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    Best regards,


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    You can now get verified on forum.

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Last Activity:
Sep 15, 2010
Jul 16, 2009
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Twin Cities
Copy writer


Porno Junky, Female, from Twin Cities

goodsamantha was last seen:
Sep 15, 2010
    1. alanj
      That is so sad but I imagine you will create a great story from it. This mom is a MILF and has ended up being raped by her 21 year old son but now she can't get enough of him. I'm up to Chapter 5 on it based on the updates I get from her - should be a good read eventually.
    2. alanj
      I will get to it - I'm also writing a book which is a true story as I am in contact with a mom in Florida who wants me to write what is happening to her. Just been reading some of yours - OMG! I've got lot to learn
    3. alanj
      Sweet maybe - but very true. I do like reading others stories to see what I can learn to improve my writing. Which reminds me I must get down and write Chapter 3 of mine.
    4. alanj
      Glad to hear it - it can take so much out of you. Have to say love your pics. I'll have a morning of reading more of your stories, what I have read so far are brilliantly writen.
    5. alanj
      Ahh well - that could be difficult for you then. Bit different for me at 9.21 after a nights sleep. Hope the flu has completely cleared up now and you are back to your good self? :rose:
    6. alanj
      Hi, hope you had a great night out at Rosey's and are feeling fighting fit now
    7. shehabelkasa
      hey sexy how r u
    8. alanj
      Have a great time - I'm off to bed shortly been a long day and an early start in the morning :(
    9. alanj
      I'm glad you are - you must be looking and feeling back at your best now?
    10. alanj
      Good to see you're back to your best :kiss:
    11. rickstar
      YAY Nice one!!...... How's I going to find out if you write it here *slap to the back of the hand* lol :kiss:
    12. shehabelkasa
    13. goodsamantha
      100% better and at work now!
    14. rickstar
      Hi ya just thought i'd swing and say hope your feeling better and on your way to concurring the world. :kiss:
    15. Sundaybazar
      darling u impress me....
    16. goodsamantha
      Me too!! I'm really loopy this afternoon. Must be the meds.lol
    17. alanj
      Hi, hope your growing in strength ready to get back to normal tomorrow?
    18. dirty_talker
      hi babe, [IMG]
    19. goodsamantha
      Still sleepy and not feeling all that well.
    20. alanj
      Ahh I see - the vitamin C! What you need is something to warm you right through to help sweat it out of you.....

      You have a nice lot of friends here - room for one more?

      PM me if you want to chat
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  • About

    Twin Cities
    Copy writer
    Career focused

    Love to read


    Erotica by Samantha G.

    ;) Ah, got a few hours?:rolleyes:
    :excited:I still need a kiss*GOODNIGHT:kiss: