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Debbie xxx
Last Activity:
Aug 26, 2019
Jan 7, 2012
Likes Received:
March 28
Home Page:
admin chick

Debbie xxx

Porn Surfer, from Australia

phew ...its good to be back..happy Monday everyone...xoxo May 12, 2019

Debbie xxx was last seen:
Aug 26, 2019
    1. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      yayy hump day feelin pretty good
    2. mlc101n
      Something you can slip past your bridle?
    3. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      11am I need something to eat what should my lunch be ....
      1. ddlover4815 and Bigjays9inches like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. sbear8
        They have it all wrong don't they sweetie! I know just what you're looking for ;)
        Aug 18, 2015
      4. Debbie xxx
        Debbie xxx
        I think you may be right on that sbear ;)
        Aug 18, 2015
    4. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      this day is so dragging on
    5. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      Monday morning yayy....not
    6. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      4 hours to go and a nice cold glass of wine with my gf..yummm
    7. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      yayyyy TGIF party time lol
      1. ddlover4815 likes this.
      2. Yorkshirelad
        Ahh the beauty of being in the land of Oz... You get The Friday feeling first. Enjoy :-D
        Aug 13, 2015
    8. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      thanks for the msg but im only a s*** for one person and she wont share lol
      1. ace's n 8's
        ace's n 8's
        There is nothing worse than a selfish keeper of a slut.
        Aug 13, 2015
      2. Debbie xxx
        Debbie xxx
        not unless the s**** wants to be kept lol
        Aug 13, 2015
    9. killinit0688
      you look like you know how to have fun and definitely make me enjoy myself I would love to talk with you and by that I mean I would love to tell you how I'd make you my perfect little Australian s*** and you would love it if you want to chat hit me up
    10. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      wow Thursday already the week has gone so quick....
    11. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      hump day .....what to do......
      1. ddlover4815 likes this.
    12. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      ok Tuesday feeling good all better now ready to go
    13. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      another Monday at least my body can recover lol
      1. pyro6669er likes this.
      2. pyro6669er
        Are you ready for round 2?
        Aug 10, 2015
    14. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      TGIF going to be an amazing weekend ahead ...
    15. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      o0o0o0o just had the hottest courier cum into the office she had amazing boobs in a low cut top ...wow made my day lol
      1. fantasysflirt likes this.
    16. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      yayy its hump day...
      1. Lovepussy2137 likes this.
    17. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      ok its Tuesday beautiful day sitting at work decided to go commando jut to see how it feels lol......all good so far xoxo
      1. Yorkshirelad likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Yorkshirelad
        Aah... the beauty of going commando is the feeling of freedom and the naughtiness of it (can't speak for everyone) makes me horny all day. Not good if you're a bloke in a busy office. :-/
        Aug 3, 2015
      4. DarthMorgh
        Sounds like it would be a great day to be your boss eh? lol
        Aug 3, 2015
      5. Debbie xxx
        Debbie xxx
        im loving the feeling of being naked under my skirt its very thrilling knowing no one knows..xoxo
        Aug 4, 2015
    18. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      mmm Mondayitis I need to perk up a bit ...
    19. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      TGIF yayyy hot weekend here I cum ...hopefully xoxo
      1. neddy3511 likes this.
    20. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      Thursday morn 8:40 ...feeling tired need something to wake me up
      1. killian24
        If only you weren't a lesbian....damnit. You are stunningly gorgeous, and have a perfect body. I could have a LOT of fun with you!
        Jul 29, 2015
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  • About

    March 28
    Home Page:
    admin chick
    Sexual Orientation:
    i am a lesbian and enjoy reading all things sexual especially the femdom, bdsm and torture
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