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    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

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    Best regards,


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Debbie xxx
Last Activity:
Aug 26, 2019
Jan 7, 2012
Likes Received:
March 28
Home Page:
admin chick

Debbie xxx

Porn Surfer, from Australia

phew ...its good to be back..happy Monday everyone...xoxo May 12, 2019

Debbie xxx was last seen:
Aug 26, 2019
    1. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      ok its Thursday I have a date tom night the weather is warm out comes the LBD do drive her mad lol
      1. BAM 69
        BAM 69
        Lbd ?
        Mar 19, 2015
      2. Debbie xxx
        Debbie xxx
        little black dress bam
        Mar 19, 2015
    2. drlashaw10in
      ya myself aswell
      1. Norton X likes this.
    3. mishell
      Hi Debbie, thank you for the follow.
      1. Debbie xxx
        Debbie xxx
        your welcome mishell love the gg pics you have xoxo
        Mar 17, 2015
      2. mishell
        Thank you, I will be adding lots more, send me a PM if you want to chat,
        Mar 17, 2015
    4. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      omg its hump day cant wait till the weekend....
      1. Norton X likes this.
      2. bendyouover
        Your sweet ass would be going down on me
        Mar 17, 2015
    5. shortstacked36dd
      Beautiful pictures Miss.
      1. Norton X likes this.
    6. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      somehow our i.t. geeks would spot me I just know it lol
      1. Norton X likes this.
    7. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      arrghhh Tuesday 9:46 am work is so boring...makes my mind wander lol
      1. hhhhjj55 and shortstacked36dd like this.
      2. AnImperfectGentleman3
        haha Its my day off, makes mine wander.
        Feb 16, 2015
      3. theclam
        why dont you get that mind over here for a chat ;)
        Feb 16, 2015
    8. Dominick85E
    9. Mrs.Wolfe
      just say hey back at ya
    10. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      Thursday ...one more till TGIF looking forward to my date on the weekend ..not sure where she is taking me but I have to dress hot..
    11. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      the bondage ones are not me ..more fantasies than anything
      1. roxaszgx likes this.
    12. shanny8u
      SWEEET, Still viewing yours. Enticing views I have to admit...............
    13. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      couldn't agree more shanny...love your pics btw xoxo
      1. shanny8u likes this.
    14. shanny8u
      With all the excitement of entire weekend of fun and relaxation. Yes Darling it would be marvelous indeed
    15. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      why cant Mondays be Fridays.....
      1. pleasurep6969 likes this.
    16. LaceyChains
      There is nothing sexy or funny about being shitfaced. Being shitfaced and grabbing my ass isn't something that gets me all wet and weak in the knees either. Fuck it though, I'd be bored to death working in a call center
    17. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      lol it was never boring that's for sure but got sick of a/holes but I got to meet some real hotties lol that was the best part..
    18. LaceyChains
      Nice to meet you, sweetie. One thing about working in a bar, it's rarely boring (okay, it is most of the time) love your pictures.
      1. shanny8u likes this.
    19. Debbie xxx
      Debbie xxx
      lo pussy that's what I was thinking ..saves time xxx
      1. shanny8u likes this.
    20. pussy in boots
      pussy in boots
      skip the bra and panties.
      1. shanny8u likes this.
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  • About

    March 28
    Home Page:
    admin chick
    Sexual Orientation:
    i am a lesbian and enjoy reading all things sexual especially the femdom, bdsm and torture
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