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  1. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Way to go millennials, you are the most lazy and unaccomplished generation in US history. I have a good idea how these people vote...

    A third of American millennials live with their parents, US Census report finds

    Most U.S. millennials believe that education and economic security are key for becoming an adult. But fewer than half are achieving those goals, according to a study released this week by the U.S. Census Bureau, which determined that more than one third of American millennials still live with their parents.

    The report, entitled “The Changing Economics and Demographics of Young Adulthood: 1975-2016,” focuses on the shift in attitude and belief of today’s millennials versus their counterparts four decade ago. This report marks one of the first times the Census Bureau has paired economic and demographic data with social surveys. The report looks at a “snapshot” of the young adult population, defined by the Census Bureau as those between the ages of 18 and 34 years old.

    According to the report, more young people today live in their parents’ home than in any other living arrangement. One in three young adults, or about 24 million, lived in their parents’ homes in 2015, with the highest percentage in the nation occurring in three northeastern states: About 47 percent in New Jersey; about 42 percent in Connecticut; and about 41 percent in New York.

    “Living arrangements are tied with economic characteristics, which is why we looked at the numbers by state and region,” Jonathan Vespa, the author of the report, told Fox News. “We know that there is not one national trend. The numbers vary by state.”

    Vespa said one of the biggest trends in his findings was the attitude that young adults have about adulthood.

    “There is a big difference in what today’s young Americans believe,” Vespa said.

    Most millennials believe finishing college and being employed full-time are accomplishments that are “extremely important” to be considered an adult, while parenthood and marriage are somewhat put on the back burner, with millennials today ranking those milestones as “not very important.” The data correlated with the rise in student loan debt for young families. In 2013, 41 percent of young families had student debt, compared to 17 percent in 1989.

    “But several young adults are missing the bar and have not yet accomplished what they want to by the age they believe they should,” Vespa said. “The ideal age most Americans believe they should be financially independent from their parents is 21, but only 28.9 percent are actually reaching that goal.”

    The report looks at the “ideal age” for millennials to four goals: concluding formal schooling; becoming employed full-time, becoming financially independent and moving out of their parents’ homes. While those goals are set for the age of 25 or younger, less than half of millennials are actually reaching that goal for each category.

    “In 1975, there was one predominant adult milestone — family formation — that people largely experienced during their 20s. Today, while the milestone has remained the same, the pathways are more diverse,” the report reads. “That young people wait to settle down and start families tells us about their behavior, but not how they feel about their experiences.”

    The report concludes that most American millennials believe that education and financial independence should happen before marriage. The report calls marriage a “capstone experience,” meaning that it comes after young people feel financially secure. Vespa said that only 12 percent of millennials think that marriage is an “extremely important” part of being an adult.

    While young people are delaying marriage, most still, eventually, tie the knot. In the 1970s, eight in 10 Americans were married by the time they turned 30; now eight in 10 millennials are married by the time they turn 45.

    The report determined that there was a “complexity” for millennials.

    “Taken together, the changing demographic and economic experiences of young adults reveal a period of adult-hood that has crown more complex since 1975,” the report says. “A period of changing roles and new transitions as young people redefine what it means to become young adults.”
  2. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    Does that really surprise anyone?
    Kids that are never allowed to become adults have a had time becoming adults.
    Everyone wins a trophy does not look that good when the kids playing the games are 30 years old and have to get their parents permission to cross the street.
    They have become very accomplished at crying whining and throwing fits when they do not get their way.

    What is the U.S. going to do when the adults start dying off and the only thing left is a bunch of kids?
    Seems like I read a book about something sort of like that. An airplane crash or something.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. msman
      Maybe you have been one of those kids who expected a trophy for just showing up since then but there are others who actually work for what they get.
      Try it sometimes. It will give you a very good feeling knowing you actually worked for something.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
      castiel_ likes this.
    3. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      Actually, I wasn't. Nice try, though.
    4. msman
      You sound like one of them.
      Why can't you make a living for your self?
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
    5. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      Maybe because my job doesn't pay a livable wage?
    6. castiel_
      Get one that does then. Simple!
      castiel_, Apr 22, 2017
  3. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    What will they do? The only thing that will save these lazy bastards is a unionized goverment job. This way they won't have to work hard and can't be fired for much less than molesting a child in the middle of the street.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    That is something to look forward to. A country where all of the people work for the government.
    Jobs given to them because they cannot do anything else.
    That and burger flipping will be 95% of the work force.
    1. anon_de_plume
      And what other industry has not been automated to replace humans in those jobs?

