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    Best regards,


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Oct 10, 2006
Likes Received:
Rocky Mountains


Porn Star, from Rocky Mountains

@StrawberryCupcake I need to check my alerts more often so I am not late when I am thinking about you anyway. Jan 19, 2023

    1. CassandraSaturn
      i'm having nice shitpost day on the trump trolls in GD :)
      1. Yormar21 likes this.
    2. CassandraSaturn
      Btw just came by profile to say thank you for follow yesterday. Lol
      1. stumbler likes this.
      2. stumbler
        And you are welcome. I am getting a real kick out of the way you are jerking the chains of the Trump supporters in the GD. They don't really know what to do about you and you scare the fuck out of the non-fuckers.
        Jun 6, 2017
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
      3. CassandraSaturn
        Thank you :)
        Jun 6, 2017
        stumbler likes this.
      4. CassandraSaturn
        They are pretty pissed, but they do hate a person that is godly righteous in matters of humanity. You know :)
        Jun 6, 2017
    4. mishell
      1. CassandraSaturn, Airrad and stumbler like this.
      2. stumbler
        And you have both my heart and mind @mishell. I can't really think of anything else but you.
        May 24, 2017
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
    5. Partyurbody
      Love Maryland, hey sex or what
    6. Jose cardoso mello12
      Jose cardoso mello12
      Thanks for the likes
      1. WITCH BITCH TALA likes this.
    7. mishell
      Its been awhile since I last thanked you for your likes.......so thanks again.
      1. CassandraSaturn likes this.
      2. stumbler
        You are more than welcome to all those "likes." Because I can't like you enough for all you do. And quite honestly your posts always cheer me up and often take me down memory lane.
        Mar 2, 2017
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
    8. mishell
      Hi......Thank you for the likes.
      1. stumbler
        I have been distracted lately but I got caught up today. And really enjoyed it.
        Oct 24, 2016
    9. Lioness
      Happy 10th Anniversary 5 days ago!!! Can you believe it???
      1. 1salishnate likes this.
    10. Lioness
      Wasn't that great about Dylan??
      1. 1salishnate likes this.
      2. stumbler
        Yes and I was really surprised. And a lot of writers are really pissed. But I'm glad.
        Oct 16, 2016
        1salishnate likes this.
      3. Lioness
        They're pissed because they're just jealous! He's a legend!!!
        Oct 16, 2016
        1salishnate likes this.
    11. Lioness
      Don't stop and don't pull out!!!
      1. 1salishnate and JohnJericho like this.
    12. Lioness
      Hey! Is there a way to trap a snake? My gardener just told me that they saw a BIIIIIIIIIG fat copperhead snake behind my house. I've never seen it and I don't have any firearms to shoot it...
      1. Cageone likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. stumbler
        PS But as far as hunting a snake down the best weapon is a garden hoe or a shovel. Those actually work better than guns because unless you're good with a gun they are hard to hit. With the exception of shotguns. They work great for killing snakes,
        Aug 9, 2016
      4. stumbler
        One more note. One of the best ways to ward off snakes is to use a walking stick and tap it on the ground as you walk. The snakes feel the vibrations and usually crawl off to hide.
        Aug 9, 2016
      5. CassandraSaturn
        Just saw this. Holy shit it actually happened to you Lioness? Did you find out how he came here?
        Jun 6, 2017
    13. mishell
      Hi.......Thanks for the likes.
      1. CassandraSaturn likes this.
      2. stumbler
        You are more than welcome. Especially when you made my day with one of your pictures because I knew sooner or later you would post one that looked just like my wife. So once again thank you for all that you do.
        Jul 28, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
      3. mishell
        Really, I hope she was as hot as your wife.
        Jul 28, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
      4. stumbler
        Really really close. It really brought a smile to my face that's for sure.
        Jul 28, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
    14. mishell
      Hi........Thank you for your likes, likes, likes.
      1. CassandraSaturn likes this.
      2. stumbler
        You are worth every one of them. And I want you to be encouraged.
        Jul 2, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
    15. mishell
      Hi......Thank you for your likes.
      1. CassandraSaturn likes this.
      2. stumbler
        likes are bullshit. its your ey
        Jun 2, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
      3. stumbler
        fucked that up didn't eye
        Jun 2, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
    16. Lioness
      Today is Bob Dylan's 75th Birthday and the World Cafe on NPR has dedicated their whole show to playing his songs! You would love it!!
      1. Wafarer and CassandraSaturn like this.
      2. stumbler
        Thank you Lioness. And funny how things work but I remember the times.
        May 25, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
      3. Lioness
        I would hope so!
        May 25, 2016
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
    17. el hakim issam
      el hakim issam
      very hot and sexy
    18. mishell
      Hi......thank you for your likes.
      1. CassandraSaturn likes this.
      2. stumbler
        Hello to you. And its actually me thanking you for your stunning additions. Proving I'm way behind because I've liked everything you have posted.
        Aug 20, 2015
        CassandraSaturn likes this.
    19. BrandiDelicious
      It is nice to see you posting more in other threads!
      1. LoveMeForeverJ9 likes this.
    20. BrandiDelicious
      Hi Stumbler - xoxo
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    Rocky Mountains
    Sexual Orientation:
    Love, Life, Happiness, and collecting different days


    Collect Different Days