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  1. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    I did NOT say the national DEBT as a percentage of GDP dropped under Reagan.
    I said the DEFICIT as a percentage of GDP dropped under Reagan.

    The deficit and the debt are two different critters all together.
    But I think you know that.

    Now then; if Reagan's "scam" was the start of the debt problem, you must certainly agree that Democrats have held office long enough to reverse that trend. In fact, debt has continued to grow right through every administration's tenure regardless of party affiliation.

    It is interesting the the biggest increases have happened under Obama's tenure, in particular when he controlled Congress as well.

    Pretty hard to blame today's debt on a president from 30 years ago.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. DaSpark
      I can't figure out why so many Republicans are promoting a tax cut. You can propose spending cuts all you want, but until the DEBT, not the deficit is at zero or better we should not be cutting any taxes.
      DaSpark, Nov 19, 2015
      Distant Lover likes this.
    2. shootersa
      You do understand, the deficit must be cut before the debt can be cut, right?
      shootersa, Nov 19, 2015
  2. DaSpark

    DaSpark Sex Lover

    Oct 21, 2012
    How did Obama ruin this country? What did he ruin? Seriously, what is worse than when he took office versus what is better. Throw in that he has basically had to govern by force because the GOP decided to just . . . .do nothing, but try to obstruct, repeal or fail to fund implementation. I would say if you are objective, all fact, no emotion, it's hard to call his legacy a failure.
    1. shootersa
      1) Convinced over 1 Million Americans to remain unemployed and attend school until they became all but unemployable, now they are sucking the Social Security disability fund dry.
      2) Wrecked the unemployment trust funds, now working on Social Security trust fund
      3) ObamaCare
      4) Non foreign policy; pulled out of mid east before the job was done. Shooter predicts the next President will be forced to deal with the blow back from Obama's non action, much as Bush had to deal with Clinton's no action blow back.

      And as to not working with Congress, or being forced to govern by .........force, every president has had an opposition congress for at least part of their presidency. The good presidents have led, and found a way to work with the opposition in Congress; Obama failed miserably.

      Obama will be judged to be one of the worst Presidents in our history.
      shootersa, Nov 19, 2015
    2. DaSpark
      LOL. Obama will go down as incredibly accomplished, UNLESS there is a terrorist attack on the homeland. How did he convince a million people to remain unemployed? Why are they sucking the disability fund dry. Are you sure there IS a trust fund? People think there is one for Social Security, but nope! The ACA may not be wonderful but so far better than what we had. Congress can make tweaks to fix the issues, but they won't, because then they know "Obamacare" will become a victory call instead of a boondoggle. Other Presidents have face opposition, but NEVER has a President, BEFORE he took office, have the opposition party say "our number 1 goal is to make him a one term President." That is so insulting to every American who believes in democracy the GOP will never live down the shame. Non-foreign policy. What does that mean? Getting OBL is nothing? Honoring the status forces agreement was nothing? Deposing Gadaffi? Continual attacks on Al Queda and now ISIS (Thanks W!).
      DaSpark, Nov 20, 2015
      Distant Lover likes this.
  3. skincoxn72

    skincoxn72 Newcumer

    Jan 2, 2014
    This thread is hilarious! Pure vitriol and twisted facts. There isn't a single republican president in my lifetime (Nixon to GWB) who hasn't thoroughly fucked this entire planet. Their worst criticism against democrats is that they weren't able to completely undo the damage caused by the last republican fast enough, so 'tards vote the elephants back into office - fuckin' insane. Ahhh... fuck it, dude. Let's go bowling.
    1. DaSpark
      If you ever what to shut a conservative up, ask them for a single bill passed in this century by the GOP that helps them. Yet they vote, like lemmings, in every damn election. If only educated voters weren't so cynical and stop showing up on non-President elections.
      DaSpark, Nov 20, 2015
      Distant Lover likes this.
  4. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    Change in Unemployment Rate by Party of President- Since 1945

    Description: This chart compares the change in the unemployment rate under Democratic Presidents to the change under Republican Presidents since 1945. The results are cumulative, as if the intervening years did not occur, but are not compounded.

    Related blog post: Which Political Party Has Created More Jobs?

    Discussion: Each party has held the presidency for the same number of years since 1945. During those years, the unemployment rate has risen 11.8% under Republican presidents and has fallen 7.2% under Democratic presidents. Unemployment has fallen during the overwhelming majority of Democratic years since 1949. Unemployment rose steadily under Republicans up until 1982, then fell during the remaining Reagan years, and then rose again under both Bush Presidents.

    The results are more stark if you look only at the change in unemployment rate by party for the most recent 29 years in which each party held the presidency, but then you have to start on different years for each party.

    Best Presidencies for Job Creation

    Description: This chart shows the average number of jobs created per month during each of the post-World War 2 presidencies. The figures used are the seasonally adjusted total number of people working in the private sector for the first full month during which each president was in office.

