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    You can now get verified on forum.

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    Best regards,


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  1. Krox775

    Krox775 Porn Surfer

    Dec 23, 2022
    Being high on ice cream
  2. blondey828

    blondey828 Amateur

    Jan 27, 2024
    Going to take a break a bit but not before I get wicked spun tonight and peruse this forum and several of my favorite subreddits. It really is like PB &J ( Geeking and porn/sex)
  3. wetBUTTsissy

    wetBUTTsissy Amateur

    May 4, 2024
    In my past I did,12 years on it...33 yrs clean now...respect that candy...it can become a ruler over everything otherwise...but that was also the craziest sex days...dropped the powder but still crave dick... don't figure...lol!!!
  4. wetBUTTsissy

    wetBUTTsissy Amateur

    May 4, 2024
    Easy to OD also...think about it...I OD'ed twice...that was 33 years ago... crazy what they are putting in it now....not to mention possible fentanyl now...just my 2 cents
  5. Makemewet91

    Makemewet91 Porn Surfer

    May 10, 2024
    "Do you boo " words to live by. I don't understand why people feel the need to criticize what other consenting adults do . I personally find that a combo of meth and hallucinogenics make for the most amazing nights of sex , with the right partner. Hallucinogenics are being used to treat PTSD and other illnesses . The psych meds I've taken for yrs do nothing. I live in a state of depression if I have to be around people my anxiety is debilitating. The ONLY relief for my body and mind is sex. Would you deny me experiencing the only relief I have found in over 50 years? Yea some people may not have the right chemical make up , just like any drug from any pharmaceutical company adverse reactions , contraindications etc will happen. .In America there is a reason drugs are illegal and it has nothing to do with the danger to the public. Capitalism, greed , racism, power even the fact that slavery is still legal in this country if you are in prison . As we privatize the criminal justice system , as stockholders are told they will get higher dividends with more beds being filled, costly video calls replace in person visits Money, greed , as long as beds can be filled with non violent drug offenders, drugs will remain illegal and the press and politicians will villify illegal drugs then cut
    to an ad for Viagra .
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Makemewet91

    Makemewet91 Porn Surfer

    May 10, 2024
    Try hallucinogenics amazing for sex and not addictive