      Most good jobs have been automated, and the American standard of living is lowered.
      anon_de_plume, Apr 21, 2017
      Distant Lover likes this.
  5. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    This has to be fake news, the USA is the land of opportunity and the center of the universe where the streets are paved with gold ...

    What did you expect from a backwards shithole like the USA, I thought Trump was going to eliminate unemployment and make America great again. The fucker had 90 days to do that already, how fucking long does he need LMAO ???
    1. Rixer
      This affliction predates the Trump presidency...
      Rixer, Apr 20, 2017
    2. msman
      Give him another 90 days and he should have most of the problems worked out.
      He would have already worked most of them out but when he stops to play golf he looses his thoughts on things.
      A man has to have a little time to relax. Solving the problems of the world is very time consuming and can get boring.
      msman, Apr 20, 2017
  6. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

    Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path Porn Star

    Nov 4, 2015
    Have you ever considered that there's a reason for this? Perhaps maybe millennials aren't the separate sub-human species that you make them out to be? Living with parents makes financial sense, especially with wage stagnation. Inflation and the cost of living has skyrocketed since 1975, where you could actually support a family by flipping burgers. For people with entry-level jobs and/or student debt, moving out just isn't an option.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Rixer
      That's a load of crap but if you want to use it as an excuse you're apparently not alone.
      Rixer, Apr 22, 2017
      CS natureboy likes this.
    2. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      No, the american dream is crap.
      Distant Lover likes this.
  7. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    I went from my parents house to the Army in 1990 got out in 1994 went back to school on the GI Bill, rented an apartment with a friend until I finished school got a job and bought my first house.

    It wasn't hard at all, just took a little effort and commitment. Two things some young people seem to be lacking nowadays.
    • Like Like x 1
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    2. CS natureboy
      Anyone who is 18 or older can sign up for military service and receive all the benefits that come along with it.
      As for paying the rent back when I was in school? I was only working part time while going to school and I was saving for the down payment on my first house as well. That's why I needed a roommate to share the rent at the time.

      At least I wasn't living with mom and dad, I was out on my own in my mid 20's.
      CS natureboy, Apr 22, 2017
    3. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      Military service shouldn't be required for living a good life. And remember, you were doing all this twenty years ago, some presidents and recessions have happened since then. The economy and the wage value you had back then isn't the same as it is today.
      anon_de_plume and Distant Lover like this.
    4. CS natureboy
      It's not.... Parasites such as yourself find ways to live the "good life" all the time....
      CS natureboy, Apr 22, 2017
    5. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      Ah, there you show what a great person you are. Oh if only more people were just like you!
      Distant Lover likes this.
    6. shootersa
      Shooter's daughter moved out when she was 18. She has pretty much supported herself without any help since, and today runs a very successful business in San Diego. Shooters daughter would tell Sage of the forlorn path that living the good life requires that one determine what that means for them, and then pursue it. Everything else is just excuses.

      Debt is a personal choice; one can live with debt or without it; their choice.
      shootersa, Apr 22, 2017
  8. shadow walker

    shadow walker Полковник

    Oct 30, 2012
    The military pays less than burger king until you get above E4 are on active duty and start getting hazard and combat pay. The benefits are not always being fulfilled anymore and there are no sign on bonuses anymore.

    The army is looking for any reason to discharge soldiers so it can cut down to non war time numbers.

    I've been on my own since 2003 when I enlisted in 2010 I became a Officer one of the mustangs. I see people I went to high school with that live with their parents and it's all because they think they need everything their parents worked 20 years for plus they have massive student debt for degrees they can't use.

    Learn a trade people get your hands dirty you will always have a job.
    • Like Like x 5
  9. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    @CS natureboy and @msman the first thing I thought of when I started reading this thread is that you two remind me of the two grumpy men on The Muppets sitting on the balcony at the theatre, the two old blokes bitching about everything in the world. :D
    • Like Like x 4
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      If you didn't care, you wouldn't bother to respond.
    3. msman
      I just enjoy making fun of the supposedly grown people who still live at home with mommy and daddy.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
    4. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      My parents are 50 and 65 and we live in a rural area with lots of work to be done, I take care of a lot of the heavy house and yard work, and I don't want to leave my dogs. Try and make fun of that.
    5. msman
      I can understand. 50 and 65 is not really old.
      They should be able to take care of the housework and yard work.
      You didn't say how old you are. If you are over 18 you should get the fuck out of their house and try to make it on your own.
      It would be good for you and make a man out of you.
      Or it could send you running back to mommy and daddy.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
    6. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      Once again, you show what decent person you are.
  10. Heywood123