    The data covers the period up to August of 2015.

    Related blog post: Which Party Is Better for the Economy?

    Discussion: Six of the best eight presidencies, including the top three, were Democrats and all four of the worst four were Republicans.

    FDR's presidency was not included because the BLS figures only go back to 1939, but it is clear that if he were included, his numbers would dwarf all the presidents listed.

    It is noteworthy that President Carter has the second-best record for job creation.

    The record of presidents for average GDP growth per year can be found here. These numbers also complement the findings of economist Steven Stoft regarding job creation during the modern presidencies.

    Just using the factual numbers it dies seem that the myth is losing its edge. Obama is not hurting anyone but the GOP.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    WAIT . . . you're asking for something from a poster, that you are incapable of doing yourself?IDIOT.
    Tell me, why should it be a concern for the federal fucking government?
  6. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
  7. acook02

    acook02 Porn Star

    Jan 18, 2010
    Here you are with your "raise taxes on the wealthy" spill!! Wake up man! It DOES NOT work. You could take ALL their wealth and you wouldn't make a dent in the problem. Obamacare is overpriced and useless! Sure you may be able to afford the premium on MY dime, but the deductibles are so high it is effectively useless.

    You can defend him to the death of you want, most good captains do go down with the ship. Obama is a failure!!! He's done nothing positive for this country. The Middle East hates us more than ever, our enemies laugh at us, the economy sucks, unemployment sucks, Obamacare sucks, national morale sucks, racial tensions are back to 1960's levels, the rich are richer and the poor are poorer, he gave billions in sanction relief to a country that chants "death to America", and sells it as a good idea. The list goes on and on. Obama is a failure on every level. Period!!
    1. DaSpark
      Um, nearly all of that was that way under Bush with 6 years of carte blanche irresponsibility from the GOP. Obama has improved the economy, the unemployment, health insurance, foreign policy, etc. Our enemies don't laugh at us, they pray the GOP gets the Presidency since they know they can manipulate the little boys the GOP elects. Seriously, read man, don't get all your news from GOP media, they have you drinking some serious kool aid.
      DaSpark, Nov 20, 2015
      Distant Lover likes this.
  8. acook02

    acook02 Porn Star

    Jan 18, 2010
    You either don't know what you're talking about or you've lost your mind. Sure unemployment is good if you use the numbers from 1977. Look up the labor force participation rate and you'll see how Obama has manipulated the numbers to make them way better than they are. Obamacare sucks!! You can't even argue that fact.
    Either you don't know what you're talking about, or you've lost your mind. The economy sucks for everybody except Wall Street. Obama has manipulated the unemployment rate, check the labor force percolation rate. Putin does what he wants knowing Obama want to anything about it. Obamacare sucks! Deductibles are through the roof, and insurers are dropping like flies. Obama is a pussy, Muslim sympathizer plain and simple!!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    President Obama has been a disappointment, simply because unlike Franklin Roosevelt he has not been able to out think and outmaneuver the Republican Party and push it out it out of the way.

    Nevertheless, anyone who thinks the unemployment rate would be lower under Republican leadership, wages higher, and the deficit lower ignores the economic history of the twentieth century, as facts the Master of Facts has posted on many occasions.
  10. M4MPetCock

    M4MPetCock Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 15, 2012
    What you mean is, you won't type the words yourself. But any left-handed flamethrower hurling at right-leaning members, especially ones you've had your differences with, will almost always be marked with "Distant Lover Likes this". It doesn't matter if it contains vulgarity, which you claim to hate. It doesn't matter if it contains multiple uses of the word "fuck", which you claim to hate. You'll be hitting the "Like" button before the screen has finished refreshing to reflect the post.
  11. Mangia Figa

    Mangia Figa Sex Machine Suspended!

    Sep 9, 2015
    The problem is with statements like Job Creation, it ignores the jobs lost. Obama in his 8 years has lost more then he created. The numbers produced today are the jobs that were lost years ago. That is a natural progression.

    Additionally, Congress has more effect on the job market then the POTUS. Thus, when youre looking at the numbers, you have to look at whether or not the POTUS was a lame duck.

    Unemployment started on the way up Bush's last two year, but he was a lame duck. It was a Dem Congress. When Obama was elected, he had a super majority. He locked out the Republicans in the new laws. Unemployment skyrocketed to double digits. They even changed the definition of unemployment to exclude those in the population that they felt werent trying to find a job, lowering the overall number to around 11%.

    Then Kennedy died and the unthinkable happened. A Republican won his seat in the Liberal bastion of the US. This mean the super majority was lost and Obama had to re-engage the Republicans. They were pissed because Obama locked them out and the stand off began. After 2 years, the Republicans won Congress. Unemployment started to drop and the Republicans used shutting down the Government to hold Obama hostage on the budgets.

    Obama has taken credit for lowering the budget and the unemployment when it was the Republican Congress that had more to do with it.
  12. Mangia Figa

    Mangia Figa Sex Machine Suspended!

