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    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
May 6, 2024 at 4:45 PM
Apr 8, 2008
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London UK


Porn Star, from London UK

Reposting stories that have been deleted or lost. Hope that you guys enjoy them as much as I did writing them. Jul 10, 2015

styxx was last seen:
May 6, 2024 at 4:45 PM
    1. Mjr100
      Thanks for the like
    2. Mjr100
      Thanks for the rate
      1. Bigsmokie92 likes this.
    3. SexiScorpio
      1. Bigsmokie92 likes this.
    4. SexiScorpio
      Hi, it would be a privilege if you would take the time out to read part 1 and part 2 of my first ever story here on xnxx.com. its called he was my forbidden fruit. Please let me what you think as i am in the process of finishing part 3
      1. Bigsmokie92 likes this.
    5. styxx
      Reposting stories that have been deleted or lost. Hope that you guys enjoy them as much as I did writing them.
      1. littlewanker, lovelydark and Norton X like this.
      2. strangecharm
        On the forum or the story side?
        Jul 10, 2015
      3. styxx
        On the forum.
        Jul 10, 2015
    6. Norton X
      Norton X
      One of the best sex story authors alive --------> @styxx
      1. littlewanker likes this.
      2. styxx
        Thanks Norton, very kind of you to say that. I believe there are much better writers on this site, but I do try to entertain.
        Jul 10, 2015
    7. littlewanker
      Just fumbled upon one of your story "Escort Services". Loved it very much. It was very descriptive and well crafted. I would definitely try and read all your stories. Keep up the good work.
      1. Norton X and Daniella21 like this.
      2. styxx
        Thank you. Pleased you enjoyed the story.
        Mar 22, 2015
    8. styxx
      and failing... badly
    9. styxx
      trying to get some inspiration.
    10. styxx
    11. Hornycountryboy
      Thank you for your vote on my story, I really appreciate it.
    12. JayneyRedd

      For your kind words on my story :rose: :kiss:
    13. snowleopard3200
      Styxx - something you may wish to do if you have not already considered it: contact each of the CAW SS authors who are already not up on the short story thread and see if they would add a link to their creations.
    14. meforyou
      Your "Male Bonding" story was excellent, as was your CAW SS.
    15. styxx
      Hi Snow,

      I will of course take a look at Dream of Dragons and will consider entering into CAW13 when it comes around.

      Kind regards,

    16. snowleopard3200
      Styxx - this is only the second Calling All Writers competition I have entered; and the first one I tied in fifth place with three others. I personally see my entries into the CAW matters as that of seeking improvement of my stories; winning one someday of course would be a thrill.

      Consider that if anything else, entry into the CAW will gain you recognition for just having the determination to enter, win or not, and a wider audience of readers as well for future forum stories you post.

      By the way, if you get a chance to, could you read the story thread I have started for 'dream of dragons - story 2' as it unfolds; I value the opinions of other authors and would appreciate any comments.
    17. snowleopard3200
      Styxx - CAW 12 is about to enter the voting phase as of tommorow; the next Calling All Writers should be starting in December if I recall correctly. Thought you would like to know.
    18. jibber
      that story you never know a woman wow that was bloody amazing
    19. donb9033
      Just finished reading the babysitter came too and without love and thoroughly enjoyed both. Must have missed them the first time through and am very glad you bumped them to the front again. My comment about some of your stories being slightly too dark for me was based on some of your earlier stories and was very pleasantly surprised and pleased to read these two stories. Lots of love and just the right amount of sex. The language is great, also. Thanks and you can be assured that I will keep an eye out for your stories even though I don't care for reading stories on the forum.
    20. krissy'shot
      Yawzha!!!!! :cool:
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  • About

    London UK
    Sexual Orientation:
    Just an average married man

    Golf, writing


    Yes, it is an implausible story, but this is fiction... right???

    It's a free country... just so long as you pay your taxes and toe the line.

    All the old links have been deleted.
    Summer 2000;You never know a woman.;Hotel gang bang;Painted student;Perfect slave;