    Heywood123 Porn Star

    May 2, 2014
    Listen to you old bastards! Complaining about millenials? Blame generation x we are the ones who raised them! maybe if there went so many helicopter parents we wouldn't have this problem.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. deleted user 777 698
      It's the fricking commies in our educational system! All this crap, trophy's for everybody, safe spaces, all the crazy things that weaken our children. All designed to weaken our freedoms. Wake up before it's too late.
      deleted user 777 698, Apr 22, 2017
    3. Heywood123
      Once agian bullshit! you have to teach your kids. if you leave that to a fascist school system then that's on the parent. you need to warn your kids about the bullshit that's. Coming down the pipe. If you don't your sending them to wolves
      Heywood123, Apr 22, 2017
    4. Heywood123
      Im wide awake thank you. Let me ask you this, do you have any kids? I do and let me tell you the parents might not keep score but the kids sure do. And playgrounds are still brutal. I don't shelter my kids so they have a leg up but this no child left behind bullshit has done just that to many I know. at the end of the day its the parents job to educate their children.
      Heywood123, Apr 22, 2017
    5. deleted user 777 698
      Yes I have 3 successful children. Grown now. Of course I agree with you about it is the parents duty to raise and see to their education. What I am trying to tell you the communists in our school systems are throwing up road blocks to hinder the parents ability to raise their children properly. We had great kids, but I really got tired of hearing:but our teacher said, or Johnny's parents do not make him do chores, etc. When I went to school we did not have all this socialist crap...I really feel for young parents today, it is a tough enough job without interference from the schools and busybodies in the government.
      deleted user 777 698, Apr 22, 2017
    6. Heywood123
      We are on the same page brother
      Heywood123, Apr 22, 2017
      deleted user 777 698 likes this.
  11. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    You libs do all the bitching around here. It usually starts when I post facts that make you butt hurt for some season.

    I'm surprises you're not crying and claiming that somehow Trump is responsible for this....:hilarious:
    • Like Like x 1
    1. deleted user 777 698
      Give em' time...
      deleted user 777 698, Apr 22, 2017
    2. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      So apparently when you whine about liberals, millennials, or Obama, that doesn't count as bitching? But as soon as we try to bring up the undeniable fact of wage stagnation vs the rising cost of living in an unstable economy, you don't feel like talking?
      Distant Lover and 69magpie like this.
    3. shootersa
      Wage stagnation? Inflation? Unstable economy?
      You think those things never happened before you came around?
      You think your generation has it worse than people growing up in the 1930's, or the 50's, or the 80's, or the 90's?
      You really think that an unemployment rate below 5% is bad and an inflation rate of less than 2% is earthshattering?
      shootersa, Apr 22, 2017
      CS natureboy likes this.
  12. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
  13. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014

    Does everything have to be serious with you.

    And No, it wasn't my political ideology coming through.... I imagined a scene that made me laugh.

    You ought to try it out once in your life, it's exhilarating.
  14. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    LOL, perhaps you should take your own advice and lighten up Francis....;)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    I think grown people living in their parents basement is funny.
    Funny that they didn't learn a trade or get an education so they can make a living.
    Really their parents deserve what they are receiving. They were the ones who raised the shit for brains kids.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. msman
      Hell no I am not in the same financial shape as an 18 year old. I did get off my ass when I was 18 and get a job. That is the difference in me and you.
      You are satisfied to set at home letting someone else make a living for you while you cry the world is not fair.
      Get over it. You have to make a place in the world for yourself. You cannot expect someone else to do it for you.
      There are millions of kids making their own way right now. They have one thing you don't. A desire to be an adult.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
    3. msman
      You are repeating yourself. You are looking for an excuse to be a bum.
      Sounds like you are well on your way.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
    4. 69magpie
      Here's a hypothetical for you to ponder over.

      One of your kids is doing it tough, they've lost their job, is struggling to pay the rent or mortgage, they're struggling mentally...... They ask for your help.

      What do you do?
      69magpie, Apr 22, 2017
    5. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
    6. msman
      Help them as much as possible.

      Now can I tell you what I would do if I was doing it rough, lost my job, struggling to pay the mortgage and struggling mentally?
      It happened to me. It was my fault as I made some foolish decisions. I didn't think my parents should have to pay for my foolish decisions.
      I went from being very comfortable to being homeless. It is very rough when you do not depend on others for any help at all.
      It took me a year before I had a home again. I was homeless for a year. I found a job that was paying less than minimum wage.
      I worked and saved. Since I did have an education and a skill I finally found a good job. It is very hard to get a job when you do not have an address or a phone.
      You have to take what you can get.
      I did it. Didn't ask for any help and it was hard.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
  16. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Could it be that the modern day parents enjoy having their kids close by, even if that closeness is still living with them.