    Sep 9, 2015
    IMHO, Obama is the worst POTUS in modern day history. The only reason why Jimmy Carter likes Obama, is because people dislike Obama more then him.
  13. Deleted User kekw

    Deleted User kekw Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 28, 2008

    It's a good thing your opinion is irrelevant.
  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooter thinks Obama is the worst President of modern times;
    Is my opinion irrelevant?

    Free speech defender, ROM?
    Oh hell no.
  15. BrandiDelicious

    BrandiDelicious Luscious Lips

    Sep 3, 2010
    Who is responsible for your country?

    Are you all puppets on a string?

    You all joke about Brittney Spears and the Kardashians but hey they capitalized (The reason why most move to the US) and on what? They exploited on the selling of sex and illusions. Sure Brittney sang and danced but a huge part of her clothes and act was sexual.Without the sex she wouldn't have been a big hit.

    Who instilled those values in your country? Who lets their kids watch TV and go to concerts? Did you teach your kids a different set of morals and values or did you let the American way take over control of your children, yourself and fellow neighbor all while blaming Obama and/or other government.

    Where you all helpless victims?
    1. shootersa
      ?? what does Brittney Spears and the Kardashians have to do with bitching about Obama??

      Mindless socializing happens in all societies. The US does not have a lock on that at least.
      shootersa, Nov 27, 2015
    2. BrandiDelicious
      You're a big boy figure it out!
      BrandiDelicious, Nov 28, 2015
  16. BrandiDelicious

    BrandiDelicious Luscious Lips

    Sep 3, 2010
    Mangia Figa is banned again?
    1. tommyturtle
      It looks like it.
      tommyturtle, Nov 27, 2015
    2. BrandiDelicious
      Wonder why? I didn't see anything mind you I wasn't on much yesterday.
      BrandiDelicious, Nov 27, 2015
  17. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    I think the banning happened today. I never know why these things happen.
    1. BrandiDelicious
      Sometimes you have to be here at the moment it happens to catch it cause stuff gets removed.
      BrandiDelicious, Nov 27, 2015
  18. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Paradox of Reagan Budgets: Austere Talk vs. Record Debt
    By MARTIN TOLCHIN, Special to the New York Times
    Published: February 16, 1988

    Long committed to balanced budgets and fiscal integrity, Mr. Reagan has overseen the creation of more new debt than the combined deficits of all previous Presidents. He assailed Jimmy Carter's $73.8 billion deficit in the 1980 campaign, but the deficit reached $220.7 billion in 1986, and the deficit target for the forthcoming budget is $136 billion. The deficits rose from 2.6 percent of the gross national product in the fiscal year 1981 to 6.3 percent in 1983, then dropped to 3.4 percent this year.
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Does anyone know why? I looked at Mangia Figa's recent posts and could not see anything ban worthy.

    I can't say I mind. Mangia Figa was another right winger like the large number who for some reason are attracted to XNXX. Like the others, his posts projected strong feelings, but little or nothing in the way of facts, insight, and wisdom.
    1. BrandiDelicious
      I did not see those political posts.

      I thought there was just as many left as right wings?
      BrandiDelicious, Nov 27, 2015
    2. Distant Lover
      Distant Lover, Nov 27, 2015
    3. BrandiDelicious
      Ya so there is lots of that strong opinions here for each side. No?
      BrandiDelicious, Nov 27, 2015
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    To say that President Obama somehow "ruined this country" is to indulge in the hyperbole of the Republican Hate Machine.

    Nevertheless, it must be said that after nearly seven years he has failed to achieve what Franklin Roosevelt achieved after two years. He has not convinced most ordinary Americans that the government can make a positive difference in their lives.

    Before moving on something controversial like the Affordable Care Act he needed to achieve what virtually all Americans wanted. He needed to achieve sucessful conclusions to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he needed to restore the good economic numbers of the Clinton administration. If he could not do this during his first term, he needed to work on it during his second term.

    Moreover, Obama's hope of becoming a post racial president was ruined by statements like, "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin." After reading about the Trayvon Martin - George Zimmerman case most whites could tell that Trayvon Martin was a thug who attacked George Zimmerman from behind, threw him onto the ground, and began punching him in the face.

    The fact that the President is black has encouraged movements that are irritating to most whites, like Black Lives Matter. Most whites want to know this: if black lives matter, why are so many blacks murdered by black criminals? Why do so few black men support their biological children?

    The fact that the President is black has fostered black feelings of entitlement and personal grievance. It has caused many of them to blame their problems on illusions like white skin privalege and systemic racism.
    1. shootersa
      coulda shoulda woulda
      Obama couldn't, shouldn't have been elected, wouldn't do what he said.

      And your bigoted crap about how Obama has fostered feelings of entitlement among blacks is utter complete bullshit.
      But you already know that.
      shootersa, Nov 28, 2015