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    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
Dec 9, 2013
Mar 11, 2012
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Porn Star, Female

OzChick was last seen:
Dec 9, 2013
    1. Pussy Shark
      Pussy Shark
      I saw this and couldn't resist! Quintessential "Oz Chick"! ;):excited:
    2. timfree
      Good evening. Getting ready to go to bed?
    3. Rexxracerr
      Goodnight sweet angel, tuck, tuck, kiss kiss, snuggles, sweet dreams, if you dream of a pervy old man, dont worry its only me.
      kisses koala princess:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
    4. ThatCanadian
      Could not decide which of these two to post... so... both lol
      I hope you are having a great day today.
    5. ThatCanadian
    6. Rexxracerr
      I have a keen sense of timing, I will send a couple of links for yur breakfast.
      kisses gorgeus sweet dreams.
      lix lix for wet winifred
    7. Rexxracerr
      I figure its close to bedtime. Wanted to.give you a, tuck tuck kiss kiss snuggles, and a butterfly kiss. Sleep well, horny lil vixen.
      rub winifred for me. Pm me if you want a bedtime sex story.
      koala kisses
    8. ThatCanadian
      My morning is not too bad. It could be worse by far :)
    9. ThatCanadian
      Cookies... he just wants his damn cookies!!!! lol
    10. ThatCanadian
      I said we wanted cookies you jack ass!!!!
    11. ThatCanadian
      I guess I really hate Mondays at work
    12. ThatCanadian

      Okay Cupcake... you gotta admits pandas are pretty sweet!
    13. ThatCanadian
      Be careful... flying pussy can be dangerous!!!
    14. KnightLover1
      Nice of you to visit stranger lol :p Hope your party was great and that you had a lot of fun :):kiss::rose: And wishing you a wonderful afternoon, take care hun. :)
    15. ThatCanadian
      I hope you have a good sleep tonight... it is early morning there now??? I think 14hours ahead of me.
      I saw this and started laughing...
    16. Rexxracerr
      i have my non gentleman moments if you prefer hehe
      wish i were the one to be fortunate enough to wear you out.
      hold you securely in my arms and watch you drift off to sleep.
      kiss kiss angel
    17. Rexxracerr
      i wanted to tell you good night before you go off to bed.
      tuck tuck kiss kiss, snuggles, sleep well lil koala bear. you are adorably sexy
      put those lips where ya need 'em
    18. timfree
      Answered on my page. Relaxing in the tub. Were you a good girl. Mine gets uninhibited when she drink.
    19. timfree
      Good evening to you sweety. Having a good weekend?
    20. ThatCanadian
      Apparently I have a new nickname. I was dubbed.
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