. onecrazyag

    onecrazyag Amateur

    Jun 8, 2006
    i personally like incest. although i would never mess around with my mother i do wish i could've mess around with my sister when we were younger.

    i have however messed around with my f cuz. it was a couple of years ago when we were both 16 (now 19). it was really hot. i wouldn't let us have sex, but we did everything else.

    i think incest is exactly like a forbidden fruit. the more your not supposed to do it the more appealing it becomes.

    i really liked the experience, but i don't think i'd do it again. it was more of like a youthful experiment rather than anything else. i still like reading the stories though.
  8. MintyKisses

    MintyKisses Sweetly Seductive

    Nov 8, 2005
    That's an interesting take on it. I believe that pertially too. part of me also believes that some fantasies are sort of "built in". If something taboo, it is more likely to be something you want, if it is taboo enough, it could become a fantasy.
  9. THe HeRo

    THe HeRo Amateur

    May 27, 2006
    dear :
    I like Incest so much and I imagine my mom when she is naked i like to fuck her because she stunning also she have a nice ass with a lightskined ...
    if anyone pic for her just contact me on lovesexywoman_100@yahoo.com
  10. Doc

    Doc Porn Star

    May 31, 2005
    Well I suppose if the story is labled fantasy, I can deal with that. But the writers that are labling as a true story, that bothers me.

    I read tha fantasy stories to see how the writer brings it across. But I read the incest over rape...rape don't do it for me.
  11. lownuttt

    lownuttt Newcumer

    May 26, 2006
    Incest is extremely exciting for most folks, even highly trained psychologists cannot explain all the reasons why. Most incest fantasies start from a young persons first sexual exposure which is often overhearing parents fucking each other. For nearly 22 years this topic has fueled most of my self induced orgasms. I wrote "lustful sinn & closest kin" series, some of which is true, some not. I just cannot imagine any red-blooded male not getting aroused by that. :twisted:
  12. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Sex Lover

    Mar 25, 2006
    Speaking of incest stories, I've been checking back here every day to see if 'my mom samantha pt 3' has been posted. Those first two installments were extremely hot.
  13. abc100percent

    abc100percent Porn Surfer

    Dec 23, 2004
    i think its more of the fantasy feelings, hearing other people tell about something that you find you would rarely do
  14. s0ulfi3nd

    s0ulfi3nd Sex Lover

    Jun 6, 2006
    Im just a fan of incest, always have been i guess its cuz of my younger days. hmmm maby ill write a story about that myself one day :p
  15. abc100percent

    abc100percent Porn Surfer

    Dec 23, 2004
    we'd love to hear it ;)
  16. s0ulfi3nd

    s0ulfi3nd Sex Lover

    Jun 6, 2006
    hmmm ill put that on my to do list lol right above take over the world and under finish jacking off :p
  17. Rayvenn

    Rayvenn Porn Surfer

    Jun 1, 2006
    I get off to Incest...but this is the first time I really thought about why. I guess its because I like fantasizing about a girl and her dad or a brother and a sister.
  18. Sex_On_My_Mind

    Sex_On_My_Mind Sex Lover

    Jun 9, 2006
    Rape doesn`t really do it for me but the incest thing, well I like the sound of it.
  19. dozer1

    dozer1 Newcumer

    Jun 7, 2006
    I have often wondereded why I fantasize about incest. I have never lusted over my mother or sister nor have I wanted any female in my family. I do know that I stayed with my grandmother at times and she would reveal herself to me. I wrote my one and only story in less than an hour at around 1:00am to relase some of the thoughts that arouse me. I am fnding that there are alot of people that have the same fantasies. Mine are about younger boys being seduced by older women. I am not into young girls having sex with older men though I hve read some well written stories of this nature that had my heart pounding.
  20. al_d_virgin(-_-)

    al_d_virgin(-_-) Porn Surfer

    Mar 3, 2006
    sex and violence always trigger the heat in most men. Knowing that you rip something from your victim that cannot be undone gives the highest arousal factor for common readers