    Down here in Australia the housing market both at buying and renting being at a ridiculous high does make it hard to start out on your own..... And then with the cost of living doesn't help.

    Personally I can't see anything wrong with this stay in at home culture, but just as long as the kids don't bleed the parents and expected to continue to be waited on hand and foot like when they were children.
    If everyone is adult about it then what's the problem.

    And before you put 2 + 2 together and come out with 7..... I myself left home at 19 just as I was finishing my apprenticeship and joined the rest on struggle street.
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    2. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      Things have changed since then, a work ethic doesn't make up for wage disparity.
      Distant Lover likes this.
    3. msman
      If a kid does not show some inclination to becoming an adult it isn't likely to come when they have a nest egg. They usually spend what they have on what they think is necessities, you know, those things a person with a job can pay for.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
    4. 69magpie
      How many of those "jobs" are out there?

      Why are there so many Americans living out of the backs of cars or living a transient life dragging their young kids around the country going from job to job.

      Your minimum wage is shit, how is anyone supposed to survive on it in this day and age?.
      69magpie, Apr 22, 2017
      Distant Lover likes this.
    5. shootersa
      Shooter got a bachelors degree in 5 years. He worked 3 part time minimum wage jobs his first year in school to pay for it. He graduated with no debt, partly by gradually turning those 3 part time jobs into one full time job. He did not live at home while he did that and got no help from anyone to pay for school or his living. Inflation at the time was something like 10% and the unemployment rate was around 8%. Interest rates for just about any loan was over 15%.

      And lest you think Shooter is blowing smoke up your ass and telling tales of walking 15 miles uphill both ways to school in 5' snowdrifts with no shoes;

      Shooters daughter graduated from college debt free in 2009, not living at home, not getting money from us, and working full time to pay for it. Today she owns a very successful business in San Diego.

      Wage disparity? Inflation? wage stagnation? Excuses.
      shootersa, Apr 22, 2017
      deleted user 777 698 likes this.
    6. msman
      No one is guaranteed a good job. That is up to the person. It is made available to them but if they have to put out an effort.
      Sometimes things do not work out like a person thinks they will. You need to have the backbone to get up and do something about it.
      Nothing is easy in life.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
  17. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    The Kids are alright.
    1. deleted user 777 698
      Hey! Here is a novel idea... Let's deport all the illegal immigrants like the ones that overstayed their visas. That would open up a flood of good jobs. Hell I read where there are farms paying watermelon pickers 34 dollars an hour. It's true! 34 dollars an hour...
      deleted user 777 698, Apr 22, 2017
  18. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Guess this just means that one of the criteria to vote is living on your own.

    And I bet that CS moved out of his parents house the very day he turned 18. But I doubt it.
  19. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    People who are not mature should not be allowed to vote. If they have to live with their parents and have their parents make a living for them they are not mature enough to vote.
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    2. msman
      You have to want to get a job. You have to want to get an education.
      You are wanting someone to hand it all to you because you think you deserve it.
      You need to grow up. If you want to stay a kid all of your life and your parents agree with that you are doing great.
      If you ever want to become a man you will have to act like one.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
    3. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      How many times am I going to have to repeat myself? If you want to get a job that pays an actual living wage, you're going to need to bankrupt yourself to get an education that will take years to earn a degree, then work for years as an underpaid grunt, all while your bills and living expenses build up.
    4. deleted user 777 698
      Well I hate to break it to you son, but that is what you'll have to do. Your parents will not be around forever. If you have no skills or means to make a living you'll burn through any inheritance your folks leave you in a year or two. What will you do then? You must begin to plan for your future. No one is going to take care of you once your folks pass. Why keep putting off the inevitable?
      deleted user 777 698, Apr 22, 2017
      msman likes this.
    5. shootersa
      So, in your world, what would a living wage be?
      Mail carriers make an average of $50K a year. So do brick masons, equipment operators, choreographers and Wind Turbine technicians. None of these jobs require a degree or years of experience. All of these careers have openings pretty much all the time and the industries they work in are healthy. All provide transferable skills.
      shootersa, Apr 22, 2017
      deleted user 777 698 likes this.
    6. msman
      If a person wants to work they can. If they want to cry, whine, and live off mommy and daddy, that is their choice. Just don't expect very much respect from those who do get a job.
      msman, Apr 22, 2017
  20. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    The law says otherwise.
    1. shootersa
      Thank God! Else Trump would have probably gotten beaten! Everyone knows deplorables are .............. deplorable!
      shootersa, Apr 22, 2017
    2. anon_de_plume
      So, you complain, but make excuses.
      anon_de_plume, Apr 22, 2017