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  1. Dizzyworks673

    Dizzyworks673 Porn Star

    Apr 14, 2012
    It had never occured to me to comb the bottom of the bucket to find some rediculouse stories, I just thought if we knocked it down it would never be seen.

    I can't stand thieves and I just wanted to help and support KB. But I stopped voting it down at 40 something percent so those people like yourselves looking in the 1 percent won't turn it up either. Maybe stuck near the bottom but not on it it will be lost in the non read area of the stories site.

    On a different note some of those quotes you gave were pretty good. I might have to spend some time looking up some of the less rated too. I really don't like to make fun of others writings but I think I might just have fun with some of the 1 percent if they are what you guys are saying.

    Again sorry to KB and I hope it all works itself out.
  2. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    Try The Camp Nurse out.
    Read 930719 times | Rated 78.5 (3759 votes)But the most telling thing is Slippery Saddle Bum's comment at the top of the list
  3. johncarter21

    johncarter21 Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Aug 1, 2012
    Its not healthy to steal someone's story. Proper action should be taken.
  4. Jared Sim

    Jared Sim Porn Surfer

    Oct 19, 2012
    Parisitic plagirists

    Im appalled that admin let this go.
    Any fool would know ur writing skill anywhere easily

    With support

  5. OneNineNineThree

    OneNineNineThree Sex Lover

    Feb 26, 2012
    I post here but I prefer ASSTR much more. They have a great site. I suggest you publish your stories there, there's your outlet. :)
  6. hornypixy

    hornypixy Resident Punslut

    May 4, 2012
    In my country we have a weird saying that translates to 'digging up old cows from the ditch.' I have no idea where it come from, but it basically means bringing up old arguments in a new fight. I always think of that when I see a thread being resurrected.

    :excited: It sounds so funny in English.
  7. KR1010

    KR1010 Sex Lover

    Sep 22, 2008
    I ran my High School Newspaper for 2 years and such aside from 30 years of computers and my sugestion would be . . . . .

    . . . . . Post the story as a JPG, PNG or GIF -- Pic File and then put a watermark in there -- not so bad it interferes with the text but well enough to complicated things if they try it will take forever to type so the longer the better. May have additional idea but need to research it first.

  8. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007
    Ladies & Gentlemen,
    I won't pretend that I have read all the posts on this thread, but, honestly, I've done some reading...

    I'm posting this, since I feel that everybody has skipped an essential matter.

    We are posting our stories without mentioning our real names, and the nicknames are not registered!

    I am aware that, if a hacker wants to play, or piss me off, he/she can steal my password and do here whatever he/she wants to make the mods ban me!

    So, where is the safety? The protection?!?

    As I've already mentioned on another thread, when I've posted my stories, I've just taken the risk.

    Now, regarding the owners of this site - finally, why should they care, as long as I don't bring them, directly, any money?!?

    Am I sarcastic? Well, maybe I am...

    Anyway, I'm sorry that I cannot think - at least yet - about a solution - so I'm afraid that I cannot be of real help... :(
  9. OneNineNineThree

    OneNineNineThree Sex Lover

    Feb 26, 2012
    Good idea but when your story is 100 pages on MS Word, how am I supposed to do that?
  10. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    Get assistance from a printing company and create it as a PDF and lock it down. I BELIEVE that Acrobat allows not only read protection but also edit protection allowing unsecured reading.

    Casual - read lazy - plagiarists will still be unable to pull the text out of the document because they need the full version of Acrobat to edit the doc and if the doc is password protected on the edit then they will have problems even there.

    IIRC, it is actually cheaper to get a decent OCR program which can EASILY pull text out of an image.
  11. minusthec

    minusthec Porn Surfer

    Nov 23, 2012

  12. valefor

    valefor Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Oct 6, 2012
    Good ...

    Good ...
  13. antonross

    antonross Newcumer

    Sep 19, 2010
    I hate people who steals stories from others and claim it as their own. They should be banned and removed from this site. Please keep up the integrity of this website. And I fully appreciate the great writers like Kinkybelle who shares us her original stories in this website. We should be thankful and not plagiarize good writing